{10} Party

I strode into the kitchen and dumped my bag on the center barstools. I was hungry. I needed snacks. Food. Anything edible. Okay, maybe not anything. Bitterguard won't do now, would it?

I opened the fridge, and -bless Jacob- found a fruit bowl ready for me. I plopped down on the counter and dug in. Jake came out a while later.

"Hey," I mumbled between bites. Damn, I was starving.

"Hmm," he hummed, watching me from his place on one of the barstools. He looked serious with his glasses on. He leaned his elbows on the table and stared at me.

"What?" I asked, slowing down,

"Nothing," he shrugged, "You wanna tell me something?" 

"Hun?" I asked, confused. I scooped up the last remains of the fruit and hopped up to clean the dishes, "What are you talking about?" I asked after I finished chewing. I dried my hands and put the cutlery to dry. "Thanks for the fruit bowl, by the way," I grinned.

He waved a hand dismissively.

"Isabelle," he started. I stilled. 

What did I do now?

"Yeah?" I asked uncertainly.

"I heard you got into a fight," he revealed.

"From who?" I asked, fidgeting. I had a pretty good idea who.

"Doesn't matter," he stated, "Now, what happened?"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I kneed some guy named Archer in the balls," I told him bluntly, hopping back up on the counter. I saw him wince almost imperceptibly.


"Why would you do that, Isabelle?" he groaned, "We've gone over this multiple times, violence is not the answer. Just because you know how to incapacitate someone, doesn't mean you go ahead and do it anyways!"

I stared at him blankly.

"Jaco-" I tried only to be cut off.

"I thought you learnt your lesson when you clocked that boy in the face last year and were suspended, or when you broke that cute guy's arm before that just because he crushed on you and were almost expelled, or when-"

"Jesus, Jacob, shut up!" I burst out.

"Hun?" he shook his head.

"It was self-defense," I informed him.

"How's it self defense it he never hit you in the first place?"

"What the fuck, Jake?" I snapped, "He tried to force himself on me!"

"What?" he froze, looking appalled.

"He wanted to go on a date, I refused. When I tried to get away, he threatened me," I informed him, trying to bottle up my rage.

Jacob opened his mouth and closed it again. He looked a little red.

"I'm gonna kill him!" he spat. I rolled my eyes at the sudden change in his behavior.

Over protective older brothers.

"Lemme know when and where, I'd love to join you," I replied dryly.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked finally.

"No, just a bruise, that's all," I brushed it off.

"What?" he made his way over to me.

"It's nothing, you know I bruise like a peach," I reminded him. It's true, I still have that bruise from where Ben and Elijah hit me accidentally. It's fading and doesn't hurt too bad but it left a mark that day for sure.

"Where, Izzy?" He demanded. I slid my cardigan off my left shoulder down to my elbow defeatedly. He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Ice it," He ordered, opening the fridge and tossing me an ice pack. I rolled my eyes.

"It'll heal soon regardless, Jakey," I pressed the pack to my hand anyways, holding back a hiss. 

Damn, that was cold.

"How was the tour?" I asked, realizing I forgot to ask him about it altogether.

"It was nice," he mused, still out of it, "We managed to book a twin dorm for ourselves on the campus."

"That's great!" I told him, "You're moving out then?" I asked, saddened by the thought.

"Yeah . . . the semester will start on the first Monday of September."

"Oh." That's next week.

"Don't worry I'll be home for the weekends," he consoled, catching up with my mood quickly.

"Don't! How else will I throw unsupervised parties?" I joked to lighten the mood.

"Definitely coming home for the weekends," he muttered under his breath, scowling, but I caught it. 

I laughed.

"Oh, Jake, chillax," I patted his back.

He grunted.

"Just don't do anything stupid like getting drunk and losing yo-"

"Logan!" I exclaimed over enthusiastically. He saved me. I knew what Jake was going to say next and unfortunately, it was a little too late for that. He'll be very sad . . . and disappointed. I don't want him to know. What he doesn't know won't kill him.

Ha ha. Funny.


Logan looked confused.

"Umm hi," he said awkwardly, "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, why would you ask that?" I questioned, smiling fakely. 

Honey, you told him to go fuck himself the last time you talked to him. Which was just a few hours ago.

So? He deserved it.

I could see him freaking out internally. I'm not one to let go. I can hold grudges effectively for a long, long time when I want to. And that's mostly always unless I get something out of being nice again.

Cue the evil laugh.

"No reason," he shook his head back and forth. 

Is he seriously older than me?

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, getting back on feet, "I'm going to my room, I have homework."


The past week has been eventful. I got closer to Luke and made progress with Ben. I got back my groove in tennis. Lauren became more tolerable . . . or maybe I just got used to her. My classes were going just fine. Archer didn't bother me again. Jake and Carter moved into their dorms, leaving just me and an awkward Logan in the house. I am still mad and he's still an idiot.

Freya was coming over today since its Saturday. Jacob and Carter were going to drop by but they got assigned a lot of assignments and are busy despite taking different courses so they won't be able to make it. I knew this would happen, I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.

I was currently in the bath, enjoying it thoroughly. A week alone with Logan was draining. The bath was a bliss. I put on songs, closed my eyes and hummed the lyrics to Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

The shrill doorbell rang, interrupting my me time. I jumped, scrambling for my phone on the edge of the bathtub.

Shit, I spent more time in the bath than I'd planned. Freya's here.

"Logan!" I hollered at the top of my voice when the doorbell rung again, "Get the door!"

Just then, Freya texted.

hey im here @ address u gave me . . . no ones answering. u home?

yeah just a sec!


"Logan!" I screamed again, getting out of bath, grumbling. I put on the bathrobe and got out.

"Where the fuck is that moron?" I muttered under my breath, descending the stairs two at a time.

I was surprised when I saw Logan downstairs, shirtless again, talking to an unsuspecting Freya.

"Hey," I interrupted. Freya turned to me and her eyes widened to the size of saucers. 

"Umm if its a bad time we can reschedule," she mumbled, averting her gaze.

"What, why?" I asked, "And Logan? Go put on a fucking shirt!"

He rolled his eyes.

"And you put some clothes on," he retorted.

"I hav-ohh." Freya's reaction made so much more sense now. What else was she to think seeing a half naked boy in my house so early in the morning. "Oh my God, Freya, its not like that!"

"Umm," she looked uncomfortable.

"Well, this an effing mess," I groaned, "Logan, go!" I commanded sharply. "And Freya, nothing happened! Logan's like a brother to me," I told Freya. Logan grunted in agreement and made his way upstairs.

"Oh," she squeaked uncomfortably.

"Frey," I chuckled. She let me call her that now, and in return she called me Izzy or Iz. "Trust me when I say he's like a brother. We used to live with our brothers together but they moved into their dorms in Stanford so now its just us," I explained.

"Oh," she nodded in understanding.

"Can you say something else?" I laughed. She grinned sheepishly.

"Get dressed so we can leave," she rolled her eyes, "Or we can stay in?" she added hopefully.

"Absolutely not," I shook my head, "We are going out today!"

She groaned.

"Let's just get this over with."

I laughed.

"I'll be ten minutes, make yourself at home."


I wore a simple pair of shorts and T-shirt with a blue jacket. I fixed a few pins into my hair to keep them away from my face since it was too short for anything else.

Freya went with a sleeveless white top with a pair of back spandex. She pulled her long hair back into a French braid.

We pulled into a parking space near the parking the trekking trial a few minutes from my place. It's a very popular and famous trail from what I've heard. 

Freya killed the engine.

Yes, I convinced her to go trekking with me.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed eagerly, unbuckling my seat belt.

"We'll be back by noon," she reminded me. 

Of course, she had conditions I had to agree to.

"Sure, but that's if we get in, Freya," I laughed, "C'mon!"

And so we got started. I pulled out my sipper from the holder and took a small sip. We got out of her car (another Porsche like Jake's) and began the trek.

The area was beautiful. Not exactly what I expected, but great just the same. The place was huge, with a lot of fauna. The breeze was mild and cool. 

I shrugged of my cover up and tied it around my waist somewhere along the way. There were many groups around, some strolling, some jogging. Freya looked neutral and I didn't bug her to think otherwise. She came, that matters.

"Strangers, killing my lonely nights with strangers
And when they leave, I go back to our song, I hold on
I, I, oh I
Hurts like heaven, lost in the sound
Buzz cut season like you're still around
Can't unmiss you and I need you now
Yeah, I, I, oh I, yeah
I'm so tired of love songs, tired of love songs . . ."  
I filled the silence with my wonderful voice.

Freya giggled.

"That was horrible," she declared, cutting me off. I grinned hugely, jumping slightly.

"I know," I admitted, laughing with her.

"Can we leave early?" she asked, hopeful. I looked at her, sipping my water to delay answering. She truly didn't look like she was enjoying it. I sighed.

"Fine," I conceded. Her face brightened.

"Now?" she asked.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Its barely past eight thirty, Freya," I said pointedly. We started roughly around seven.

"Exactly," she exclaimed.

I wanted to rip my hair out. How can someone not enjoy the beautiful nature? I didn't think it was possible.

"Fine, let's start walking back and we'll be home by ten thirty," I replied defeatedly. I really wanted to go the whole way. The trails were open to the general public till seven in the evening. Maybe I'll come alone again someday. Or with someone more willing and enthusiastic than Freya.

She took charge of the music for the return trip. Not my best decision to let her. But then I didn't bring my phone at all. So, the primary rights were hers.

Oh, well.

"I want to sit down," Freya groaned towards the end of the trip. I glanced at her tired self, sighing.

"Well, there are no benches here," I observed.

"I want to pee too," she grumbled, drinking more of her water. I snatched the bottle away from her.

I am never trekking with her again.

"I swear to god, Freya," I swore under my breath, "Hold it, we'll be back home in a few minutes."

"God, I'm never trekking again," she groaned, fastening her pace.

"You won't see me disagreeing," I muttered lowly.

I exhaled a deep relieved breath as I spotted my car. Freya unlocked it from a few feet away and rushed into the passenger's seat. I shook my head.

"Isabelle!" A cry made me stop short. I looked around. No-one.

I turned back to the car.

"Isabelle!" It came again. This time I stopped completely and took a 360 degree view of the place. I jumped when a hand clamped down on my shoulder.

"Oh, sweet Jesus!" I exclaimed upon seeing it was Alex.

"Hey," he grinned.

"Hi, Alex," I smiled back. "Don't scare me like that again."

"What 'cha doing?" He asked, ignoring my comment.

"Just returning from a trek," I told him in a dull tone. "What about you?"

"I'm here for a workout, too," he answered, "You don't sound like you enjoyed yours too much," he laughed.

"Not really," I shrugged.

"I know just the thing to cheer you up!" he said excitedly.

"And what will that be?" I questioned.

"A party," his eyes twinkled mischievously.

"A party?" I confirmed, skeptically.

"A party, indeed, Izzy," he nodded his head enthusiastically.

"Okay . . ." I trailed off.

"So, you'll come?" he asked. Should I? I don't know anybody here . . . but maybe I will if I go. It's not like Jake's home and Logan's being a pain in the ass anyways. What could possibly happen?

"Umm why not? Where is it?" I replied finally.

"I'll text you the details later." He nodded.

"You don't have my number," I chuckled.

"So?" he asked, shrugging, "Give it to me."

"Smooth," I muttered sarcastically but gave him my number none the less.

"I'll text ya later, bye!" he called.

"Bye," I mumbled before walking back to the car.

"What took you so long?!" Freya asked rather loudly. She was drinking more water, "I need to go!"

"Then stop that!" I snatched the bottle away from her again, throwing it in the back, "And pass me the keys!" I ordered. She tossed them to me frantically.

I started driving.

"What took you so long?" she asked again.

"I bumped into Alexander," I told her, carefully overtaking a slow driving vehicle.

"Really?" she asked, evidently surprised. I wanted to look at her reaction but I didn't want to risk a crash.

"Yeah, small world, ain't it?" I asked dryly.

She remained silent.

The rest of the ride, she shifted in her seat uncomfortably. As soon as I pulled into my driveway, she threw the door open.

"The last door at the end of the lobby on the first floor," I called out.

"Thanks," her answer came back, distorted by her run. I chuckled. It was a little funny.

I locked the car and walked through the open door. Logan must be home. I tossed her keys on the kitchen island and trudged to my room to freshen up. I pulled off my sweaty clothes and changed into a pair of comfy shorts and a worn out tee. I washed my face and walked back down with my phone.

She was sitting alone on the barstool, scrolling through her phone.

"Want something to eat?" I offered, remembering last night's pizza.

"Sure," she agreed, "I'm famished."

"Me too!" I exclaimed, opening the fridge and pulling the leftovers out. I put it in the microwave for a minute to heat it and then turned to Freya.

"So, what do you want to do now?" I asked her.

"Movie?" she suggested.

"Fine with me," I shrugged.


"Hell yeah!"

Well, looks like we have our morning planned out after all.


I finished my makeup and pulled on my outfit for the party. 

It was my first party, so I had to make a good impression. The dress hugged my toned figure perfectly, the black pumps emphasizing my long legs. My makeup was spot on and my hair were open and curled properly.

I asked Alex if I could bring Freya and he said yes, but Freya didn't want to go any 'stupid teen party'. She didn't want to be coerced into getting drunk.

Smart choice, cause the latter would definitely have happened.

Alex told me that he'll meet me there with Nick and the rest of the gang. At least I won't be alone.

"Logan, I'm going out," I shouted grabbing my keys. No reply. I quickly scribbled a note and left it on the fridge. I pulled out a water bottle from the fridge, put the keys in my sling bag and locked the door behind me.

I drove to the address Alexander had texted me earlier with the help of Google Maps. I arrived about half an hour later to a huge ass mansion on the beach. It was beautiful . . . and packed with drunk teens. And it was just nine.

Oh, well. Tomorrow was a Sunday.

I parked in an empty spot in the humongous driveway and made my way in. The music was thumping loudly, the bass high even near the doors. There were people lounging in the pool, some playing, some sipping drinks, and the others making out.

A few drunk guys whistled when I walked by and I flipped them off with a sarcastic smile.


I quickly texted Alex when I was inside and grabbed myself a drink. I downed it in one gulp, my throat tingling with a familiar burn.


"Izzy!" Alex clapped my back.

"Alex!" I hugged him, grinning. The alcohol was starting to work its magic. I felt so relaxed. He hugged me back almost immediately. 

"You look gorgeous!" he complimented.

"Thanks!" I smiled dazzlingly.

I spotted Luke and Nick over his shoulder. I grabbed another drink, gulping it down and took another one with me. Alex whistled lowly.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, but he definitely didn't mean it. He was grinning like a fucking Cheshire Cat.

"Yup," I told him, pulling him by his arm towards the other two.

"Hiiii!!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Iz," Luke smiled, sipping his drink.

"Izzy," Nick nodded.

"You look spectacular, love," Luke grinned.

"Aww, thanks, Luke! You don't look too bad yourself!" I kissed his cheek.

"Are you already drunk?" Luke asked, bemused.

"Nope," I popped the 'p', flashing my teeth. He laughed.

"This should be fun," Alex mused. I nodded enthusiastically.

"The funnest!" I agreed before finishing my third drink. I tossed it in the nearby trashcan and looked for another one.

"It's not a word," Nick shook his head with a smile.

"It is now!" I exclaimed, finally spotting a drink.

"No, that's enough," Luke interjected, sensing my intentions, "You're already drunk enough."

"I'm not," I protested, wobbling slightly.

"Yes you are," he argued.

"But I want to have fun!" I pouted, "Pleaasseee?"

"Isabelle," he sighed, "Why don't you go and dance?" he suggested.

I thought about it, finding the idea appealing.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, trotting over to the crowded dance floor.

"Make sure one at least of us has an eye on her tonight," I heard Luke mumble.

"All night, I'll riot with you
I know you got my back and you know I got you
So come on, come on, come on
Let's get physical
Lights out, follow the noise
Baby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice
So come on, come on, come on
Let's get physical!!"

I danced hard, singing along. A random boy started dancing with me and I let him. Wow, I missed this. It's been so long since I felt this liberated. He pulled me closer by the waist and I slung my hand around his neck, screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs along with the rest of them. His hand started shifting lower and I slapped it back up. He tried again. I was about to shout at him when he was pulled away from me. I didn't protest as Benjamin replaced that guy.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked in my ear, bending down a little to reach it. He kept dancing with me as if that didn't just happed.

"Yeah," I swallowed, fidgeting with my hands behind his neck, suddenly a little sober and a lot aware. I avoided looking at him, looking anywhere but him.

"Are you sure?" he asked again, his warm breath hitting my neck, sending shivers down my spine. My stomach flipped.

What the fuck.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat. He still didn't pull back.

"Ben," I stated, not liking how the proximity made me feel. 

He hummed.

The drunk part of my brain wanted to just kiss him.

No. No, no, no no, no!!!!

I panicked and detached myself from him. He was startled.

"What's wrong?" he questioned, frowning.

"Nothing!" I ran away, ending up near the drinks table.


I quickly downed two, needing them badly to numb my head. I was going for a third but a hand snatched it out of mine.

"Hey!" I exclaimed indignantly. I saw him and deflated instantly. He watched me from the corner of his eye as his  Adam's apple bobbed with each gulp. 


What th-

I swallowed, trying to averting my eyes. 

Keyword : trying.

"Never mind," I gulped.

The drinks are getting to my head.

Isn't that what I wanted in the first place?

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, staring at me the entire time.

One kiss won't hurt would it?

Without even thinking, I found my body gravitating towards him. My mind went blank. To my surprise, Benjamin leaned in too. With the advantage of my three inch heels, my five seven frame didn't seem as dwarf as usual next to his nearly six four height.

 I would surely regret this in the morning, right?

But, right then in the moment, nothing felt more right. I closed my eyes as we got closer. His hands went around by waist and mine rested on his bicep and toned chest.

Holy fuck, that's a firm chest.

His lips connected with mine and a jolt of electricity went through me, making me clutch his shirt into my fist, my nails digging into his bicep. He pulled me closer by my waist as our lips moved together. Butterflies assaulted by belly, making me giddy.

He tasted like beer, like I'm sure I did too. He smelled so wonderfully of citrus, especially sweet lemons. He squeezed my waist, the feeling making me gasp, and took he the opportunity to evade my mouth with his tongue. I clutched him tighter, our tongues dancing together to a melody only we could hear . . . perfect and synchronized. He groaned into the kiss when my nails dug deeper into his arms.

We finally broke apart for air. I don't know about him, but by that point I was pretty sober.


Realization hit me like a wrecking ball.

I jumped away, my mouth hanging open.

What in the fickety fuckety world just happened?!

His lips looked so red and swollen. I touched my own lips, and sure enough, they felt swollen.

Holy motherfucking shit.

Why did we just do that? 

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit Shit.

"I . . . umm . . . I gotta go," I mumbled, racing out, past my wasted peers. Nobody paid me a second glance. I wanted to cry. 

But why? It's not like that was your first kiss. Or that he forced you. You kissed him willingly enough.

I don't know, okay? Shut the fuck up.

I was still near the pool when I bumped into a very familiar chest, almost toppling us both over. I looked up and sure enough-

"-Logan?" I asked, surprised.

"Belle . . ." he slurred. I groaned. He was completely wasted.

"What the hell?" a whiny voice complained. Just what I needed.


"What?" I bit at her.

"We were talking!" she bitched.

"Sure you were. Now you aren't, so go fuck off," I snapped. She huffed, trying to push me - failing miserably in her drunk state - and wobbled away.

"Log, what are you doing here?" I asked, helping him stay upright as he swayed on his feet.

"Alex . . ." he garbled.

"Jesus," I grumbled.

Yep, completely sober now.

"Did you drive here?" I asked him.

"Noooo," he mumbled.

"How much did you freaking drink, you little shit?" I snapped. He isn't a lightweight, so it must've been a lot.

"Sooo muuuccchhh!!!!" he chuckled drunkenly. I resisted the urge to slap him teetotal.

"C'mon," I urged him to go with me. I needed to get him home.

I pulled his hand over my shoulder and wrapped mine around his waist. I practically dragged him to my car, out of breath, supporting most of his weight. It was past midnight yet people were still arriving. He's gonna have a killer hangover tomorrow.

I unlocked my car with my keys, pulling the passenger side door open. I pushed him in not so gently and strode towards the drivers side. I took a few gulps of water from the water bottle I brought and passed it to Logan, urging him to drink it. I waited for a few minutes just to be safe.

Never drink and drive.

When I was sure I was perfectly capable of driving safely, I made sure Logan was strapped in before I buckled myself too. I pulled out the crowded driveway, trying to avoid mauling drunk peers. When we were finally out on the main road, I threw a quick glance at Logan to find him sleeping. I sighed, driving at a slow pace just be extra careful.

I parked in my garage, tired as hell. I wanted to sleep so bad. I shook Logan awake, closing the garage doors behind us.

"Get up!" I yelled at him. He came back to life, but was still out of it.

He really drank a lot.

"We're home," I told him. It was almost one in the morning. He muttered something incoherent but I didn't bother asking, knowing he's drunk. We stepped into the first floor lobby, closing the garage door behind us.

Something felt off, though. I couldn't put my finger on it. We walked into the kitchen, well I walked and he stumbled, and I grabbed more water for us.

"Drink up or your head will hurt too bad tomorrow," I ordered him and he obeyed, downing the bottle quickly. I slumped on the barstool, exhausted.

"Where were you?" a sharp voice demanded from behind us. I jumped upright, back on my feet. My heart beating wildly, my eyes wide.

I relaxed when I saw it was just our brothers and then tensed again, understanding the situation.

Our brothers caught us coming home after midnight, wasted, from a party. Any of those which we were forbidden to attend.

And, did I mention that they looked beyond pissed. I glanced at Logan to see him barely standing. He definitely wasn't helping our case. Carter eyed him disapprovingly. At least I could stand on my feet without swaying. But Jacob didn't seem impressed. In fact, he looked ready to bite someone's head off. More specifically mine.

I'm was huge trouble. 

Oh, boy.

{29th April 2021}


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