What's Her Name?
Monday, 07/07/2014
I wake up to hands roaming my body, slowly moving down the side of my frame to in my underwear. My eyes shoot open and I cock my head to look behind me. The girl from last night looking at me lustfully. There's nothing like saying "Good morning" than someone fingering you awake.
I take my hand and guide her closer, putting her hands further deep. I let out a pant and let my eyes slip close. She rubs her middle and ring finger against my clit, but it doesn't feel all that comfortable, so I position myself on my back and lift my legs a little. Much better.
I feel her lips attach to my neck, kissing and sucking while she picks up the pace. I feel myself getting wet... but that's about it. It feels good, don't get me wrong, but... I don't know, I'm just not as turned on as I thought I would be. Maybe if she stuck them in.
I take my hand and show her fingers inside of me. Out of instinct, I moan out. As she's going in and out of me, I hear her whisper, "Yeah, you like that?" Definitely turned me off a bit, but I nod as I force myself to moan out again. Damn, I don't know what's going on with me. Something like that would definitely turn me on. And it's not her, per se; I'd know when somebody wasn't turning me on (hell, I've wouldn't have taken her back here if she didn't), so what's my problem?
As she keeps going, which is for a while, I try to remember when it was the last time I got off.
"Last time was when I got off in the shower to..." My heart skips a beat.
'Of course it was. And if you remember correctly, you didn't last long. Thinking about her hands all over you... her lips kissing yours...'
I let out a loud moan at the thought. I hate to think it, but it was one of the best orgasms I've ever had. I wonder how loud she would be moaning if my tongue was deep in her pussy.
Another moan... I feel it now. I'm starting to feel the attraction.
'Imagine her hands are April's... fingering you while she kisses you. Her kisses are going down to your boobs. Now she's licking your nipple through the lace bra you're wearing..."
My moans become louder, so loud that April has to cover my mouth shut to keep me quiet. But I still let out a muffled "I'm gonna cum, April!" And that is exactly what I do. I do so all over my underwear and her hand.
My muscled starts to tighten up and she stops fingering and slowly pulls out, kissing me in the process. I'm so out of it, but I instantly kiss back, my tongue playing around with April's.
"Wait... this isn't April." I think to myself. At the same time, she pulls away and stares at me before getting up and going to the bathroom, naked and all.
"So who's April?" She asks from the bathroom. I freeze up. How does she know about April? Her tone makes her sound genuinely curious, not angry or even jealous.
"Did you say April?" I shout back, playing dumb.
"Yeah, you called me April twice." I hear the water stop. Again with the calm tone. If I were called by somebody else's name I would be peeved, let alone twice.
"Yeahhh, I'm sorry about that. The—" I almost try to explain how the first time was an accident. But what about the second time? I can't say I was accidentally moaning another woman's name. That's not cool at all.
She walks out and over to my bed. "No worries, really. I've called a couple women my ex's name too. So no judgment or anything on this end."
The urge to scream "she's not my ex!" starts to take over but I just sigh out and lay back. I watch her put her underwear and bra back on.
"You're not gonna shower?" I ask in a way that's offering her to use my shower.
"Nah, I can tell when I've overstayed my welcome." I look at her in shock as she puts her clothes and shoes on. I don't even know what to say, so I don't say anything. I feel like she shouldn't feel like this, but I can see how I definitely made her feel this way.
"Wait, I'm really sorry if I made you feel disrespected or uncomfortable. I do want you to stay." She stops where she was. She eyes me down before deciding to sit down on the bed. I guess she heard the genuineness in my voice.
"Well then... what are we gonna do today?" She asks. I sit and think.
"Well I do have to work tonight and I wanna to be there by like 4. Are there some good morning things to do out here in Montreal?"
"I don't have work tonight but I do have to go at like one thirty," she chuckles. "So I'm sorry about that. We can still get breakfast though. Maybe brunch."
I nod in agreement. "Sure. I'll get ready and we'll stop past your place and we can go."
*time skip*
time check: 12:45 pm
After brunch at this cafe near her apartment, I was gonna call a town car and head back to my room then, but she insisted on driving me. I won't lie; she's really nice and and has a great personality, but I can't see us being past the friendship stage.
And if anything, there's a big chance of us never really seeing each other again after I leave, which I do either tonight or tomorrow.
"Ahh I think I left one of my earrings in your room. Mind if I go get it?" she asks, putting her car in park.
I was going to say yes, but then a thought pops up: what if Aprils back? I couldn't even imagine how she might act. Considering how she was last time I saw her, I can expect some type of reaction that isn't great.
"No, it's okay I don't want you doing any unnecessary traveling." I start to get out, but I hear her do the same.
"Don't be silly. Plus I have to use the bathroom." She opens her door and gets out along with me. Shit.
As we're walking in the hotel and to the elevator my heart is pounding oh so loudly. I don't want to encounter AJ like this— another woman walking with me into our room... to find an earring she left... after we had sex... right after April tried to have sex with me...
Thank goodness she's not paying attention, because I definitely think I'm hyperventilating. I need to calm do—
"So am I gonna meet April?" she asks as we get on. Im so stunned, I stopped breathing, but I play it off as a hiccup. Stupid, but it worked.
I laugh. " And why would you want to meet April?" The elevator stops at my floor. I hesitantly step off with her.
"Because you've called me her name! Multiple times, actually. I think it's only fair that I meet her." She laughs out. I personally don't think so, but what can I say. All I can do is keep my fingers crossed that AJ isn't there.
'No,'it's fingers crossed that April isn't in the room while this girl is with you. Big difference.'
When we reach my room, I take the key and swipe it open. We walk in and, thank goodness— no sign of April ever being here. A cool sense of relief washes over me as the girl and I start looking for her earrings. She found it by the bathroom almost instantly. I think nothing of it as I walk back over to her.
"Thank you so much! It just they're my favorite and you said you're leaving soon, so I wanted get them as soon as possible." She says as she goes into the bathroom. She turns on the faucet and rinses it off before putting it back in her ear.
"Yeah it's so pretty we couldn't have left it here. Amazing you found it so quickly," I say, and she just chuckles and nods. "And I wasn't leaving until late tonight or early tomorrow so I would've just dropped it off to you.
"Do you even have my number?!" She laughs as I go over to the couch and grab the TV remote to turn it on. I laugh in my head, because I definitely don't have it.
It isn't until I go into the kitchen that she says something about having to leave. "You're leaving?" I ask.
"Yeah, I have to get going." she replies somberly. I go to meet her at the door. "But it was awesome to meet you..." she forgot my name just like I forgot hers! I giggle as she leans in for a hug, to which I give back.
"Paige, and I had a great time with you..."
We both laugh. "Courtnee. And if you're ever in town again..." She grabs her phone out of her pocket and hands it to me to put my number in. "You let me know." I hand her phone back once I'm done and give her one more hug before she goes on her way.
I let out a loud exhale I didn't even know I was holding in as I go to the kitchen and make the popcorn I was going to make earlier.
*time skip*
Time check: 5:00 pm
I'm in the locker room just stretching out with Naomi before our tag team match tonight. My nerves couldn't be any higher than they are, because they changed the match from a singles match between Naomi and I to a tag team match between the Funkadactyls versus AJ... and me. This match— according to the talent director— sets up a peak moment for the Funkadactyls' feud and will be a start for April and I's.
While I do get why, I'm not so comfortable with the idea, due to personal reasons. But hey, that's how the business works, and we just have to go with it.
As I'm talking and laughing with Naomi, Cameron walks in, walking past all of the other girls to get to where we were.
"Stretching without me? Not cool. Either of you." She says jokingly as she sets her baggage down and starts stretching.
"Where's April? If we're all stretching for our match, she should be here too, I feel." Cameron surprisingly says. Seriously, it genuinely surprised me to hear her say that. I'm so sure that a lot of the girls weren't the biggest fans of April, and the feeling was mutual, definitely with Cameron.
I thought they were gonna look at me for an answer, which I did not have, but in another shock, an eavesdropping Nikki breaks into the convo to give one.
"One of the busses that went to Make-a -Wish left a little later than ours so she's probably gonna be late. But John said they should be here in 10ish now." She let's us know.
'Nicole knowing where April is and you don't? Crazy.'
I agree with myself; it was crazy to think about.
The girls start talking idly, and I chime in when persuaded, but I'm internally trying to think about what to do when I see April soon. Things couldn't have been anymore awkward before than it is now. I'm mostly worried about fumbling my thoughts and not getting to express everything I want to.
Ok. Make a list:
Where did my phone come from?
Why was she was drinking so much?
Was she acting that way because of the alcohol and
...how does she feel about me?
Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good for me. I got this.
*time skip*
Our match is up soon and I'm worried because April isn't here. I hope that she's okay, as well as everyone else. Should I call or text her? Would she even answer, or reply?
Only to say that I tried, I pull my phone out of my bag and call her.
As each ring passes by, I become so defeated that I think about just hanging up, but on the last ring she answers. However, all I hear is murmurs and low whispers.
"Hello?" I reluctantly ask.
"Hey, Sara." She finally says, a bit awkwardly.
"Hey," I awkwardly say back. "I called to see where you were. Did they tell you about our match?"
"Yeah. They uh, they told me about it earlier."
"Okay. Are you close to the arena, because our match is coming up soon."
She hesitates for a moment. "I'm here. I've been near the production truck."
"And you didn't say anything? Like seriously, I know we're going through something, but our job comes first, April. You should know that." I end the phone call out of anger.
I expected more from April— say what you want about her, but she always gets the job done and executes it perfectly. The fact she's acting like this angers me. Like I know it's awkward, but it's awkward for me too! At least I won't let it effect my work performance. We're supposed at least go over the matches with each other since we're going to be worker a lot closer, and it seemed as though had I not called, that wouldn't have happened. Probably won't.
'It's not official; you don't have to go over matches with each other. Just have to be on the same page. And April isn't you— she may not be taking this situation the same way as you, spoiler alert. April didn't deserve that.'
I'm speechless, honestly. Am I right?
'I am. You're angry because you don't have the access you want to her... Actually, you're just angry she won't talk to you. So go apologize.'
After a moment's thought, I get up from the empty seat in the back of the audience and rush over to the production truck, or where I think it is. I do owe her an apology. I let my personal feeling out at her and she did not deserve that. I just hope she forgives me.
When I get there, I look around to see a lot of people coming and going and whatnot. While trying not to be in their way, I walk around the large area trying to find a glimpse of April anywhere. In the midst of all the chaos, I see her. Well, not her initially— it was Big E who was walking away from her that caught my attention.
My nerves that I worked so hard to keep down start building up— just at the sight of her. But, I can't walk away. I can do this.
When I start walking towards her, she makes eye contact with me, and she looks just as equally as nervous. My feet keep shuffling, though, inching closer and closer.
When I reach her, I immediately clam up as we awkwardly stare silently at each other for a bit.
After a few painfully awkward moments go by, I finally calm down enough to speak.
"I came to apologize." Once I say that, my focus comes back and my nerves fall. "I didn't mean to kind of snap on the phone just now, I just, felt a little fed up about what I was feeling and I let it out on you, and you definitely did not deserve it." I finish, and all of my nerves are gone.
She smiles her sweet smile. "I should be apologizing. I've been purposefully avoiding you because of... you know, and I know that wasn't the best way to handle that, and that wasn't fair to you." She steps closer, making my heart rate jump up.
I lean in to give her a well- needed hug; a hug I've been waiting to give her for the past two days. We embrace each other for a moment. A long moment. A longer moment than I thought. Once we let go, I stare at her for moment in hopes to see what the next move was.
"We should go get ready for our match." She says with a nervous laugh. I nod with a smile as we start to walk to the locker room.
"You know we have to talk about what happened... right?" I hesitantly ask her. It was already awkward but her silence made it worse.
"No way around it?" She joked. I laugh and bump her on her side. Does joking equal progress? Even if it didn't, it's good to just hear her talk to me.
My heart is still thumping a thousand miles a minute, though. We're just standing here waiting for the other to speak. Gosh, I just hope it won't be this awkward during our match later.
Oh my gosh... our match!!!
"Shit, April; our match!! We gotta go!" I exclaim. Her eyes go wide as we both start running to the guerilla. When we get there, I look at the monitor to see which match we're at in the show.
Stardust vs Kofi. We have the rest of this match and a segment until we're up.
I look back and A.J is stretching up against a crate.
"How long?" She asks as I walk over to her.
"15 max," I sit down in a chair near makeup. Now may not be the best time to bring up our situation, so I'll let it go for now.
We're standing at the entrance ramp- Cameron and Naomi just walked out so we're up next.
"Oh, how was Make- a- Wish?" I ask as I loosen up my body as I'm warming up to go out.
"Well, when I wasn't thinking about you, it was okay." She mutters out. My heart sinks, but not in a bad way. I look at her out of the corner of my eye and see her trying not to smile.
But me? I can't hide mine. My grin or my blush. Whether she knows it or not, she just threw me off of my game a little.
*time skip*
We won the match, no surprise. Right now we're watching the rest of Naomi and Cameron's segment and it's super lifelike. Everybody backstage just in awe of it. Props to them.
I look to my left and AJ isn't there anymore. I look a little farther and see she's talking to Renee in an interview. While's she doing that, I'm gonna go dry off and change. However, she calls out to me during.
"... And I can't take all of the credit from my wonderful tag partner." Her tone and facial expression shows me this is for the cameras for our promo. I put my game face on and walk over to her.
"I heard myself being talked about over here." I purposely interject as I walk over.
"Yeah, you two won tonight, even though a lot of people foresaw some... tension, maybe, considering what just transpired last week." Renee hesitantly explains.
"We'll, A.J and I— we're friends. She may have something that's mine, but it doesn't change our friendship when I got it back. Right, AJ?" I ask her.
She nods. "I mean— I did have it first but, yeah, no, she's my sweet little crumpet." She clutches the belt a little closer to her frame. Hmm. There may be some truth to our words, I'm thinking. With everything that's going on between us, I forgot about me trying to take back the championship.
After the interview is over, we both walk off to the locker room.
"Do you know when we're leaving?" I ask. I'm hoping tomorrow morning so we could talk tonight.
"I'm not too sure. Well, I know I'm staying back for a house show on Saturday and then probably leaving Sunday morning."
I nod. Well that sucks; I wanted to talk to her tonight. And I don't have any house shows this weekend so I'm probably—
"Do you want to stay with me?" She asks.
My eyes go wide as I try to the urge to smile. It doesn't take long for it to go away though, because everything we recently went through plays in my head at the same time.
"If you don't that's fine as well." I hear AJ say in an awkward tone.
"No, no, it's not that but it's like," I try to keep a hushed tone since we're in front of the diva's locker room. "Lately it's been up and down with you, April. Not to mention the getting up and leaving you did, because of..." I let her fill in the rest and take a deep sigh. "I wanna sit down and get an idea of where we are with each other." I'm very proud of myself— I'm speaking at a leveled space and not letting my emotions get the better of me.
April just gives an uncomfortable nod and falls into an uncomfortable stance. Now I feel bad, because I know that place she's going to in her mind: she's getting overwhelmed and trying to detach.
I won't let her, though. I instantly bring her close to me and enclose her in my arms. We stand there for a moment or two after she embraces me back.
Now, I love this moment— I could stay like this all night, but it's kind of awkward standing in the hallway where people are passing through, so I let her go but still hold onto her shoulders as she is still holding my waist.
As she's holding onto my waist and I'm looking into her big, brown eyes, I can only think of—
"Kissing those lips again."
I mentally sigh irritatingly, shaking away those thoughts as I come to a resolution.
I hold my pinky out. "I will stay back, so long as you promise to not run away anymore. We have to talk everything out and we aren't leaving until we do so. Deal?"
After letting out a laugh, she shows me a smile that could light up the whole arena. With a smile of my own, I feel a twitch in... in...
"Deal, Casper." Our pinky fingers lock.
"Your heart." Right. In my heart.
Oh. My. Gosh!!! There's no words to explain how sorry I am to you guys for leaving you hanging the way I did :( My personal life was catching up to me in the worst way possible, and because of that, you guys suffered. While it was never my intention, I did that to you guys, and I am really sorry. It was so hard reading your messages and wanting to push out a chapter but mentally checking out. But recently, I feel good enough to write this chapter you guys. This chapter took a month to write, and it would've been longer, but I decided to put it into another chapter coming up.
Anyways. You guys have my love. If you read this, thank you for sticking with me and this book.🫶🏻
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