Unfinished Business
She skips down to the ring, as well as around the ring a few times, then inside the ring. She looks a little different without the championship on her, and she looks a little... devious, to say the least. I don't want her to get too close to me-- there's no telling what she may do at any given time.
She skips past me to get a microphone and goes to stand in front of me, ask without me taking my eyes off of her. To be honest, she hasn't changed, inside and out. Then she goes to speak.
"Paige," she starts out. "Look, I just wanted to come out here and say that... you're right." Did I heart that correctly?
"I'm sorry?" I say in astonishment She was coming out to apologize to me? For what? I'm the one that stole her title
She brushes her hair out of her face a little. "Look, this isn't entirely easy for me to say," she clenches her jaw, slightly. "but you were right. I mean, you did what no woman, in almost a year, could do. You proved me wrong... You proved everyone wrong. And I know the kind of person I became; I let success go to my head. And granted, I was the longest reigning Divas Champion of all time..." She just had to slip that in. Typical AJ, she hasn't changed. The crowd goes wild for her. She continues "... but I shouldn't have rubbed it in everybody's face like I did. I thought I was untouchable... and you have me the slap of reality that I needed." She inches closer to me, sending shivers down my spine. Then, I look into her dark brown eyes, and I couldn't move, I don't know why. "And I wanna return the favor... and say thank you... and congratulations."
She finishes, and the trance I was in is gone making me go back to reality. I makes me laugh a little. "How stupid do you think I am?" I hope that hurt her. "AJ, you're doing exactly what I did to you the night after Wrestlemania. And I get it-- you're trying to come down to goad(idk) me into our rematch because you're after some kind of poetic justice, but there's a problem: it's not gonna happen. I will not make the same mistake that you did. Besides, I don't think anyone in this arena wants to see me defend my championship tonight." That's a lie, everybody wants to see it, that's why they're all cheering yes. But I wasn't ready for this kind of a challenge. I already took an ass whooping from Naomi, I don't need another one the following night.
"Well Paige, my sweet little crumpet, why don't we let everyone here decide. Do you guys want to see a championship rematch right now?" she asks, and the crowd erupts in a big "yes" chant. This wasn't fair, and I didn't want to give her what she wanted, but I have no choice, I was supposed to.
"OK." I comply, even though I was screaming on the inside. She smiled, not at me, but my title. Nervousness starts to set in, but I have no choice.
*time skip to end of match*
I sit up on the mat in shock. I am in disbelief. One minute and 4 seconds; it took her a minute and 4 seconds to destroy what I have been building on for 3 months. I feel tears trickle down my face, but that's how I feel; I feel like crying. I want to cry my heart out until I can't cry anymore.
I see her walk up the ramp, smiling back at me. She's holding my title and kissing it and holding it. I'm pissed, because that's not me. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen tonight, exactly why I wanted to not face her.
She skips up the ramp and to the back. At this point, I'm livid, so I'm going to hunt her down. I get up, leave the ring, and quickly walk to the back, where I'm met with many stares. Some of sympathy, of disappointment, of bitchiness. I don't care right now, though. I'll be bitchy later. "Which way did she go?" I say, knowing who I am talking about. A few of them point west, so that's the way I go.
I started to walk around yelling AJ's name in a very angry manner hoping she would come from wherever so we can have a nice, calm talk. It didn't take me long to find her sitting on some crates near the diva's locker room. She's sitting Indian style on the crates, hugging my championship tightly. This makes me angry, so I stomp over to her and in her face.
She's surprised, then she relaxes and smiles. "Hi, Paige. What are you doing here?" she asks, tilting her head while smiling, acting innocent.
"I could be asking you the same thing, April. Why are you here? Now, of all times to come back, you decide to?" I ask.
"Well, it wasn't like I wanted to leave, but I had no choice. I had an injury, but now I'm back, and I feel better than ever. But most importantly, I couldn't have come back at a better time." She hops down from crates, standing tall. "You see, I had 3 months, Saraya," the way she said my name gave me chills. "3 months to recuperate and get back what was rightfully mine. Not only to get back my title, but to also think about everything. You in particular."
Me? Why me? "Oh really? What about me?" I ask.
"Well, believe it or not, about our friendship--"
"Former friendship. And you know what? Save it. The moment you attacked me was the moment our friendship was over." I interrupted.
"I attacked you because you are a diva. I couldn't treat you like my friend when we are out in that ring, people would think I was treating you better because you were my friend; I treated you like I would treat any other diva who would come out and disrespect me, especially a newbie. I had to draw the line between business and pleasure."
"That's bullshit and you know it. You never care about what people have ever thought. I guess we're really not going to talk about how I basically put her in the hospital.
"Well, what do you want me to say, Saraya? What do you want me to do?"
"I want you to give me my title, leave, and never come back."
She smirks. "We both know that will never happen. I'm here until I decide I want to leave, and there is nothing that you, nor anybody here, can do make me want to leave." At this point, we are face to face, even though I'm taller.
We're looking into each other's eyes, and then she softens up, and smiles her sadistic smile. "You'll come around."
"What does that mean?" I asked, genuinely confused.
She picks up the championship, and starts to skip away. Then, she turns around and blow a kiss at me and skips out of my sight.
OK..... weird, but intriguing. Then again, that's typical AJ.
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