Self Control
April's POV:
"This is a dream. This just has to be another dream." I think she's supposed to be whispering, the way she's talking but I could be wrong. She closes her eyes shut tight and takes deep breaths.
She's preventing herself from admitting reality. How cute.
My thoughts are running rampant. I am slowly regretting ever thinking about doing this. I have never been comfortable with my petite body, and I have never been able to let myself be as comfortable as Saraya wants me to be around her. At the same time, however, I love to see her flustered and caught off guard, because I KNOW for a fact she's into me.
"This is no dream, my sweet," I walk over to my new bed.
As I'm about to sit on the bed, I actually realize what she just said. I settle my smirk on my face. "But wait— did I hear that correctly? 'Another'? As in you—"
She purposely cut me off. "How did you get in here? And where is Eva?" She doesn't actually care about Eva, she has made that perfectly clear. She just thinks that I probably have something evil to do with Eva and I's transaction.
"The funniest thing: I ran into Eva earlier. One thing led to another and we agreed to switch rooms!" I claim. I'd rather not bore her with the details, mainly because it has to do with Eva, and I don't want to talk about her. Not when I could be talking about us.
"Oh yeah, because you happen to run into Eva, unbeknownst to you that I was her roommate, right?" She looks at me incredulously.
I look to the side of me and just shrug. "Yeah." I say simply.
It falls silent, and I can not help but take in her presence. Not even the fact that she is half naked in front of me, but the fact the she is so beautiful, both inside and out--even though she's going through internal conflict with whether or not she wants to hate me or fuck me.
I really hope it's the latter.
I think I'm starting to creep her out the way I'm staring at her. "Um, you can't stay here." She picks up the remainder of the stuff she dropped and I can hear her lowly groan as she does so.
I lightly chuckle. "Well it's too late to switch back, so what can I do?" I shrug out with a smile. "And I know I'm better company than Eva." I grin.
"Debatable. Well, I'm gonna go take myself a shower, so."
My smile falters. 'Debatable'? Rooming with me is debatable with rooming with Eva? That doesn't even sound remotely true.
And even though she's nowhere close to telling the truth, I'm gonna show her why there is no contest between Eva and I.
Here goes nothing.
I hesitantly drop my towel. Letting her see my whole backside, and a little bit of the front. It's too awkward to look at her look at me, because I have a lot of insecurities with myself that I need to get over.
And this is a great start, if I'm being honest.
I sit down and innocently grab my lotion as I hear her pick her mouth up from the floor. She scrambles what she dropped and hurries to the bathroom. Wasn't the reaction I hoped for.
Was it something I said?
As I'm reading my book, The Keeper of the Bride, Saraya comes out of the bathroom, wearing an expression I cannot read.
"Did you enjoy your shower?" I ask. It doesn't look it.
No response. She's looking down, probably to hide that faint blush forming on her cheeks. As if I can't see.
"Now you're not gonna talk to me, Saraya?" Did I really make her feel that uncomfortable? I was sure she thought of me in that way.
She lays down after dropping her clothes. "April, I just wanna go to sleep." She says in a small voice as she gets under the covers.
"'Kay, goodnight." I mumble.
Now I don't feel as big and mighty as before.
'Damnit, April, this is why you stay in your shell. Next time, you're staying to yourself.' I think.
I don't want there to be a next time, though. I want to be with her! I pout a little and try my hardest to focus on my book.
She's been turning and moving around for a while now, and her breathing hasn't been regular so I'm pretty sure she's conscious. "You know, I've been watching and listening to you tons and turn for the past 20 minutes." I dog tag my book and close it.
She sits up and looks at me. "Why are you watching me?" She asks. She doesn't sound creeped out, though. Just tired.
"Because I really love my view." I joke with a shrug. Truth be told I was not watching her. Just... faintly thinking of her.
She rolls her beautiful, deep brown eyes, and gets up and drags herself over to the couch.
'This is really a great view.' I huff out in my mind. She's wearing shorts that really accentuate her assets.
"You're a creep." She sighs. I can't help but chuckle, no matter how much of an insult She intended it to be.
"I'd like to think of myself as a stalker, not a creep." I reply.
Should I go over and sit with her? She doesn't look like she's moving for a while, so I think I could be safe.
I get up and go over to sit down on the opposite end of her. It's kinda cold, so I pull my legs close to me.
"Why aren't you asleep?" She asks. She didn't say it as if she didn't want me next to her, so maybe this could go good.
"In not tired. It's only 10:30. My bedtime is at 11." I kid, trying to break the tension. But when all I get is a dry hum, it goes a little back to awkward.
I try my best to scoot a little closer, because it feels like we're on opposite polars of the Earth.
"Alright Saraya," I cautiously say since she looks as if she has no desire to speak first. "What's the real issue you have with me?" I turn to her to show that I'm serious.
"You know why. I don't know why I have to keep reiterating." She says dismissively while flipping through channels. Maybe it's because she thought I had an attitude?
Let me try a little more gentle. "Saraya, please look at me." I say more softly.
She still flips through channels as she ignores me. How rude.
"Sara." I demandingly call. The irritate in my voice is slipping through, and I'm really trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.
"Sar—" she turns up the volume, and I'm very close to livid.
I tried my hardest to keep my anger down, but she's blatantly ignoring me. It's one thing to just say that she doesn't want to talk (but I most likely would've done all the talking), but it's another to just sit here and be rude and with an attitude when I'm trying to mend things.
'Resorting to violence is only how we got here, April.' I remind myself.
That doesn't stop me from snatching this blasted remote out of her hand and throwing it against the door. That calmed me down some.
"What is your deal?!" she half yells. She looks a little frightened at my mini tantrum, but guess what? It got her attention, so I'm cool with it.
"You are my deal, Saraya. This attitude you have towards me is getting old. Anybody else, I wouldn't have even cared. But it's you. And I know you. Maybe better than you know yourself. You're finding and holding onto reasons to dislike me because—"
"Because what?" She cuts off my rant. "Because you you think I can't admit to my own feelings? You're wrong." She crosses her arms.
Wasn't what I was gonna say but okay. "Oh, sweetie. Do you really think that?" I ask condescendingly with a head shake.
"I don't think it, I know it, pumpkin." She matches. How cute.
"You say that yet—"
"Yet nothing. You never wanted to speak to me again," she stands up. "That did not feel good, April. It took a while to stop feeling guilty for the demise of our friendship and for me to move on.
Again, I wasn't gonna say—
"And I called you when I was drunk."
Okay, I was gonna say that. I just look at her with bemusement.
But something she said that brought a memory to light. '...YOU never wanted to speak to ME again...' were the words I heard her say when she called me. It was in the same manner, same tone... same hurt.
Don't cry. "Hmm, when you say 'You never wanted to speak to me again' I get this strange feeling of deja vu. Nevertheless, if you would ever have a normal conversation with me, you'd know that I was wrong for saying that. I regret it very much.
"And you being drunk doesn't mean shit. In fact it proves my point even further." I mutter. At this point I'm standing and letting my anger melt away.
"And your point is?"
"You make up all these reason to deny the truth of how you really feel. Keep up Sara, I've already said this." I joke. I'm trying to ease the tension.
She rolls her eyes. "Since you know everything about me, go ahead and tell me how I really feel. Go on." She gestures.
My mind goes blank a minute. I wasn't expecting her to say that; more so deny it all and say that she has no idea what I'm talking about.
After a minute, I forget that I never gave her an answer. "You miss me. Duh." I play off with a scoff. I couldn't have told her that she has feelings for me. She would totally deny it and I know it'll drive her away. May not seem like it, but we're making progress.
She snorts a little. "Okay, April."
End of Flashback:
Paige's POV:
I walk back in the room and walk over to the couch, where April is watching the TV, cradling a now empty bottle of Crystale like it's a baby bottle, sitting with her legs crossed.
The image of a child watching TV.
I groan to myself. Well, not to myself, apparently; April looks up and motions for me to come sit next to her.
I slowly but surely make my over and she smiles. But her smile fades when I sit the farthest away from her. I'm trying to be strong enough not to give in to my desires.
"April I took this away from you so you wouldn't drink anymore of it," I take the empty bottle and put it back where I originally placed it.
She just stares at me and starts to laugh. "I'm sorry, I just— I don't mean to laugh but there's 3 of you." She leans back and tries to stop laughing.
I sigh. She's drunk. There is no way to try and talk to her seriously right now, so I guess I need to put her to bed.
"Come on, hun. Let's go you in bed." I tell her.
"Wha why?" She scoots closer. "I think I'm fine. It's not like I'm running around naked through the hotel or yelling my lungs out. I'm just a little drunk. That's all." She pinches her finger. Then opens the gap between them. Then closes them again. Then opens them again.
"I actually wanna just sit with you, if that's okay."
I really need rest for tomorrow, but I can't really resist her; something is telling me not to.
I sigh tiredly. "Fine, we can watch one movie, then it's off to bed, 'kay?" I say sternly.
She chuckles, "A movie? I never said anything about a movie." Oh, shit. She's inching even closer. I need to get away, and fast.
"You aren't going anywhere. You want to see what happens next." Ah, it wouldn't be a party without this voice in my head, now would it?
At this point, I'm completely sobered up. I, unfortunately, have to be the role model here.
"I don't think this is a good idea, hun. We need to get—"
She begins to crawl back onto my lap where she once was. "No, come on AJ, I really can't do this." I am trying so hard to not give in to her temptation, but I have only so much control on my hormones. Especially now because I'm admitting my attraction to her.
At the same time, I don't want to seem to be taking advantage of her while she's in this state. I don't care how much I want her badly. And if I'm being honest, I want whatever happens between us to be mutual and a clear thought; I want—
I feel a kiss on my neck and it makes my stomach flutter. Then comes another one, but it's on my most sensitive part of my neck. She lingers and starts licking and eventually takes a bite.
An uncontrollable and loud moan slips out. Then something clicks in my head: this happened before. The dream I had is almost exactly the same to what's happening before; she sits on my lap, starts kissing my neck, and I eventually leads to—
I stop and push her back a little. "April, if this is going where I think it's going, then let's not do this, okay?" I bite my lip at how much I really want to.
She tilts her head, lust still in her eyes, but she's smiling a little. "Saraya," here comes the chills again. "I want you to understand that I know, that you know, that you're lying. Why can't you just accept my drunken advances?"
As soon as I let my arms down, she goes right back to my neck, and I know she's leaving marks.
It's hard for me to concentrate on what I wanna say. "I, uh, that would be... that wouldn't be the right thing to do. Why are you even doing this?" I sigh out, because I'm becoming internally frustrated with myself.
"Because you're letting me. If you truly wanted me to stop, I would, but I know you like it."
"She has a valid point. And can't you see she actually wants to? She's practically begging for you to take your clothes off."
Damn! Another hard bite to my sweet spot has me teetering on the damn edge and moaning! It's crazy how she's hitting my weakness on the first try. Maybe she's just that good...
"April, you should really stop, like now." I give my final warning with as much intimidation as I can muster up.
All to no avail. It's the combination of a bite and a lick that makes me let out a cry of pure bliss. I can feel her smile against my skin as she sighs.
"No." She simply replies.
"You're not gonna stop?"
"Nope. Not until I get what I want."
"Well what the hell do you want, April?"
"Hmm," she picks her head and looks me with a face that matches how I internally feel. "I want you, to want me, the way I, am wanting you right now." She says as if it's so easy to do.
"Actually, it is that easy."
As I'm staring at her in her big, lust-filled brown eyes, something clicks in me, like I snapped or something. I grab her waist and twist her to lay her on the couch.
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