Drip Drip
Paige's POV:
Once we come back from a fulfilling breakfast that left me unable to properly walk, we part our seperate ways and we go to our rooms. The bus to Montreal from Hartford (CT) leaves at 7 PM on the dot, and they're not hesitant to leave anybody behind. It's 5 now so I have two hours to shower, pack, and check out of the hotel.
*time skip*
Now that it's close to seven, I close the hotel door and drag my suitcase along with me to go and check out. Once I get to the front desk in the lobby, I see Tamina checking out. I wouldn't really mind being around her, but I know for a fact she hangs out with AJ, both on and off cameras.
When it comes to me and her, I think we're just cordial with each other. I haven't been around her much to tell. We've faced each other multiple times in recent months, and after them we crack jokes and stuff, but we never hang out. Or we would talk in the locker room or whenever we pass each other. Overall, I think she's the type of person that unless you're close to her, she won't strike up a conversation with you.
"You ok?" She laughs out. I feel my face getting hot as I smile back, I didn't mean to stare at her while I thought. I walk up to her apologize for staring, "I didn't mean to be staring,"
I laugh off and side hugged her. She hugged back. "Ready for a long 5 hour ride to Canada?" I hear ask as I pull out my room key to give the bellhop. He takes it with a smile and I look back to her and roll my eyes a little. "Oh yeah, crowded on a bus with guys and girls while I have nothing to do but stare at my phone for hours? A dream come true." I lightly laugh with her as I grip my suitcase and roll it as we walk out of the hotel. I'm just gonna follow her lead because I don't know where the bus is.
Once we get there, I wait for the bus driver to put some luggage in the under part of the bus so I could give him mine. Once he does I give him a thank you and walk onto the bus with nothing but my small bookbag and my blanket. There are a lot of people on here and a good few of them say hi to me. I just sit down in the first empty 3 seat row close to the window. I look out of it, taking in how beautiful Hartford has been.
I don't even notice the people around me at first. It's so loud I didn't want to, though. But when I feel the bus pull off about 20 minutes later, I look over and see I'm still by myself but on the opposite side of me I see Rusev, Lana, and Nattie talking, but they don't really like me, so I keep to myself.
But behind them, I don't see the person, but they have on black leggings and chucks. Do I have to say who I think it is?
I lean forward to try and see if it's her or not, but I could only get so far with my head pressing against the seat in front of me. I lean all the way back and sigh. I'll just drive myself crazy trying to find out, so to prevent that I'm going to sleep. I'm already sleepy, and I pull my blanket over me for extra warmth. I put my headphones in, too. I'm out in a matter of minutes.
*Time skip*
I wake up only on the count that I have to pee really badly.I groggily stand up, but it's hard to stay up when standing on a moving bus. I try again and successfully get to the back and step in.
When I step out, I go back to my seat and try to to fall back asleep, but I can't, so I pull my phone out. It's 10 PM, so we're a little over half way there.
Next thing I know, somebody plops down next to me and doesn't move.
I look up to see AJ. Of course I do. Why would I expect anything else? When I don't want her around, she's there, and when I do.... never mind.
"How's my favorite Casper doing?" she asks with a smile as she crosses her legs.
"I don't want to talk to you. Not until you apologize." I say crossing my arms while looking away.
In the window, I see her tilt her head. "Why should I apologize? What would I even apologize about?" I was about to say what for, but she beat me to it.
"No, wait; don't tell me. I wanna guess this." She positions herself to where she's facing me, but I still don't look. "Could it be because I took back the title in the same fashion as you did me?"
"..." I don't say anything, because she's right.
"Well, can't be that." She stays silent. "Ooh! Ooh! I think I got it: you're upset that I didn't tell you I was coming back from a spine injury that you caused."
I snort as a response. Then I turn to her, cause I have to put her in her place real quick.
"First of all, I could never be upset over you-- not anymore, at least. I'm upset over your actions. There's a whole difference. And secondly, you said we were never going to speak on that topic. Your words, not mine."
"Ohh," she waves it off. "I've grown over that.... Seriously, I was on bed rest and realized that you weren't trying to hurt me on purpose."
"You don't know that." I spit back. "I could've wanted to hurt you."
She snorts again. "Yeah, okay, Saraya. You constantly texting and calling and your little pop up at the hospital wasn't you worrying." She sarcastically says.
I roll my eyes. She is too smart, sometimes. "I digress. I have one more theory."
I'm not looking at her anymore, so I don't see what comes next.
She gets up, and instead of walking away, she moves my arms and sits on my lap. What the hell?
I instantly freeze. "What are you bloody doing, AJ?" She wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles into me, giving me a full whiff of her hair. Smells nice.
"You wanna know what I think I should apologize for? And this is my best guess." She leans in real close, uncomfortably comfortable type of close. Why am I allowing this to go on?
"I think it's because of the fact that I didn't rush right to your room after you called me. And for that," she bites on my earlobe, pulling on the string of pleasure that's connected to my vagina. Oh God. "I am so so sorry."
I look around for anybody who is seeing this, but nobody that I can see is around, and now that I'm thinking about it, the bus isn't moving. Strange, and it's just the excuse I need to get away. I could've just told her to get off and kick rocks, but I can't pull myself to do it; it feels really good.
"If it feels really good, then don't push me off," she says. "And do you wanna know why it feels like this?" She moves her mouth to my neck, but specifically hovering over my most vulnerable spot. Wait she can hear me think to myself?
It's already hard to keep the moan that's in my throat from coming out. But when she actually puts her lips to it, I couldn't hold it back.
"I need you to speak, not think, Sara. Answer me." she speaks against my skin. I can't though. Hell, I can't even remember what she last said.
"I just asked you. I think I need to stop to get your full attention." She pulls away, and her kisses are so good that I have to think.
"Thank you." I open my eyes to see her smug yet sexy smirk.
"Umm..." She last asked what? I have to think. I have to think. I have to think hard.
It just comes to me. "Why?" I know the question, but I don't think I'm able to say the whole question out.
"That's all I need to hear," she goes back to where she was and continues to kiss and suck and bite on my whole neck. And it feels SOOO goddamn good. I can only helplessly gasp and moan at each new touch she gives. I think I'm getting---
"As much I love to hear your running commentary on me," she whisper, only making me plummet eve-- "I need you to know."
"Know what?" I breathe out, too lost in her touches.
"That this *kiss* is a *bite* dream." One last kiss and she pulls away.
"A dream," ironically, reality smacks me in the head and I'm dumbstruck. "This is all a dream?"
"Mmhmm, but not just any dream. This is a lucid dream. A lucid dream of a fantasy. Your fantasy."
I just sit here. Coming down off of the high I was on, I can only just stare at her.
"I mean come on. Where did you think everybody went? How can I hear your thoughts? It's so lucid because ofthe fact that it's a fantasy of yours adds on to the realness of it."
"So... you're not real?"
She shakes her head. "Sorry, love."
"Then what the hell was all of this for?" I'm angry, but more disappointed than anything.
"You have every right to be dissapointed. And all of this was to... release you. Release you off all of this pent up frustration you don't have for me. Mainly, to get you to realize what you've been too scared to admit."
I know exactly what she's gonna say next. And since this is all a stupid dream, I have no shame asking.
"Are you in love with me, too?"
A wide smile is across her face. "That's something you'll have to get the answer to by yourself."
She lifts up off of my lap, leaving my legs cold. "Wait--" she starts to walk off, but I need something from her. Something I know I won't ask for in reality. "Can I have a kiss goodbye?"
She stops where she is and turns around to me. Her kisses were so good on my neck I can't help but see what a real one is like.
She smirks again and walks back towards me to grab my face and pulls me close to her.
I close my eyes and wait for her lips to land on mine.
But it never comes. Instead, when I open my eyes, everything is back to how it was when I first went to sleep. Loud chatter, even louder snoring, and the sound of driving on the highway.
Reality. I'm back in reality.
I sit there for a minute sadly, just thinking about what I just went through. I have to listen to that voicemail. It's what started the encounter with us in my dream, and it's what A.J probably has looming over my head right now.
It just hits me that I'm not listening to music like I was when I went to sleep. Matter of fact, my headphones aren't even in my ears.
They're right next to me. But, with no phone attached to it. What the hell? I know I last had it when I was sleeping, and it was in my sweatshirt pocket.
I start frantically searching for it all over my little section; in my pockets; on the floor; in my bags; and even in the bathroom, although I'm pretty sure that I didn't even go because I really have to go now.
I go back to my seat and sit down glumly. Somebody took my phone. I'm not to upset about it-- I'll get a new one sooner or later--- but what the hell am I to do without one?
I shift a little in my seat to-- oh, fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
This is truly great. And to only make matters worse, not only is my mind overflowing, my panties are, too.
This is my first time writing something close to smut but not actually smut. And it's trash.
Honey, wtf was I thinking?
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