
**Flashback:Thursday, 07/03/14

A.J's POV:
"So... you're stalking her... for what again?" Sarona asks as we walk off from the Rite Aid. I look at her in awe, not believing that she just said that; I would expect that from E more. Her and Big E erupt in a fit of laughter.

"Stalking her?! You think I'm stalking her?" I ask offendedly. They both nod while laughing.

Then I start to think: am I stalking her? Me following her around as I just did; constantly thinking about ways to make her happy; just trying be around her and talk to her, for crying out loud; and there's the occasional going through her social media and... stalking her.

"Oh shit." My realization causes them laugh harder; It just better be that funny.

"Don't feel bad, Ape. We have those tendencies to go beyond our limits—" 

"No, no we don't." E matter-of-factly cuts her off and she hits him. "Ow! What? I'm just playing... kinda." He mutters just enough for us to catch it. It was enough for Sarona to start pinching his arm.

"Owowow. OW! Fuck I'm sorry we all do it! It's nothing to beatyourselfupaboutSaronaplease!"
The last part of the ramble was a high pitched squeak that has me snorting. This attempt to make me feel better, while kind of pathetic, is working.

She finally lets go, and he's left rubbing his arm tenderly with small circles. I push my glasses up to my nose and wipe my flush from my cheeks to stop smiling.

As they continue talking, I can't help but think. I've been known in previous relationships to go a little... overboard, and it's ended some of them. But with her... it's because I care; I'm watching over her because I genuinely care for her. And I know she feels the same. I've ignored the signs for a long time. I'm not letting them slip by anymore.

We walk into the hotel lobby, where Nicole and Natalya are sitting and talking. Sar and E  says their greetings to them both and I just wave at Nattie. I have no problem directly with her, so no reason for a cold shoulder. Nicole on the other hand...

E says he'll catch up with us later tonight and we walk off to the elevators, only to find a painful red head impatiently pressing the buttons.

"Chill out, or else it's never gonna and we're gonna have to take stairs." Sarona says with a chuckle.

She sighs and stops. "This thing has been stuck on the 3rd floor for 5 minutes."

I can't say I have sympathy for her, but that means I'm stuck with her until one comes, and I'm not feeling particularly energetic. I sigh and fold my arms, keeping my distance.

"Maybe just give it some time," Sarona suggests. "Right April?" She looks back at me. I don't know why she's asking me that. I just roll my eyes. No, she's not going to make me speak to her. I don't like a lot of people at work, and she's almost at the top of my list. She may be nice to others, but I've seen her go out of her way to be particularly... evil, in some light. Very unnecessary. Makes me feel indignant.

"It's okay, Tamina. She's too high up to talk to me."

"High up? Eva, I just don't like you. I don't think I'm socially higher than anybody else."
That's a stretch coming from her.

She scoffs. "Yeah, okay. Like you didn't air us out on Raw not too long ago and proclaimed it that you were basically the 'savior' of the division. Save the bullshit."

Don't freak out. Don't lash out. Calm down. She's not worth going to another hotel.

I take a deep sigh. And walk closer to her. "You know what? I did say that. And guess what— I'll do it again. Because I meant what I said. You and the majority of you Total Dummies are too obsessed with making sure your makeup is flawless, your hair is right, your stilettos are high, and your designer clothes are expensive. And I'm not judging people who live life like that; I'm judging you all on the fact that you do that on a show based on wrestling. And you're so worried about looking cute all times of the day, yet you're wrestling skills are pure trash. Specifically you— I'm not going to touch her." I guess I kept walking too close to Eva, because my rant is thankfully stopped with Sar walking right in front of me.

"You don't know me, April. You don't know any of us. Our looks aren't everything to us. All we did is accept an offer that was given to us. An offer to show the real us to the world. It may not be 'accepting to you', but then, again it's not all about you. And I may not be as good as a wrestler as you want me to be, but I'm trying. I'm doing my damn best, and that's all I can do. We all have to start somewhere."

She's... not wrong. But it's not like I would like her more if she stopped how she was living her life; I just hate the attitude she gives and her personality— I choose not to be around her because of that. I'm not gonna say that to her— that's a fight that's going to go back and forth until we're blue in the face.

"You're right, Eva." I nod it off, being the bigger person.

It was awkwardly silent, and the elevator finally comes. It lets off a few people and we pile on.

When the doors close, Eva speaks up again. "Um, I don't know when the next time I'll see Paige, so if you see her, please tell her she needs to clean up her mess on her side of the room. I get irritated just looking at clutter." She semi shutters.

Hold on? Is she saying that she's Saraya's roommate? Oh that is soo great to hear. "She's your roommate?" I'm trying so hard not to get so excited.

She sighs, "Unfortunately." I'm gonna ignore that, and I'm also gonna ignore Sarona's glare.  My attempt to not smile fails.

"How would you like to switch rooms with me?" Saraya is going to talk to me, one way or another.

End of the Flashback**

Paige's POV:
"I'm gonna go... hop in the shower." April sleepily says. I sigh heavily— the right half of me is really cold now.

"Yeah," I throw the covers off and stretch. "I wasn't going to say anything but, darling, you reek." I laugh.

She stops and gives me a fake laugh, along with a middle finger. "You has no complaints when I was pressed against you seconds ago, though." She said softly.

I don't say anything, because I didn't have any comlaints.

"Only that she's get closer next time." I sigh to myself.

'She was close enough' I think back.

I hear another knock before I remember why I was up in the first place.

I speed walk over to the door and open it, revealing it to be Foxy, alcohol in hand. Why am I not surprised?

"Hi! Are you busy?" She says after hugging me.

"Uhh..." I don't want to be rude and say no, but I'm not trying to hang. If anything I'm really sleepy. I hear the shower start, and that reminds me; I did want Alicia and A.J to start bonding, so I give in.

"No, come in." I turn the light switch and open the door wider to let her in. We go and sit on the couch, her already popping open the Crystale.

"How was the show?" She asks excitedly. Ugh, her energy is contagious. A ball of sunshine.

I wave it off, "It was fine. I thought I wasn't gonna do anything, but I obviously had to go out and do ringside, along with an interview, so I didn't all the way waste time. What about you? I didn't see you at all today." I get up and come back with two glasses. She starts pouring. "I didn't go, actually. I uh, had a date." She says slowly, then starts to smile.

I instantly squeal with happiness. "I'm so happy for you! Who is he? Do I know him? How was it? Is there gonna be a second one?!" Sleep was the furthest thing from my mind now.

She laughs and we both toast and take a sip. "His name is Mark. He's a guy from my hometown, and had the opportunity to come see me. You do not have know him yet. It was... amazing. And yes; there is going to be a date number two!" She hides behinds her hands, but I can tell she is grinning from ear to ear.

"Wait, he drived from Florida to Montreal just to have a date?" I wonder if I would drive to see my boyfriend or girlfriend. I think so, depending on where they live.

"No no, he lives in New Hampshire now. But imagine, though?" She chuckles and sighs contently.

"Oh, that shows dedication. That's so romantic. Tell me about the date." That's when I hear the shower stop. I almost forgot about April for a minute. Also forgot about telling Alicia.

Before I could even tell, she starts talking again. "It was nothing fancy: we actually went to the movies and snuck to see, like, 3 movies. He kept me laughing all night. It was so awesome. Then we just walked and talked."

"'Just walked and talked'?" I ask suggestively.

"Yes just 'walked and talked'." She says, mocking my accent, making me laugh. Laugh enough to accidentally fall on the floor. Well maybe that's because I've already had three glasses already. I'm already feeling lightheaded and wonky.

I pull her down to the floor with me and now we're both laughing.

It isn't until the bathroom door opened a few moments later when we stop laughing and look over at an inexpressive April.

Now I know I'm a lil tipsy; my vision is starting to duplicate a little. If I concentrate enough, it can go back to normal.

"Oh hey... April?" She second guesses herself as my vision comes back to one.

"In the flesh!" She cheerily says, even though it was fake. She walks over to her bed and sits down.

"Where's um, what's her name?" She starts snapping to try and remember Eva's name.

"Eva?" I finish and she nods. I shrug, "I came to up yesterday and poof. Here she was. Apparently her and Eva switched rooms."

"Oh that's... cool? Aren't you guys mad at each other?" She questions, which is fair. I had a chance to talk about how we became cool again.


"No, no. We've made up. Is that a problem?" A.J interrupts me defensively without looking over as she continues to brush her hair, I think.

"Not at all! I'm really happy for you both," Foxy genuinely states. She gets up and pulls us both back onto couch. I look back at AJ and she looks a little uncertain. "You wanna come and drink with us? We have way more than enough." She holds up the other full bottle of Crystale.

I look at April a little hopefully, but I just end up laughing at nothing.

"Uh, pass. Uh, thank you, though." I stop laughing and deflate a little bit. This could've been a great opportunity to have some bonding time between them two, but—

"I'll be right back." With that, she gets up and leaves the room in a huff.

"Was it something I said?" Alicia asks while opening the bottle. I just shrug and her an 'I don't know'. She then smacks me on my arm.

"Hey! What was that for?" I ask before snatching the bottle. April leaving now has me a little down, but nothing a little alcohol cannot fix.

"Tell me what happened!" She damn near screeches. "Last I checked, missy, y'all weren't kicking it, okay? So I'm really confused as to how y'all made up over night." She takes the bottle from me after I chug a mouthful. It's only wine, so it's not that strong even though it's messing with my vision a little. Alicia looks like she hasn't even touched a drop of Crystale. How?

"Well we made up; We talked our problems out and we decided we couldn't be mad at each other."

"Okay, great."

"What do you think of her?" I press. I've never really heard her speak about April outside of work.

She furrows her brows puts the Miscato down. She takes a minute to think before saying, "Well I think she's a great competitor, great entertainer. Uh, she seems chill-ish, since she came back. I have nothing to hold against her. Actually, I love how she's uniquely her, and she's different from the rest." She nods in earnest.

I laugh it off as if I didn't feel some type of way about her comment. "Well would you ever try and be friends with her?"

She shrugs with an uncertain smile. She's questioning me. "I wouldn't mind being friends with her... but I don't think she'd want my friendship."

"You'd be surprised. But tell me more about your date." I can see myself overheating and so I have to change the subject. From here, she tells me everything that happened and I'm staring happily at her. Her happiness while telling me about her lovely date is making me just as happy.

"... and overall, he was just such a gentleman." She sighs with content. Suddenly the lock on the door unlocks and the door opens, greeting us with AJ yet again.

"Hey." I say. "That was lame." I think to myself. She just wiggles her fingers with a smile. Instead of going to bed, like I thought she was going to, she comes over and stands near me but but faces Alicia.

"Can I have some?" She asks, holding out her hand. I look at her curiously. Not too long ago, she declined the invitation of having a drink, so...what made her change her mind?

"Oh, yeah, sure. Here, I'll go get you a glass. I need something to eat anyway." Foxy passes the bottle off and goes into the kitchen.

April sits in Foxy's place, so I ask her, "Are you okay?"

She nods. "I'm okay, are you okay?" She counters.

I say same. "Where did you go?" I ask just as Alicia comes back and hands her a glass. A.J mumbles and thank you, to which Alicia smiles and goes back into the kitchen.

"I just went up to Sarona's room." she answers.

"Is everything okay?" I ask. I just feel like something's up with her.

"You already asked me that." She laughs.

"Well, I'm sorry! When you left here sounding a little irritated, yet you come back happy and... I don't know." I'm trying really hard to make it make sense, but she looks like she understands.

"I'm doing what you asks me to do: I'm trying to get along with Alicia, so I had to... loosen up a little bit." She slumps back. She's does have point.

She tips the bottle and pours the drink all the way until the foam hits the brim. I watch in awe as she downs it almost immediately and goes for another. It was kinda hot when she winced at the burn in her throat.

"What did you need to see Sarona for?" I inquire, trying to distract myself.

"What is up with all of these questions?!" She groans with a smile. I knows she's frustrated low key, but I can't help but be curious.

"Because, April! You're acting secretive!" I lightly push her as Alicia comes back. She immediately gets up and sits on my lap.

Alicia and I share the same face. "Oh you could've kept the seat I just wanted to know if it's okay to order Chinese Food?" She sits down and pulls her phone out.

"Hmm, I like this seat better. And I'd love some." She takes another glass full, making this her third glass already.

I don't like seeing her like this—like me. Just even thinking about her doing things I would normally do makes me take the bottle from her grasp. She hands it over easily, maybe because she thinks I'm gonna drink some as well. I reach the half empty bottle around the couch and set it down so it's the farthest away from her.

"Um actually, we're really tired, and we were well on our way to sleep before you came. " I pipe up, trying to shake off the headache I feel forming.

They both look at me with surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry," Alicia says timidly, like I scared her or something. "I'll just go."

"No, stay." April pipes up. "We're just starting to have fun!" She whines like a little brat. What the hell is going on with her?

"No, I am actually a little tired; I just came to tell Sar some good news, but we should totally hang tomorrow if you're down." She stands up and grabs her phone.

"Yeah totally!" I cheerily say to make up for my tone earlier.

It gets silent as she's getting herself together. She finally looks up at April, as if she was waiting for an answer. "Oh, me too?" She asks. She looks at me as I were to give her an answer. Next thing I know she's leaning close to me.

I swear I thought she was going to kiss me! But she drapes her arms around my neck and snuggles close to me. Any other time, I might wrap my arms around her and embrace her comfort, but right now I'm just paralyzed, because I'm a little turned on right now.

"Oh yeah," she remembers. "I'll hang out." She sighs out contently. I look at Alicia and she looks at me with a knowing look.

"Ok cool! I'll come by around 5. I'll see you girls later." She walks close to the door

"I'll walk you out," I say, but April has no intention of moving. "Love, I need you to move."

She sighs, "Okay. But make it fast." She crawls off of means allows me to stand, letting the cool air hit my legs.

We both walk out the door but I close it gently so I don't get locked out. "Listen Alicia, I didn't mean to kick you out so abruptly but—"

"No, I totally get it. You two need some alone time. But why didn't you tell me you guys were a thing?!" She excitedly whispers.

I look at her weird. "I'm sorry. We're dating?" I have to ask to make sure I heard her correctly.

"Oh come on! She was alllllll over you. I didn't even think either of you like females."

"I do like girls. April doesn't." At least I think she doesn't. She's never spoke about it before. Not to me, at least. "But that doesn't matter, we're not together."

"Then why do you want me to leave?"

"Because she's acting weird! I've never seen her drink that hard, act so loose, so laid back, so... social, I think is the word. I wanna sober her up and talk to her.

"Yeah, she was a little more open than usual, but I liked it. But I'll let you get back to your girlfriend." She smiles as she walks off quickly to try and get the word.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I defensively say.

'She's not my girlfriend.' I remind myself as I walk back in the room.

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