Come and Knock on my Door...
**Flashback:The Monday after Money in the Bank
Ugh, finally. After 3 months to recover and recuperate, I've successfully taken back what was mine, even though it was at the expense of Saraya.
I didn't want to have to do that to Sar. Well, I did want to make her feel how I felt after she stole my title, but hey. What goes around comes around. Although I do have to admit, she looked really good... wrestling wise. She really improved.
I had really missed her-- I wish we didn't leave off on the terms we did months ago, I wish I had told her what happened that night instead of lying and saying that nothing happened between us. Maybe if I did, we would've never be in the situation we are now. Ah, now looking back on it, the last time we saw each other was pretty funny. Well, now it is.
I lost.
I. Fucking. Lost. TO SARAYA!
How could this happen? I was so close to a year of holding MY divas championship! And then THAT BITCH came in and swooped it up from underneath me. No words can even remotely express how angry I am right now.
It takes me a few minutes--filled with screaming, blaming (mainly Tamina and the ref), cursing, heavy breathing, and more screaming-- but I finally calm myself down enough to go and find Paige and politely curse her out.
I hop out of the bathroom and start waking to the Divas' locker room-- a place I've had never wanted to be in. I get there and march in. I quickly scan the room for Paige, making eye contact with some of my foes... who am I kidding? They're all my foes.
"Well, well, well," a voice speaks out, and it was just the British voice I wanted to hear.
I turn around to my left where the voice the is coming. And there she stands, wearing both a smug grin and my divas title. The little thing that's holding my anger in place is the fact that my name is still on the beautiful belt.
"AJ, how does it feel to lose the title just after a successful retain at Mania?" she asks me. I take the time to look around the room once more, seeing that almost every girl in here is looking at Paige the same way they usually look at me-- with jealousy, envy, spite, just anything other than positive. As much at I hate her for doing me dirty, we're much alike and I'd hate to lose her.
"P, can we talk?" I ask.
"I would love to, but I'm going out to celebrate my title win." She deviously smirks.
"It won't be but a moment." I reply.
"Ok. Talk." she says with an attitude. What the hell is going on with her? Whatever it is, it's making me angrier than imagined.
"Privately." I respond. My first are clutched tight, my teeth are gritting together, and my eyes say "please test me. I dare you."
I think she's gotten the memo, because she rolls her eyes and starts to walking towards the door.
We walk out of the locker room and to a location of my choosing. Eventually, we find ourselves going down a black and secluded hallway where (I hope) nobody would think to go.
"Start talking." Paige says, avoiding eye contact with me.
"No, you start talking," I retort, which catches her off gaurd. "What's your problem tonight?"
"I don't have a problem, you're the one with the obvious problem."
"And why would I have a problem, Saraya?" I do have a problem, though.
"I don't know why, but ever since this morning, you've been acting weird and distant to me!" I get a little nervous when she mentions this morning. As far as she knows, nothing happened last night, and I'd like to keep it like that. "And when I went out there, you treated me like shit! Me! Your best friend!" she started raising her voice.
"Are you joking right now? I've haven't been acting any other way than the way I usually act," I lie to her. "And as far as me 'treating you like shit', I was doing my job! I always gotta be ready for anybody; I didn't know who was coming from behind those curtains, so my level had to amplify by 50. And that person just so happened to be you!" Now my tone was being raised. "And best friends don't steal their best friends' championship."
She rolled her eyes. "Oh bullshit! You're just bitter, April."
I scoff and say, "Bitter of what?"
"Bitter of the fact that I beat you; I beat you for your championship. I have done what no other woman in that locker room could do for 295 days."
"Okay, all of that may be true, but I highly doubt that this title would last longer than.. mm... let's say a month. Because I'm going to get back what's mine." I claim.
"Yeah sure, and while you stay here and try to be intimidating, I'll be leaving, enjoying my time with the Diva's title." She cockily grins and turns around about to leave, but I will get the last laugh if I have anything to say about it.
I pull her around to face me and I hit her with my forearm across her face, making her drop the heavy, pink belt. I was going to hit her again, but she blocks it and grabs ahold of my arm and twists it. Because of this, she turns me around and picks me up with almost ease and throws me into a large crate. I don't know how, but I ended up going back first along with the back of my head.
My spine. It hurt like hell. I groan and moan out in pain. I can't really move and I can feel myself slipping out of consciousness. Before I do, I can hear Paige yelling-- about how sorry she was and for help. She grabbed me and tried to sit me in her lap, but was hurting too much, so I pushed her away with what little bit of energy I had. I couldn't speak, only silently cry and groan. Next thing I know, I close my eyes and the last thing I see is Paige's face.
End of Flashback:
Ugh. Just thinking about that makes my spine tingle. That feeling still lingers inside of me to this day from time to time. Thankfully, it wasn't that serious, but I did need to take time to recover.
And now look at me, back, better than ever, and with my championship. Everything seemed back to what it was. Well almost everything. I hear Paige calling for me. Oh well. I'm not gonna hide nor go running to her like a fool. I'm not that hard to find, so she'll find me.
And that she does. She comes over to me with anger written all over her.
"Hi Paige. What are you doing here?" I ask jokingly and with innocence as I tilt my head and smile.
*time skippy because we already know what has happened here*
Once I get back to my hotel room, I plop down onto the bed dramatically. Today has been very eventful, to say the least.
After laying there for 10 minutes and almost going to sleep, I put my almost-dead phone onto the charger and get my stuff I need for a shower, and after, out of my suitcase and place them on the bed.
Right before I walk into the bathroom with some things, my phone starts ringing. I walk over and see the caller I.D. Hmm, that's strange. Why would she be calling? We haven't talked since I went to the hospital.
S:Hey, April?
A:Yeah, hey Sarona. I say this greeting with more kindness than usual. I've always been hard on her.
S: Hey. I just wanted to call and congratulate you on winning the championship back from Paige and returning to the ring.
A:Aww, thanks. Yeah, it's been a long time waiting.
S: Well, you deserve it. How's your spine?
A:It's so much better now. Honestly, I didn't think I'd be back so soon, but hey, I'm not complaining.
S: She chuckles. Well that's so great to hear. Um, is there any chance you'd be willing to hang out? Even though it's late.
A: Oh, sure, yeah. Of course. Where and when?
S:You can come to my room. And now if it's ok?
A: Actually, I was gonna take a shower. Meet up after that?
S:Sounds like a plan. See ya.
A:Bye bye.
I hang up and walk into the bathroom. Once I set everything down, I turn on the water and start taking off clothes. Then my mind starts to ponder. I've always liked Tamina-she was never like the other girls. Yeah I've been seen treating her unfairly in the past for the cameras, but behind closed doors, I think we've been good friends; we hang out, text, talk, all that good stuff. Although I was hanging out with Saraya a lot out of work, I've always hung with Sarona in the arena and on the road.
It's not like things are gonna change now that Paige has moved from NXT to Raw, but I don't know about Sarona. Are we still friends after this? Last time we spoke was when she visited me at the hospital to check on me but went silent after that. Thinking about that day made me smile slightly.
What made the smile disappear was the fact that Saraya spammed my phone with apologies and calls. What had me over everything else was when she came to visit me as well.
"So when are you set to discharge?" Sarona asks me while sipping on her coffee.
I take a sip of my own then answer her. "In a few days. I believe no later than 5."
It felt great to see somebody other than Phil; I love him, but I need to see somebody other than my boyfriend, and I'm glad it's Sarona.
"Well that's great, but what happened that got you here?" she curiously asks.
I take a deep sigh and put my coffee on the table next to me. From there, I told her everything that happened last night. I was trying to keep my composure, but it was hard to do that when you still feel the pain-- both physically and emotionally-- from it.
Her facial expression spoke before she did. "Oh my God, April. That's horrible! Did she apologize?"
I roll my eyes, "Non. Stop. She's been messaging me a-and calling me off the hook," I hear my phone go off, telling me she's texting me yet again. "Like right now." After another glance, I notice that this text is different from the others.
"She's here? She's here?" I ask myself in disbelief. How'd she find out I was here.
"She's here? Here, as in this building?" Sarona asks. I just nod my head, no words seeming to form in my mouth. "How'd she know that you're at this hospital?" I just shrug my shoulders, because I'm as clueless as her.
"Well, the text says that she's on her way. I..." I don't know what to do or say right now.
Just then, a soft knock is placed on the door then swings open, revealing a frightened Saraya. But that fright turns into relief but worry is still on her face.
"Oh my gosh, April! You scared me to death!" she exclaims. I just raise an eyebrow. Does she not remember that she threw me into a heavy crate?
She continues. "I've been calling and texting you but you haven't answered me!" I speak before she gets a chance.
"Oh I wonder why I haven't been answering your texts: Maybe it was because I was rushed to the E.R.; maybe it was because you put me here in the first place by damn near paralyzing me!" I yell at her.
She looks me with sadness and guilt. "A.J I'm so sorry. I never meant to do that to you. My emotions just ran wild and I didn't think about what I was doing--"
"Yeah, you weren't thinking." I turn my head and just so happen to lock eyes with Sarona.
"You know, I should just go get coffee," she gets up and heads to the door, "So you guys... yeah." she awkwardly exits. My attention is back onto Saraya.
"A.J, is there anything I can do to make this right?"
"Right now, there's nothing you can do to fix this. You hurt me. You put me here! Even if I was mad as hell at you, I would never throw you into a damn crate!"
"You know what, I would've never put my hands on you if you never would've hit me first." She defends.
"I hit you because you were acting like a bitch--" At this point, I can't speak anymore. Not if I want the war between pride and pain to end. And the pain is winning.
We just stay there in silence for a moment, until I whisper to her.
"Leave. Do not come back to this hospital. If you really want to 'fix' this, this'll remain between us." I didn't really want this go around, even though I already told Sarona and Phil.
"There isn't a 'us' anymore after this, April." she simply states before walking out.
End of Flashback:
*time skip*
I arrive at Tamina's hotel room and I knock. After a few brief moments, the door creaks open, revealing a happy Tamina.
"April!" she exclaims engulfing me into a hug. I gladly hug her back.
"I'm so happy to see you again too, Sar." I laugh out.
She let's go of me and invites me in. I walk in and just sit on the rolling chair.
"I can't believe you're back so soon." I hear her say while turning the TV off and sitting on one of the beds.
"I can't either. I was told that I was allowed to compete, like, close to 6 months after I left the hospital." I reply.
"Well that's great. And it was great to see you win tonight."
"Yeah... it felt great." I say enthusiastically and frown a little bit.
"Why the long face?" she asks sympathetically.
I deeply exhale, "Well, I had a talk with Paige after the match. I just tried to to talk to her about our used-to-be friendship, the title, other stuff, but never about the incident."
"So, considering that you brought it up, you want to be friends with her again?"
"Yeah, I think. Looking back at what happened, she would've never hurt me if I wasn't so mad and put my hands on her; we would've never argued if I didn't pulled her away to talk, nor if I hadn't been so harsh to her. I even pushed her away when all she wanted to do was apologize and make sure I was okay. All of this between us happened because of the actions I made." I take a moment to pull myself together then continue. "So I did try to talk to her about our friendship and I was gonna apologize, but she was so angry at me at the moment and didn't want to hear it." We both laugh a little.
"Well, yeah she didn't want to hear you out at the time; you beat her for the championship moments before." I continue to laugh, but that laugh turns into the smirk I'm comfortable with wearing.
*time skip*
We stayed up talking for a long time; the conversation varied between us catching up, making jokes, or just randomly talking about stupid topics. It feels nice to catch up and hang with Sarona. People say that she's mean or intimidating or whatever, but that's because people don't get to know her or they don't know her like I do. She's a great person
"Aren't you going to get that?" she asks . I give a confused look and she points to my phone as a reply. I first under my breath as I start to hear my phone ringing. I put my cards down-- we're playing uno-- and get up to walk over to my phone on the dresser. I pick it up to see that it wasn't ringing anymore. As I wait to see who I have a missed call from, I glance at the time: 2:32 am. Eh, I don't have to start leaving until later tomorrow evening. Before I put my phone back down, my phone dings and I see that I have a voicemail from... Saraya?
"What was it?" I hear Sarona ask.
"Weirdly enough, Saraya called and left a voicemail." I slightly grin at the thought of Sara thinking about me enough to call me. I then, turn around back to my seat.
"I mean... aren't you going to listen to it?" she asks, continuing the game.
I shrug and shake my head. "I'll do that later, but for now I'm going to enjoy quality time with my friend." I smile at her and she gratefully returns one.
End of Flashback**
Hieeeee kids. Quick things to go over.
》I don't know what injury made April leave during that time, so I just thought of one.
》I've seen a lot of Paige x AJ books, or just WWE books that focus on AJ, and I've noticed that none of them either included Tamina or has made Tamina friends with AJ. To me that's stupid because (call me biased because I love Tamina) Tamina is a great person and wrestler and could be/ IS a significant character in regards to AJ. So that's what I wanted to show here.
That's all. Love you.
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