Start of the Year Special: Y/n, Fionna, and Cake

[The episode starts out in Gary's castle]

Fionna: Throw it, Cake!

[Cake grabs a Jelly Kinder and twirls it up to Fionna with her arms]

Fionna: Eyahh! [Kicks it to the ceiling where others are]

Fionna: These Jelly Kinders aren't... alive, are they?

Gary: [Holding one] What? No! They can't even talk.

Ichiga: Shouldn't have to worry, father didn't plan on making them alive

(Female Ichigo, replace black hair with H/c hair)

[The Jelly Kinder frantically lets out a sound and Ichiga hastily covers its mouth]

Gary: Kick it! Thanks for helping me out guys. I would have called Y/n but she's-

Y/n: I'm what exactly Gary?

[Gary turns around to see a woman with h/c hair and e/c eyes behind him with her arms crossed]

((THIS IS NOT WHAT FEMALE Y/N LOOKS LIKE, THIS IS WHAT MY VERSION OF HER IN MY HEAD LOOKS LIKE) Does my version of the female Y/n look exactly like Kafka? YES! YES SHE DOES! I honestly wanna see what yalls version of Female Y/n looks like compared to yalls male versions.)

Gary: Ah Y/n, my love I didn't say anything.

[Y/n walks up to him and uses her index finger and puts it under his chin.]

Y/n: Good I thought I would have to use the wires again.

[Gary gulps in fear as Y/n notices Ichiga]

Y/n: Hello Ichiga, have you been well?

Ichiga: I have been very well mother, thank you.

[She then notices Fionna and Cake]

Y/n: Ah Hello Fionna, Hello Cake. Fionna, I brought along someone who wanted to say hello.

[A male with white hair and red eyes appears from behind Y/n. He quickly rushes up to Fionna.]

(Male Briar)

Blake: Fionny! I have a question for you!

[Fionna is now blushing heavily]

Fionna: F-For me?

Blake: Well you accompany me to the Biennial Gumball Ball tonight?

Fionna: You want me to go with you to the ball?

Blake: Yes, that's why I asked ya goof.

Fionna: I would love to.

Blake: Great! It starts at seven!

[Gary then turns to Y/n]

Gary: I assume you will be there as well my love?

Y/n: Of course I will, now did you remember to invite Marshall?

Gary: Yes....

[Y/n then pats him on the head]

Y/n: Good Boy.

[Outside storm clouds are forming quickly]

Cake: Fionna, Y/n, we got trouble! My tail is totally frizzin' out!

Fionna: I'll check it out.

Y/n: I have a strong feeling I know who it is...

[The two go outside and coming out of the clouds is a cackling Ice Queen]

Fionna: It's Ice Queen...

Y/n: [Simone...]

Ice Queen: The Prince shall be mine!


Ice Queen: TOO BAD!

[Creates a giant glacier]

Y/n: [sighs] Get inside!

[As they go in the glacier smashes through the wall and Ice Queen slides down it]

Ice Queen: Outta my way, Y/n!

Y/n: I don't believe I will. Why you always gotta go after MY man?

Ice Queen: Ha! You should talk! Keeping all the babes to yourself, totally ice-blocking my game!

 [Gary looks disgusted]

Y/n: You are just sad that my boobs are bigger then yours! Gary loves these puppies!

Gary: [blushing out of embarassment] I will neither confirm nor deny that...

Y/n: No need to sweetie, we already know you do.

Ice Queen: Not [Forms a slush beast around herself] this time! Also my boobs are totally bigger!

[Slush beast surrounds Gary and Ice Queen can be seen lifting him up]

Gary: Gah! Slush Beast!

Y/n: I'm done messing around. GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN!

[Y/n summons her sword and lights it on fire before quickly slashing in the beast in half and grabbing Gary]

Y/n: You alright honey?

Gary: Much better now my love.

Y/n: Looks like she fled.

Gary: Have I ever told you how beautiful you look in the snow?

Y/n: [giggling] So many times honey.

Gary: Come I have something I need to show you and others.

Cake: We'd love to!

Fionna: I'm in.

Ichiga: My schedule has an opening


Gary: Great! Meet me in the castle gardens in an hour!

Y/n: [giving a small kiss on the lips] See you in an hour.

[At the Tree Fort]

Cake: Oh, it's a date!

Fionna: How lucky!

Y/n: I'm married to him, I'm pretty sure this is just going to be our normal hang out time.

Cake: He's into you!

Y/n: I am VERY well aware of that Cake... I'm soul bonded to him, that means we are by all laws husband and wife.

Cake: Oh right...

Y/n: Why are you brining your dulcimer?

Fionna: Yeah I was wondering about that.

Cake: It's a conversation starter. [Puts dulcimer on her back]

Y/n: That's fair enough.

[Scene switches to the Castle Gardens]

Y/n: Ah honey! We're here!

Gary: Hello everyone! I regret to inform you that Blake and Ichiga will be unable to join us. They need to practice for an upcoming gig they have.

Y/n: I'm still so proud of them for working so hard on there brother/sister music duo.

Gary: Yes I am a very proud parent of both of them. Anyway, I brought... Lord Monochromicorn!

[Lord Monochromicorn falls out of the sky onto the ground. Y/n walks up to him and pets him.]

Cake: Hiya, gorgeous.

Mono: [In Morse code] H-E-Y.

[Cake's tail puffs up]

Y/n: Oh my~ A little flustered there Cake?

Cake: Very much so.

Gary: Accept these tokens of our esteem.

Y/n: Honey, you don't have to.

Nonsense. For you, Cake, a satchel of nepetalactone. Mo-Chro picked it himself.

Cake: Catnip! Sweet babies! [Starts tapping the bag against her head]

Gary: For you Fionna, a new backpack with even more pockets.

Fionna: Ah sweet, thanks G-Ball.

Gary: And for you my love, a lovely bottle of our new wine.

Y/n: Oh Gary, you know I love my wine.

Gary: Of course, only the best for you. I pay attention to EVERYTHING about you.

Y/n: How sweet~

Gary: Come, for the sweetness has only just begun!

[Fionna is riding a giant Cake, Y/n is flying next to them, and Gary is riding Lord Monochromicorn.]

Cake: [whispering to Y/n] You should Gumball, he's HAWT.

Y/n: [whispering] I tell him that so many times during our special time~

Cake: [whispering] Oh you naughty girl!

Fionna: [whispering] What are you two talking about?

Y/n: [whispering] I'll tell you when you are older.

Gary: Oh N/n!

Y/n: Yes honey?

 Gary: I thought we might have a little race. A playful race to Marshmallowy Mweadows.

[Y/n smirks]

Y/n: You are challenging the best flyer in all of AAA to a Race? How bold of you! It's on!

Gary: Excellent. [He and Lord Monochromicorn take off]

Y/n: OH YOU CHEAT! [flies after them]

Cake: Don't forget about us!

Fionna: We are gonna win this race! [They take off]

[They race to the Mweadows]

Fionna: [Breathless] So close!

Gary: [Breathless] Good race, N/n.

Y/n: [Just Fine] Why are you two so out of breath? Those two did all the work for you two.

[Cake are Lord Monochromicorn are both exhausted and breathless]

Cake: At least she gets it! Thank you Y/n!

Y/n: No problem Cake.

[Gary hums and jumps into a hole under the flowers]

Fionna: Gumball!

Y/n: Don't worry, he's fine. I'll get him though.

[Jumps in after him and they both come up, Y/n holding Gary and he is holding a pink skull]

Gary: Sorry, I saw a pearl pygmy skull in there. It reminded me of you. The way your eyes sparkle. [Gary's eyes sparkle and Y/n's eyes sparkle as she chuckles]

[Fionna, Cake, and Gary are all riding Lord Monochromicorn. Y/n is flying next to them.]

[The song Oh, Y/n begins and at the end, Y/n lands down and Gary gets dropped off on a hill laughing]

Y/n: That song was beautiful Gary, did you really write it for me?

Gary: I did.

Fionna: Come on Cake, let's leave these two alone.

Cake: See you back at the tree house. [Winks to Y/n, Y/n chuckles, as Fionna, Cake, and Lord Monochromicorn fly away]

[It is night. Gary and Y/n are laughing]

Y/n: And there was that time when you and Marshall tried to fight over who would get to be soul bonded first, oh you two are so adorable when you fight over me..

Gary: [Laughs] Yes we were very immature back then. Okay, okay, now you ask me something.

Y/n: Great Heavens, it is almost seven. I should head back and put on my dress.

Gary: I shall see you at the ball as my wife.

Y/n: I wouldn't want to be anything else~

[The two kiss as Y/n teleports away]

Cake: Ah Y/n! About time you showed up! It's almost seven, you need something to wear!

Y/n: Alright got that covered.

[Y/n snaps her fingers and her attire changes into a lovely black dress]

Cake: Wowza! You look amazing!

Fionna: Totally 10/10.

Y/n :Why thank you both, I try and always look my best. Which is always.

Cake: Okay! Lets go, go, go!

[Y/n is shown landing at the ball. She notices Marshall Lee flying around, he notices her and blushes heavily. She blows him a kiss and he catches it and places it on his heart.]

[Others like Lumpy Space Prince are there and Gary and Blake are talking to a female Cinnamon Bun and the two see Y/n and Fionna.]

Blake: Wow Fionny! You look amazing!

Fionna: [blushing] T-Thank you, you look nice too.

Blake: Come with me, I wanna dance!

[Blake whisks Fionna away]

Gary: I've been looking for you my love. You look like a true goddess tonight.

Y/n: Why thank you.

Gary: Hey, I wanna show you something.

Y/n: But of course. [Goes with Prince Gary]

Cake: Okay, girl! I'll see you later!

[Gary and Y/n go up a flight of stairs to his room]

Y/n: Oh my Gary. Are you taking the top tonight instead of me?~

Gary: Y/n. [Unbuttons his shirt and walks towards her]

Y/n: Oh yes~ [A drip of water falls on Y/n and see looks up to find Gary frozen upside-down on the roof] Wait a second... Oh god...

[The Gary in front of Y/n laughs and that laugh becomes a woman's cackle as Ice Queen pops out his chest revealing it was her in disguise.]

Y/n: I really should have known... How did you get past my aura sensing?

Ice Queen: I have my tricks. This was so much easier than I thought it would be! [Shoots ice lighting at Y/n, she dodges.]

Y/n: Still, impressive knowledge based on my husband and I's realtionship. You had me fooled. [Y/n snaps her fingers and changes back into her normal attire] Now let's dance~ [Ice Queen causes an ice pillar to grow under Y/n's feet and head towards the ceiling.]

Ice Queen: You're what stands between me and my Gumball! [Spikes come out of the ice pillar but melt when they get close to Y/n who melts the pillar and jumps off]

[Ice Queen throws ice shards at Y/n but she dives and she summons her sword. Ice Queen just laughs as it recedes and locks her hands in an ice ball.]

Y/n: Kinky~

Ice Queen: I was saving that trick to use on Gumball, but I suppose it will do for you.

Y/n: Oh will it?

[Ice Queen laughs and Y/n rushes up and smashes the ice ball against Ice Queen's head, Ice Queen blasts her with a blizzard of snow, shooting her towards the ceiling by Gary and she smashes the ice around him, freeing him and her hands, Ice Queen shrieks in frustration and is brought to the ground by ice raining from the ceiling. Y/n lands on the ground with Gary in her arms.]

Gary: Oh, my goodness. [Y/n puts him down and Blake, Fionna, and Cake bursts through the door]

Cake: WHAT'S GOING ON IN HE— [he notices Gary with his hands on Y/n] Oh we were interrupting something?

Fionna: I think we were.

Blake: Yeah were we? Were you bout to make me a sibling?

Y/n: [chuckles] Nothing like that. It was just the Ice Queen.

[Ice Queen shoots a blast of ice needles at Y/n]

Ice Queen:  Paws off my prince!

[Y/n sighs and teleports in front of the Ice Queen and punches her crown and then roundhouse kicks her]

Ice Queen: [Groans and snarls] My magic tiara... my powers!

[Y/n grabs her by the neck]

Y/n: Here's a one way ticket back to the Ice Kingdom. [Y/n uppercuts her through the roof] Don't forget this! [She throws the tiara in the same direction]

Y/n: Now that should all be- 

[She turns around to notice everyone know frozen in time.]

Y/n: What the?

[She walks in front of Gary and waves her hand in front of him but we no reaction]

Y/n: What the hell is going on?

[Suddenly she hears a noise behind her]

[She notices a blue police box]

Y/n: A police box? What the hell?

[The doors to the police box open up and out steps a man. She instantly notices the familar h/c hair and e/c eyes. He is also wearing a trenchcoat kind of outfit.]

???: Ah it seems I've arrived exactly on time.

[Y/n points her sword at the h/c haired man]

Y/n: Who are you?

[The man turns to her]

???: Ah yes, Y/n Takanashi-Calliope, well the female version at least. Nice to meet another one of myselves, or at least another version of myself.

Y/n: What are you on about?

[Y/n? Smirks]

Y/n?: My name is the same as yours, at least the first part. But you can call me...

Y/n: The Doctor.

[The episode ends]

(I hope you guys liked that surprise ending. Don't worry, there's something big coming to the Y/n-verse)

Next Chapter: 

Chapter 37: Dad's Dungeon

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