Interlude: Y/n and Furina
(This is pretty much a relax chapter for me, this is basically going to be a chapter that focuses on mainly Y/n and Furina and their relationship with both each other and other characters)
Scenario 1: How to Care for Your Sad Furina.
[Y/n is currently walking into the living room of the Tree House where he sees a crying Furina]
Y/n: [thinking] Oh no! My beautiful, cute, and bratty Hydro Archon wife is crying! It's time to implement my 10 step plan in caring for your sad Furina.
Step 1: Lay out the blanket.
[Y/n then pulls out a blue/white blanket and sets it gently on the floor]
Step 2: Carry your sad Furina
[Y/n goes over a picks up Furina in a bridal position and carrys her over to the blanket.]
Step 3: Lay her down onto the blanket
[He then lays Furina on the blanket]
Furina: Y-Y/n what are you doing?
Y/n: Caring for my sad Furina.
Furina: O-Okay.
Step 4: Roll her up like a sushi
[Y/n then proceeds to roll her up like a sushi roll]
Y/n: Is it too tight?
[Furina shakes her head no]
Step 5: Place her on a bed or sofa
[Y/n then picks up the Sushi Furina and takes her to their shared bedroom where he gently places her on the bed]
Y/n: Comfy?
Furina: So Comfy.
Step 6: Embrace your sushi roll
[Y/n then hugs Furina who sniffles into his shoulder and he gently rubs her back to comfort her]
Step 7: Play your sushi roll's favorite movie
Y/n: What movie do you want to watch?
Furina: Can we watch Ratatouille?
Y/n: Of course we can.
[Y/n then puts on the movie and during the movie he can hear Furina singing Le Festin to herself which causes him to smile and wrap an arm around her]
Step 8: Then, feed her snacks
[After the movie Y/n quickly goes into the kitchen and makes Furina some food. He then enters the room.]
Furina: What did you make Hubby?
Y/n: Your Favorite.
[He then unveils what he has created, her favorite dish. Macaroni and Cheese.]
Furina: Macaroni and Cheese?! Did you use double cheese?
Y/n: No, I used TRIPLE cheese.
Furina: I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you too.
[Y/n then proceeds to feed Furina]
Step 9: Since Furina is most likely dehydrated from crying, quickly provide beverages.
[Y/n then enters the room with a pitcher of sweet tea which he pours into a glass and puts a straw into it. He then offers it to Furina who drinks from the straw while he holds it.]
Step 10: Now have you have a small happy little Furina.
Y/n: Feeling better honey?
Furina: Much better Hubby, thank you.
[Furina then gives him a huge smile and uses her hands to make a heart sign.]
[Y/n proceeds to get a nosebleed from the cuteness]
Scenario 2: Finn deals with Furina's tantrums (A Combo of ideas suggested by IceSalamander963 and therealpoccolo)
[Currently Furina, Finn, and Jake are standing infront of a very small carriage.]
Finn: Okay, so Y/n tasked us with taking you to the Candy Kingdom for a special event. Now there's only 3 seats, two in the front and one in the back.
Furina: Well I think I should obviously get the front.
Finn: And why's that?
Furina: Because I'm basically royalty and Y/n's wife so I deserve that.
Finn: Nuh-uh.
Furina: The fuck you mean Nuh-uh?
Jake: I mean he has a point, how is that fair to me and Finn?
Furina: He said there were two seats for the front, so you two can just battle it out with Rock-Paper-Scissors
Finn: Nah, since you wanted to act like a spoiled brat and claim the front for yourself without calling shotgun. You gotta fight me in Rock-Paper-Scissors.
[Jake then grabs Finn and pulls him down to his level.]
Jake: You sure you wanna do that to her? She's only been in OOO for a month.
Finn: I have to Jake, you know how I get around Spoiled people.
Jake: [sighs] Fine, but hopefully Y/n won't kill you later for making her cry cause she lost.
Furina: Well Finn? Are you ready?
Finn: Yes, we'll play three times, and if I lose even once, I'll sit in the back.
Furina: You're serious?
Finn: Yep.
[Furina then gains a smug expression]
Furina: So, do you even know how probability works?
Finn: Yep
Furina: It's next to impossible for you to win three in a row!
[Finn then walks away as Furina grabs onto his pack and he drags her while she is crying]
Furina: This isn't right! Something's wrong! You cheated, didn't you? Please, one more! Just one more time!
[Finn looks back to her]
Finn: You mean it? This is the last time.
Furina: You accepted! You accepted, didn't you, Finn?! I don't know how you're cheating, but if you want to play that way, I have a trick up my sleeve, too!
[Furina then glows]
Furina: Blessing!
Finn: Hey, that's dirty! You buffed your luck with magic!
Furina: Hey, luck is a factor in skill! And magic skill is a factor in luck!
[Jake yawns]
Furina: Now, here we go! Rock-paper-scissors!
[Furina is then shown crying again]
Furina: WHY?!
Finn: Even when I was a kid, I never lost at rock-paper-scissors.
Furina: You coward! What is that?! No fair! It's cheating! Some kind of cheating ability! You were born with a special ability?! Then that cancels out the gracious help me and hubby have been offering to you!
[Finn then looks at her angry and shocked]
Furina: Send me back! Send me back to my hubby! YOU DIRTY CHEAT!
[Finn then pokes his finger into her forhead]
Fin: Hey, you little bitch! are you saying my special ability is being able to win at rock-paper-scissors?! Are you an idiot?! How is that gonna help me fight evil?!
Furina: But, but...
Finn: And the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that you describe what you've been doing with Y/n as "gracious help"! Is nothing more then you watching us do all the work while you sit on the sidelines EATING FUCKING MACARONI! IF I COULD TRADE YOU IN FOR ANYONE ELSE I WOULD!
[Furina tries to hold back her tears]
[Furina then grabs Finn's collar and begins to shake him]
Furina: Finn, I can't believe you went there!
[Finn then begins to squeeze Furina's cheeks]
Furina: Stop! Quit pulling on my cheeks!
[Jake then steps inbetween them and seperates them]
Jake: Alright, alright. Let's calm down, Furina you can sit in the front with me.
Finn: But I won!
Jake: Listen Finn, if we don't give her this, she's gonna tattle on us to Y/n and then both of us are gonna die.
Finn: [sighs] I guess you make a good point. [To Furina] I'll sit in the back, you can sit in the front.
[Furina then gains a happy expression as if nothing bad ever happened]
Furina: Okie dokie.
[She enters the carriage and Finn sighs. Sometime later the carriage arrives at the Candy Kingdom where Y/n is waiting. Furina jumps out of the carraige into her hubby's arms]]
Y/n: Enjoy the trip Honey?
Furina: Yep.
Y/n: You can head inside, Briar and Ichigo are waiting with Bonnie and Marcy. I'll be in a few.
Furina: Okay!
[Furina skips inside and Finn walks up to Y/n]
Finn: How?!
Y/n: Hmm?
Finn: How do you deal with her bratty and spoiled attitude?
Y/n: Oh one simple way, assert dominance in the bedroom.
Finn: What....
Scenario 3: Meet Y/n, Furina, and Neuvillete
(Based on this video, takes place before 4.2 in Genshin)
[The scene opens up with Furina holding a camera which Y/n notices]
Y/n: Whatcha got there Furina?
Furina: Oh it's something Aether left, he calls it a video camera.
Y/n: Ah I see.
Neuvillette: Can you two please get back to work?
Y/n: [sighs] Fine, Mr Grumpy Pants.
[Y/n goes back to his desk which is right next to Neuvillette's. Furina then giggles and turns the video camera towards them.]
Neuvillette: What are you doing Furina....
[Music then starts playing as Furina glows as she zooms the camera in on herself. The Camera zooms out to show Neuvillette doing the Orange Justice while Y/n...]
[The camera then zooms in on Furina and when it zooms out again it showcases Y/n and Neuvillette throwing it back on the table]
[The camera then zooms in on Furina as she smirks]
God of Justice
Lowkey a Fraud
VO: This is Furina. The renowned Hydro Archon of Fontaine.
[The camera then focuses on Y/n and Neuvillette as they continue to throw it back.]
VO: And these two are the supreme judges of Fontaine, Y/n L/n and Monsieur Neuvillette.
[The camera then stops recording as the three look at each other in shock.]
Furina: What just...
Neuvillette: in the hell....
Y/n: Happened...
[The three then look at the camera which is now on the floor.]
Y/n: We should destroy it right?
Furina/Neuvillette: Right.
Y/n: I'll give Aether a lecture later..
Scenario 4: Furina spends time with the kids (This takes place about three weeks after her re-awakening)
[Y/n is currently standing at the entrance of the Candy Kingdom castle, he is just finishing hugging Furina goodbye.]
Y/n: Alright are you sure you are going to be able to handle Bria and Ichigo?
Furina: Of course I can, I am the great Hydro Archon, I fought in the Archon War. I'm sure I can handle two teenage kids.
[Y/n gives her a "can you really?" look]
Furina: Hey! What's that look for Hubby?
[Y/n chuckles and pats her on the head]
Y/n: Nothing you need to worry about honey. Just make sure to not get Briar in a corner or else she will bite. And for Ichigo well.... just don't let him near energy drinks, he gets a bit... dictatoral when he has them.
Furina: Dictatoral?
Y/n: Eh nothing you need to worry about. Take care Honey.
[Y/n then flies off as Furina turns towards the castle]
Furina: Okay Furina, you just have to spend time with your two adopted children that you have only met like twice now. I think it's safe to assume they like me. I mean from what I''ve been able to tell Briar is an utter sweetheart like 90% of the time but I did notice when some threatened that Finn kid when I was around she got really scary. Ichigo seems pretty tame compared to her but that whole energy drink warning that Y/n gave me seems pretty concerning, but I'm sure that's fine. Anyway, let's do this Furina!
[Furina then walks into the castle where she sees Briar and Ichigo talking]
Briar: So yeah, that's how me and Mama manage to quell a musical uprising.
Ichigo: Impressive, if your music skills are already becoming that well done, then your dream might come true after all.
Furina: Oh Music? I love music.
[The Siblings notice Furina coming up to them]
Briar: Oh hi Mom!
Ichigo: Hello Ma.
[Furina could felt a tinge in her heart when she heard them call her mom.]
Furina: Oh, I thought it would honestly take longer for you two to start calling me mom.
Ichigo: As did I, but we both can tell you that you truly do love Father so we both decided that we would see you as a mother.
Briar: Also, you give off the cool mom energy.
Furina: Eh? Cool mom energy?
Briar: Yeah Mama Marcy is the laid-back Mom, Mother Bonnie has the strict Mom, that makes you the cool mom.
[Furina smiles and then her ego activates]
Furina: Well of course I would be the cool mom. I am the Hydro Archon afterall, so it makes sense I would be as cool as water..
[The siblings sigh as Furina gains a shocked look on her face.]
Furina: D-Did I do something wrong? Oh no, now you hat-
Briar: Woah! Calm down Mom, you didn't do anything wrong.
Furina: But I thought the sigh mean-
Ichigo: The sigh was because you told an awful pun.
Furina: Oh I see...
Briar: Don't worry about it too much mom, papa is awful at them too.
Furina: Ah yes, he was the one who told me about puns and I thought you two would like them.
Ichigo: Well father lied to you.
Furina: So he did, well then...
[Furina gains a sadistic look on her face]
Furina: I'll just have to teach him a lesson later.
Briar: Oh you get that face too?
[Furina's face returns to normal]
Furina: What face?
Ichigo: Nevermind... Anyway, you said you like music earlier?
Furina: Oh yes I do, I used to be the lead stage performer back in Fontaine.
Briar: Wow really?
Furina: Yes, I was known as The Reggina of All Waters, Kindreds, Peoples and Laws: Furina de Fontaine!
Ichigo: That's quite a long title.
Furina: Looking back on it, I have to agree, but it was MY title. Anyway, I think I still have a recording of the instrumentals for one of my songs around. Let me check.
[Furina then summons her wheel which is filled with sweets]
Ichigo: Why are their so many sweets in their?
[Furina blushes in embarrasement]
Furina: I just really like sweets okay!
[Furina then scrolls through the wheel before she finds what she is looking for]
Furina: Ah here it is!
[Furina then summons a very old record player]
Ichigo: Woah, that's an old record player. How old is it?
Furina: Far older then you and your sister, this was actually a gift your father got me on our first date.
Briar: Aww, that's sweet.
Furina: Yes, yes it is. Anyway.
[Furina then does a test of her vocal cords.]
Furina: Ahem. Ah aah~
[She then nods]
Furina: Mm! Vocal cords ready. Blood Sugar Replenished! Let the show... begin!
[Furina then begins to play the record]
Ah, si je pouvais vivre dans l'eau (If I could only return to the water's embrace)
Le monde serait-il plus beau? (Wouldn't the world be a lovelier place?)
Nous pardonneras-tu, ô chère mère? (Dear Mother, would you be able to forgive?)
L'eau dans son courant fait danser nos vies (As the dancing water flows, so too we would live)
Et la cité, elle nourrit (The city it would nourish)
Ainsi que toi, mon doux amour (And you too, my dear, would flourish)
Non, le grand amour ne suffit pas (But love alone could be to no avail)
Seul un adieu fleurira (Only farewell, I fear, would prevail)
C'est notre histoire de vie, douce et amère (Thus are our lives filled with joy and sorrow)
Moi, je suis et serai toujours là (I'll be here always, forever and tomorrow)
À voir le monde et sa beauté (To behold the world's undying beauty)
Et ça ne changera jamais, jamais (And that shall live on in perpetuity...)
[After the song Furina bows and Ichigo and Briar clap, tears in their eyes]
Briar: That was so beautiful.
Ichigo: Indeed, although I couldn't not understand the lyrics. The tone made it so heatfelt.
Briar: Oh yeah, what language were you singing.
Furina: Ah yes, in my homeland of Fontaine we of course call it Fontainese, but your father calls it French.
Briar: Do you think you can teach it to us one day?
Ichigo: It would be interesting to learn another language.
Furina: Of course, I would be honored to teach you.
Briar: Oh I do have one more thing to ask.
Furina: And what's that?
Briar: How did you and papa meet?
Ichigo: Oh, I want to know that as well.
[Furina thinks for a moment and smiles.]
Furina: Of course I can tell you. But first we must set the scene.
[Furina pulls out a book from her wheel]
Furina: We begin our tale in Teyvat.....
[The scene cuts to black.]
[Y/n's and Furina's meeting story will be revealed in Interlude 2!]
(And that's the end for the first interlude. Sorry for taking so long on this, we shall return to our regular chapters soon. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry for ending on a cliffhanger but I need content for the second Interlude. The interludes will mainly be focused on revealing the past of Y/n and Furina as the main series will focus on the past of Y/n, Marcy and Bonnie. I will see you all in the next chapter!)
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