Christmas Special: Holly Jolly Secrets
(This is a CANON Christmas Chapter anda Y/n Chapter with a bit of Furina mixed in. I also decided to combine both parts into one chapter and release it early as an early Christmas gift to you guys (and totally not so I could spend more time goofing off in League of Legends.)
[The episode begins with Finn looking at a map and then at Jake, who is smiling. Y/n and Furina are nearby]
Finn: Jake... you made this?
Y/n: With help from me of course.
Furina: Don't forget me, I did the drawings.
Finn: And you three buried the treasure right here?
Y/n: Sure did.
Finn: Man you three are awesome.
[Y/n and Furina fistbump as Finn and Jake begin digging]
[After a scene transition, Finn and Jake are still digging. They eventually come across a case in the dirt.]
Finn: A suitcase?! Oh, man!
Y/n: Found it at the dump. So we decided to bury it.
Furina: Haven't even looked inside yet.
[The quartet open it]
Finn: Whoa. Wait a second, man. I know this case.
Y/n: How?
[Flashback. Finn is dancing in the Cotton Candy Forest while Briar watches.]
Finn [voice-over]: One night, while you were away at Lady's house, I was dancing in the woods while hanging out with Bria.
Ice King [in flashback]: Evil tapes! Evil!
Finn [voice-over]: Perchance we saw the Ice King doing something suspicious, so we trailed 'im to the dump, where he buried this case in the ground.
Ice King [in flashback]: You're evil, tapes! Full of evil secrets! That's why I'm going to bury you where no one will ever find you... under all these boogers! [Starts playing in boogers] Wee, hahahahaha! Wee, hahahaha!
Finn [voice-over]: I waited for him to leave... but he played in those boogers for hours. We decided to come back later for the case... but we lost track of it.
[Flashback ends.]
[Y/n and Furina look at the case disgusted.]
Y/n: Oh god, we touched it with our bare hands.
Furina: I think I'm going to be sick.
Jake: So we found it?
Y/n: Nah this is no longer WE this is YOU now.
Jake: So I found it?
Finn: Mm-hmm.
Jake: Heh-heh-heh. Let's have a secret screening! I'll make some fliers for it!
Furina: Oh that sounds like a wonderful time.
Y/n: Screw it, I got nothing better to do.
[Later, Jake is hammering a flier that says, "ATTENTION—SECRET TAPE WATCHING PARTY—TODAY AT NOON—AT Y/n, FURINA, FINN & JAKE'S AWESOME HOUSE *ONLY FINN, Y/N, FURINA, AND JAKE AND BEEMO ARE INVITED. ~THANK YOU," to a tree. He's hammered in hundreds of these fliers.]
Jake: There. Now nobody will bother us.
Y/n: Okay listen, someone is gonna bother us with all these damn fliers.
Finn: Come on you guys.
[Jake runs to the Tree Fort. While Y/n flies while carrying Furina. The words, "An Immortals Christmas" appear on the screen.]
Finn: Okay. You can play this [a tape], right, BMO?
BMO: Yes, Finn. It goes in my butt!
Y/n: Really gotta find a way to fix that...
[Finn inserts the tape.]
Jake: This is so exciting!
[Video starts. It's Ice King in his bedroom.]
Ice King [on tape]: Hello, dear diary. Pretty good day so far. Got up bright and early and had a healthy and slimming breakfast, did fourteen minutes of cardio (and then I finally got around to)...
Jake: [Talking over tape] Dude... what are we watchin'?
Y/n: Something very very disturbing...
Ice King [on tape]: ...I mean, I'm not gonna win carpenter of the year or anything, but it's a place to hang up the old toothbrush.
[Penguin gets on Ice King's bed.]
Penguin: Wenk. [Walks up to camera]
Ice King: Gunther? Hey, Gunther. Get-get away from the camera, sweetie. Papa's recording his innermost thoughts. 'Member? I explained this to you? [Penguin rubs its stomach.] Hey, Gunther? [Penguin jumps up and down on bed.] GUNTHER!!!
Penguin: Wenk.
Ice King: [To camera] Well, anyway, as you can see, I'm not wearing my—
Penguin: Wenk.
Ice King: [To camera] I'm not wearing my—
Penguin: Wenk wenk.
Ice King: Sweetie, I raised my voice because you were giving me the silent treatment. You understand?
Penguin: Wenk.
Ice King: I love you.
Jake: Can we fast-forward?
Furina: Yeah can we, this is starting to creep me out a bit.
Finn: No, man, we might miss something.
Y/n: I'm with Finn on this one, plus we also don't have a tape re-winder and rewinding them by hand is a pain in the ass.
Ice King [on tape]: [Sighs] There must be more to life than this...
Penguin: Wenk.
Ice King: I know. You don't like when I'm contemplative. ...C-contemplative... No, con-temp-la—Let's put on a play!
Jake: What?!?
Y/n: Oh god...
Furina: This is going to ruin my favorite thing for me isn't it?
Y/n: Probably.
Ice King [on tape]: [Acting as Princess Bubblegum] Oh, Ice King! You're so cool! You take such good care of yourself! I wanna be with you instead of that loser Y/n!
Penguin: Wenk. Wenk wenk. [Pulls off pretend-beard]
Ice King: No, Gunther, beard stays on.
Penguin: Wenk.
Ice King: Gunther, I need ya to wear the beard!
Penguin: Wenk!
Ice King: Gunther!
Jake: Hey, pause it, BMO.
Finn: There's gotta be some evil secrets in here. I wanna keep watching.
Jake: Okay... Well, why don't I make us some snacks? So I don't have to watch... this...
Furina: I'll join you, I'll make some hot chocolate.
BMO: Can we sit on the floor? I feel so far away from you guys!
Y/n: Yea sure BMO.
Furina: You sure you wanna see this to the end Hubby?
Y/n: Yeah I gotta, this might give me good ideas on how to torture him later.
[Time card: Meanwhile]
[The scene is in a snowy forest in the Ice Kingdom. A penguin has an apple on his head.]
Penguin: Wenk.
Ice King: [Cracks knuckles] Now hold still... [Aims for apple, but accidentally freezes the penguin's face] You moved! Hey, what's this? [Retrieves flier and reads it] "Secret tapes"?! I wanna watch! I'll catch ya later, Gunther! [Exits]
Penguin: Wenk!
[Back at the Tree Fort]
[The quartet are watching another tape. On it, Ice King is throwing a party. A penguin walks off.]
Ice King [on tape]: Gunther, no! Gunther... [Another penguin reacts to the name] Dance pa— [The penguin looks away again] GUNTHER! [Penguin turns to Ice King again] Dance party! [This second penguin runs to Ice King, who dances.]
[Jake eats a snack. Finn tries to reach for a snack, but can't. Jake helps him. Furina is busy feeding Y/n snacks and he is doing the same to her.]
Finn: Thanks, Gunther.
Jake: [Chuckles and munches snack] You're Gunther. [Chuckles with Finn]
[On the tape, the second penguin exits the party.]
Ice King: Oh, fine! Who needs you? More dance party for us, right, Gunther? [Slow song plays and Ice King blushes.] Oh... Eh... [Chuckles nervously] May I have this dance? Heh! [Dances with penguin]
Finn: There's probably some evil secrets coming up. [Banging is heard on the front door.] Someone wants to see the secret tapes!
Jake: What? Oh, but I was so clear in my flier!
Y/n: I have a strong feeling it's the Ice King...
Furina: You probably are right.
[THe two look to see Finn and BMO runnign towards the window]
Jake: Wait! Wait!
Finn/BMO: What?
Furina: You guys are too loud, you need to be more quiet, please.
Finn: [Whispering] Oh! You're right. [To BMO] More quietly!
[BMO turns down its volume.]
BMO: I am quieter now.
Jake: Cool.
[The three tip-toe towards the window and peek through it, while Y/n uses a small fire orb to see from above while Furina uses Surintendante Chevalmarin to look. Ice King is knocking on the door.]
Ice King: Hey, guys, it's me. Can I come in and watch the secret tapes with you? I brought some gifts! [Looks up]
[The trio and the two familiars dive from the window.]
Finn/Jake: Aah!
Y/n: I think his mate saw us.
[More banging on the front door.]
Y/n: Yes! Yes he did!
Ice King: Eh... No one's home. Guess I'll go away. [Starts to walk away]
Furina: Thank goodness, I thought he would never leave.
Y/n: Well shit...
Ice King: [Noticing noise] Huh?
Finn: Just turn your alarm off!
Ice King: Hmm. That sounds like BMO! [Knocks on door again]
BMO: My alarm says it's time for Finn's bath. Finn, get naked.
Y/n: [whispering] Don't you dare Finn! Just hit your snooze button!
BMO: I cannot self-snooze. It's against my programming.
Furina: [Whispering] Well, then, tell me how to do it!
BMO: Press and hold. [She does so.] Then, press the button on top of my head. [She does it. BMO makes a "car alarm off" noise.] I'm sorry.
Furina: It's alright sweetheart. Can't blame you.
[More banging.]
Finn: He must know we're watching his tapes. We need to find his secrets faster.
[Scene transition. The group view another tape, on which Ice King is crying.]
Ice King [on tape]: Oh, diary! Thank you for listening to me!
Finn: Fast-forward, BMO.
[Slowed down, the tape says: "Y'know, diary, I've been meaning to tell you something insanely private...I'm serious,! Fill my bathtub full of milk and sit in it like I'm a magic angel! There, I said it. My, the milk is dense. But when I poke my little toes up from the milk, it startles me, but I giggle! I giggle, diary. I get cold toes, but I giggle! And then I fall asleep, and the milk curdles and I get all stinky and sticky. Disgusting, diary, I'm disgusting! I'm disgusting...I'm disgusting and I smell like curdled milk! Okay, so anyway, back to the Turtle Princess."]
Y/n: Back to Normal BMO, this looks important.
Ice King [on tape]: So there we are. Turtle Princess is frozen and in my little ice wheelbarrow, and there was... magic in the air. We were both feeling it. [Scowls] But before I could leave the library, Y/n, Finn, and Jake show up. You know how Jake is. Stretch this, stretch that, bah! He knocks off my crown and then Finn bonks me on the nose and Y/n burns my butt. Still hurts, too. The worst part is Turtle Princess took away my library card! [Sighs] You know, dear diary, I'm starting to worry that all these entries sound exactly the same, and that my life is just me running in place on some... giant hamster wheel.
Furina: [Sighs tiredly] Fast-forward, sweetie.
[Slowed down, the tape says: "This reminds me of the time that I got stuck in my bathroom. There was this squirrel- don't ask. Anyway, long story short, imagine me crouched down on the kitchen floor. Gunther got caught in the toilet paper! I'm like, 'hey guys, you want the yarn or the medicine?' and the toilet paper's like, 'pop!'" Workout music begins playing and the Ice King continues to speak in the background as Y/n, Furina, Finn, and Jake talk.]
Jake: I'm gonna take a nap...
Y/n: Furina is already way ahead of you.
[Furina is sleeping peacefully. Y/n is holding her close as she snuggles into his chest with light cute snores.]
Finn: No! These tapes are important! We just don't know why yet. BMO, fast-forward to triple speed!
BMO: Okay.
[BMO does so. On the tape, Ice King is working out.]
Finn: BMO, play normal speed.
Ice King [on tape]: [Trying to lift weights] Come on, baby... in the pocket... [Huffs, out of breath] I can't do it...
Jake: Maybe he's talkin' in secret code.
Finn: Telling evil secrets in secret code... He's brilliant!
Jake: Well, how do we decode the secrets?
Y/n: I mean it's possible but I ain't gonna say it is a secret code, but if it is we could call Bonnie and Ichigo, maybe even Briar and Marcy might know.
Finn: Y/n, you're brilliant!
Y/n: Tell me something I don't know.
[Scene transition. Y/n is calling everyone. Meanwhile, Ice King climbs to the upper story window, laughing deviously.]
Y/n: Yo Bonnie, is Ichigo with you?
Ichigo: I'm here dad.
Y/n: We found a bunch of tapes. Finn and Jake think their might be secret codes in them.
Bonnie: Codes?
Y/n: Yeah, I honestly think they are kinda stupid, a possible encoding or a secret meaning.
Bonnie: Then you called the right mother and son code cracking duo.
Ichigo: We should start with-
[The line gets cut.]
Y/n: Hello?
Finn: What happened?
Y/n: Got disconnected. Probably an accident.
[He re-dials.]
Ice King: [On other end, imitating Princess Bubblegum] Hello, N/n. [Giggles]
Y/n: [thinking] Does he think I'm some kinda idiot... might as well mess with him a bit. [outloud] Hey Babe, bad connection?
Ice King: Must be,
BMO: Ice King is on the phone outside!
Y/n: [covering the phone] Yeah I know he is, I'm just gonna mess with him cause I'm bored. [back on the phone] So how's the weather back at the Kingdom and how's Ichigo.
Ice King: [Still imitating Bubblegum] Oh, the usual. There's ice everywhere and it smells like penguins! Also Ichigo is doing lovely, he's started learning the drums.
Y/n: Okay first off, you are the only one who smells like penguins. And also, Ichigo doesn't want to learn drums, he's currently learning the synthesizer.
Ice King: [Gasps; normal voice] How did you—
Y/n: You really think you can fool me by doing a horrible imitation of my own wife? Yeah I ain't stupid, what do you really want?
Ice King: I wanna watch secret tapes with you guys. It'll be nice.
[Y/n just hangs up]
Y/n: Alright so he has no clue we are watching his tapes.
Finn: We gotta find these evil secrets before he uses them against us!
Ice King: Oh... Fine. No more nice. NOW YOU GET ICE!! [Flies up and activates his ice magic] Try watching those tapes with FROZEN EYEBALLS!
[Ice King laughs evilly as he sprays snow on the Tree Fort. Jake screams.]
[Part 2]
[Sometime later Jake is still screaming]
Jake: Jake: ...AAAAAAAAAaaa [singing] aaaloutte, gentille Alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai. Je te plumerai la tête! Je te plumerai la tête! Alouette, [Flopping lips with fingers] je te plumerai!
[Finn and BMO applaud him while a now awaken Furina gives him a raised eyebrow]
Furina: I'll admit, you do know all the worlds, but I suggest you practice more.
Jake: Like you could-
Y/n: She's an opera singer remember? She IS better than you at it.
Jake: Fair Enough.
Finn: Anyway, start the next video, BMO. We gotta crack the code on the Ice King's evil secret tapes!
[Outside, the Ice King finishes covering the Tree Fort with snow. He grunts angrily.]
Finn: Brrrr... You guys cold?
Jake: Yeah, it's kinda chilly in here.
Y/n: My DNA doesn't allow me to get cold, but I'm sure Furina is cold.
Furina: Yeah I am...
[Finn rewinds the tape. Ice King clears the snow to look through a window. Finn, Jake, and BMO are now wearing sweaters and have the fireplace lit. Y/n and Furina are in their own winter outfits.]
Finn: Remind me again why you decided to wear that, I thought you said you can't get cold.
Y/n: Just because I can't get cold doesn't mean I can't look stylish as hell. Also I didn't want Furina to be left out cause look how damn adorable she looks right now.
[Furina blushes and hits Y/n on the arm. He chuckles and pulls her into his lap while she smiles and snuggles in]
Ice King: [To himself] Agh... What's on those tapes...? I can kinda... make it out... Dang it, BMO, just turn to your right a little.... Ugh!! By the power of ice... I want your cup of cocoa to fall over. [BMO's hot chocolate freezes, rises from the cup, and knocks the cup over.] Yes! Now turn and pick it up... [BMO turns of his own accord.] Yes... Yes... [Gasps as he views himself on BMO's screen] That's... me? [Beat] THEY'RE WATCHING MY SECRET TAPES?! [Goes away from window angrily] And they're cozy. I'll show them. [Makes snowman] This snowman looks pretty good. [Smiles] Pretty darn good! [He puts a face on it and laughs playfully.]
[Inside, the group are watching a tape of Ice King crying. A penguin comes up.]
Penguin [On tape]: Wenk.
Ice King [On tape]: Could I have five more minutes, please?
[The penguin walks away; Ice King continues crying. Finn and Jake stare awkwardly at the screen. A screen bug pops up that says, "You're reading AN IMMORTALS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL—ON THENOXUSGRANDWRITER'S WATTPAD PAGE." The video deactivates.]
BMO: I think I can break the code, Finn.
Y/n: Oh?
BMO: Yes. I have detected a noticeable pattern in the tears of sadness that fall from the Ice King's eyeballs. [BMO demonstrates on the screen.] His tears drop at an equal rate until the thirteenth tear, when the right eye drops two tears instead of one.
Finn: Whoa...
Furina: That's a bit interesting.
Y/n: Huh, nice job picking up on that BMO.
BMO: The thirteenth letter of the alphabet is "M." If I print the letter "M" every time the Ice King says an "M" word, it looks like this! [Prints paper]
Finn: Oh, my Glob, Jake... Is this it? Could this be the Ice King's evil secret? [The paper shows ASCII art of a penguin.] [Furiously ripping up paper] WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!
Y/n: I think it just means that the Ice King can cry in ASCII art, which is actually kinda impressive.
[Outside, Ice King is pacing back and forth in front of a snowman army.]
Ice King: Some of you won't survive this. You'll melt or split in half or your head will fall off... but that's fine... because you're made of snow. Only one thing matters today! Getting into that tree house, getting my tapes back, and beating up Finn and Jake! But you will most likely lose to Y/n and that girl. [Beat] But Maybe BMO. Yeah, BMO too! Who's with me?! [No response] Hey, why're you guys so quiet? Are you mad? [Snaps] Oh, that's right. You're not alive yet. My bad.
[He uses his ice magic to put life into the snowmen. The snowmen yell and grunt. The group notice the noise and run towards the window. When Y/n opens the curtains, Ice King right in front of the window.]
Ice King: Gimme my tapes back.
Finn: No, man! I know you've got evil secrets on these, and we're gonna find 'em!
Ice King: Snowmen! Attack!
[The snowmen come towards Ice King and attack him.]
Y/n: Welp that will keep him busy...
Furina: He is not bright at all... kinda reminds me of Wriothesley a bit.
Y/n: Hey now that's an insult to Wriothesley.
[The two laugh]
Finn: [Closing curtain] Crip, guys! We gotta unravel these evil secrets at warp-crazy!
Y/n: Quickly! To mine and Furina's room, it's the saftest place in the house!
[The group goes to Y/n and Furina's room to watch another tape.]
Ice King [On tape]: Good morning. You're watching the evening news. There's been an unfortunate event. Let's go talk to some witnesses. [He turns the camera to an imprisoned Wildberry Princess.] Princess, what is your name?
Wildberry Princess [On tape]: Please! Let me go home!
Ice King: [Jokingly] So, Princess "Please-let-me-go-home," what was it like to experience this tragedy?
Wildberry Princess: What? [Stammering] I... I don't... uh... um...
Ice King: Yeah, we're on air, honey, so spit it out.
Wildberry Princess: I... I don't know what you're talking about.
Ice King: Obviously traumatized and in a state of shock. Let's go ask somebody else something. [Turns camera upside-down] Upside-down Princess, do you think things will change politically because of today's events?
Ice King: Obviously traumatized and in a state of shock. Let's go ask somebody else something. [Turns camera upside-down] Upside-down Princess, do you think things will change politically because of today's events?
Ice King: Well, there ya have it, folks. People are very upset that Gunther tried to eat Ice King's socks! Very upset! That's why Gunther has to stay in the corner! [Turns camera to a penguin]
Finn: Weird... [A loud sound is heard] He's sneakin' in through the chimney!
Y/n: Don't worry, it's the farthest place from my room and besides, my door is reinforced. It'll take time to break open.
[Ice King busts horizontally though the chimney into the tree house.]
Ice King: Ah... The element of surprise... Ah, jeez, I'm filthy. [Takes off robe] Well, now I'm cleaner, but I'm also nakeder. [Goes to another room and notices a table full of delicious-looking food.] Ohh! Mmm... [Licks lips] Just what I need... [He pulls the table cloth from under the dishes, shattering and spilling everything on the table.] Hehehehe... [Dons red cloth; goes to door and opens it to reveal four waiting snowmen] Come on, come on!
[The snowmen enter the house. Ice King pulls out a locket with pictures of Y/n, Finn, and Jake in it to show the snowmen what they look like. The snowmen scour the house.]
[Back in the bedroom, Finn and Jake are watching a tape of Ice King singing a cover of Marceline's Fry Song.]
Jake: Yeeeesh....
Y/n: How the hell does he even know about that song....
[Back in the other room, a snowman opens the refrigerator and motions the other three snowmen to join him. The four snowmen look through the refrigerator. Ice King angrily shoos them away.]
Ice King: [Whispering to a snowman looking in a fruit bowl] They wouldn't be in the fruit bowl! [The snowman has an apple stuck on his face.] Ohhh! Well, look at you with your nose shining so bright! You're so unique! Hehe! I'll name you Red-nose, and make you leader of the pack! [He accidentally knocks the apple off the snowman's face.] Eh... Well, now you look boring. [The snowman makes a devastated face. Ice King picks up the apple.] You want somethin' done right, ya gotta do it yourself. [Sticks apple on nose and smiles]
[In the bedroom, the group are watching another tape of Ice King crying. A couple of snowman break in finally and uncover the group.]
Y/n: Note to self, reinforce the door more.
Ice King: Now gimme my evil tapes back!! They're supposed to be buried!! In the ground!! [Fires ice blast at them, who dodge it.] Snow goons!!
[While Y/n, Finn, and Jake fight, BMO goes into hiding]\
BMO: Oh, no!
Y/n: Furina go with BMO.
Furina: Right!
[Jake grabs a snowman. Ice King freezes the snowman, trapping Jake. Finn fights another snowman while Y/n melts one.]
BMO: Finn! Y/n! There is one more tape!
Y/n: Play it!
Ice King: [Urging] No, BMO, please don't play it.
[BMO does anyway. The final video activates. A human man is viewed on the screen. Y/n notices and his powers instantly deactivate.]
Y/n: S-Simon?
Simon [On tape]: Hello. My name is Simon Petrikov. I am recording this tape so that people will know my story. Are you sure you have the camera recording Y/n?
Y/n (Y): [On tape] Yeah I got it Mr. Petrikov!
Simon [On tape]: Thank you Y/n. I was studying to be an antiquarian of ancient artifacts. Now, I never believed in the supernatural stuff myself—just had a fascination with superstitions... but everything changed when I met a young Y/n L/n who had the ability to wield fire, my belief got even stronger when I came into contact with this item....
[Simon slowly opens a safe and takes out a gem-encrusted crown. Finn and Jake look surprised. Y/n's eyes are being to well up with tears while Furina notices and hugs him.]
Finn/Jake: The Ice King!! [Interested, they sit down to listen closer. Ice King comes closer as well. After a few seconds Y/n regains his composure and joins them with Furina.]
Simon: After purchasing this crown from an old dock worker in northern Scandinavia, I brought it home and excitedly showed my fiancée Betty and my apprentice Y/n, [Putting crown on] and jokingly put it on my head just for a laugh or something... and that's when it started... The visions... [Whispering] I fought with them... [Raising his voice, frightened] Shouted at them until I realized it wasn't real—it was the crown!! [Taking crown off] I quickly took it off... and saw my fiancée in front of me... [Whispering] looking at me with such contempt. Y/n looked a bit shaken up but knowing his past I wasn't too worried, but still concern was there. What had I said? What had I done when I wore this crown? All I know is that I and Y/n never saw Betty again.
Y/n (Y): I'm sure she'll be back Mr. Petrikov. It's only a matter of time.
Simon: Your optimism is always welcomed Y/n, thank you.
[Another recording activates. Simon now has paler hair, blue skin, and stubble on his chin. A younger Y/n is sitting across from him.]
Simon: Since then, I see the visions always whether or not I wear the crown. They tell me the secrets... the secrets of the ice and snow... that the power of the crown will save me with its frost. I don't yet know what this means. As you can see, my skin is beginning to turn blue. My body temperature has been lowering at a supernatural rate, to what is now about 30°C. Y/n has tried to use his powers to fix me, but they aren't working. I don't know when it will end... I'm really scared...
Y/n (Y): Uh Mr. Petrikov. That snow storm is looking really bad.
Simon: So it is Y/n... so it is...
[Another recording activates. Simon now has a white mustache and beard. Y/n cannot be seen]
Simon: I know my mind is changing... but I'm already too far gone to know what to do. Y/n left a few weeks ago, I don't know what happened to him, he just vanished. I want people to know that... if I do things... if I do things that hurt anyone, please... please forgive me. Y/n if you ever find this... I'm sorry...
[Another recording activates. Simon now very closely resembles Ice King.]
Simon: Just watch over me until I can find a way out of this labyrinth in my brain and regain my sanity!! And then maybe Betty, my princess... maybe you will love me again. [Sobbing] Please love me again, Betty!!
[Ice King cries.]
Y/n: So that's what happened after I left...
Jake: Drrr-AMA bomb!!
Ice King: Now you know my secret! You know... that I used to wear glasses!
Finn: Y/n... why didn't you tell us about any of this?
Y/n: I don't like remembering my childhood Finn... those were dark times... I promise though soon I'll tell you everything... just not now... Anyway... Ice King, wait. BMO, eject tape, please. [BMO ejects the tape, sending it flying into the case with the other tapes. Y/n grabs the case and walks over to Ice King.] Here, Simon.
Ice King: What's this? You're giving me... a gift.
Y/n: Yeah.... if that's what you want to call it then sure...
Ice King: Thank you Y/n.
Y/n: Of course, it's the least I can do to make up for what I did.
This is so exciting! [Opens case] Video tapes! Heh, you know, I had a bunch of these once, but I threw them away! This is great, Y/n! Thank you!
Ice King: Oh! I have presents for you guys, too! [Goes to get them; Y/n, Furina, Finn, and Jake look at each other.] Here. It's a small pine tree. I chopped it down in one foul swoop! And this [a skunk that is either stuffed or dead] is for you!
Jake: [Taking skunk] Uh... thanks.
Furina: How sweet...
Ice King: Oh, isn't this fun?! We're giving each other presents, we're wearing silly clothes, there's snow everywhere... Let's do this every day!
Y/n: That's now how this works... Also we call this Christmas, it's usually done around this time of year anyway. So how about we do this every year round this time?
Ice King: [Laughing] Okay, that sounds good.
Shelby: And so it was decided... that once every year when the weather got chilly, that Y/n, Furina, Finn, Jake, the Ice King, BMO, Princess Bubblegum, Ichigo, Briar, Marceline the Vampire Queen, Cinnamon Bun, Peppermint Butler, Phil, a candy cane man, one of the gumdrop girls, Lady Rainicorn, Lumpy Space Princess, that guy, the other guy, a pig, Tree Trunks, a two-headed duck, the old crazy Tart Toter, the punch bowl, a booger, and Gunter... would get together while wearing really big sweaters and watch videos on the floor next to a fire... to celebrate the day when Y/n had a fleeting moment of empathy for the biggest weirdo in Ooo. It was a miracle. Good night.
[The Christmas special ends.]
(I hope you guys enjoyed the Christmas Special. I want to thank all of you for making 2023 the best year for my fanfictions. Merry Christmas Yall and Happy Holidays.)
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