Chapter 5: Ricardio the Heart Guy
(Y/n is basically going to replace Finn in this episode since this is kinda gonna hint ALOT to Y/n and Bonnie's past as lovers.)
[The episode begins with Ice King flying with Bonnie, cackling deviously.]
Y/n: Come on Ice King! This is getting real old!
Ice King: Huh?!
Y/n: Just unhand Bonnie dude, I ain't got time for this!
Ice King: Foolish interlopers! Zah! [Fires ice magic at Y/n]
[Y/n dodges and throws a ball of smoke at Ice King's eyes]
Ice King: Ee hee hee hee—OOH! [Gets hit by smokeball] MY EYESIGHT!
Y/n: Alright Jake, let's do the funny.
Jake: Gotcha Bro.
[Jake forms his posterior into Bonnie's shape while Y/n puts two rocks on it, representing her eyes. He replaces Bonnie with his posterior without Ice King noticing.]
Bonnie: Huh? Hee hee hee!
Y/n: If you think are so cool Ice King, then go ahead and kiss Bonnie..
Ice King: I will kiss her! I will! [To "princess"] Hold still. [Kisses Jake's posterior] Mwah!
Y/n: [laughs] You sure you don't need glasses? Cause that ain't Bonnie.
Ice King: What?! [Jake reforms his posterior.] EEEEGH!! [The other three laugh.] [Flying away] The hour is yours, but the day shall be mine! Just like you, Princess—MINE!
Bonnie: What a patoot. Thanks for saving the day yet again, boys.
Y/n: Anytime, Bonnie [She hugs him.] Aw Hugs are nice.[He hugs back and Jake raises his eyebrow, amused.]
Bonnie: I'm gonna throw you two a party. Meet at the Candy Kingdom—TONIGHT!
[The three cheer. "PARTY TIME" logo pops up and balloons fill up the screen to shift to the next scene. Y/n and Jake are walking to the Candy Castle through the Cotton Candy Forest.]
Y/n: It really sucks that Finn couldn't join us.
Jake: Well, he did have that important Hero Seminar to attend..
Y/n: Yeah, he's not going to have any fun though, those things are BORING as hell.
Jake: Heh. I bet you wish you were my butt.
Y/n: What the hell?!
I bet you wish you were my butt, because then the princess would... No, wait... I bet you wish you were the Ice King and the princess was my butt!
Y/n: [smirking] You do realize I've reached Tier 15 with her right?
Jake: YOU HAVE?!
Y/n: Oh hell yeah, me and Bonnie used to be in a threesome relationship with another girl but after.... the incident.... the two ladies drifted apart and I've been trying to mend it ever since.
Jake: That's rough buddy.
Y/n: Yeah, it really is... [thinking] I wonder how Marcy is doing these days, it's been a few years since our last time together.
[Hard cut to the Candy Castle]
Peppermint Butler: Hey, everybody. Y/n and Jake are here.
Jake: Who's ready to party?!
[The crowd seems focused on and gathered around something else. Y/n and Jake confusedly look at each other.]
Y/n: What's going on here?
Wildberry Princess: Shh!
Ricardio: Stand back, everyone. This style of massage is called, "Best Friend Massage."
LSP: Oh, my gosh...
Ricardio: Because it can only be done for friends. It is completely consensual.
LSP: Oh, holy cow...
Ricardio: Relax yourself now, Lumpy Space Princess... YAH! [Backflips and lands on her back]
LSP: Oh! I feel so great!
Y/n: Who the hell is that?
Ricardio: Hahaaa!
[Jake shrugs. A fanfare is heard and Bonnie enters.]
Bonnie: Greetings, party-goers! Glad you could all make it!
Y/n: Yo Bonnie! [Ricardio stares at her and he himself starts "beating" hard.] How are you tonight-
LSP: [Cutting in] Oh, my gosh! PB, ya gotta check out this super cute guy. You're gonna love 'im. [They leave Y/n and Jake.]
Y/n: Well that was kinda rude..
LSP: This is... Oh. Oh, my gosh. I don't even know your name.
Ricardio. Ricardio at your service. I've been waiting all evening to meet you, Princess. [Kissing her hand] Mwah! [Y/n just looks on.] I've heard you appreciate ancient technology. Have you ever used the balbaflonic laser to align the hybernotalist rift in the bubaflon plasmodial formation?
Bonnie: Whoa! No, I haven't! [Music starts up; crowd moves to the dance floor.] Wanna continue this conversation on the dance floor?
Ricardio: [Exiting with her] It would be my pleasure, Princess.
Y/n: Well that was something...
Jake: Don't you wanna dance with her?
Y/n: I mean kinda.
Jake: If you wanna dance, just go dance!
Y/n: She's already dancing with him. I don't like i- [His eyes widen] Oh no...
Jake: What's wrong?
Y/n: My jealously! It's back!
Jake: Alright I have a solution.
Y/n: What is it?
Jake: You said she was in love with you once, maybe she still is! So get out there and dance with her! [Pushes him onto the dance floor]
Ricardio: [To Bonnie] —transmordial layers completely independent of the babylons. Eh?
Bonnie: Wow! That would mean that the babylons would fluctuate with the piranha-nanosphere!
Ricardio: Correct!
Y/n: [walking up to Bonnie] Excuse me for a second, but I was wondering if I could get a dance with the lovely lady?
Ricardo: Of course, Excuse me, Princess. You must excuse me. [Exits]
Bonnie: Oh, uh... Alright! [To Y/n] N/n, what the cabbage? I was learning about Zanoits!
Y/n: You mean the fact they kill hundreds of thousands of Plantoids a year?
Bonnie: Oh uh...
Y/n: And the fact that Plantoids produce mellotoxin which kills Zanoits.
Bonnie: [Changing the subject] You're totally jealous of Ricardio.
Y/n: [scoffs] I am not.
Bonnie: Yes you are, when you get jealous you start acting really smart.
Y/n: No I don't.
Bonnie: [she puts a hand on his cheek] Don't worry, there's nothing going on, besides after that one night and the ritual we did, my heart belongs to you and your heart belongs to me.
Y/n: Don't forget about-
Bonnie: She's not here right now, it's just us.
Y/n: Right, of course.
[The two continue to dance for a while before Jake appears.]
Jake: Hey, Bro. You gotta come help me slay these peanut monsters at the bar. It can't wait. [He and Y/n are alone.] Wow, man, what happened out there?
Y/n: Nothing bad, she assured me there's nothing between her and him. But I still can't shake a feeling I'm getting.
Jake: What feeling?
Y/n: There's something very off about Ricardio. His energy feels familar...
Jake: Familar how?
Y/n: Like we've dealt with him before?
Jake: Weird, you thinking of a stakeout?
Y/n: Yeah, you in?
[Scene shifts to outside in the Candy Kingdom. Y/n and Jake are on a roof, and Y/n is looking through binoculars.]
Y/n: Alright, let's get to work. [Viewing Ricardio and Bonnie] They're talking..
Jake: Lemme see. [Gets binoculars] I can read their lips. [Mimicking Bonnie] "Hey, shorty, you should pick your boogers and then fart!" [Mimicking Ricardio] "You look kind of like a big pink baguette!"
Y/n: While that was funny, we should still act serious.
Jake: Don't get me wrong. I'm all about stakeouts and spying on this guy, but what if he's not a villain? What if he just looks wicked? Some people look wicked but are super nice.
Y/n: I know, I know, but my aura sensing is going haywire. He's just so damn familar!
Jake: [Grabbing gut] Hmm.
Y/n: He's on the move! Let's roll! [The two swing onto a Guardian of the Royal Promise.] I see him. He's got some rope and is looking through the trash... now he's got a bottle and pretending like he's in downtown Detroit.
Jake: So... he's recycling... or what?
Y/n: It's Downtown Detroit, there is no recycling.
Y/n: Now he's with... The Ice King! Their energies are exactly the same! Ricardo knows the Ice King! The two are now shouting at each other like a couple about to get divorced.[Ice King and Ricardio quarrel.] Ricardio is tossing him in the dumpster and running away!
Jake: Woah? Really? Are we sure he's not good?
Y/n: Name one good guy who throws a villain in a dumpster instead of turning them in?
Jake: Okay fair enough.
Y/n: Let's go, we have to confront him.
[Scene cuts to downtown in the Candy Kingdom. Ricardio walks deviously and accidentally runs into Y/n.]
Ricardio: Oof!
Y/n: Hello Ricardio, lovely night for a walk isn't it? What are you doing out this late?
Ricardio: That's none of your business.
Y/n: When it comes to Bonnie, it is MY business.
Jake: He just want's to know if you are evil or not.
Ricardo: Oh, yeah?
Y/n: Yeah, that's why he asked?
Ricardo: Oh, yeah.
Y/n: Jesus Christ, Yes! I suggest you stay away from Bonnie.
Ricardio: Now that my plan is nearly complete, there is no way you could stop me.
Y/n: Oh really now?
Ricardio: Oh, yeah?
Y/n: Can we not do this?
Ricardio: Of course. Right to the Violence then. [He then punches himself in the face as Bonnie enters]
Bonnie: [Gasps] What's going on here?
Y/n: Bonnie?
Bonnie: Ricardio?!
Ricardio: [Weakly] Yes... I'm alright, Princess.
Bonnie: N/n... why did you do it?
Y/n: I didn't, he punched himself also how do you explain those ropes and bottles?
Bonnie: These were for our balbaflonic laser.
Y/n: Aww.... crap-baskets...
Ricardio: It's not all his fault, Princess. I might've looked a little threatening.
Bonnie: Y/n... you are a braniac, you know how fragile they can be! Maybe you are jealous...
Y/n: I can explain.
Bonnie: C'mon, Ricardio. I'll patch you up and give you candy. [They exit.]
Y/n: [sigh] Was I wrong? Was my aura sensing off for once?
Ice King: No, Y/n! [Emerges from dark alleyway] You were not wrong. He is evil! [Collapses]
Y/n: Ice King! What do you know about this? Also, what the hell happened to you? Did Ricardio do this?
Ice King: But my enervated condition has everything to do with him. [Flashback begins; Ice King does voice-over] I was trying to cast a spell that would give me total control of Princess Bubblegum's heart! ...But I messed it all up when the logo of a phoniex appeared on her heart... and lost control of mine. [Ricardio come's out of Ice King's chest in flashback. He runs towards the window laughing.] He planned to rip out Princess Bubblegum's heart... to make it his bride. [Ricardio sticks his tongue out and exits laughing.] Without my heart, I grew weak. [Ice King groans in flashback.] But I made my way to the Candy Kingdom to look for him. In an alleyway, I begged him to [In flashback, Ice King mouths these words as current Ice King says them] return to me and leave the princess alone. [Flashback ends.] But he threw me in the dumpster and left me for dead. [Reaching his hand out at Y/n] Stop Ricardio!
Y/n: Oh my god... THE RITUAL! That's why your spell screwed up!
Ice King: What?
Y/n: Nothing. Jake we have to go save Bonnie! [They run to the Candy Castle.]
[They enter.]
Jake: Princess Bubblegum!!
Y/n: Bonnie!
Bonnie: Y/n!!! Jake!!!
[She is tied up in the rope from earlier and Ricardio is next to her with the broken bottle in his hand.]
Ricardio: You were right all along, Y/n! Now I'm going to cut out Princess Bubblegum's heart and make out with it!
Y/n: No you wont... Not on my watch!
[They chase Ricardio, and Ricardio ends up next to Bubblegum again.]
Ricardio: One step closer and I'll remove her heart!!
Bonnie: N/n! I feel like a big idiot for doubting you! He was just so engaging! ...But his knowledge on plantoids is actually pretty weak. Yours is so much better!
Ricardio: Shut your mouth up, Princess! I'm gonna smooch that heart!! It will be my bride!!
[He attempts to reach for her heart but he is suddenly blasted back when the Logo of Phoneix appears on her heart.]
Ricardio: WHAT?! HOW?!
Y/n: Bonnie's heart belongs to me! Someone like you doesn't deserve it, you only want her for it! I love Bonnie for everything about her, her heart, her mind, her body, and her flaws and all!
[Bonnie blushes heavily at the statement]
Y/n: Now take this!
[Y/n grabs Ricardio and slams him hard into the ground leaving a crater]
Ice King: [Crawling in] Stop! Stop it! That's my heart, you piece of—
Y/n: Go ahead and take it back, better he stays in there then on the outside.
Jake: Good call, I don't wanna watch an old man die on Princess Bubblegum's carpet, man.
Ice King: Oh, yeah...
Ricardio: Wait! Wait! No!
Ice King: Come to daddy...
Ricardio: Noooooooooo!
Ice King: Yeah, there you go... [Puts him in his chest] Like that? Huh?
Ricardio: [Sinking into chest] Seeee you guys laterrrr...
Ice King: [Reinvigorated] I feel wonderful! Hahaha! And now that I've saved the Princess, she'll marry me and live in my dungeon every day!
Y/n: No she won't!
Bonnie: Yeah, no, I won't!
Ice King: Yes you WILL! [He charges up his ice magic, but Y/n roundhouse kicks him. He begins flying away.] Well... maybe not today... or tomorrow... but another day! Another—[Accidentally knocks head on door frame. He grunts in pain as he exits.]
[Scene cuts to a dining room in the castle. Y/n and Bubblegum are eating spaghetti.]
Bonnie: Thanks again for saving me... again.
Y/n: No problem Bonnie, I'll always save you when you are in trouble.
Bonnie: Now that Ricardio's gone, you don't have to be jealous of anyone anymore. [Winks]
Y/n: I wasn't jealous.
Bonnie: Sure you weren't. Anyway, did you mean what you said back there? Do you still love me?
Y/n: I do, despite everything that's happened, I still love you and Marcy. I can't stop loving you that's my biggest flaw.
Bonnie: And I love you for it.
[The two look into each others eyes for a moment before Bonnie pulls Y/n into a deep and passionate kiss. This continues for a few minutes before they have to separate for air.]
Y/n: Wow...
Bonnie: Let's continue this in the royal chambers~
Y/n: Yes Ma'am!
[He then picks her up and the two continue to make out as they make their way to Bonnie's Royal Chambers]
A/n: Do you guys want to see a Lemon for Bonnie and Y/n. If this line reaches 50 comments, I'll make one that takes place right after this.
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