Chapter 37: Dad's Dungeon
(This chapter and the next chapter are gonna be HUGE story changers. Get ready. BTW this is a Y/n Chapter)
[The story begins on the boat of the Tree Fort. Y/n, Finn, Jake, and BMO are lounging around. Finn yawns.]
Jake: Alright. Whaddaya wanna see next?
Finn: A cheetah! A fart!
BMO: A cookie! An external hard drive! Ooh, ooh! Change into Finn, but give him my body!
Finn: BMO, your ideas are boring.
BMO: What? Your head on my body isn't boring! It's weird! [Giggles]
Y/n: Gotta admit, he's right. That one was kinda lame BMO..
BMO: You know nothing!
Jake: Alright, I'll try to turn into a cheetah farting. [Turns into a cheetah and makes a long farting sound while moving his face and tail around his body.] I can't do the spots.
Y/n: If you could, it would be pretty impressive.
[The group notices sparkles on the Tree Fort's leafroof.]
Finn: Sparkles on the house? LET'S SQUISH 'EM!
Y/n: I swear if you two destroy the tree-
[Finn and Jake jump into the Fort through the weeping willow leaves.]
Y/n: Why do I even bother?
[He jumps in after them. They chase the sparkles to a secret room in the Fort, containing a holo-message player and a holo-cartridge.]
Jake: Did you squish the sparkles?
Finn: No. They're around this holo-message player. It's got a cartridge with it.
Y/n: Oh so that's where I put it, been looking for that for a while.
Jake: Oh, snap! [Claps once] Well, plop that cartridge in the slot, playah!
Finn: Yeah! Okay! [Inserts cartridge into holo-player]
[The holo-player activates, and the late Joshua walks into view in the 3D holo video.]
Joshua [On tape]: [Clears throat] Hello, boys. [Coughs] I'm going to assume Y/n is there as well.
Finn/Jake: DAD!
Y/n: Man been a while since I've seen Joshua, still sad I couldn't be there when he passed. But we can worry about that later, pay attention you two.
Joshua [On tape]: If you're hearing this prerecorded hologram message, it's because I passed on, and my spirit sparkles combined with Y/n's magic guided you to its secret hiding place. Right now, I'm holding both of you in my hands. You're both still little squishy babies. [Finn cries and Jake chuckles. Joshua scowls at Finn who is still crying. He lets them both crawl away. Joshua has a disappointed look on his face.] I made you boys something. It's a dungeon. A proper dungeon. Full of evil monsters, traps, and magic. The whole kazoo! I even had a little help from Y/n.
Finn/Jake: Whoa! Kickin'! Kickin'!
Joshua [On tape]: Now, this next part of the message is just for you, Jake and most likely Y/n as well, so Finn, cover your ears. [Finn covers his hat's ears.] Jake... really, this dungeon is for Finn. Y/n already knows this. I know I won't be around forever, and I wanna make something that will force Finn to toughen up.
Y/n: And trust me, it will. I made sure of that.
Joshua [On tape]: Now, tell Finn to uncover his ears now.
Jake: Dude, take your hands off your head.
Finn: WHAT?!
[Y/n slaps Finn's arms off his head.]
Joshua [On tape]: Alright, boys. Now to give you some incentive, at the end of the dungeon will be the ultimate prize. I would tell you but that would ruin the surprise..
[Just then, the Blood Demon appears behind Joshua in a wall of flames. A hologram version of Y/n then appears.]
Finn: Whoa, what the--?!
Jake: Whoa, dang!
Blood Demon [On tape]: Give me back my blood, Joshua!
Y/n [On tape]: I'll deal with him Joshua! Kee Oth Rama Pancake.
[A portal appears behind the Blood Demon and Y/n tackles him through it.]
Y/n: [On tape] I'LL BE BACK!
[The portal disappears in flames]
Y/n: I was back before Dinner. Ah those were good times.
Jake: Whoa!!
Finn: Geez-louise!
[Finn and Jake high-five.]
Joshua [On tape]: The dungeon's eighty paces west of here under a dumb-lookin' rock. And Finn, this dungeon's gonna kick your tail. I bet you won't even get past the first trial, ya whiny baby!
[The player deactivates.]
Finn: What?? What was that about?
Y/n: Nothing you need to worry about Finn.
[Scene switches to outside in the grasslands. Y/n, Finn, and Jake are near the dumb-looking rock.]
Dumb Rock: Duh... duh... du-ugh... duh...
Y/n: Jesus Christ... I really did pick a dumb rock.... Come on let's get in there.
[Y/n pushes the rock aside revealing a hole. He jumps down.]
Finn: Whoo! [He reaches the floor and sees a pile of burgers and a pile of hotdogs. Jake drops down.]
Jake: Whoa! Burgers and hotdogs! Yeah, yeah, YEAH! [Runs towards the food]
Y/n: God I remember cooking all of these... My powers were DRAINED by the end of these. God now I'm hungry.
Finn: Wait, Jake! Y/n!
Jake/Y/n: [Stops] But... burgers and hotdogs..
Finn: Didn't you two say you were hungry for burgers this morning?
Jake: Yeah, so?
Y/n: I did, still see nothing wrong with them. Still, I did make these. So they should fine to eat.
Finn: And I said I was hungry for hotdogs?
Y/n: I remember that.
Finn: I don't think those burgers and hotdogs are burgers and hotdogs at all.
[Finn stops in front of the hotdogs. The ketchup on one of them suddenly turns into mustard. Finn kicks it [Aaaaaah... BOO!] and the Hamburger Monster and the Hot Dog Monster awaken. Jake attempts to run and Y/n grabs hold of him. Finn charges, dodges the Hot Dog Monster's attack, and jumps on it; he runs on it until it head-butts him and Jake to the ground. It attempts to do the same to Y/n but he just keeps dodging with his hands in his pockets. When the monster picks its head back up, Finn and Jake are seen to be still on it. When the monster attempts to slam its face on the ground again, Finn takes out its brain, and Jake says, "Ew." The duo lands in the Hamburger Monster and its heads explode. Finn and Jake quickly escape with Y/n right behind them and Finn kicks the exit with a, "HI-YAH!!" making it crumble. Jake approaches a hamburger which is part of the Hamburger Monster and attempts to eat it.]
Jake: Aaaahh...
Finn: [Slaps Jake] DUDE!!
Finn: Y/n you said you made those and they were safe to eat!
Y/n: Yeah they are, for me. I infused them with stuff only a reaper can eat. That's how they came to life and were evil. Besides Joshua asked me to make em.
Finn: Huh Interesting [Notices the next cartridge on a pedestal] Look!
[The trio runs up to it, and Finn places the cartridge in the player. The player activates.]
Joshua [On tape]: Finn, cover up those nubs on your head.
Finn: Man... again? [Does it]
Joshua [On tape]: Alright. Hey, Jake, Y/n, I wanna remind you what this dungeon's for. [Y/n enters the room with a crying Finn] In order for Finn to stop whining, he needs to be put through a trial that forces him to take charge of a situation.
Jake: But Dad, Y/n, Finn's already figured that out. He's a good kid with a kind heart.
Y/n: [On tape] You gotta remember Jake this is a prerecorded holo-message. The two of us can't hear you, well the current me probably can.
Finn: [His ears are still covered.] I'm gonna go walk around!
Jake: Okay!
Joshua [On tape]: Jake, I need your help. When Y/n calls Finn a whiny baby, you gotta promise not to say ANYTHING.
Jake: But—
Joshua [On tape]: Butts are for pooping! Do it for Poppy!
[Player deactivates.]
Y/n: You heard em Jake. I gotta call him a whiny baby and then I'm gonna have to deal with an angry Bria, not looking forward to that.
Jake: [Putting player in backpack] Finn!
Finn: Over here! [Jake and Y/n run towards him.] Check it out, Jake, Y/n. I found two ways. This way has some kinda flower trap, and that way... has that guy.
Ugly Monster: None shall pass!
Jake: Ugh... Let's take the flower path!
Finn: [Nodding] Mmm.
Ugly Monster: Wait! Why don't you wanna take my path?!
Y/n: Do I really gotta remind you why I put you in this dungeon?
Ugly Monster: No Sir...
Finn: Cheer up, man. We're only tellin' you you're gross because we're your bros.
Ugly Monster: Really?
Y/n: No.
[Finn elbows Y/n in the stomach which does nothing but Y/n pretends it does]
Finn: Bros are real with each other, and you're gross, brother. Take a bath.
Ugly Monster: Thanks, brother. Hahaha.
Finn: Hahaha, no probs. [He, Y/n, and Jake enter the Flower Path.] Hey, what did Dad say?
Y/n: He said he's surprised a whiny baby like you made it this far. I also said it too.
Finn: You're kidding right?
Y/n: Nope, you are a whiny baby.
Finn: Why would you say that? Jake is what he is saying true?
[Joshua appears in Jakes imagination]
Imaginary Joshua: Jake, do it for Poppy! [Disappears]
Jake: [Frustrated sigh] Yeah... Because... you cry like a baby... Baby!
Finn: Dude... you're pickin' on me, too?
Jake: [Nods] [He turns and notices the fruit witches laughing.] Whoa.
[The three fruit witches are seen floating over a table filled with various delicious-looking fruit.]
Finn: I don't even cry much. I only cry when it's healthy, like when people die.
Y/n: Briar tells me you cry to her a lot.
Finn: I mean she's my girlfriend, aren't I supposed to do that?
Y/n: I mean yeah, but she says you do it too much.
Brown-haired witch: Partake of the fruit... [She gets some of her hair in Finn's mouth.]
Finn: Pff, blech... If I didn't cry when people died or needed to vent to my girlfriend, I'd have a cold butt for a heart.
Y/n: I mean true, but still there's a thing such as too much crying.
Blonde witch: The fruuuuit...
Jake: [Mocking Finn; feigning crying] Waaaah, I cry when people die. Waaah, I'm Finn.
Y/n: [Mocking Finn; feigning crying] And I cry too much to my girlfriend. Waaah, I'm Finn.
Black-haired witch: Partake of the fruit!
Finn: [Grabs an apple] Maybe I will partake of the fruit.
[The witches gather around excitedly, further urging Finn to eat it.]
Y/n: Go ahead Finn, eat it. A whiny baby wouldn't eat it. Are you a whiny baby.
Jake: Dude, don't listen to Y/n! Don't eat that!!
Finn: Why not? All the people that I care about in this world are being wads. I betcha if Bria was here she would be acting like you two.
[Jake makes a worried noise and an imaginary Joshua appears again.]
Imaginary Joshua: Don't you blow Poppy's cover!
[Imaginary Y/n then appears]
Imaginary Y/n: Do what you gotta do Jake.
[Finn almost eats the apple, but Jake jumps in and grabs it from his hands just in time. Jake force-feeds the black-haired witch the apple, causing her to grow vines out of her mouth and eye sockets. The vines cover her body.]
Y/n: Okay this is the one Joshua did on his own...
Finn: Whoa. [He picks up another apple]
[The vines covering the witch fall off to reveal an apple. After Jake slaps the second apple out of Finn's hand, the two remaining fruit witches feed the apple to their pets, revealing the blood and bones of the now dead fruit witch covering the apple's core.]
Jake: Time to go, baby. [Jake runs for his life.] Finn, come on!
Finn: I'm gonna hang here. With these fruit babes. They'll be my best buds now.
Y/n: Yeah we ain't doing that. [Y/n grabs Finn and hands him to jhake]
[Jake comes to a wall and looks up; the witches follow in hot pursuit. Y/n grabs the both of them and flies up the wall as the witches chase them. Jake farts on the witches, making them fall screaming. Y/n flies over the wall, puts Finn and Jake down, Jake turns into a cheetah pointing at the next cartridge.]
Jake: There's another cartridge. [Finn makes a long, sad fart noise.] Alright, man, Dad told me not to tell you this, but—
[Y/n then covers his mouth]
Y/n: [whispering] Don't you dare Jake. I worked TOO HARD on this Dungeon for you to ruin it!
Jake: [Removing his hand] I don't care! Dad asked Y/n and Me to call you a "Baby" because he wants you to be tough.
Finn: But I'm tough! My whole body is a callus!
Y/n: I mean you've done some tough things to your body. But it's not always about what's physical. Just... Sighs, grabs Finn and slides down a slanted wall with Finn] On this next holo-message we listen to, when Joshua tells you to cover your ears, don't. [Lets go of Finn]
Finn: [Falling off Y/n's grip, laying on ground] Hmmph.
[Jake activates the player.]
Joshua [On tape]: Hey, hey! Y/n! Finn! Jake! You made it past the fruit witches! I betcha ya liked them didn't ya Y/n, remind you of your girls? Hah, I know you hated em, just thought I would add at least one trap you didn't know about. Hey, did they make you cry, Finn? Huh? Huh? [Laughs] I bet they did. Alright, now cover your ears, Sue! [Y/n shakes his head "No."] Jake, Y/n, I'm almost done with this dungeon. I just have one last monster to fit into this pit I dug. I got him tied up in this building. It's really hard trying to fit him into this pit. He's pretty evil. Ha. [A flaming hand then emerges from the wall.] You're gonna have a crazy time trying to defeat— [The monster grabs him.] WAAAAAH!!
Finn and Jake [In unison]: DAD!
Finn: Come on Y-
[The two turn around to see Y/n is gone]
Jake: Y/n's gone!
Finn: Maybe the monster got him when we weren't looking! Come on!
[They run inside to find a dark room with the demon blood sword in it.]
Finn: [In awe] Dad's sword! That was the prize!
[Jake finds a bunch of cartridges and another player/recorder. He activates the player.]
Joshua [On tape]: Hey, Jake, when Finn finishes this dungeon, play this tape for him...
[Joshua's voice can barely be heard in the background as Finn attempts to pull out the sword but fails. Suddenly a giant fireball flies towards Finn that knocks him back. Jake looks up from the recording just as Joshua says something.]
Joshua [On tape]: I also lied about the monster. The final boss of the dungeon isn't a monster... well in the traditional sense. It's actually....
[Finn's eyes widen as he sees Y/n descend from a nearby set of stairs]
Finn: Y-Y/n? What are you doing?
Y/n: Did you really think that the final boss of this place was gonna be some monster you could defeat just by stabbing it in the eye? Nah, that would have been too easy for you. Instead you get to fight the man who taught you everything you know. It's time to see if the student can graduate.
[Y/n then summons Nightshadow and gents into a stance.]
Y/n: I'll even let you make the first move.
[Finn gulps and pulls out his sword and charges at Y/n. He attempts to swing rapidly at Y/n but Y/n counters each swing. After the final swing he uses the hilt of Nightshadow to hit Finn in the chest knocking the wind out of him.]
Y/n: Now come on Finn, that was just pathetic. Your swings were nothing, there was no force behind them. How do you expect to be a Hero of OOO if your attacks are so weak. I will admit you are brave, but I've never seen you truly lose. You've always had me to help you if things get worse. Well not this time, this time you are all on your own.
Finn: But I have Ja-
[Y/n then quickly appears behind Jake and chops him on the neck knocking him out]
Y/n: You were saying? You don't get Jake to help you either. I'm not letting you take ANY shortcuts to beat me. You have to beat me with only yourself and your skills.
[Finn shakily grabs his sword again and Y/n notices how nervous he is. He chuckles]
Y/n: You are just shaking aren't ya Finn? Admit it, you're scared of me! You're scared to lose!
Finn: N-No!
Y/n: Yes you are! Maybe Joshua was right, you are a whiny baby and this shows it!
[Finn charges and swings at Y/n but Y/n smirks and catches the blade. Finn looks up and sees something that makes me freeze in terror.]
Finn: [thinking] Why wont my body let go of the sword? I can't even breathe right now. He's too much for me!
[Y/n then does something that shocks Finn. He begins to break Finn's sword with nothing but his thumb.]
Finn: M-My Sword!
Y/n: Oh? You like this sword huh? Well this sword has been used by a whiny baby, and I don't think it needs to be put of it's misery.
[Y/n then continues to break the sword more and more.]
[Once Y/n finishes breaking the sword Finn falls to his knees. He looks at the broken remains of his sword. He then stands up and attempts to punch Y/n rapidly in the gut but he just stands there and takes it.]
[Then Y/n kicks him away and he skids across the ground. Finn tries to get up but all he is able to do is look at Y/n who begins to slowly walk towards him.]
Y/n: You know Finn, I expected more from the boy who is dating my daughter. I know I've approved of you and her together but I'm starting to think I made a mistake. What you've shown me today is that you are not ready. You aren't as strong as I thought you were. Sure you might be able to defeat a low rank monster or villain on your own, but anything more and you fall apart. I mean you can't even face your fear of the ocean! What are you going to do if Briar is possibly drowning in the Ocean cause she got ambushed? Watch her die cause you are too afraid to do anything? Pathetic... you don't deserve my daughter's love and she sure as hell doesn't deserve yours...
Finn: SHUT UP!
Y/n: Oh? And what makes you think you can stop me?
[Finn slowly stands up and looks at Y/n]
Finn: Everything you've said about me is true. Sure I might not be that strong on my own and I know that. I still have a lot to learn, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stop now. I might cry a bit too much but that's alright. But I have a feeling that everything Dad says was a lie earlier. Dad loves me and I know he expects me to do great things in the world. Also, say all you want about me Y/n and I know you are protective of Briar. BUT DON'T YOU EVER SAY I DON'T DESERVE HER! SHE IS THE GREATEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ME! And I'll be damned if I'm going to fall here and let myself fall into the Darkness of Defeat!
[Suddenly Finn is engulfed in a glowing light and Y/n smiles]
Y/n: Finally, you've done it! WELL DONE FINN!
[Once the light dies down Finn is in a new attire. He looks at Y/n and sticks his hand out, suddenly the chains around the sword in the middle of the room snap and the blade then appears in Finn's hand but it has taken a new shape.]
Y/n: Well done Finn. You've passed your test.
Finn: Woah, what happened to me.
[He then looks at the sword]
Finn: Woah! What's with the sword, why does it look like a key?
Y/n: Simple, you've finally awakened to a power I planted in you when you were a baby. You have now unlocked your Keyblade.
Finn: Keyblade?
[Y/n then summons his own Keyblade]
Finn: Woah! You have one too?
Y/n: Yep and because you've awakened yours. It's time we begin your training anew. It's time I teach you to become a Keyblade Weilder. You are gonna be able to use magic now.
Finn: Woah...
[Jake then wakes up and sees Finn and Y/n]
Jake: Ooo my head... What happen- [he then notices Finn's new attire and weapon] Woah Finn! What happened while I was knocked out?
Finn: I finished the dungeon. I beat the boss.
Jake: You beat Y/n?
Y/n: Nah, he could NEVER beat me in his life. Not because he's not skilled enough, it's because I have hundreds of years of experience over him. But he did past the test I set for him. I hope there's no hard feelings?
Finn: Yeah, I'm starting to think you only said those things cause you wanted me to realize that I needed to accept my flaws.
Y/n: Yep and now you're more powerful because of it.
Jake: That's deep man.
Y/n: Now let's get out of here.
Finn: Yeah.... Let's go.
[Y/n watches as Finn and Jake begin to leave the Dungeon and he smiles.]
Y/n: [thinking] Your boy has finished the first part of his journey Joshua, let's just hope he's ready for the rest of it. Because I have a feeling he's going to need all the help he can get and I won't be around to help him.
[Y/n then walks out of the dungeon as the episode ends]
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