Chapter 32: The Creeps

(Ichigo finally gets his chapter, you will also see that the story has a brand new cover. I also have decided to announce what chapter will be next at the end of each chapter.)

[The episode starts with well dressed Ichigo, Finn, and Jake walking up a twisty road on a very stormy night. Jake is holding an umbrella, which the wind blows away, but Finn covers him with his umbrella.]

Jake: This stinks! 

Ichigo: Yeah it does stink.

Finn: Hey how come Y/n, Furina, and Briar didn't have to come?

Ichigo: Well Furina and Y/n were summoned back to Teyvat, so Briar decided to go with them. I was offered but I decided against it. Now I'm really wishing that I had accepted. Hey, how much longer till we get to the mysterious party?

Finn: Let me check the spooky invite sent to us by our anonymous host. [Takes letter out from his jacket] Oh. We're here. The party's in that castle.

[Ichigo, Finn, and Jake walk up the remaining stairs to the castle's front door, there is a box of masks at the top.]

Finn: It's for us.

Ichigo: I assume they want us to wear them? I mean they look like masks.

Finn: [Reading card] Wear me.

Ichigo: And I was right.

[Ichigo, Finn and, Jake enter the castle, Finn wearing a fox-mask and Jake wearing a green mask with holes for eyes. Ichigo is wearing a half mask]

Finn: Hello?

Bonnie: Yoo-hoo!

Ichigo: Oh it's mom. Hi mom.

Bonnie: [Camera pans to the left to show Bonnie, Lumpy Space Princess, BMO and Cinnamon Bun, all wearing masks as well.] Hi sweetie!

Finn: Princess Bubblegum, is that you?

Bonnie: Why yes indeed. Although according to the invitation, we're supposed to use mystery names. And mine is Lady Quietbottom.

LSP: My name is Duchess Gummybuns.

BMO: I am Professor Pants.

Cinnamon Bun: I'm Cinnamon Bun.

[LSP slaps Cinnamon Bun on the back of the head.]

LSP: What's the name on your invite?

Cinnamon Bun: Oh yeah! Uh... It's Guy Farting.

Finn: Prince Hotbod, at your service. [Bows]

Jake: I'm Randy Butternubs. [Walks away and throws card on ground]

Ichigo: Mine is.... Neopolitan... like the Ice Cream. Oh it says I can go by Neo as well.

Finn: So... who's our host, anyway?

Bonnie: Nobody knows!

LSP: Maybe he'll be a steaming hot babe with huge money.

Ichigo: Now what would Brad say about that, oh that's right. You two broke up cause he didn't love you anymore!

LSP: Really had to bring that up didn't you?

Ichigo: I don't like you, so of course I did.

[Bonnie smacks him upside the head]

Ichigo: That hurt mom!

Bonnie: Good. [whispers in his ear] Good insult though.

Cinnamon Bun: Now's my chance!

LSP: No. Way.

Cinnamon Bun: But I can make you happy!

LSP: [Smacks his hand away] Puke off! [Slaps him in the face] You big donut!

Ichigo: Techinally he's a pastry, doughnuts have a hole in the center as well. 


Ichigo: I know, but I simply do not care.

Cinnamon Bun: Okay. [Gets off couch and walks over to a painting, revealing an envelope taped to his back]

Bonnie: Excuse me, Guy Farting, there's an envelope on your back.

Cinnamon Bun: [Struggling to reach it] Where? Where?

Finn: Here. Let me. [Walks over and takes it off him]

Bonnie: [To everyone] Did you put that envelope on him?

Jake: No.

LSP: No. I didn't do it, no.

BMO: No. Uh-Uh.

Ichigo: Don't you even start accusing me.

Finn: [Clears throat and reads note] Esteemed guests, I am your host. I am a ghost.

[Everyone but Ichigo gasps]

Ichigo: Who ya gonna call?

[Nobody answers]

Ichigo: Come on guys... Ghostbusters.

Finn: What?

Ichigo: [sighs] It was a movie dad showed me... never mind.....

Finn: By the time you finish reading this, I will posses one of you and use your body to murder everyone in the house.

[Everyone but Ichigo gasps again.]

Cinnamon Bun: We gotta get out of here! [Runs to the door.]

Finn: CB, wait! It says anyone who will try to leave will die!

Cinnamon Bun: Nonononononono! [Pulls door handle]

[Lightning flashes and the power goes out, and when it turns back on, reveals a now-skeleton Cinnamon Bun. Everyone but Ichigo gasps in shock.]

Ichigo: Okay so is Briar here? Cause she told me about the time she did this on a train for Finn's birthday.

Finn: But it isn't my birthday.

Bonnie: And Bria is in Teyvat with Y/n and Furina. Besides this skeleton looks real to me.

Jake: [Blows small raspberry] Classic move. Nice prank Finn, guess this is payback for what me and Bria did on the train?

Finn: Dude. [He pushes up his mask and crosses an arm across chest] I swear I'm not pranking you. Cinnamon Bun is dead.

[Jake looks sad and agitated and puts finger on his mouth. He drops Cinnamon Bun's skull.]

Finn: The question is: who killed him?

[Scene Transition]

Finn: One of us is possessed by a murderer. And if we want to stay alive, we have to figure out who's hiding a ghost inside their mortal body.

[Everyone looks at each other suspiciously.]

Ichigo: Well we know it's not me because it's impossible for me to be possessed because of Dad's DNA.

Bonnie: I also made sure to implant an Anti-Ghost Field inside your body.

Ichigo: Huh, is that what that strange feeling in my lower back is?

Finn: BMO! [Points down at BMO]

BMO: Ahh!

Finn: Use your ghost detecting equipment to screen everyone but Ichigo.

[BMO takes out old fashioned flash-bulb and takes a picture of LSP.]

LSP: I blinked by balls. My eye balls.

[BMO takes a picture of Bonnie, who giggles. BMO takes a picture of Jake, who has a blank expression on his face.]

BMO: Hmmm... [Narrows eyes suspiciously.]

Jake: What do you mean "Hmmm?"

BMO: Nothing...

[Whispering at the same time]

Finn: Did you see that? [Whispers indistinctly]

Ichigo: Yeah I saw that, quite suspicious wouldn't you agree? [Whispers indistinctly]

LSP: Oh it was Jake I knew it, I knew it was Jake.

[BMO puts flash back inside him.]

BMO: Processing... Data! [Prints pictures from its bottom.]

LSP: Ew.

Finn: Huh?

Bonnie: So who's the ghost, BMO?

BMO: Oh. Um... I don't have a ghost detecting equipment. [Slides photos inside of him.] I just like taking nice pictures.

Ichigo: You little rascal you.

Jake: Let's find some candles. If the lights go out again, we'll be able to catch the murderer!

Finn: Good idea! Jake and BMO, you check downstairs and we'll take this floor.

Jake: Okay.

[Jake and BMO begin to walk towards the basement door, as Finn and Ichigo stare suspiciously at Jake.]

[Scene transitions to BMO and Jake walking down the basement stairs, BMO is using its screen as a flashlight.]

Jake: Lay truth on me BMO, is Finn pulling some elaborate prank on me?

BMO: No, Jake. When bad things happen, I know you want to believe they are a joke. [Its light goes out.] But sometimes, life is scary, and dark. That is why we must find the light. Aha! [BMO finds a box of glow sticks and cracks one.] Found it!

[BMO hands the glow stick to Jake.]

Jake: Ooh! [Laughs maniacally.] Thanks, BMO! BMO?

[Jake looks around, BMO is nowhere in sight.]

BMO: Help!

[A long, worm-like figure flies past Jake. BMO is standing in the darkness behind Jake.]

BMO: Jake help!

Jake: BMO?

[Two ghostly hands come from behind BMO and pulls him into the darkness.]

Jake: AHHH! [Runs back up the stairs to the foyer.] Oh my crease! Oh my crease! Assemble! Reassemble! Come on you guys!

[Finn, Ichigo, and Bonnie appear on the upstairs balcony]

Finn: Where's BMO?

Jake: The ghost got 'im!

Ichigo: Oh really now Jake? Making up lies are we now?

Finn: Don't you mean you got 'im- [Picks up Bonnie and throws her from the upstairs balcony, onto a couch on the first floor.]

Ichigo: Oi! Don't throw my mom! 

[Ichigo picks up Finn and throws him off the upstairs balcony. While he jumps down and lands like a superhero.]

Ichigo: Oh that's not good for the knees.

Bonnie: Guys, if there really is a ghost killer, then we should stay in a group. He can't take us all on if we're in a group!

[LSP screams; Finn, Jake and Bonnie huddle together while Ichigo leans against a nearby wall. Lumpy Space Princess continues to scream.]

Bonnie: LSP, are you okay? Where are you?

Jake: [worried] It sounds like she's in there! [Points to a door behind them.]



[Toilet flushes & LSP comes out with.]

LSP: [of relief] Ahhh!

[Everyone except Lumpy Space Princess sighs. Ichigo then pulls out a flask.

Bonnie: Ichigo? Is that one of your father's flasks?

Ichigo: I will neither confirm nor deny.

[Bonnie takes the flask and uses it to bop Ichigo on the head.]

Bonnie: You ain't being like your father.

LSP: Ugh, gross. My lumping body's all hollow now, I gotta put something in it.

[Lumpy Space Princess opens the dining room door and goes in.]

LSP: So where's the food? What kind of castle is this? It's like a poor people's castle! With no lumping waffles for my dump truck! [Picks up belly and drops it on the table.]

[Bonnie, Finn and Jake enter the dinning room. Bonnie is pretty much dragging Ichigo by the collar.]

Ichigo: I don't want to watch the hippo feeding, mom.

[Bonnie smacks him upside the head]

Bonnie: Be nice.

Ichigo: Daga Kotowaru.

Bonnie: Don't you use Japanese with me mister.

Jake: Chill out, you two. [to Finn] You find any candles upstairs?

Finn: No.

Jake: Well, I dropped a lighter downstairs, but there's no way I'm going back for that.

Ichigo: Oh I can solve that problem.

[Ichigo snaps his fingers and a small ball of light appears next to everyone.]

Bonnie: Wow, you are really getting the hang of your powers.

Ichigo: Dad is a really good teacher.

Finn: Uh-huh. [He pulls out the invitation.] Let me remind y'all that the invite says that the ghost will possess one of our bods.

Ichigo: Except for me, cause my body will literally burn the spirit out.

Finn: Except for Ichigo.

LSP: [offscreen] Not my bod.

Jake: Someone at this table isn't who they appear to be!

Finn: [suspicious] That's right, [finger quotes] "Jake."

[Finn and Jake crouch down. Ichigo joins them.]

Ichigo: Sup. Maybe you should ask him a question Finn.

Finn: Good idea. A question only the real Jake could answer. Who is always next to me in my recurring elevator dreams?

Jake: On even days of the week it's a half-orc shaman. On odd days of the week it's Briar.

Ichigo: Wait you have dreams of my sister?

Finn: I mean I am dating her so yeah.

Ichigo: Fair enough.

Finn: [convinced] Okay, you're Jake. So, who else was absent when BMO got nabbed?

Ichigo: Only one thing was not with us when BMO got taken.

[They stare suspiciously at LSP]

LSP: Oh yeah, right! I'm not the ghost! I was in the potty house.

Finn: A convenient alibi. But tell me this...

Jake: [interrupting] Why did you break up with Brad? Only the real LSP would know that!

LSP: Shah! As if you even know the answer to that, Jake!

Jake: You're right. I'm just feeling gossipy and I wanna know what happened.


Ichigo: She's dodging the question.

Finn: Sounds suspicious. [pointing at LSP] I bet you're the ghost!

Bonnie: She did it! She's possessed! Tie her up!

Finn: Oh she is, huh? Well, before we tie up LSP, answer me this...

LSP: [interrupting] Brad, he kissed me on the mouth! And I was like 'bleh-bleh-bleh', and then I was like 'Uh, gross. Go away, Brad' and he was like 'obviously you're not ready for me' but what does that even mean you guys? W-What does it lumping mean? [LSP whimpers]

Finn: [After a short awkward silence; continuing to Bonnie] But answer me this, Princess...

LSP: [interrupting again] What do you want from me, Brad?! You said I was the hottest one, isn't that enough?! [Nearly gibberish] Why'd you have to mouth! [LSP begins sobbing.] 


Finn: [After another pause; to Bonnie] What did I write to you on your Happy Birthday card two years ago? 

Bonnie: [flatly] Finn, there's no way I would remember that...

Ichigo: What did dad do for your anniversary 10 years ago?

Bonnie: [happily] He gave me one of the best nights of my life. His wonderful cooking and then a lovely night of passion.

Ichigo: THANK YOU MOTHER, THAT'S ENOUGH. [sighs] Yeah that's mom alright.

Bonnie: [She looks up, gasps and points] Look!

[They look up and see the ghostly being emerge from the ceiling, causing LSP to shriek.]

Finn: [surprised] A real ghost?!

Ichigo: Well I'll be damned.

LSP: [scared] Aah! Don't touch me! Don't touch ME!

[The ghost flies through Bonnie's abdomen, and she begins melting.]


Ichigo: M-Mommy?

Finn: [breaking up] This wasn't supposed to... ha-a-appen!

Jake: Aha! [taps Finn's face] I knew you were pranking me back, you!

Finn: Yeah... it was all a set up. The doors, Cinnamon Bun's and BMO's. Oh strizz! BMO and Cinnamon Bun should be in the closet over there. [Finn goes towards the closet] Guys! Guys, guys! C'mon you guuuu-.

[Finn opens the door, revealing Cinnamon Bun to be splattered all over the back wall. Finn starts screaming, followed by Jake. Finn then looks down to see BMO smashed to pieces on the floor of the closet. A part of Cinnamon Bun falls from the ceiling forming a pool in BMO.]

LSP:[shrieking] OH MY GLOB! I can't take this, you guys. [she pulls out her cellphone] I'm calling my lumping parents right now!

[The lights go off, leaving the room illuminated by LSP's phone. She screams as she floats away from the ghost.]

Finn: LSP! What's happening!

LSP: Oh my Glob! I'm not ready! Get away! [It wraps itself around LSP] Oh, gross!

[She screams as the ghost engulfs her and disappears with her​. The lights turn back on, showing LSP in a painting running alongside some wolves.]

Finn: Where'd did she GO?!

Ichigo: I-I don't know...

Finn: Ichigo, I'm so sorry-

Ichigo: Don't...

[Ichigo then summons Zangetsu]

Ichigo: I'm going to kill the undead bastard that dared laid hands on my mother.

[Ghostly, demonic laughing is heard, and the trio look up at the swinging chandelier while an eerie laughter fills the room. Finn and Jake scared, they look towards the closet, and the ghost moves towards them. Ichigo walks towards the ghost.]

Ichigo: You two go. I'll deal with this.

Finn: Don't! You'll die!

Ichigo: Finn... you should know by now. I'm my dad's son. I CAN'T DIE!

[Ichigo jumps at the ghost as Finn and Jake run back into the foyer and to the front door.]

Finn: Open it!

[Jake pulls at the door.]

Jake: It won't open! [He taps the door with his left hand, enlarges his right and punches the door. He then holds his hand in pain.]

[The ghost enters the foyer and moves towards them. It pushes them into one of the bannisters of the stairs, breaking it. Ichigo then appears above the ghost and uses Zangetsu to smack it into a wall.]


Finn: [getting up and running up the stairs] C'mon!

Jake: [groggily] Okay...

[Finn makes it up to a door upstairs, opens it and turns to Jake.]

Finn: Jake!

Jake: [hopping in pain] Ow, ow, ow! I got a splinter!

Finn: Jakey!

[The ghost grabs Jake and pulls him towards the ceiling, but Finn grabs his hands.]

Jake: Don't let go, man!

Finn: Oh no! Your fancy GLOVES!

[Jake's gloves are pulled off and Jake is pulled towards the ceiling screaming. Finn falls backwards through the door and it shuts behind him.]

Finn: [breathing heavily] Jake... Princess! Ichigo!

[He hears a noise and turns, seeing the wall behind him wobble. From the wall emerges a ghostly woman, which smiles and moves towards him, and he backs away in pure terror. Picking up a chair, Finn smashes it into the wall, then kicks it. Getting his foot stuck, he headbutts the wall, smashing through it in a panic. In the next room, three holes emerge from the floor, and crows from a painting come to life and fly at Finn. One of the holes then turns into a crack along the floor, which begins moving like a mouth biting. He runs up a spiral staircase to the castle's observatory and looks through the window at the waves crashing against the castle walls. He then feels a certain prescenece behind him. He turns around to see Ichigo but his eyes are shadowed by his hair.]

Finn: Ichigo! The ghost got Jake.

Ichigo: Oh I know....

Finn: What?

Ichigo: Who do you think took him?

Finn: WHAT?!

[Ichigo looks up revealing that his now uncovered eye has gone full black with a yellow iris. A crazed look on his face.]

Finn: W-What's going on Ichigo?

Zangetsu: My name isn't Ichigo. I am the spirit held within his sword... you may call me. Zangetsu..

Finn: Why did you do all this?

Zangetsu: Cause why not?

Finn: Your sick!

Zangetsu: I like to think of myself as more mentally unhinged, thank you..

Finn: I'll stop you and get Ichigo and everyone back!

[Finn then jumps at Zangetsu but he is knocked away with ease.]

Zangetsu: You are QUITE PATHETIC, little boy.

[Zangetsu then walks towards Finn as Finn shakes in fear]

Zangetsu: I suppose our little game is now over. I would say it was nice knowing you, but that would be a lie.

[Zangetsu then raises his sword into the air about to strike Finn]

Finn: [shrieking] YEEAAARGH!

Jake: That's enough Ichigo. I think you got him.

Finn: Huh?

[Finn looks up to see Ichigo back to normal and laughing.]

Ichigo: Oh man! That was great, I can't believe you fell for that.

Finn: Wait so you weren't possesed by a sword spirit? 

Ichigo: Oh no, I am but we've come to what I call... an understanding. Anyway, this was all Jake's idea.

[Jake is sitting on Lady Rainicorn's head]

Jake: Haha! Gotcha, dude! Two for two!

Finn: WHAT?!

Jake: I figured out your plan months ago! So I flipped the script. Oh yeah! I had Ichigo help as well. It was a last minute addition but man was his idea great.

Finn: So everyone's okay. [counting on fingers] BMO, Cinnamon Bun...

Ichigo: Yep, take a look.

[Lady Rainicorn floats around, showing the supposedly dead friends absorbed into her long body.]

Finn: Whoa, sick! You can phase people into your body?!

Lady Rainicorn: 당연하지! 난 제이크랑 항상 한 몸이 되는데. ("Of course. Jake and I merge our bodies all the time.")

Ichigo: Can we not talk about that please Aunt Lady?

LSP: [whispering] I'm ready for you now, Brad. Isn't it so obvi? I'm so ready.

Ichigo: And I'm gonna go barf in the corner, pardon me.

Finn: [to Bonnie] But, PB. You melted!

Bonnie: It was a wax dummy, dummy! Jake switched me out while Lady was distracting you.

Finn: [awed] Wow, you got me again! I can't believe that! With the hair, and the house coming alive and stuff...

Jake: The what?

Finn: The walls and chairs trying to eat me and stuff.

Ichigo: You sure you weren't hallucinating that part? 

Finn: [adamant] Uh, no I didn't...

Jake: Haha, nice try, Finn. Let's get outta here.

[Finn climbs onto Lady Rainicorn's back and she flies out of the observatory followed by Ichigo who is using his wings. Finn thinks back to the Ghost Lady emerging from the wall.]

Finn: That one's going in the vault. [he puts a hand to his head] Aaaaand... It's gone.

Ichigo: [thinking] Maybe I should tell him that I saw the ghost lady as well? Maybe dad knows something about it. I'll have to talk with him about it.

[The episode ends.]

Next Chapter:

Interlude: Y/n and Furina

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