Chapter 30: Wizard Battle
[The episode starts in the Wizard Battle stadium, Finn is walking through almost empty stands, singing "Wizard Battle"]
Finn: Jake. Y/n.
[Jake is asleep on a seat while Y/n is drinking Sake; Finn crawls towards them]
Finn: [Whispering] Wizard Battle is starting soon!
Y/n: I'm well aware Finn.
Jake: [Pushes Finn away, groans] I know! We got here six hours early, you dork! Just wake me up when they start selling hot dogs. [sees that he is laying on a hot dog] Whoa! What do you know!
Y/n: Hot Dogs work in very mysterious ways, that's for sure.
Finn: The wizards are arriving!
[The crowd cheers as the wizard walk in and kneel]
Finn: Whoo-hoo! Yeah!!!
Grand Master Wizard: [Offscreen] Ladies and gentlemen...
Finn: [Gasps repeatedly]
Grand Master Wizard: I am the Grand Master Wizard of Ceremonies. And now, the rules. Contestants will fight each other with spells from the nine schools of magic. [Science Whyzard enters] No science, Science Whyzard! [She leaves, Weapon Head enters] No weapons, Weapon Head! [Weapon Head pouts and takes of his weapon head and throws it into a pile of prohibited wizard stuff and makes fire from his hands] To enter Wizard Battle, you must be a wizard!
(I'm adding a ninth school of magic which is Life)
Finn: [Looking through binoculars] Whoo, wizard only allowed! Whoo. Whoo. Wh-...[Sees Ice King] Oh, what? Ice King!
Y/n: He's here. Oh right.... that's the prize.
Jake: Boo!
Finn: You're a contestant?!
Ice King: Mm-hmm. You guys come here to watch me win?
Finn: Phshoo, you're gonna lose, man.
Jake: You're a loser.
Ice King: Ha! I'm not gonna lose! I've got a foolproof plan for winning. [Whispers] I'm gonna cheat. [Laughs]
[The four are shadowed by a pink blimp]
Y/n: God, I love it when she shows off.
Grand Master Wizard: And now L's and G's, witness the unveiling of this tournaments grand prize, [A curtain rises over the blimps cockpit revealing Bonnie] A kiss from Princess Bubblegum! [Bonnie starts posing with her lips as the crowds cheer] On the mouth!
Y/n: It's basically for charity, besides because of the ritual. It'll backfire and will be funny as hell.
[A small group of three Lady Wizards look displeased]
Lady Wizard #1: Boooo. Boo.
Brain Wizard: Hmm. Is it an open mouth kiss?
Grand Master Wizard: No!
Brain Wizard: Then I choose to exit the battle.
[Brain Wizard begins to leave, the Lady Wizards go "Yeah"]
Grand Master Wizard: No one is allowed to exit Wizard Battle! [Turns the four wizards into cats; the door closes] The doors are shut. [A barrier covers the stadium. A bird flies by but gets hit by the barrier] The sky barrier is in place. All of you will kiss the princess or die in battle. Also, there is another prize. This!
[Y/n's eyes widen when he sees what appears on the screen. Something dear to him he thought he would never see again.]
Y/n: [thinking] Furina's Vision! That's it! It's really here! THe second to last piece to bring her back! I NEED IT![outloud] HEY GRAND MASTER!
Grand Master Wizard: Huh? Y/n is that you? I thought you didn't want to compete this year.
Y/n: I changde my mind. Got room for one more?
Grand Master Wizard: If it's you, I can't refuse.
Y/n: Thanks old man.
Ice King: Ooh, I just can't wait to taste that sweet Bubblegum. [Flies off happy]
Finn: Jake, we gotta enter the contest and stop Ice King and help Y/n win.
Jake: But we're not wizards, man. What about the sanctity and honor of Wizard Battle?
Y/n: Eh, yall aren't winning so it don't matter.
Jake: I mean you just want to enter so you can kiss your wife.
Y/n: I mean yeah, but you see that thing that the Grand Master showed.
Finn: The Amulet?
Y/n: Yeah, it's important to me. So I need to win it.
Finn: Then we will help you get it. Me and Jake gotta disguise though.
[Finn and Jake hop into the pile of wizard stuff and come out in disguise, Jake is cover by a red cloak and has his paws out wear the arm and legs should be and Finn has his head poking out of the head hole with a green hood and a blue eye mask]
Y/n: Not bad. But allow me to show you something far better.
[Y/n snaps his fingers as he turns into a new outfit.]
Y/n: Ozmanthus Wine tastes the same as I remember... but where are those who share the memory?
Finn: Huh?
Y/n: Nothing you need to worry yourself with, just a saying from my past.
Finn: Now, where's the Ice King.
[The wizards are warming up, Ice King is standing in a corner]
Jake: Over there!
Ice King: [Checking his breath] Oh, yeah.
Y/n: [cracks knuckles] Simple, I win. No-one in here stands a chance against me.
Jake: Well while you do that, we are gonna go hide behind that rock.
[It is sunset, Princess Bubblegum is still posing her lips. She looks down and sees Y/n in his outfit and blushes, he notices and winks at her. He blows her a kiss which she catches and puts in her pocket.]
Grand Master Wizard: By the rays of the setting sun, the battle of wizards has begun!
[Grand Master Wizard shoots a magic blast into the arena and the battle floor becomes covered in dust and magic spells, Finn and Jake dodge the spells and hide behind a rock, when the dust clears the wizards are gone as the light come on in the night]
Jake: Looks like everyone had the same plan.
[The wizards are hiding behind various objects]
Finn: What are they waiting for?
[A small wizard crawls out from behind rock behind Finn]
Abracadaniel: They aren't waiting. They are hiding.
Finn: From who?
Abracadaniel: Him.
[A random wizard fires a spell at Y/n who just slaps it away. Y/n then appears in front of the wizard smirking.]
Y/n: Aww, you wasted it. Now it's my turn.
[Y/n picks the wizard up by the face and slams him into the ground knocking him out. He is then surronded by multiple wizards on all sides.]
Y/n: Ah a 10 on 1, tis a fair fight.
[Back with Finn and Jake]
Finn: Woah.
Abracadaniel: People are also waiting for the opposites to fight.
Finn: And are you a wizard?
Abracadaniel: Yes. My name is Abracadaniel. [Tries to make a rainbow appear but can only keep it up for a few seconds]
Finn: Hi, Abracadaniel. My name is, uh, Magic... [Jake forms his hand into a fist] Fist.
Jake: [Pops his head out of the head hole] Whoa. This kid looks like a wimp.
Abracadaniel: Who's that?
Finn: He's my, uh, magic second head.
Abracadaniel: Well, he's right. [Sighs] I only entered this contest 'cause I thought the prize would be money. But it's just a kiss!
[Y/n then appears]
Y/n: Sup.
Finn: Oh hey Y/n.
Abracadaniel: Wait you know the most powerful wizard to ever exist?
Finn: I mean I am dating his daughter.
Y/n: Yep, he is. So is it true you don't care about kissing my wife?
Abracadaniel: Blegh, no way. If I was the winner, I would turn my face so our lips [gasps] wouldn't touch and I would push Princess away. Turn and push, turn and push, turn and push...
Y/n: So you callin my wife ugly?
Abracadaniel: No. Well, I'm going back to my cave to wait for someone to kill me. Goodbye.
Finn: Wait! Abracadanny, don't you worry about a thing. I'm gonna protect you.
Y/n: Oh look the opposites are fighting. Time for a drink break.
[Y/n pulls out a bottle of sake and begins to drink]
[The sounds of a magic battle is heard, Ice King is fighting Flame Lord]
Ice King: Yeaah!
[In the battle Ice King brings out nunchucks and hits Flame Lord]
Finn: [Gasps] Cheating!
Y/n: Yep, Miyagi might be a school of fighting, but it ain't a school of magic.
[Ice King hits Flame Lord unconscious]
Finn: He's using a weapon!
Y/n: Cause he's playing with cats..
[The Grand Master Wizard is playing with cats]
Ice King: Nun-chucks vanish! [The nun-chucks retract into his sleeve] Boo yah!
Finn: Now's my chance to stop him.
[The rock he is hiding behind opens its eyes and rises up]
Finn: Huwahh?!
Abracadaniel: Rock Wizard!
Rock Wizard: Arrgghh! Come to me, meteor shower! Rock Wizard compels you!
[The sky opens up and meteors fall. Y/n creates a shield.]
Y/n: You call that a meteor? Pathetic. This is a meteor.
[Y/n then crosses his arms.]
[A giant rock meteror then crushes Rock Wizard.]
Finn: Damn, I didn't know you could do that.
Y/n: Learned it from an old friend of mine, man was he BAD with money though.
[Ice King is screaming fighting sound, shooting magic and twirling his nun-chucks, Huntress Wizard jumps behind him, blast at him, misses and jumps away as Ice King swings his nun-chucks at her]
Finn: Stay close to me, Abracadaniel.
[They run into the crowd of battling wizards and run into Cyclo. Abracadaniel shoots a rainbow at him and turns him pink]
Cyclo: What?! You turned me pink, bro!
Y/n: Yeah, now let me turn ya black and blue!
[Y/n punches Cyclo a few times in the face and throws him out of the arena.]
[Grand Master Wizard is playing with a cat and looks at the arena again]
Grand Master Wizard: Four wizards remain. Time to get real. I wanna see some crazy wiz biz!
[The crowd starts chanting "wiz biz!"]
Ice King: Wiz biz! Wiz biz! Oh, I can almost taste those sweet lips. [Makes a make-out face; Abracadaniel cringes]
Y/n: I'm gonna break his jaw.
Finn: [Whispering] Quick, listen! Now's the time for you to help us. [Whispers in Abracadaniel's ear]
Ice King: Hey, guys. Guys? What are you whispering? Come on! I gotta a surprise for yous fools.
[They circle the Ice King]
Ice King: Yeah. That's right. Just a little closer. [Reaches into his sleeve] Ooh, what's in here? In my little sleevey hole? [Pulls out his nun-chucks]
Finn: [To Abracadaniel] Watch out, man.
Ice King: Whoo!
[Ice King swings his nun-chucks at Abracadaniel but he dodges]
Finn: Now Y/n!
Y/n: Hey can I see those nun-chucks? They look really cool.
Ice King: Oh sure.
[Ice King hands him the nun-chucks and Y/n chucks them to Abracadaniel who turns them into a butterfly]
Ice King: How did I fall for that...
Abracadaniel: Yes! [Breathes hard] I did it! I really did it. I'm a true wizard.
[Jake gives him a thumbs up; the butterfly flies overhead]
Ice King: I have powers too, you butts! Yahh! Ice sword! [Creates an ice sword] Ice Shield! [Creates an ice shield]
Y/n: I can do that to. [Y/n summons a sword made of fire] Let's dance!
[Y/n swings at Ice King who tries to block but the fire melts his weapons]
Ice King: Man I did not think this through.
Y/n: No you didn't.
[Y/n then trips Ice King with his sword and uses it to knock Ice King into a wall, knocking him out.]
[The crowd cheers]
Finn: Nice job you two.
Y/n: Not bad their Danny Boy. You should feel good about yourself..
Abracadaniel: I do. I feel real good.
Finn: Alright, time for us to forfeit so Y/n can win. We only wanted to stop the Ice King and help Y/n get his amulet.
Jake: [Pops out of the shirt] Uh-uh.
Finn: I forfeit! I forfeit, everyone!
[Grand Master Wizard turns him into a cat; the crowd cheers]
Finn: Meow.
Y/n: I'll fix that later.
Grand Master Wizard: Alright now you two fight.
Y/n: You remember the deal Danny Boy.
Abracadaniel: Actually, I guess through this trial I have become a great wizard. I, I came here with no self-esteem and no chances, a will-o-wisp of a boy, but I walk out this arena a man. A confident man! Who deserves a kiss from a princess!
[Abracadaniel is then hit with a giant rock that knocks him out.]
Y/n: Yeah we ain't having that.
Grand Master Wizard: Once again Y/n you've shown that you are the greatest wizard in OOO. [The crowd cheers] Go get ready for your kiss, champ. Also here's your amulet. [he tosses the amulet to Y/n who holds it to his chest]
[Y/n is in the locker room looking at the amulet. He then pulls out a picture of a girl with white hair and blue streaks. She has two different colored eyes with teardrops for Iris's.]
Y/n: [inner thoughts] Finally, now all I need is the Gnosis and Furina can be back in my arms. How many years has it been? Over 300 now? I wonder if the other archons are still alive in Teyvat.
[Footsteps are heard Grand Master Wizard opens the locker room door]
Grand Master Wizard: You ready in there?
Y/n: Ready to kiss my wife? Of course I am.
[Y/n back out into the stadium where some of the wizards are watching, Ice King is still unconscious, and Bonnie stands in front of her blimp with Banana Guards by her side; Peppermint Butler is singing "Ultimate Prize Song"]
(Replace Finn with Y/n)
[Y/n walks up to Bonnie]
Y/n: Hey Bonnie.
Bonnie: Hey Babe. So what made you change your mind this year?
[Y/n pulls out the Hydro Vision]
Bonnie: Is that it?
Y/n: Yeah it is. It's Furina's visions, all I need now is her Gnosis and I can bring her back. You sure you and Marcy are okay with me having a third wife?
Bonnie: N/n, both of us knew what we were getting into when we did the ritual. Besides, it's not like you hid her from us. You told us about her and her situation. Besides I can't wait to meet her.
Y/n: Yeah. Now what about my "prize"?
Bonnie: Oh yeah your kiss.
[Y/n then smirks and the two kiss]
[After the kiss the two smile]
Bonnie: Okay, everyone! Go home! Start getting ready for next year!
[The wizards grumbling, leave along with Bonnie. Y/n stands by for a minute before looking at the Hydro Vison and the picture of Furina.]
Y/n: [thinking] Mon amour, bientôt je te serrerai à nouveau dans mes bras. C'est ce que je promets.
[The episode ends by focusing on the Hydro Vision]
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