Chapter 28: Memory of a Memory

( You know this is a Y/n Episode)

[Finn and Rag Wizard are riding on Jake's shoulders, Jake is running]

Rag Wizard: Faster!

Rag Wizard: Faster! She's in danger!

Jake: Who is he talking about?

Finn: I have no idea.

Jake: What?! Then why am I running so hard?

Finn: Because...

Rag Wizard: Because she's in trouble!

Finn/Jake: Who is??!

Rag Wizard: Marceline!

Finn: Faster, Jake! I'm going to call Y/n.

Rag Wizard: No Don't!

Finn: Sorry dude but I have to. Or else both Bria and Y/n will kill me.

Jake: Them's the rules.

[Finn then pulls out a phone and calls Y/n]

Jake: Hey, wizard, how do you know Marceline?

Rag Wizard: I'm her spirit animal.

Jake: Oh.

[They arrive at Marcy's house, Marcy lying on her floor]

Finn: [gasp] Marceline! What's wrong with her?

[A flaming portal then appears and Y/n quickly rushes out of it and runs up to Marcy.]

Y/n: Damnit, it's a sleep spell.

Finn: How do you break the spell?

Rag Wizard: I'll transport you into Marceline's mind where you will walk through her memories and find the memory core.

Jake: Then what?

Y/n: We have to just delete the memory of her casting the sleep spell on herself. That should clear it easily.

Jake: Why couldn't the rag wizard do it?

Y/n: Because only those close to someone can enter their mind. Also, the guy has no arms, just legs.

Rag Wizard: Exactly. [stretches leg towards Finn] Yeah, there we go... oh. [jabs Finn's forehead with toe]

Finn: What? What'd you do to my forehead?

Rag Wizard: When you get close to the memory, your forehead will glow. Here, take this. [gives Finn a sack] It's a sack of magic powder. Sit on the couch and sprinkle the powder on your head.

Y/n: I'll meet you guys in there. [Y/n taps Marcy on the forehead and he vanishes]

[Finn and Jake walk over to the couch and sits on it]

Finn: Like this? [sprinkles powder on himself and Jake]

Rag Wizard: Yep, like that. Feel sleepy?

Finn/Jake: Mmhm.

Rag Wizard: Good. Sleep now. But know this! If you fail, Marceline will be trapped in eternal sleep... forever!

Finn/Jake: [gasp]

Rag Wizard: And ever. And ever.

[Finn and Jake fall into darkness, sleeping. Lights come on]

Jake: [yawns] Did it work?

Finn: [rubs eyes] Ugh, ah. I can't tell. I don't feel like I'm inside Marceline's memories.

Y/n: [appearing] Oh we are. Just follow me.

Jake: Oh okay.

[They walk beside the couch, which extends into a destroyed town-like area]

Jake: Whoa. Whoa!

Finn: So... if we're in Marceline's memories, where's Marceline?

Y//n: She's over there. [walking up to a young Marcy] Hey Marcy.

Marcy (Y): N/n! [she hugs him]

Finn: Oh she recognizes you?

Y/n: She basically sees me as my younger self when we were kids.

Marcy: Who are those guys?

Finn: We're Finn and Jake..

Jake: We're your friends!

Marcy (Y):  N/n and Hambo are my only friends. See? [holds up Hambo] You need another eyeball surgery, pal. Lucky for you, we found a donor. [rips button from shirt] Eyeball! Nurse, hand me the string. Yes, doctor. It's our last piece. Hold still. [stitches button into Hambo] I'm hurting you because I love you.

Jake: Ahem!

Marcy (Y): What are you guys still doing here?

Y/n: They need my help looking for your memory core, do you remember where it is?

Marcy (Y): Nope, but there might be anything behind that cellar door, and it rhymes with memory core!

Y/n: Thanks for the help Marcy.

Marcy (Y): Are you going to leave again N/n?

Y/n: Only for a little while, I promise. [To Finn and Jake] Let's get going guys.

Jake: Ooo! Ooo! Could be jams and pickles down there! [opens door] Weird. I think this door leads to a new memory; with food in it! Ooo, ice cream

Finn: I want some! Huh? [Y/n, Finn, and Jake enter Marcy's room while she is picking her nose]

Y/n: Heh.

Jake: [opens new door] Come on, Finn! Y/n!

[Finn and Jake enter a broken down restaurant, Hunson Abadeer is eating Marcy's fries]

Y/n: Ah shit, this memory.

Finn: Yo, man.

Hunson: Wha?

Finn: Don't eat those.

[Teenage Marcy walks in, seeing her dad eating her fries while Teenage Y/n follows behind her]

(This is what Teenage Y/n wears)

Hunson: Marceline! Y/n!

Marcy (T):  [sniffling] Daddy, why?


[Y/n (T) then Proceeds to Jump at Hunson and punches him in the face.]

Y/n: Go past me. Go. [To Finn and Jake] Let's go.

[Y/n, Finn, and Jake enter a new memory located in the Tree Fort]

Finn: It's our treehouse. This must be when Marcy lived here.

Y/n: Oh no....

[A slightly younger Marcy and Y/n carry and put down chair in the room They fall on the chair]

Marcy: I'm so glad we're doing this, N/n. Only took you 3 years.

Y/n (P): Oh yeah, sorry about that....

Marcy: It's fine.

[Ash then enters the room]

Ash: Yo guys! I've been practing! [summons rose]

Y/n (P): Not bad Ash, not bad. I see you've been following my advice.

Jake: Who's this guy supposed to be?

Y/n: Ash... he was a former friend of mine and Marcy's.

[Y/n, Finn, and Jake enter a new room through a mouse hole to see Marcy sitting in a chair]

Marcy: [sighs]

Finn: [sniffs] This place reeks.

Y/n: Yeah... we were kinda, a bit messy in our youth.

Jake: Yo, Finn, your thing is glowing.

Finn: My what? [touches forehead] Oh, my thing.

Jake: We must be close to the core. I see another door over there. Come on.

Finn: Wait a sec, Jake. It's that guy again.

Y/n: Oh noo... anything but this one.

Ash: Hey, open your eyes, look at this, Mar-Mar, Y/n. Check it out. It's my new wand. [holds a flower with four cherry blossoms] These cherry blossoms, look, look as close as you can, and they're real.

Marcy: [puts a finger near a cherry blossom and gets zapped] Wow. Awesome. Where'd you get the money for that thing?

Ash: Oh, I sold that teddy bear that you love so much. To a Witch.

Y/n (P):

Marcy: You what? Are you crazy? That was my favorite thing in the whole world! Y/n gave that to me as kids!

Ash: That's why it's so valuable, genius--for potions.

[A ghost comes out of the wand]

Cherry Blossom Ghost: You're not, a genius. You're not, a genius.

[Ash is then punched hard in the face by a furious Y/n]


Ash: But-

Marcy: GET OUT  YOU PSYCHO! [stomps out of the room followed by Y/n]

Jake: This way, Finn! Y/n! Check out this whacked out memory crack! It's ba-nay-nay down here!

[They enter Marcy's memory core]

Y/n: Here's the core.

Jake: All these orbs must be her memories.

Finn: How are we supposed to know which one to grab?

Y/n: Use your forehead.

Finn: Alright. [moves along the memory core] Hot or cold?

Y/n: Cold. Definitely cold.

[Finn continues moving]

Jake: Warmer. Warmer, warmer! Whoa, hot. Hot, hot, hot! That must be the one!

[Y/n eyes widen when he sees the symbol of the memory.]


[Finn and Jake wake up with the memory orb in their hand; it gets grabbed by Rag Wizard, who has arms now]

Finn: [wakes up] Huh? Hey, you have arms.

Rag Wizard: That's right, genius.

Jake: Huh?

Finn: You lied to us.

Ash: The important thing is... Marceline's awake. [magically beams Marcy awake]

[Marcy wakes up]

Finn: Marcie, Marcie! You're okay.

[Finn and Jake rub Marcy's hair, Rag Wizard takes off his wardrobe revealing himself to be Ash]

Marcy: Quit touching my hair!

Finn: You had a magic accident, and we saved you with some help from your wizard friend.

Marcy: That's Ash.

Finn/Jake: Ash?

Marcy: He's not my friend; he's my boyfriend.


[Y/n is on the ground where is he extremally pale.]

Marcy: Y/n, what are you doing back here? I thought you went on another adventure.

Y/n: Marcy! He tricked you! He took the memory of when we fell in lo- [coughs blood]

Finn/Jake: Y/n!

Marcy: Ash, what's going on?

Ash: Just picking up my girl for a night on the town; at my place.

Marcy: That's sweet. [kisses Ash on the cheek]

Marcy: Oh, grow up you guys. I'm going to go freshen up. And Y/n...

Y/n: Y-Yeah?

[Marcy then kicks him in the gut]

Marcy: That's for leaving when we were kids so many times. At least Ash was there for me!


Ash: Don't you guys get it? I outbrained you. That wasn't the memory of a sleep spell you brought me. That memory was when Y/n and Marcy fell in love. I also planned for when you took her memory it would replace all of her memories of Y/n with Me!

Y/n: Y-YOU BASTARD! [coughing more blood]

Finn: Y/n what's going on?

Ash: Oh that's the spirit ritual backfiring on him. If you do it with someone who doesn't love you, the ritual will cause the caster to suffer a literal BROKEN heart. And just to make sure [Ash pops the orb]

Y/n: NO!

Jake: Oh no!

Finn: What?

Ash: Yup. Come on, Mar-Mary, let's go.

Finn: No, Marceline!

Y/n: P-please come back.

Ash: Ashicus Flyicus. [flies away with Marcy]


Finn: They're gone, man. He took her!

Y/n: Please! If I don't restore her correct memories, my heart is going to give out on me... which means...

Finn: YOU'LL DIE? But I thought you were immortal!

Y/n: Yeah about that... you can't rebirth from a broken heart... because the true death.... is a broken heart. [coughing blood]

Jake: Don't worry, Finn! Y/n! I got the scent. [sniffs] Ah. Follow me.

[Finn and Jake arrive at Ash's house. Finn is carrying a weak Y/n on his back]

Jake: I could smell them in there. So what's the plan?

Y/n: Jake, you and Finn take the shovel and keep banging it against the shed until Ash comes out to see what's going on. Then I'll use the last of my powers to rescue Marcy.

Finn: You sure you'll be okay?

Y/n: Yeah... I have to do this.

Jake: Good luck.[ Him and Finn bang shovels against the shed and Tiny Goblin comes out]

Tiny Goblin: My house! What's happening? No, don't hurt me!

Jake: No, no, sorry.

Tiny Goblin: [screams]

Finn: Shh, shh, wait!

Tiny Goblin: Help, somebody help me!

Ash: [bursting out his front door] What's all this hullabaloo?!

Tiny Goblin: Help! Help!

Ash: Hey, hold it, you, get back here! [chases after Jake and Finn]

[Y/n phashes through the wall into the house before falling to the ground]

Marcy: Y/n what are you doing? You can't be here! Ash doesn't like me hanging out with mere mortals and especially you! In fact I hate you!

Y/n: I know you don't mean that and I can prove it...

Marcy: Huh- [She is touched on the head by Y/n and the two are transported into Y/n's memories. Marcy looks around to see herself in an outdoor ampitheatre]

Marcy: [grabbing her head] Ah man, this headache. Wait a second..... this is.

[Suddenly a spotlight hits the stage and shows a younger Y/n in a rockstar outfit]

Y/n: Hey out there! This next songs for a special girl in my life.

[Y/n then begins to play]


🎶You're smoke and guns🎶

🎶You think I'm sick of it?🎶

🎶I wouldn't have it any other way🎶

🎶You're too much fun🎶

🎶Think I can't handle it?🎶

🎶Left with no words and yet so much to say🎶


🎶Now in my darkest hour and not my brightest day🎶

🎶I find I'm calling you and telling you "I should not say"🎶

🎶I'm melting in your hands, go on, make your demands🎶

🎶You've got me slipping through your fingers like I'm made of sand🎶


🎶When we hit the lights, you're fading out of sight🎶

🎶I feel your heartbeat, wrap yourself around me🎶

🎶Is it all for show? Because I'm good to go🎶

🎶So go ahead, I'll take it all🎶


🎶You're smoke and guns🎶

🎶You think I'm sick of it?🎶

🎶I wouldn't have it any other way🎶

🎶You're too much fun🎶

🎶Think I can't handle it?🎶

🎶Left with no words and yet so much to say🎶

🎶You wanted from me, some honesty🎶

🎶So honestly, I wanna feel you breathe🎶

🎶You're smoke and guns🎶

🎶You think I'm sick of it?🎶

🎶I wouldn't have it any other way🎶


🎶Now, as your lipstick smears🎶

🎶By light of chandelier🎶

🎶I taste the tension and I'm begging🎶

🎶Don't you disappear🎶


🎶Not in my rightest mind🎶

🎶You tell me "That's just fine"🎶

🎶Oh what an evening, now you're leaving🎶

🎶With my hands still tied🎶


🎶When we hit the lights, you're fading out of sight🎶

🎶I feel your heartbeat, wrap yourself around me🎶

🎶Is it all for show? Because I'm good to go🎶

🎶So go ahead, I'll take it all🎶


🎶You're smoke and guns🎶

🎶You think I'm sick of it?🎶

🎶I wouldn't have it any other way🎶

🎶You're too much fun🎶

🎶Think I can't handle it?🎶

🎶Left with no words and yet so much to say🎶

🎶You're wanted from me, some honesty🎶

🎶So honestly, I wanna feel you breathe🎶

🎶You're smoke and guns🎶

🎶You think I'm sick of it?🎶

🎶I wouldn't have it any other way🎶


🎶Between your finger tips🎶

🎶And running down your lips🎶

🎶You got me up against a wall🎶

🎶Is it all for show? Because I'm good to go🎶

🎶So go ahead, I'll take it all🎶


🎶You're smoke and guns🎶

🎶You think I'm sick of it?🎶

🎶I wouldn't have it any other way🎶

🎶You're too much fun🎶

🎶Think I can't handle it?🎶

🎶Left with no words and yet so much to say🎶

🎶You're wanted from me, some honesty🎶

🎶So honestly, I wanna feel you breathe🎶

🎶You're smoke and guns🎶

🎶You think I'm sick of it?🎶

🎶I wouldn't have it any other way🎶


🎶You're smoke and guns🎶

(I think this is the PERFECT song that describe Marcy and Y/n)

[Once the song ends, Marcy grabs her heads as her memories of her and Y/n return to normal. She then feels tears flowing down her face.]

Y/n: You good babe?

[She turns to see the current Y/n sitting next to her. She quickly hugs him and buries her head in his chest, her tears staining his shirt.]

Marcy: I'm so sorry! I let Ash trick me! I forgot about you and Briar! I'm so sorry! I forgot about the ritual and the side effects if the person doesn't love you.

Y/n: [patting her head] 

Y/n: Hey it's okay. I'm fine.

Marcy: Really? You aren't mad, I mean I kicked you in the gut.

Y/n: Babe, you have done SO much worse in the bedroom.

Marcy: [giggling] I guess I have. I love you so much Y/n.

Y/n: And I love you Marcy.

[The two stare into each others eyes for a moment before they kiss and reappear in the real world. Y/n stands up and stretches.]

Y/n: Aww man, this feels great. I tell ya babe, almost dying of a broken heart does NOT feel good.

Marcy: I'm sure.

[The two are walking out of Ash's house]

Y/n: You gonna be okay?

Marcy: Yeah. Thanks babe, I..

Yo, Mar-Mar. What—What's with the chump? C'mon, I said no chumps. Especially him! [pats his belly] Ash gets hungies at eight o' clock. You need to get back in the kitchen and make me din-ner.

Marcy: [angrily grunts with a scowl]

Ash: I want a turkey sandwich with to-ma-to.

Marcy: [grunts once more]

Ash: Also pickles.

Marcy: Oh here's your sandwhich-

Y/n: Filled with plenty of-

Y/n/Marcy: KNUCKLES!

[Y/n and Marcy both punch Ash at the same time causing him to go flying across the horizon. Their fists steaming.]


[Y/n then shoots a giant fireball at him that causes him to explode in a series of fireworks.]

Y/n: Happy Fourth of July asshole.

[The episode ends]

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