Chapter 27: Kids and Records
(WE ARE BACK, sorry for taking so long. I got hella distracted with school and playing League of Legends, Fortnite, and Rocket League.)
[This is a Y/n, Briar, and Ichigo Original Episode]
[The episode starts with Y/n waking up in the Candy Kingdom Castle's Hospital Ward.]
Y/n: Aww man, that was rough. But that was a crazy dream.
???: Oh what was your dream?
Y/n: I dreamed that after I defeated The Lich, me and Bonnie came back here and she showed me that I had a son named Ichigo.
???: That was no dream dad. I am your son.
[Y/n nearly falls out of bed when he finally notices Ichigo next to the bed reading a book]
Y/n: Jesus Christ you scared me! So... you really are my son?
Ichigo: Yep.
Y/n: [sighs] Welp guess I'm a father of two now.
Ichigo: Mother did mention I have a half-sister, Briar is her name right?
Y/n: Okay gonna stop that right now. We don't say half-sister or half-brother in this family. We are only family, none of these step-and-half titles.
Ichigo: Very well then Dad.
Y/n: So do you know?
Ichigo: That I was created in a lab? Yes, I am very much aware but I still have a soul, and half of my DNA is yours and the other half is Mom's, so as far as I am concerned I am still a being that looks human?
Y/n: Why did that last part sound like a question?
Ichigo: Well mom is made of bubblegum right? I still don't know if I inherited any of her traits. I know I inherited part of Phoneix and Reaper from you but I'm still worried about Mom's traits.
Y/n: You did, I can tell.
Ichigo: What do you mean?
Y/n: You have that pink strand in your hair, you got more of her personality from what I can tell then you did mine. Your sister ended up getting more from me then she did her mother, so it makes sense that you get more from your mom then you do from me.
Ichigo: I suppose when you put it that way dad, you might be correct.
Y/n: So where's your Mom?
Ichigo: She said she had a very important Princess Summit to attend and that she would check on you the first thing when she returned.
Y/n: Damn, seems like they are hosting more and more princess summits these days.
Ichigo: So it would seem.
[Suddenly the door to the infirmary is kicked open and Briar is there. She is also wearing a new outfit.]
(I decided to find a new outfit for Briar that combines both her Mama and Papa's fashion tastes. What you guys think?)
Briar: Papa!
[She then proceeds to jump on top of Y/n causing him to lose all of the air in his lungs.]
Y/n: Jeesus! Bria! What have I said about not jumping on people?
Briar: Not to...
Y/n: It's alright sweetheart.
Briar: Are you okay now? Mother said you fainted. Why?
Ichigo: Well that would be my fault.
[Briar finally notices Ichigo and tilts her head]
Briar: Who are you and why do you look like Papa?
Ichigo: Well I'm his son Ichigo. That means I'm your brother since we both share the same dad but we have different moms.
[Briar's eyes widen before she tackles Ichigo to the ground and hugs him]
Ichigo: [chuckles and pats her head while hugging back] Well nice to see you like me. [thinking] What is this feeling? Why do I have the urge to murder anyone who dares to try to hurt her or worse... date her.
Y/n: Alright Bria, get off of him before you break his ribs.
Ichigo: Please do, I already feel one of them about to snap.
Briar: [giggles and blushes with embarassment] Sorry, I'm a tight huger.
Y/n: She gets that from me.
Briar: Oh speaking of, Mother said to give you this.
[She then hands him a black bag like one a suit would be in]
Y/n: What's this?
Ichigo: Oh that, Mom said that since your last outfit was heavily damage during your battle with The Lich that she would have a new one made for you.
Y/n: Well I'll make sure to thank her properly when I see her next. Say Bria, where is your mother?
Briar: Mama said she was sorry she couldn't show but that Ash guy has been bothering her so she went to teach him a lesson that she is a married woman.
Y/n: Oh that bastard again? He'll be lucky if he survives her. Anyway, I'm gonna go change. Stay here alright?
Briar: Okay Papa!
Ichigo: You got it dad.
[Y/n then stands up and enters into a nearby changing room. He opens up the black bag to see his new outfit.]
Y/n: Bonnie you have really outdone yourself with this.
[He then quickly puts on the new outfit and looks in the mirror.]
Y/n: Damn Y/n looking fine as hell, this reminds me of my boy band days in HEARTSTEEL. I wonder how those guys are doing these days. Sucks I couldn't return with them to Runeterra, but I had to stay here with Bonnie and Marcy. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been if I never reunited with Marcy and met Bonnie. Well that's nothing to worry about right now. I'm happily married and got two kids to take care of. Speaking of kids...
[Y/n steps out of the changing room and looks into the infirmary to see Briar and Ichigo missing.]
Y/n: [sighs] I told those two to stay here. [chuckles] I guess those two do take that after me as well. The urge to disobey authority. I betcha I know exactly where they went.
[Y/n then exits the infirmary and walks down the hall, he stops walking when he hears a piano coming from music room. He opens the door to see Ichigo playing the piano while Briar watches on]
[Once Ichigo finishes, Briar begins clapping]
Briar: That was amazing Ichi! How are you so good at playing Piano?
Ichigo: [chuckles] I would say it in my genes.
Briar: It's in your pants?
Ichigo: [sighs] No Bria, my DNA.
Briar: Oh.
[The two are interrupted and a shiver goes up their spines.]
Ichigo: He's behind us isn't he?
Briar: I think so.
[The two sibling slowly turn around to see Y/n standing in the doorway.]
Briar: Papa listen.
Ichigo: We can explain.
Y/n: No need, you two went ahead and disobeyed a direct order to stay in the infirmary and you instead went to the music room.
Briar: Sorry Papa...
Ichigo: You must be dissapointed in us...
Y/n: Dissapointed? Nah.
Briar/Ichigo: Wait.... what?
Y/n: I'm so proud, you two are disobeying your father already in order to do your own thing. I couldn't be more proud! But I'm afraid I still have to punish you. Ichigo get off the piano..
Briar: How are you gonna punish us Papa?
Y/n: By showing you and your brother up on Piano.
Ichigo: What...
Briar: Yeah, I'm confused too.
Y/n: Just watch.
[Y/n walks over to the piano and cracks his knuckles. He then does a bit of stretching.]
Y/n: Watch how a master plays Piano.
[Once Y/n finishes playing the Piano, both Briar and Ichigo are left in shock.]
Briar: Woah...
Ichigo: I think I know who I know how to play Piano from and it's Dad.
Y/n: Actually it's your grandmother Kiara. She taught me how to play Piano while your grandma Calli taught me how to sing.
Ichigo: You can sing too Dad?
Briar: How come we've never heard you sing?
Y/n: I mean the last time I sung was when I had to save Jake's memory from Great-Grandpa Death. Finn was there.
Y/n: Yep.
Ichigo: Wow Dad, letting someone else hear your singing before your son and daughter. Kinda bad parenting.
Y/n: I see you have your mother's sassiness...
Briar: Can you sing for us Papa?
Ichigo: Yeah! Sing for us!
Briar/Ichigo: Sing for us! Sing for us! Sing for us! Sing for us!
Y/n: [sighs] Fine....
[The brother and sister duo high five as Y/n summons some clones with some instruments. He steps up to the mic and takes a deep breath before he begins singing]
🎶A light unto my darkening🎶
🎶Illuminate the path🎶
🎶Of old familiar days🎶
🎶Now I stay content living a dream🎶
🎶Am I becoming lazy🎶
🎶Living careless and free?🎶
🎶It's a light unto my darkening🎶
🎶What happened to the comfort🎶
🎶Of the streets that we walked?🎶
🎶Now the cold at time is🎶
🎶Worse than it seems🎶
🎶But we can light a fire🎶
🎶And we'll fight it🎶
🎶Now we can find a way🎶
🎶Through the fire and the flames🎶
🎶Now it's burning in my heart🎶
🎶Just like a melody🎶
🎶Now there is no forever🎶
🎶I've been told we'll fade away🎶
🎶So laugh in every day you get🎶
🎶Don't let it go to waste🎶
🎶So if your light is fading🎶
🎶From the shadow of a doubt🎶
🎶We'll light the sky🎶
🎶With our🎶
🎶We'll keep marching right until🎶
🎶Our fire's burning out🎶
🎶Now at what point did we stop it all?🎶
🎶And now that you're not moving🎶
🎶You feel like you can't fall🎶
🎶But a still flame doesn't burn at all🎶
🎶We gotta keep the fire burning🎶
🎶Hotter, hotter🎶
🎶I can taste it it's so close to me🎶
🎶But in the end you take your time🎶
🎶Then it'll soon rot🎶
🎶Though it might feel like🎶
🎶It's burning down🎶
🎶The scars you wear🎶
🎶Remind you that you made it🎶
🎶Then we'll evaporate🎶
🎶As we rise up to the sky🎶
🎶In my hands I will protect🎶
🎶These precious memories🎶
🎶As we're walking down this road🎶
🎶We'll look up and start to fly🎶
🎶You will never be alone🎶
🎶We work in harmony🎶
🎶Now there is no forever🎶
🎶I've been told we'll fade away🎶
🎶So laugh in every day you get🎶
🎶Don't let it go to waste🎶
🎶So if your light is fading🎶
🎶From the shadow of a doubt🎶
🎶We'll light the sky🎶
🎶With our🎶
🎶We'll keep marching right until🎶
🎶Our fire's burning out🎶
🎶I'm not afraid🎶
🎶To keep the fight going🎶
🎶Sometimes you keep on🎶
🎶Feeling your pain🎶
🎶I saw the🎶
🎶Fire in your eyes burn🎶
🎶Stronger inside you now🎶
🎶Burning brighter🎶
🎶Every single day🎶
🎶There might be no forever now🎶
🎶So what we're bound🎶
🎶To burn and fade away?🎶
🎶So treasure every day🎶
🎶Don't let it go to waste🎶
🎶So if your light is fading from🎶
🎶The shadow of a doubt🎶
🎶We'll light the sky🎶
🎶With our🎶
🎶We'll keep marching right until our🎶
🎶Fire's burning out!🎶
[Once Y/n had finishing singing both Briar and Ichigo were in shock.]
Briar: Papa! That was awesome!
Ichigo: I have to agree. It was incredible.
Briar: Do you think I'll be able to sing like you and mama one day?
[Y/n chuckles and pats his daughter on the head.]
Y/n: Of course sweetie, heck with my singing and your mother's singing genes you might be the greatest singer OOO will ever see.
Ichigo: If she is going to be the best singer in OOO then she's going to need the best piano player in OOO to create the best brother/sister duo!
Briar: Yeah!
[The two high five as Y/n smiles as he pulls out a picture and looks it as it shows Y/n getting his ear pulled by an angry looking Kiara while Calli is in the background next to a girl with water like hair while she smirks.]
(Replace Regis with Y/n)
Y/n: [thinking] Kobo... I know the Lich said he killed you too... but I still have a feeling you are alive somewhere. I promise I'll find you one day.
[Y/n puts the picture back away and looks at his two kids. He then gets an idea in his head..]
Y/n: Hey you two wanna see something that not even your mothers have seen?
Briar: Woah! Something like that exists?
Ichigo: Something that not even our mothers have seen huh? Sounds fun.
Y/n: I knew you kids would agree. Come on.
[Y/n sticks out his hand as a portal is created infront of him and his kids. He turns to them and smirks.]
Y/n: Let's go!
Briar: Woo!
Ichigo: This should be fun.
[The three enter the portal and when they emerge from the other side to see a massive room filled with tons of shelves and many floors.]
Ichigo: This place is massive.
Briar: There's so much stuff here! What is this place Papa?
Y/n: This is my Hall of Records. In here I have gathered artifacts from some of my greatest adventures. I've decided that you each get to pick one thing to keep for yourselves.
Briar: Woah! Really?!
Y/n: Yep.
Ichigo: Really? Anything?
Y/n: Well anything that I give you permission to have, there are a couple of things in here that need to stay here for... reasons...
Briar: Oh okay then Papa.
Ichigo: I suppose that's fair.
Y/n: Alright you two, you have an hour to find something. So have fun.
Briar: Why only an hour?
Y/n: Because time passes differently in here and we don't wanna be in here too long that time passes outside.
Ichigo: So One Hour in here is equal to One Minute outside?
Y/n: Pretty much yeah.
Briar: Cool. Can we go find our things now?
Y/n: Yep have fun you two. See ya in an a hour.
[The two kids then run off in different directions as Y/n smiles as he watches. He then goes over to a nearby chair and sits down, he decides to take a small nap as his kids look for their items. He is woken up when an alarm clock goes off next to him and he opens his eyes to see his kids walking up to him with their items. Y/n's eyes widen when he sees Briar wearing a hat that is familiar to him.]
Y/n: [thinking] What the hell is that hat doing out?! I swore I put it the secure section! [outloud] Bria! Where did you get that hat?!
Briar: [a bit nervous] I uh... found it on a shelf nearby an emblem. I thought it was pretty....
Y/n: Listen sweetie, did you find a backup item?
Briar: Yeah...
Y/n: I need you to give me that hat and get your backup item.
Briar: But why?
Y/n: That hat is very special to me. It belongs to someone..... very dear to my heart. I can't let it leave this place.
Briar: Oh I didn't know...
Y/n: It's okay sweetie. Just go get your backup item.
[Briar nods and gives the hat to Y/n as she quickly runs off to grab her backup item. Y/n then turns to Ichigo as he sees a sword strapped to his back. Y/n recognizes the sword.]
Y/n: Ah Zangetsu, my friend gave to me as a gift before I left to go on another adventure. It's not the original but it's a good replica.
Ichigo: What was his name dad?
Y/n: Funny enough his name was Ichigo as well.
Ichigo: Woah, so you know how to use this sword?
Y/n: I sure do.
Ichigo: You think you can teach me?
Y/n: Of course. We can start right away once we get back.
[Briar then returns with a pair of massive pistols. Y/n smiles as he sees them.]
Y/n: Ah these bring back memories. Casull and Jackal. Two massive pistols given to me by my vampire friend Alucard.
Briar: Woah these were owned by a vampire like me?
Y/n: Not just any Vampire Bria, the king of the vampires. Well at least the vampires of his world.
Briar: Woah! These are so cool. Sorry about taking your hat earlier by the way.
Y/n: It's alright sweetie, you didn't know. Now let's get back you two okay?
Briar: Okay papa.
Ichigo: Sure thing Dad.
[Y/n opens the portal back.]
Y/n: You two go on ahead. I need to put this hat back where it belongs. I'll be following you guys shortly.
Briar: Promise Papa?
Y/n: I promise.
Ichigo: See you on the other side Dad.
Y/n: See ya.
[The siblings walk through the portal as Y/n smiles. His face then returns to a normal one as he picks up the hat and teleports somewhere else. He appears in front of a throne with a logo above it.]
Y/n: Furina... I'm sorry your hat got misplaced. But it's back in its place. I know I promised to have found a cure by now. But I'm so close, I promise I'll bring you back to me soon. I have two kids by now and no they weren't made via sex. One was made by magic and the other was made by science. You would love them and they would love you. I promise I'll visit again soon.
[He then kisses the hat and smiles.]
Y/n: On se voit bientôt mon amour.
[Y/n then opens the portal and steps through as the episode ends]
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