Chapter 26: Mortal Folly

(You know who's chapter this is)

[The episode begins on a dismal-looking day at Bonnie's castle where she, Y/n, Briar, Finn, and Jake are meditating]

Jake: Ommmmm... [Whispering]

Finn: [Whispering] Jake! Bria! What am I supposed to be meditatin' about?

Jake: [Whispering] Don't know. I'm thinking of pillows stuffed with spaghetti.

Briar: [Whispering] I'm thinking about.... honestly no clue.

Y/n: [Whispering] I'm thinking about... things...

Bonnie: Clear your minds.

[The three inhale deeply. Finn exhales; his thought bubble shows himself as a heroic adult. Jake exhales. His thought bubble shows Lady Rainicorn riding a horse. Briar exales and her thought bubble shows her and the heroic adult Finn. Y/n exhales and his thought bubble shows..... well nothing. Bonnie exhales. Her thought bubble shows the Lich muttering in front of flames chanting quietly. She gasps.]

Y/n: Bonnie?

Bonnie: It's that vision again... [stands up] I have to go check on something! N/n I need you to come with me.

Y/n: Right.

Finn: Can we go with?

Briar: Yeah can we Papa?

Y/n: No-

Bonnie: Perhaps they are ready to go with. [Finn and Jake bump fists] Guys, you'll need to put these on. [To Finn] Pull back your hat.

[Finn does so. Princess Bubblegum puts the jewelry on Finn's head. A protective sphere appears around his head. She puts the jewelry on Jake; the same happens.]

Briar: How come I don't need one?

Y/n: Because of our DNA, just trust me.

Briar: Okay Papa.

[Bonnie rubs the gem on her crown; a protective sphere appears around her head as well.]

Bonnie: Stay close to me and N/n. [She claps nine times (the specific rhythm is "1 &-a 2 & 3 & 4 &"). Peppermint Butler appears and blows a huge bubble which engulfs the quintet.]

Finn: Whoa!

[The bubble rises to the canopy of the castle tree.]

Y/n: At the heart of this tree is an ancient evil, held in a prison of amber—the Lich.

[Mysterious chanting is heard.]

Finn: What's that sound?

Briar: I don't hear any sounds.

Bonnie:He's casting spells—trying to get in your head and control your bod... but these gems are protecting our minds from his influence. 

Y/n: Me and Briar aren't affected because of Reaper DNA, he can only control us if we are caught in the middle of a rebirth.

Bonnie: Exactly but If we lost the gems, we'd be defenseless. [The snail comes out of Finn's pack.] He would have full control over us.

Finn: That's freakin' nuts!

[The snail looks at the Lich and suddenly becomes hypnotized. The snail crawls towards the Lich while Bonnie speaks.]

Princess Bubblegum: Beyond Iceberg Lake lies the ruins of the Lich's tower, where he was converting the planet's life force into unholy power to destroy all of Ooo... but before he could, the Legendary Billy attacked him and pummeled him into the resin of this tree

Y/n: At least that's what the public thinks.

Finn: What do you mean?

Y/n: I was the one who defeated The Lich. I sealed him in here a long time ago. I let Billy take the credit so I could remain as a defender from the shadows.

Bonnie: It was for the greater good. [The snail, who has reached the Lich, bangs his head against the amber, cracking it. The Lich converts his body to dark energy and escapes through the crack.] I—WHAT THE NUTS?!

Y/n: NO!

Briar: Papa?


[The Lich looks at Y/n]

Lich: Ah, hello again.... Abomination. You look the same, a pity, I thought you would have died by now. Oh wait, you can't die can you? But you know who can die? Your parents! BECAUSE I KILLED THEM! Such sweet deaths they had.


[Y/n charges at the Lich and swings Nightshadow which almost hits The Lich but he turns into dark energy at the last second and escapes through the wall..]

Lich: If you want to kill Death, then come and face me Abomination.

[The Lich flies off]


Briar: Papa? What did he mean? Did he really kill my grandmas?

Y/n: I'll tell you later. I'm going after him.

Finn: We're coming with-


Briar: But-


Briar/Finn: Yes Sir....

Y/n: Good... [flies off]

Briar: [on the verge of crying] P-papa...

[Bonnie puts a hand on her shoulder]

Bonnie: We are going to help him. Follow me to the secret room.

[The four arrive there.]

Bonnie: There's only two known things that can harm the Lich. The power of Rebirth and [She opens a cabinet with a key revealing said weapon.] The Gauntlet of the Hero.


Jake: Billy's big ol' beef fingers!

Finn, you have but one chance. While the Lich isn't at full power, you must help N/n smite him with this gauntlet! [Finn equips the gauntlet. It becomes smaller to fit Finn's hand.] His only desire... is to destroy life. [Whispering] [Picks up crystal ball which shows an image of the Lich standing in a large fire.] If you fail... he'll kill everyone. Even those who are... immortal...

Briar: Papa is gonna-

Finn: No. That will not happen. We are gonna go help Y/n whether he wants it or not. I'm not going to let him die.

[Briar smiles and blushes]

Bonnie: Oh, and there's something else that Bria wants want you to have. 

Briar: Mother no!

Bonnie: [ignoring her] The Lich's lair is supposed to be cold. ...Bria just don't want you to get sick. [She holds up a white/red sweater.] Take this sweater.  Bria made it herself [Jake sniffs at the sweater.] 

Briar: I'm not great at knitting, but please wear it. I care about you, Finn.

[Finn dons the sweater.]

Finn: I love it.

[Briar hugs Finn and he responds with his own hug.]

Jake: Me, too!

[Jake makes it a group hug. Suddenly, the window seal shakes and opens. The three gasp while Briar growls.]

Ice King: [Appearing in window] Hey hey hey! [The four scowl.] So... I've been thinking about this a lot lately and, well, uh... phew, gosh, I'm so nervous... Briar, Finn, and Jake, will you give me your blessings so I can marry Princess Bubblegum?

Briar: HELL NO!

Ice King: [In disbelief] What's wrong with me?! [Jake closes the window.] No! [Jake latches it.] Not the latch!

Bonnie: Quickly now, Finn! Track the Lich by his trail of death and Y/n's trail of Life.

Finn: Here I go!

Jake: Here I go!

Briar: Here I go!

Bonnie: Be safe and please bring my hubby back!

Briar: We will mother, I promise.

[The three exit. The scene shifts to outside where the three are hurrying towards their destination.]

Jake: This is our first fate-of-the-world deal!

Finn: Yeah, man! We gotta help Y/n shut this fool down hardcore!

Jake: Running this fast makes my stomach hurt!

Briar: Suck it up Jake! My papa is danger!

Finn: Run through it, man! [The Ice King appears in front of Finn] We gotta get beyond Iceberg Lake before the Lich and Y/n!

[Finn runs into Ice King. They both tumble down.]

Ice King: Oh, my! How clumsy of me!

Finn: What the heck, Ice King?!

Briar: Why the hell are you here?

[Briar pushes Ice King out of the way and the trio keep running.]

Ice King: Hey, wait, you guys! I'm serious about Bubblegum! Look, I wrote her name all over my arms and legs! [He shows them evidence to this.]


[They keep running.]

Ice King: Guys! It's not fair! She always hangs out with you, and it's not like you wanna marry her!

Finn: She's already married!

Ice King: I don't see a ring on her finger. So she isn't married.

[Briar throws a rock at him which hits him in the face]

Ice King: OWWW! I told you already. I want your blessings so I can marry Princess Bubblegum! [They keep running. Ice King uses his ice magic to block their path with ice.] Come on, guys, give me permission to marry her! I'll... I'll do a little dance for you! [Dances] Hmm? You like this?

Finn: No!

Ice King: [In desperation] Oh, come on! If you bless our wedding, then maybe she'll really love me.

[He is then blasted away by a huge beam of fire. Finn and Jake look to see Briar pissed as hell.]

Briar: I didn't kill him. Papa gets that honor. Now let's go.

Finn/Jake: Right.

[Back at the Candy Castle]

Bonnie: Oh, Finn and Jake, please be okay. N/n, Bria if any thing were to happen to you two... [Stress-eating a Candy Person] Please be okay... please be okay...

[A card partially comes through the window seal and nudges the latch.]

Ice King: Eh... stupid thing... come on... eh...

[He finally opens the window.]

Bonnie: Ice King?! Get outta here!!

Ice King: I didn't want to do this, but by not blessing our wedding, Finn and Jake have forced me to kidnap you.

[Ice King cuffs her with ice.]

Bonnie: That's insane! I'm already married!

Ice King: But you don't wear a ring.

Bonnie: The ring is engraved on my soul!

Ice King: Nah, that doesn't count.

Bonnie: [Leaving with him] NO!!

[Over at Iceberg Lake]

Jake: There! Out over the lake!

[The Lich is seen in the lake. A trail of dead aquatic life is behind him. He emerges from the lake to fly. Y/n is right behind him shooting fireballs at him.]

Briar: Papa is there!

Finn: After his butt!

Jake: [Turning into a boat] I'm your dingy dog!

[Jake goes over the lake with Finn riding him and Briar over them flying. Finn imitates a motorboat.]

Finn: Here! I'll help paddle! [To gauntlet] Hey. It's me. [The gauntlet looks at Finn for just a second.] Aw, come on. I'm sorry I punched you in the ball.

[Finn kisses it. The gauntlet activates, and they move much faster across the lake in hot pursuit of the Lich and Y/n.]

Jake: Waaaah!

Finn: Ah, yeah, haha! Closing in... Gonna get you, man! [Readying gauntlet] Closer, Jake! [They get nearer and nearer to the Lich.] Closer... closer...

[Suddenly a wall of fire appears in front of them. Y/n is the one who has created the wall.]


Briar: PAPA!




[Back at the wall of fire the heroes stop as Finn fires the gauntlet into the air. And they make it to land as the Ice King appears.]

Finn: [He's had it.] ICE KING!!

Ice King: Look! Look what you've made me do to her!

Bonnie: Guys! Don't let the Lich reach his well of power! [A green explosion of energy and then a red/orang explosion of fire occur far off.] [In terror] Oh, no!! He's made it!! AND N/N IS THERE TOO!

Finn: Don't worry, Princess!

Briar: We'll save Papa!

[Briar, Finn, and Jake run towards the site of the explosion and enter an old subway station emitting ghostly green gases.]

Ice King: Hey, where're you guys goin'? What's goin' on?

[At the station, Briar, Finn, and Jake are greeted by Skeletal Guards possessed by the Lich. Briar quickly dispatches them with her daggers.]

Briar: We don't have time for this.

Jake: Then let's go!

[Skeletons rise up behind Finn and grab his pack, ripping it open.]

Finn: My pack!!

Jake: [Latching onto Finn like a backpack] It's okay!

[Finn runs. Suddenly, a big skeleton rises under his feet. Finn blasts it, accidentally blowing a hole in the ground, which he, Briar, and Jake fall down.]

[Above the station]

Ice King: [To Bonnie] Man... I-I wanna go after them, but... that hole looks scary, doesn't it? [Beat] Well! Holes are holes! [Enters with her]

[Finn and Jake scream as they fall. Finn grabs onto a pipe using the gauntlet and Briar grabs onto another pipe. The trio gently reach the ground. The sounds of swords clashing can be heard.]

Finn: The Lich!

Briar: Papa!

[Y/n and The Lich are fighting with the Lich wielding his own sword]

Lich: Have you grown weaker Abomination? This is no-where near your full power is it? This isn't fun for me. Your "death" won't be as fun.


[Y/n goes in for another slash which the Lich dodges but is then hit a blast of fire which Y/n quickly uses to advance towards the Lich.]


Lich: I did didn't I? Ah those were fun times.


[Y/n desummons his sword and punches the Lich hard in the gut causing him to soar into the air and Y/n appears above him and sledgehammers him into the ground. He stands over the Lich and summons his scythe.]

Y/n: Time to deal with you once and forever.

Briar: PAPA!

Y/n: Bria?

[Y/n turns around and sees Briar, Finn, and Jake. But in that brief distraction...]


[Y/n is stabbed in the back by the Lich's sword. He looks back at the Lich who gives a creepy smile.]

Lich: Look at the Abomination, your weakness. Just like last time, your family has been your downfall.

Y/n: [coughing blood] B-Bastard! [He falls to his knees]

[The Lich picks up Y/n and throws him towards the trio and Briar catches him with tears in her eyes.]

Finn: GRAAAAA! [He fires a blast at the Lich, who dodges it. Finn and Jake heroically go down to him, Jake shaping his ears into a wing shape.] YOU HURT BRO! PREPARE TO DIE IN HIS NAME!

[The Lich effortlessly gets a hold of Finn.]

Lich: [Raising a bony finger to what was his lips.] Shhhh... pathetic gauntlet.

[The gauntlet gets destroyed. Finn adopts a look of shock. The Lich throws the two to the far side of the well near Briar.]

Briar: Papa.... come on... don't be dead please!

Y/n: B-Bria? I-Is that you?

Briar: It's me Papa, don't worry I'll heal you.

Y/n: N-No the sword wound is too deep and is made of death magic, i-it will take too long, you need to get out of here. I can still fight. 

Briar: I'm not leaving you papa! I'm not!

Y/n: Please... go back and tell your mother and mama how much.... I love them...

[Y/n passes out]

Briar: Papa? Papa, come on, this isn't funny. [crying] C-Come on, p-please wake up.

[Briar begins to shake in anger and she turns to the Lich]

Briar: YOU!

Lich: [Noticing Briar] Oh, your energy... You must be the Abomination's spawn? Is that Vampire Demon I smell? You must be the grandaughter of Hunson Abadeer. 

Briar: HURT!

Lich: Oh what's this?

Briar: MY PAPA!

[Briar is then engulfed in a blood red aura and she begins to transform, he eyes go pure white and gain a pink glow and her teeth grow sharper. Her ears grow longer and so does her tongue. She also gains pink highlights on her hair.]


Lich: Wha-

[She charges at the Lich and hits him directly in the face and the scene cuts to Y/n before it goes inside his head where is floating in a void.]

Y/n: So this is it... Another Rebirth... but this time... I'll be too late to save everyone...

???: Really Son? Giving up are we? Didn't me and your mama teach you better then that?

???: I'm pretty sure we did.

Y/n No... it can't be...

[Y/n turns around and sees two people he hasn't seen in a very... very... long time. A woman with pink hair and pink eyes and a woman with orange hair and teal highlights and magenta eyes. His mothers... Kiara Takanashi and Mori Calliope.]

Y/n: Mama? Mom?

Mori: Hello Y/n.

Kiara: My Sweet Baby boy, look how big you've gotten.

Y/n: But How?

Mori: The Universe works in mysterious ways Y/n. We aren't quite so sure ourselves.

Kiara: All we know is that you need us and here we are.

Y/n: What are you going to do? I've already failed and now the Lich is going to kill everyone.

Kiara: I wouldn't be so sure about that Honey.

Y/n: What do you mean Mama?

Mori: Take a look.

[Mori opens a screen which shows Briar fighting the Lich and actually holding her ground.]

Kiara: Awww, that's our granddaughter? She's so adorable.

Mori: You can fawn over our grandchild later Kusotori.

Y/n: That's my Baby Girl... but why does she look like that?

Mori: Simple Son, she's unlocked her first transformation. She's learning how to control Life and Death at the same time, interesting choice in form though.

Kiara: Ya know it's kinda funny that our granddaughter unlocked her Life and Death form. I remember when Y/n unlocked his, he was so bad with it.

Y/n: Really? Going to insult me now?

Mori: Calm down Kid, you know how she gets.

Kiara: Sorry baby boy. Anyway, why are you holding back?

Y/n: Huh?

Mori: Your holding back kid, why do you only ever use your Phoniex powers these days. I've only see you use your Reaper powers a few times.

Y/n: It's because I'm scared.

Kiara: Why are you scared Honey?

Y/n: You remember what happened when I first unlocked them and tried both at the same time....

Mori: You went out of control right and nearly killed Me and Your Mom?

Y/n: Yeah...

Kiara: Oh Honey, that was because you were just learning at the time. Me and your mom had that under control.

Y/n: But I thought....

[Mori flicks Y/n on the forehead.]

Mori: She said we had it under control. Now that you are older and wiser, you should have perfect control over them. So stop being a wimp and use em!

[She and Kiara start to fade]

Y/n: What's going on?

Kiara: It seems our time is coming to an end.

Y/n: Will I ever see you two again?

Mori: Maybe kid, but for now just know this.

Mori/Kiara: We love you.

Kiara: Also tell our grandson we say Hi!

Y/n: Grand-HUH?!

[The two then glow and fade away as Y/n sits up and open his eyes breathing heavily. He looks over and sees Briar starting to lose ground against The Lich. Finn and Jake notice this and run over to him.]

Finn: Bro you're okay!

Jake: We thought you died!

Y/n: I thought so too... well at least Rebirth. How's Briar doing?

Finn: She started out fine but now she's losing ground. What happened to her?

Y/n: She unlocked her true power, a master of both life and death and by the looks of it, she's losing power. I'm gonna go back in.

Jake: But you're injured.

Y/n: Am I?

Finn: He isn't the sword wound is gone!

Y/n: Stand back you two. I'm about to finally go all out.

[Finn and Jake nod and stand back as Y/n in consumed in a pillar of fire which Briar and The Lich notice?]

Briar: P-Papa?

Lich: So the abomination has returned. That means I'm done with you girl.

Briar: Wha-

[The Lich backhands Briar towards a wall but just before she makes contact she is caught by someone. She looks up to see Y/n who is looking at the Lich in anger.]

Briar: Papa? You're okay.

Y/n: Yeah, thanks for holding him off sweetie. Now go join Finn and Jake.

Briar: Okay.

[Briar runs over to Finn and Jake before passing out in Finn's arms and turning back to normal.]

Lich: Come to fight me again abomination?

Y/n: Fight You? No... I want to kill you.

[Y/n is then engulfed in an orange/black aura and he glows, once the glowing dies down he is a new fform. His h/c hair has grown longer and his e/c eyes have gotten brighter. On his back are now a pair of new wings which represent life and death. He has also gained a new outfit]

[In his right hand he holds his mom's scythe but on his back is a sword and shield.]

Lich: This power... it is both light and death. I sense the same coursing through your offspring but it was incomplete... this one is?

Y/n: Complete... Yeah.

Lich: Just what are you?

Y/n: You haven't figured it out yet? I am Y/n Calliope-Takanashi. Son of Mori Calliope and Taknashi Kiara. A Phoneix and Reaper Hybrid. I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cryout for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am both the Light and Darkness. I am Truth. ALLY TO GOOD, NIGHTMARE TO YOU!

[The Lich looks on and for the first time in his life... he feels fear.]

Lich: Well I stand corrected. I heard legends of a being who could control both life and death, who would have thought someone so disgusting would be that legend. But it doesn't matter for I am the last scholar of Golb. AND YOU WILL DIE BY MY HAND!

[The Lich charges at Y/n who just stands still. The lich lands a punch on Y/n but Y/n tanks it.]

Lich: WHAT?!

Y/n: My turn.

[Y/n readies a single hand and does a one inch punch on The Lich causing him to go flying into a wall.]

Finn: Woah... bro just got...

Jake: A whole stronger...

Ice King: [Entering with Princess Bubblegum] Yep! Holes are holes! NYEH!! [He notices the Lich, who fires a green fire ball at Y/n but he reflects it away.]

Bonnie: Y/n? Is that you?

[Y/n then charges at the Lich again and summons his scythe and swings it the Lich who gets cut by it and screams in pain.]

Lich: GAH! WHY DOES THIS BURN? A Reaper Scythe shouldn't hurt me!

Y/n: That's because it's imbued with life energy. 

Lich: That should be impossible.

Y/n: I have a habit of making the impossible... possible.

[The two then resume fighting as they both summon their swords and began to clash with Y/n taking the offensive.]

[Y/n manages to disarm the Lich and grabs him from behind. The Lich attempts to break free but is unable.]

Lich: WHy can't I escape?

Y/n: Simple, I don't want you to. [To Finn] Hey Finn, take everyone outside, I'm gonna be setting off some pretty fireworks. [To Ice King] And Ice King, you better unlock Bonnie before I kill you after I'm down with The Lich.

ICe King: N- [Y/n glares at him and Ice King quickly undoes the chains and flies outside with Bonnie]

Finn: See you topside Bro. [Jake stretches Finn and BRiar outside of the tunnel.]]

Y/n: Now as for you.

[Y/n fires a fireball straight upwards which creates a hole up to the topside]

Lich: What are you doing?

[Y/n doesn't answer and flies up into the sky]


Y/n: Simple, I'm getting rid of the last bad thing from my past. I'm going to burn you to hell. I'll burn you so there is nothing left... not even your soul.

Lich: N-No, I'll do anything you want. I'll spare your family.

Y/n: Wow, begging for mercy? The incarnation of Death is begging not to die? How Ironic. Now burn up Lich and be at peace.

[The Lich begins to trash more and more but doesn't succeed]

Y/n: [thinking] In another time you could have been a hero necromancer but that's impossible now. Maybe you will be reborn as good some day. Farewell.... Lich.

[Y/n's body then begins to burn brighter causing the Lich to scream in bloody agony. Y/n flies higher and higher.]


[The Lich screams his pain as his body burns up.]

[On the ground everyone looks up to see the flaming move. Briar has now woken up but is leaning on Finn for support.]

Finn: Holy crud...

Jake: Woah....

Ice King: Youch...

Bonnie: N/n...

Briar: Papa....

[After a bit Y/n floats down holding the charred remains of the Lich. Everyone runs up to him.]

Y/n: He's Gone... for good...

Finn: Bro what was that?

Y/n: I stopped holding back.

[Bonnie then grabs his cheeks with tears in her eyes.]

Y/n: What's wrong Bonnie?

[She then kisses him on the lips which he happily reciprocates. After the kiss they seperate.]

Bonnie: That's for being alive.

[She then slaps him.]

Bonnie: That's for being stupid and going on your own.

Y/n: Yeah I deserve that. Sorry about being an asshole, I wasn't thinking straight.

Finn: It's all good.

Jake: No sweat.

[Y/n then notices Briar crying.]

Y/n: Sweetheart what's wrong.

[Using the little bit of energy Briar throws herself into her father's arms. He smiles and pats her on the head.]

Briar: I thought I lost you Papa!

Y/n: I'm sorry I made you worried sweetie, but you don't have to worry anymore. Papa is safe and sound.

Finn: So is the Lich?

Y/n: Yeah, I burned him both physically and spiritually. There's no way he can return.

Jake: Woah... that's metal.

Y/n: Now let's go home.

Ice King: Actually Y/n, I have a question for you.

Y/n: Sure...

Ice King: Can I marr-

[The Ice King is then blasted away by both Briar and Y/n.]

Y/n: Yeah No, she's MINE.

[Bonnie kisses him on the cheek.]

Y/n: Oh yeah, I saw my moms while I was knocked out.

Briar: You saw my grandmas how?

Y/n: Spirtually and some weird cosmic stuff. They did mention something weird to me.

Bonnie: What's that N/n?

Y/n: They said say hi to my grandson for them. 

[Bonnie begins to sweat nearvosuly.]

Finn: Woah Princess, are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah Bonnie, are you okay? Or are you hiding something from me.

Bonnie: [sighs] I have something to show you when we get back to The Candy Kingdom.

Y/n: Alright?

[Later in a hallway at the Candy Kingdom. Y/n and Bonnie and walking down it when they stop at a room and they hear music from inside.]

Y/n: Is that music?

Bonnie: Promise you won't freak out?

Y/n: Okay

[The two enter the room to see a young man at the piano and Y/n's eyes widen. The young boy has h/c hair with a strand of pink and the most shocking feature are the e/c eyes. Y/n looks at Bonnie who smiles. The boy begins to play a song which Y/n recognises.]

(Imagine the black parts of his hair are h/c)

[The boy finishes playing and notices Bonnie and Y/n]

???: Ah hey mom, I was just finishing up.

Bonnie: Very good Ichigo. Now I have someone I want you to meet.

[Ichigo stands up from the Piano and walks over to Y/n and bows.]

Ichigo: Hello, my name is Ichigo Bubblegum and you must be my dad.


Bonnie: Oh Jeez!

Ichigo: Is Dad gonna be okay?

Bonnie: Yeah I think he was just surprised.

[The episodes ends]

(And that's the end of Mortal Folly. Now I will NOT be doing Mortal Recoil for one big reason, I couldn't bring myself to have Y/n or Bonnie taken over by the Lich after Y/n just unlocked his full power. So instead I'll be doing a fully original chapter that will focus on Y/n, His Wives, and now his Son and Daughter and their dynamic as chaotic family. I hope you guys don't mind the change. Also the Lich WILL return, he's not done with his goal yet.)

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