Chapter 24: Go With Me

(This is a Y/n and Briar episode)

[The episode begins with Finn and Jake having a picnic and watching the sunset. Y/n is nearby under a tree just thinking.]

Jake: Hey, man, it's Couples Only Movie Night tonight. Who are you bringin'?

Y/n: I ain't going.

Jake: But dude, you got two wives to take.

Y/n: Yeah and I love them to death but I hate those kinda things, I can't stand those cheesy romance flicks. What about you Finn?

Finn: I don't know. Who are you bringin' Jake?

Jake: I'm bringing my girlfriend, dude.

Finn: Oh.

[A duck walks up to them and Finn picks it up.]

Finn: I'll take this duck!

Jake: It's couples night! You gotta bring someone you can smooch.

Finn: Man, I don't want to be smooched!

Y/n: Good.

Jake: Don't have to smooch. You just have to bring someone you can smooch. It's, like, the rules.

Finn: Lame. [Attempts to kiss duck, but it flies away.] Ah! Well, I'll take this blanket! [Kisses blanket.]

Jake: Put the blanket down. [Pats the ground beside him.] Have a seat. I want to explain some "things" to you about couples.

[Later that day, Y/n, Finn, and Jake are back at the treehouse. Finn is looking for someone to call.]

Jake: You all square?

Finn: Yeah, yeah.

Jake: Who you gonna call?

Finn: I'm going to call a girl I don't have to kiss.... probably.

Y/n: Oh and who's that?

Finn: Bria.


Finn: Now, alright I know that sounds bad, but I promise I just need someone to go with and she enjoys these kinda things.

Y/n: [clenching teeth] Fine, but if I find out you smooched her, I'm gonna be pissed..

Finn: No smooching, Finn's Honor.

Y/n: Very well.

[Finn calls Briar]

Briar: [Whistling as she answers the phone.] Hello?

Finn: Hi Bria! Would you go to Couples Movie Night with me?

Briar: OH Finny, I would love to on any other night but tonight but-

Bonnie: Briar!

Briar: I have to help Mother prepare for the Whistling Choir Tag Team Death Match Championship.

Finn: But—

Briar: さようなら("Goodbye")

[Hangs up phone and goes over to Bonnie who is practicing her whistling.]

Finn: She doesn't want to go!

Y/n: Doesn't want to go or can't go?

Finn: The first one.

Y/n: I highly doubt that.

Jake: We just need to help her realize that she wants to go to the movies with you. [Takes out cell phone.] I'm calling Marceline.

Finn: What?

Y/n: How the hell did you get my wife's number?

Jake: I stole it from your phone.

Y/n: Damn, I taught you well.

Jake: [Begins to call Marcy.] Look, man, I've been learning a lot about vampires lately. I realized my fear was based on ignorance!


[Marcy answers her phone, half of the screen Jake and half the screen of Marcy.]

Marcy: Speak.

Jake: Hey, hey, Marceline. Got a favor to ask, Babe. We've gotta make Briar jealous, so she'll go to the movies with Finn. [Marcy sneaks out from a pile of dirty clothes behind Jake and begins to approach him.] Marceline? Come in. Hello? [Marcy hisses loudly behind him, making Jake scream loudly.]

Finn: Hehe. Are you gonna help us?

Marcy: Yeah, I'll help. It'll be funny. Plus I wanna see Bria happy.

Y/n: Wait now hold on, how come you are so willing to help Finn get a date with OUR daughter?

Marcy: Because babe, she's gonna come across boys eventually, might as well get her started with him. Besides he's like the best choice for her and won't do anything... suspicious to her.

Y/n: Well when you put it like that. NO! I WON'T LET HIM! I KNOW I SAID I WOULD EARLIER BUT I CHANGE MY MIND!

[Marcy then whispers in his ear and his eyes widen]

Y/n: Alright, I'll help.

[Now at the Candy Kingdom.]

Jake: Okay, so here's the plan. [Points at Finn] You start saying things and [Points at Marcy and Y/n] you two start laughing waaay loud. And then Bria... [Camera pans up to Bonnie through the window above them with Briar next to her.] will get jealous of you [Points at Marcy]. Which will awaken her Finn love! You start us off.

Y/n: This is not going to work. Our daughter isn't stupid Jake.

Marcy: I mean YOU are her father and you were dense as hell when we started dating.

Y/n: I was not.

Marcy: Babe, it took 3 years for you to realize we lived together!

Y/n: Oh damn.... maybe I was dense... This might work.

Finn: Um... hmm funny... funny... giddy up?

[Marcy and Y/n burst out laughing.]

Finn: Hehe. Um... diggy diggy?

[Marcy and Y/n laugh even more, very exaggerated.]

Finn: Diggy diggy! [Claps hands.] Diggy diggy!

[Bonnie appears at window and clears throat.]

Bonnie: Greetings, Finn. Hi, N/n. [Unamused tone.] Hey, Marceline...

Y/n: Sup Honey.

Marcy: [Waves, amused tone] Hello, Bonnibel.

Briar: [appearing] I heard laugh and Finny's voice, what's so funny Finny? [notices Marcy] Hi Mama!

Marcy: Hi Sweetheart.

Finn: I, um... uh... it's... something.

Bonnie: Well, then, keep it down out there! I'm trying to whistle practice! [Walks away, whistling.]

Briar: Sorry Finny, maybe you can tell me later. I gotta get back to helping.

Jake: That was great! Now, we begin Phase 2! It's so powerful! Wait here! Hehehe... [Stretches away.]

Marcy: Hey, look, Finn, I know Jake's your friend and all, but... if you really want Bria to go to the movies with you, you've gotta like, stop taking advice from your dog and take some advice from a real girl!

Y/n: And her husband and the father of the girl you want to woo.

Finn: But Jake said Phase 2 is powerful!

Marcy: [Blows raspberry.] How is Jake going to know what girls want more than a real girl?

Y/n: And husband and father of said girl you trying to get to go with you.

Finn: Yeah...

Marcy: Okay great. So what we need now is something... fun! Girls love fun more than anything. Fun, fun, fun! If you can show Bria you're fun, she'll deffs wanna go to the movies with you.

Finn: Haha, you said fun so much, it sounds all weird now. Fun. F—

Y/n: Ya know what's pretty bad. I have no idea what you like to do for fun Finn.

Finn: Oh, Oh! I like to wrestle! And fight! [Makes fighting sounds & positions.] But girls don't like that.

Y/n: I'm pretty sure our daughter likes both of those things.

Marcy: Exactly. All you need to do is get in there and wrestle Briar to show her how fun you are. [Floats away.]

Y/n: Be careful Finn, she bites when cornered. [flies away]

Finn: Ffffffuuunnn. Ffffuuunn. [Begins to walk after Marcy and Y/n but is stopped by Jake.]

Jake: Whoa, where you going, man? Check it out!

Finn: What is that stuff?

Jake: It's a lute-suit! Girls love it! Trust me.

[Now in the hallway outside of Briar's bedroom in the Candy King, Finn is dressed in the lute-suit and Jake is shaped-changed into a chair. Marcy and Y/n float/fly down from the ceiling.]

Marcy: Finn! What the plum are you wearing? You look horrible!

Y/n: You look like Sir Slicer's jester.

Jake: It's a lute-suit! And Finn looks adorable in it!

Y/n: No he doesn't. He looks like a total bottom right now.

Marcy: Exactly, it's going to ruin the plan.

Jake: What she talking about, Finn?

Finn: Well... I was going to give Marceline and Y/n's plan a try, too.

Jake: Their idea?! What's wrong with my idea? [Marcy flicks her tongue at Jake.]

[Briar is heard whistling and walks into the hallway, Jake turns back into a chair and Marcy turns into a bat and flies away. Y/n quickly attaches himself to the ceiling.]

Briar: [Whistles.] Oh, hey, Finny! Whatcha doing he—Whoa! What are you wearing?

Finn: Oh... this is my... Lute... suit.

[Jake points down at lute he stretched and motions for him to play it.]

Finn: Oh. [Singing and playing the lute.] This is my lute-suit!

Briar:[Starts to laugh.] Finn, that is hilarious! [Starts to laugh again.] Oh, you are killing me! Even thought I can't die! HAHAHA IMMORTAL JOKE! [Giggles.]

Marcy: Psst! [Still a bat and flying near the ceiling, makes wresting motions and noises.]

Finn: Oh, yeah! [Puts lute on chair-Jake.] So... Headlock! [Puts Briar in a headlock and she falls to the ground laughing.]

Briar: So ya wanna wrestle with me eh? Let's go then!

[She then bites Finn on the arm and he screams]

???: What's with the screaming! BRIA!

[Bonnie then comes down the hall after hearing Finn's scream and sees what is going on.]

Bonnie: Guards!

[Finn is thrown out of the castle. Jake comes out of the hole in the lute, breaking the strings and falls, dizzy. Marcy sits down next to him and turns back to normal. Y/n sits next to her.]

Marcy: That suit was ridiculous.

Y/n: Agreed.

Jake: Ridi—Ridiculous? What? Can you believe this girl and guy, Finn? Huh? Can ya?

Finn: Uh... I guess the suit did feel... a little silly.

Jake: Well, fine! You can just give it back then!

[Finn take off suit.]

Finn: I'm sorry!

Jake: Good luck getting to that movie without my help! Ruff. [Stretches away.]

Marcy: Gee, he seems pretty ticked.

Finn: Naw, he just needs some spaghetti.

Y/n: That calms him right down.

Marcy: Oh, okay. Well taste this, then. I've gotta a new plan.

Y/n: Oh this should be good.

Finn: Really?

Marcy: The only thing women like more than fun is excitement! She needs to feel her blood pump, man! She needs to... be chased by wolves!

Finn: Like metaphorically?

Y/n: When it comes to any other girl yes, but with Bria she means literally.

Marcy: Come on, I'll teach ya how to show a girl a good time. COme on you two.

[Y/n grabs Finn and tosses him on his back. The trio take off while Marcy and Y/n laugh. They fly above a pack of running wolves and start to run with them. Marcy and Y/n stop and growl at Finn until he begins to growl back and run on all fours. Y/n, Finn, and Marcy begin to run with the wolves, foam coming out of Finn's mouth and howl at the moon with them. Marcy and Y/n bite the back of the wolves in front of them and Finn does the same. Y/n, Finn, and Marcy begin to ride on the back of three wolves. Marcy, Y/n, and Finn fly three wolves to the Candy Kingdom and outside of Briar's room.]

Marcy: Shhh! She's probably asleep! Wait this isn't Bonnie, our daughter doesn't need to sleep.

[They put the wolves into Briar's room and close the door.]

Finn: This was a really good idea.

Y/n: Just don't screw it up [flies to the ceiling]

Marcy: [Turns into a bat.] Now don't blow it this time!

Finn: Haha, okay.

Briar laughs, runs out of her room holding all three wolves in her arms as they lick her face. She notices Finn.]

Briar: Finny? Did you put wolves in my room?

Finn: Yeah, I did! Pretty exciting, right? Heh heh.

Briar: They are adorable.

Bonnie: YOU DID WHAT?!

[The two see Bonnie standing there.]

Briar: Oh right... Mother hates Wolves....

[Banana Guards drag Finn out of the castle.]

[Sadly] I'm sorry to do this, Finn. But until you stop acting like a psycho, you're forbidden from entering the Candy Kingdom. Farewell. 

Briar: Sorry Finny....[Walks back into the castle, a pretzel gate sliding closed behind her. A duck quacks, and poos on him.]

I don't understand, Marcy. I tried everything. I guess she just doesn't like me. [Marcy puts a finger to his lips.]

Marcy: Shhh. Come on, Finn,Briar likes you it's just that Bonnie has Briar this weekend because of a contract the three of us signed. And anyway I, for one, think you're pretty great. [Ruffles Finn's hair] Sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted. See you later, I guess! [Flies away.]

[Y/n sighs and stands up]


Finn: What do you mean?

Y/n: Leave it to me Finn. Bria WILL be going to those movies with you.

Finn: What are you going to do?

Y/n: [turns to him and smirks] I'm gonna be a good husband and father all at the same time. Just be at Marcy's place in an hour. Bria will be there 100%.

[Marcy is at her house and is about to play her bass, when Y/n and Briar teleport in.]

Marcy: What the? Bria why are you not with Bonnie right now?

Briar: I'm not so sure. Papa came to the castle grabbed Mother took her into her room and 45 minutes later she came out breathing heavily and said I could go with Papa.

Marcy: Oh I see.

[The three then heart a lute playing outside. Briar looks out the window and sees Finn dressed in the lute-suit.]

Briar: Oh no...

Y/n: Dear god....

Marcy: Well that's something...

Finn: [Makes guitar noises.] Bria! Will you go to the movies with me?!

[Briar quickly opens door almost pulling it off the hinges.]

Briar: Of course I will!

Y/n: But get in here you two first. Need to have that talk.

[Finn and Jake walk in.]

Finn: [Singing] Good evening my dear, your escort is here!

Briar: Now Finny, you sure you wanna go down this road? I can be pretty... intense.

Finn: With you, I would walk down any road, m'lady. Especially, if it leads to the movies.

Y/n: Even thought she's technically the Princess of the Nightosphere and a Phoenix?

Briar: And one of my grandmother's was a Reaper? What do you think of that?

Finn: How do you like your popcorn?

Y/n: Alright he passes. For now...

Briar: Although I'm happy about this, why couldn't you just go alone to the movies? I'm sure you would have fun.

Finn: 'Cause Jake said Couples Night had weird kissing requirements and romance initiation rituals and whatever else. [mumbles] Also cause I kinda wanted to go with you.

Y/n: Oh did he now?

Jake: I didn't really say all that. [Mumbles something and hides behind couch.]

Briar: Then of course I'll go with you Finny! Because I already accepted earlier! But no tongue.

Finn: Yea—Wha?


[Marcy then grabs Y/n by the collar.]

Marcy: Have fun you guys. Me and Y/n are gonna have our own "movie" night.

[Y/n's eyes widen and he smiles]

Y/n: Oh yeah, that. Make sure to have Bria home by midnight Finn or else I'll kill ya!

[Marcy elbows Y/n in the gut.]

Marcy: He's kidding. Have fun.

Briar: Bye Mama! Bye Papa!

[Briar and Finn are at Couples Movie Night, sitting on an old truck and watching the intros.]

Finn/Briar: [Both laughing excitedly]

Finn: Oh, man! I can't believe I'm finally going to see this movie!

[The movie "Love Kaboom" starts with a woman and man.]

Woman in movie: Oh, mon cher. I guess zese is goodbye.

[Finn is getting weirded out by the movie and so is Briar.]

Man in movie: No, not goodbye. Let's say: Farewell!

[Jake and Lady Rainicorn, Lollipop Girl & Ice Cream Guy are kissing, and so are two bugs in Ice Cream Guy's head. Finn sees all of this and throws up and turns to Briar, who is also grossed out.]

Finn: Couples Night sucks! Briar, would you do me the honor, of getting the plop out of here?

Briar: There's nothing I'd like more. [Pushes Finn off the truck they are sitting on and flies up.]

Man in movie: Nothing can ever tear us apart.

[The two are now flying in the air with Briar carrying Finn.]

Finn: So what now?

Briar: I heard that there's another movie place nearby showcasing the Star Wars Original Trilogy movies.

Finn: Are they any good?

Briar: Papa said they were pretty good. You wanna go do that?

Finn: It would be my honor.

[The two laugh and fly off as the episode ends.]

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