Chapter 21: Death in Bloom

(This is a Y/n Chapter and will reveal a LOT of Y/n's past, especially his parents.)

[The episode begins with Y/n, Bonnie, Finn and Jake drinking tea.]

Bonnie: [Sips tea] Ah fudge! What time is it? I gotta go to Veggie Village for the Annual Technology Fair. Will y'all watch my Princess Plant for me? [Hands Finn a flower with a green stem and white petals] I usually hire a sitter but- Ehn.

Y/n: We got this babe. Go to that tech fair, make sure to bring me back something.

Bonnie: [kissing Y/n on the cheek] Thanks N/n. I will be back on the Morrow. SCREEEEEEEE!

[A giant bird flies out from behind a mountain, picks up Bonnie and flies away.]

Finn: You're in good hands, Princess Plant.

[Scene transitions to Finn and Jake dancing with the plant while Y/n watches. Jake kicks of the pot and begins to shake it's roots up and down to mimic dancing. The scene transitions to Finn and Jake with the plant sitting on a dinner table and drinking grape soda while Y/n drinks orange soda. They stuff the plant's roots with pizza and cookies, and Jake pours soda into the plant's petals, while Finn puts pizza in another. The two high five as the plant sags and Y/n grows a concerned look on his face. The scene transitions again to a dried up and dead plant next to a crackling fire. Finn is reading the plant a story while Jake is cuddled up with it.]

Finn: And then the monster got punched in the head and the princess was safe. And everyone was happy!

[Plant catches on fire as Jake is asleep next to it.]

Finn: [Gasps and screams]

[Y/n sighs and puts out the fire with his powers. Finn puts a band-aid on it and Finn and JHake kiss the black and charred plant.]

[The scene transitions to another room. Finn and Jake are tucking it into bed.]

Y/n: Okay now this is getting weird. It's a plant, not a baby.

Finn: Shh, don't mind him. Time to lay down beautiful buddy..

Jake: Yeah. Time to make sleepies!

Finn: Ahhh. We killed it, man!

Jake: I know!

Y/n: Who's this we, I ain't taking the blame for this.

Finn: If you don't I will tell Bria you threatened to beat me up for thinking bout her.

Y/n: Damn, who the hell taught you how to blackmail?

Finn: You did.

Y/n: Damn my teach skills. Well I guess we only have one option...

Jake: What's that?

Y/n: We go to one of my childhood homes... The Land of the Dead and get it's soul back before Bonnie returns and kills us.

[Peppermint Butler peeks into the room.]

Peppermint Butler: Excuse me, but did you all say Land of the Dead?

Y/n: Sure did Peps.

Peppermint Butler: I can take you.

Y/n: Oh yeah, I was gonna take em but if you want to go ahead.

Peppermint Butler: Certainly, Y/n. [Walks into corner of the room] For a small price. Which we can discuss later! Take my hands, gentlemen! [Raises arms.]

[Finn and Jake walk over and each take one of Peppermint Butler's hands. Y/n puts his hand on Peppermint Butler's shoulder.]

Peppermint Butler: Stare into where the two walls meet. Now slowly, cross your eyes. [Crosses eyes] Do it, fools!

[Finn and Jake do so and a mark glows on Y/n's right hand. The portal to the land of the dead opens and is glowing red with rocky terrain in the distance.]

Peppermint Butler: The portal opens!

[Finn and Jake step into the portal with Y/n slowly behind them.]

Peppermint Butler: Say 'hi' to Death for me if you see him! He lives in a castle made of light!

Y/n: I know! Spent a lot of time there as a kid! And I'll say hi for you.

Finn: Thanks Peppermint Butler. [Him and Jake wave goodbye and Y/n gives a two fingered salute.]

Peppermint Butler: And don't drink the- [The portal closes] water.

Jake: Whoa man, who knew Peppermint Butler was so- [Clings to Finn as they both scream.]

[The camera pans down to see giant Death Eels fighting, a mountain side that is covered with spikes and flaming holes, hundreds of long pink organisms that have black flames emitting from the ends, a giant scorpion, bones, a television, giant bony fingers sticking out from some rocks, more Death Eel creatures, a purple claw sticks out from behind a rock, red demon-like hands reach out from rocks covered in eyes, giant earwigs, a skull of a demon, police cars and UFOs, and skeletons walking in a town.]

Y/n: [taking a deep breath] Ah home sweet home.

Jake: What do you mean by home?

Y/n: My mom was Death's best student. I spent time here as a kid.

Finn: Woah, so your like an un-dead?

Y/n: Technically half un-dead.

Jake: So... um... you wanna... [Stretches out a kangaroo pouch] hop in my paunch and I'll stretch us down?

Y/n: I'll fly down.

[Y/n wings pop out but instead of them being orange/red like they usually are, they have turned pitch black.]

Finn: Woah, what happened to your wings?

Y/n: Been a long time since they've done that. Must be because we are here. Welp we can worry about that later, let's go.

Finn: Uh... Oh look, an escalator!

Y/n: Huh, that's new.

[An escalator is beside them with skeletons descending down it.]

[Jake stretches himself and Finn over to the escalator in front of a skeleton with a knife in it's skull.]

Finn: [To skeleton] Hey, dude.

[Skeleton waves. Finn points to the bottom of the escalator where a giant skeletal pterodactyl-like creature is guarding an entrance, where there is a line of skeletons waiting to enter.]

Y/n: Ah the Gate Guardian. Been a while since I've seen him.

Jake: Let's go!

[Finn stands on Jake's back as Jake slides down the escalator and they jump off with Y/n right behind them.]

Finn: Holy schmow!

[Y/n, Finn, and Jake get in line behind a skeleton with a spear in it's throat.]

Gate Guardian: [To a skeleton with spear in it's throat] Welcome to the Underworld. Cause of death?

Spear Skeleton: Uh... Spear in the neck.

Gate Guardian: You may enter.

Spear Skeleton: Yay! [Runs inside]

[Y/n, Finn, and Jake walk up to the Gate Guardian.]

Gate Guardian: How did you die?

Y/n: We didn't. Now let us pass.

Gate Guardian: Holy Satan, Y/n is that you? I haven't seen you sinc-

Y/n: Can we not talk about them? I know it's been a long time but...

Gate Guardian: Oh sorry, yeah you three can go on through. Also sorry bout brining them up Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah, it's alright and thanks for letting us by.

Gate Guardian: Anytime Y/n.

[The trio walk into the entrance]

Jake: Woah, nice job Y/n. You seem pretty well known down here.

Y/n: Yep, surprise people still remember me after all this time.

Finn: So where do we go now?

Jake: [Points to the top of a hill] Up there!

[The trio climb to the top and peer over.]

Finn/Jake: Oooooo!

Y/n: There it is...

[Behind a rocky terrain, a glowing-white castle is visible in the distance.]

Jake: Death's castle is pretty, dude.

Y/n: Yeah, so many memories.

Finn: Let's go! [The two jump down and do a little battle cry while Y/n follows.]

[They begin to walk and a skeleton pops out from behind a rock.]

Skeleton Guy (Lester): Hey! What's up, fellas! Hi. Lester. [Grabs Finn's arm.] Oh man, flesh! Haven't seen this stuff in forever! [Caresses Finn's arm] So warm and gushy and softy! [Shakes Finn's arm up and down.] Look at all that flesh jigglin'!

Y/n: Hey can you like not do that? Creepin me out.

Jake: Hey! If you love flesh so much, then watch this! [Stretches so he looks like he is melting onto the ground.]

Y/n: Please don't encourage him.....

Lester: Whoo! You don't know what you're doing to me, guy! Fellas get over here! Flesh!

[More skeletons come out from behind terrain, rocks, and trees and walk over to Y/n, Finn & Jake.]

Finn: [Whispers to Jake] This is weird, man.

Jake: Don't worry! They just think we're cool!

Finn: Hmm... Do you guys think we're cool?

Lester: No. We're gonna rip that flesh off you! And eat it!

[Finn & Jake gasp. The skeletons walk towards them and they get into fighting positions but Y/n stops them and walks towards the skeletons alone.]

Skeleton: [Laughs.] It's only one guy.

Y/n: You really don't wanna mess with this guy.

Skeleton: And what are you going to do, it's not like you can kill skeletons.

Y/n: [chuckles] You sure about that.

[Y/n then sticks out his right hand as it glows, after the glow dies down, a scythe is in his hand.]

Y/n: Been a long time since I've used this.

Skeleton: Oh shit! That's a Reaper Scythe! Get him before he can use it!

[The skeletons charge at him but Y/n easily creates and slash of energy that causes them all to fall to the ground]

Finn: Woah!

Jake: Since when can you do that Y/n?

Y/n: Since always, but I prefer Swords but I know how to battle with Scythe's.

[More skeletons begin to appear.]

Y/n: Stand behind me you two, I'm gonna clear us a path.

[Y/n charges foward followed by Finn and Jake. Y/n begins to swing with precision cutting each and every skeleton in their path. Eventually after Y/n was fighting horde's of skeletons they stopped coming and Y/n desummoned the scythe.]

Y/n: I think that's all of them.

Finn: Bro that was awesome! Do you think I can learn how to use a scythe like that?

Y/n: In general yes, but like me, never.

Finn: What, why not?

Y/n: Becuase in order to use a Reaper Scythe you need to have Reaper DNA, luckily for me I'm 50% Reaper.

Jake: Let me guess, one of your moms?

Y/n: Yep.

Finn: I don't like the underworld too much.

Y/n: Yeah anywhere outside the castle is pretty rough.

Jake: I don't know. Wouldn't be so bad if there weren't folks trying to eat our skin.

Y/n: Eh that's a small minority of skeletons.

Finn: But there were like a thousand of em.

Y/n: Finn there are millions if not billions of beings here.

Finn: Oh. I wonder how Princess Bubblegum is doing.

[Scene transitions to Bonnie, who is holding a helmet mechanism.]

Bonnie: So! Who here invented this thing?

[Camera pans out to reveal she is talking to a group of vegetables that are hooked up to electronic devices. Bonnie sighs.]

Finn: I'm glad she's not coming back 'till tomorrow.

Jake: No she said she's coming back "on the Morrow."

Finn: Yeah, on the 'morrow. That means tomorrow.

Y/n: Finn, the Morrow is her bird!

Finn: Come again?

Y/n: We genetically modified her bird to be crazy fast. I'm faster but still It'll only take like twenty minutes to get back once that conference is over. [Camera pans on a shocked Finn.]

Jake: Are you listening, man? [Camera pans on Jake's mouth in slow motion] The Morrow, is a bird. [Morrow appears from Jake's mouth and screeches.]

Finn: Then we gotta hurry.

Skeleton: Halt! [Finn & Jake freeze in place while Y/n looks around.] Hey! [Taps a skeleton named Halt's shoulder] Hey Halt! Why you got your eyes closed, Halt?

Halt: I'm trying to picture in my mind's eye where the fleshies are hiding. I heard a Reaper took out a horde of skeletons already, I'm hoping we can sneak-

[The two skeleton's heads are cut off and Y/n is behind them with his scythe.]

Y/n: Yeah, let's continue.

Finn: [Grabs Jake's arm] Wait, Jake! Do you hear somethin'? Come on! [They crawl to the edge of the bridge and peak over.]

Group of Skeletons: [Murmuring] I didn't see them... They were here, and now they're gone!...

Finn: More skeletons! We've gotta be really, really quiet!

Y/n: Nah.

[Y/n quickly summons his scythe and moves in the middle of the skeletons.]

Skeleton: There's one! Get him!

[Before they can even mode, the skeleton's heads fall off and Y/n smirks]

Y/n: Damn fools. Let's go you two.

Finn: [Points] Look! There's Death's castle!

[Death's castle gleams]

Finn: [Looks around] I don't see anyone. I guess you killed them all.

Y/n: Looks like it.

Finn: Now we just gotta cross that river.

Jake: River! [They walk down the stairs towards the river.] Man, I'm so thirsty! My mouth's still all dusty!

Skull: Yes... [Finn screams.] Drink the water...

Finn: Whoa, okay Jake, don't drink the water!

Y/n: Yeah, that stuff is not safe for anyone without Death's Blessing or Reaper DNA.

Jake: Come on! I'm so thirsty!

Finn: Dude! That skull wants you to drink the water! It's bad water!

Y/n: Very bad water.

Jake: See? That means good right? [Cannon-balls into the river.]

Finn: Jake...

Y/n: Dumbass...

[Jake lifts his head out of the water and looks at Finn and Y/n with an empty expression on his face.]

Finn: Jake? Why you makin' stupid face?

Jake: Who's Jake?

Finn: Dang it, I knew that water was junk!

Y/n: Yep, the River of Forgetfulness.

[Y/n steps onto the Skull and crushes it.]

Finn: Jake! Get out of that water right now!

Jake: Hey! I don't know who you are, mister, but I don't like your attitude!

Y/n: Oh I'll show attitude.

[Scene transitions to Y/n dragging a screaming Jake.]

Jake: Help! Somebody!

Y/n: Nobody is gonna help ya Jake.

[Scene transitions to Bonnie sitting on Morrow and waving goodbye.]

Bonnie: Farewell, everyone! [Vegetables do not respond.] Okay... Morrow! Back to the Candy Kingdom!

[Morrow screeches and flies away.]

[The scene transitions back to Y/n carrying Jake to the doorway of Death's castle.]

Jake: Help! Somebody help me! Stranger danger!

[Death is raking dirt into a line pattern. The room he is in has giant skulls scattered around and the river of forgetfulness flows through. Finn & Jake sneak in and hid behind a tree. Jake's back is poking out and Death sees them.]

Death: Hey! Hey! I see you!

Finn: Jake! Your head!

Jake: [Peeks out from behind tree] Huh? [To Death] Who are you?

Death: Who are you?

Jake: I don't know, man! Who are you?

Death: What do you mean? You're in my castle! [Y/n and Finn eavesdrops Jake and Death behind the tree.]

Jake: Well, I didn't know!

Finn: Dang it, Jake.

Death: You must leave this place. Now!

Finn: [Jumps out from behind tree and begins to talk in a ghost-like voice] Death! We're not leaving until our plant's soul! And Jake's memory!

Death: Another one. Be gone, mortal! Also, you last one come on out!

Y/n: [sighs] Hey...

Death: Y/n... is that you? It's been a hundred years.

Y/n: Yeah it's me.....

[Death suddenly glows as he turns into his real form.]

Death: Ah jeez, my back hurts like hell from keeping up that disguise. So what brings you here my boy?

Y/n: Listen, my wife's plant died and we need it back and my friend jumped in the River of Forgetfulness so we also need his memory.

Finn: And I'm ready to kick you if you say no.

Y/n: Finn you can't kick him cause your brain is stupid.

Finn: No his brain is stupid.

Y/n: Trust me, it ain't.

Death: Alright then Y/n you know the rules. [Drops rake and walks over to stage with wall full of musical instruments.] Pick an instrument.

Finn: Huh?

Death: [Sits down at a drum set with two base drums and a microphone.] To get stuff from me, you have to beat me in a musical battle.

Finn: But Jake's the musical one! And he's got poo brain!

Death: [chuckles] No there's another musical one among you. I know there is because of his mothers. [points to Y/n]

Y/n: Death... you know I haven't sung in a hundred years. I only play instrumentals now.

Death: I know, but you want that soul back and your friend's memories right?

Y/n: Yeah I do...

Death: Then ya gotta sing my boy.

Y/n: [sighs and summons his guitars and three of his clones with other instruments.]

[Death begins to kick base drums and screams death metal. Death continues to scream while he detaches his feet, which continue to play the drums. Death slides on his knees across the stage. Death continues to scream death metal while fireworks explode above him, smoke rises into the shape of a skull, fire burns around him and an electric guitar plays in the background. He finishes and has black smoke coming off of him.]

Death: Your turn my boy.

Y/n: [thinking] Come on Y/n, you can do this. Just remember what Mom and Mama taught ya.


🎶I'm just a phantom in your room🎶

🎶With no intent on leaving soon🎶

🎶And you're still not even sure just how I got here🎶

🎶Another ghost that's in your bed🎶

🎶That you wish you could leave for dead🎶

🎶Ain't no magic word can make me disappear🎶

[Finn looks on in shock]

Finn: [thinking] Woah! I didn't know bro could sing! He's as good as Marceline if not better. But why doesn't he sing more often?


🎶Now that room, it starts to dim🎶

🎶Set the mood for onset sin🎶

🎶And now we're passed out on the floor of your apartment🎶

🎶With every single warning sign🎶

🎶It passed you up and slipped you by🎶

🎶But we're all bound to end up back to where we started🎶

Death: [thinking] He's 100% her son alright, god I miss my favorite student.


🎶Make no mistake🎶

🎶I'll break you down🎶

🎶(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)🎶

🎶Shout it around town🎶


🎶I'm not what you want🎶

🎶But I'm exactly what you need🎶

🎶Take a bite and feed🎶

🎶Your satisfaction guaranteed🎶


🎶I'm your sunshine, whoa🎶

🎶I'm gonna burn down your parade🎶

🎶I'm a shooting star🎶

🎶That wish you wished you never made🎶


🎶Don't wanna take a leap of faith🎶

🎶You wanna do this face to face🎶

🎶And like an animal the instincts taken over🎶

🎶There ain't nothing to debate🎶

🎶Blow this purgatory state🎶

🎶The city lights will drown you out in the exposure🎶


🎶Now that room, it starts to dim🎶

🎶Set the mood for onset sin🎶

🎶And now we're passed out on the floor of your apartment🎶

🎶With every single warning sign🎶

🎶It passed you up and slipped you by🎶

🎶But we're all bound to end up back to where we started🎶


🎶Make no mistake🎶

🎶I'll break you down🎶

🎶(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)🎶

🎶Shout it around town🎶


🎶I'm not what you want🎶

🎶But I'm exactly what you need🎶

🎶Take a bite and feed🎶

🎶Your satisfaction guaranteed🎶

Jake: [thinking] Man I don't know who this guy is, but he's good at this.


🎶I'm your sunshine, whoa🎶

🎶I'm gonna burn down your parade🎶

🎶I'm a shooting star🎶

🎶That wish you wished you never made🎶


🎶This world is what you need🎶

🎶Where the monsters roam and the demons all feed🎶

🎶Relax don't you look so wary🎶

🎶It's all only temporary🎶


🎶We roam and sing along🎶

🎶While the choir joins in sing an abhorrent song🎶

🎶We bite, it's a little bit scary🎶

🎶The pain's only temporary🎶


🎶I'm not what you want🎶

🎶But I'm exactly what you need🎶

🎶Take a bite and feed🎶

🎶Your satisfaction guaranteed🎶


🎶I'm not what you want🎶

🎶But I'm exactly what you need🎶

🎶Take a bite and feed🎶

🎶Your satisfaction guaranteed🎶


🎶I'm your sunshine, whoa🎶

🎶I'm gonna burn down your parade🎶

🎶I'm a shooting star🎶

🎶That wish you wished you never made🎶

🎶Wish you wish you never made🎶

[Y/n finishes the song and looks around and sees Death, Finn, and Jake clapping.]

Death: You remind me so much of your mother Y/n.

Y/n: [chuckles] Yeah. I see you still like death metal old man.

Death: You know me, your mother got me hooked on it. [he puts his hand on Y/n's shoulder] She would be proud of the man you've become. Both of them would.

Y/n: Yeah, I got a kid to look after now.

Death: So that's what Hunson was talking about. Well congrats Y/n. Anyway, you win by a landslide, so I'll restore your friends memory and the plants soul.

Y/n: Thanks Gramps.

Death: Gramps... you ain't called me that in a long time.

Y/n: Yeah. Also Peppermint Butler says hi.

Death: Tell him I say hello. [walks over to Jake] Stand up Jake.

Jake: That's me, right? [Stands up]

Death: Yes. [Goes very close to Jake's face]

Jake: What're you doin'?

[Death touches Jake's forehead and it glows]

Jake: Huh, I thought you were gonna kiss me.

Death: Nah, that got old ages ago. People are into forehead touches for memory stuff now.

Death: Now I shall return the soul of this. [Pulls out the soul of the Princess plant]

Finn/Jake: Yeah! The Princess Plant!

[The Princess Plant rockets off Death's hand like a firework and disappears.]

Death: I'll see you dudes later. Later Y/n, make sure to visit.

Y/n: I will gramps.

[Death shoots red beams out of his eyes at Y/n, Finn and Jake and they vanish. He then pulls out a photo frame from his robe. It shows a woman with pink hair and pink eyes. Next to her is a woman with orange hair with green tips and magenta eyes.]

Death: Mori... Kiara... I wish you two could see your son now. You would love the man he has become.

[He smiles and puts the photo away before going back to raking]

[At the Candy Kingdom, Bonnie arrives on Morrow, where Y/n, Finn, and Jake are waiting for her.]

Bonnie: Hello, boys. Where's my plant?

[Peppermint Butler walks up behind them, carrying the plant.]

Bonnie: Yay! [Eats one of the three flowers, much to the shock of Finn & Jake and a smirking Y/n. Her hair then becomes smaller and curlier at the ends.] Thank you all for taking such good care of my plant! Now come here and give me a hug!

Y/n: Alrigh then.

Finn/Jake: Yay, hugs.

[Y/n, Finn, Jake, and Peppermint Butler give Bonnie a hug.]

Peppermint Butler: [Whispers] Ahem. Mr. Finn, Mr. Jake, I believe you still owe me something in exchange for that favor I did.

Finn: Wait what about Y/n.

Peppermint Butler: He gave me something a long time ago that means I never have to require anything from again.

Finn: Okay, so what do you need from us?

Jake: Yeah, what is it?

Peppermint Butler: I'd like your flesh.

[Jake & Finn laugh.]

Jake: Quit bein' silly, Peppermint Butler!

Peppermint Butler: [His pupils turn yellow and the area around his eyes turn black.] I'm going to take it from you while you sleep.

[Finn & Jake's faces then turn from a smiling face, to a confused, creeped out, blank one.]

Y/n: I suggest you two should sleep with your eyes open from now on.

[The episode ends]

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