Chapter 15: The Eyes
(Alright so there will be chapters from now on in this story where Y/n will either only be mentioned or won't appear at all. Instead Briar will be taking his place in these chapters. This is so Briar can get some screentime.)
Finn: Man, why am I so sleepy?
Briar: Is it because you've been having dreams about me that keep you up at night?
Finn: [blushes] Ummm... [thinking] Oh glob... every since she moved in because of Bro, she's been teasing me non-stop. I also think Bro wants to strangle me whenever I'm around her...
Jake: [getting a banana] No it's not that Briar, it's just because we've been up for like seven days.
Briar: We have? I don't feel tired at all.
Jake: That's probably because your half-vampire demon and half-phoneix.
Briar: Oh yeah, hey how come you aren't afraid of me like you are of my mama??
Jake: I don't know. You just kinda seem like a little girl version of Y/n.
Briar: Yay I'm like Papa!
Jake: Anyway. [Flashback begins.] First, we rescued the Slime Princess from the Ghost Ship Vortex. And then we slayed that fire dragon. And that took a couple of days.
Finn: Then we went to LSP's quinceañera.
Briar: I don't like her, she's acts like a Heather.
LSP: Oh, no way. You guys made it!
Jake [Voice-over]: Helped Peppermint Butler with his Goblin problem.
Peppermint Butler: I swear that I found it like this. I don't know what happened.
Finn: We'll take care of it, Peppermint Butler.
Briar: You can count on us!
Finn [Voice-over]: We rescued Wildberry Princess from the Ice King.
[Jake punches Ice King and joins Wildberry Princess for a ride with Finn and Briar on Jake.]
Ice King: I just wanna be happy!
Briar: Then we captured that Bandito
Sheriff : Thanks, you guys.
Jake: Saved the house...
Man: Thanks, you guys.
Jake: And fed that duck.
[Duck quacks.]
Briar: That duck was adorable.
Jake: We've had a busy week.
Finn: I'm exhausted. But happy!
Jake: Good night, buddy.
Briar: Good night Jake, goodnight Cute Boy Finn. See ya in the morning.
Finn: Good night! [to himself] That's right, Finn. Adventure 'til you drop. [Yawns. Closes his eyes, but starts to move around when he feels weight on top of him.] Uh.
[He opens his eyes and sees Briar lying on top of him, causing him to blush]
Finn: Umm, Briar...
Briar: Yes Cute Boy?
Finn: W-Why are you on top of me?
Briar: I suddenly got very tired and I don't have the energy to get up and go to my room.
Finn: But you don't get-
I said, I'm too tired to get up.
Finn: Y-yep! You are too tired to go to your room!
Briar: Good night then Finn..
Finn: Y-Yep! G-Good Night! [closes his eyes and thinks] Dear Glob, I'm gonna die if Y/n comes in here and sees her... [he tries to sleep but can't] Hey Jake, Briar?
Jake: Yeah?
Briar: Yes Cute Boy?
Finn: Can either of you sleep?
Jake: No, how about you Briar.
Briar: I can't either.... [mumbling] Not like I could anyway...
Finn: I can't sleep either.
Jake: Yeah, what's going on with that?
Finn: I don't know. But, I've got the strangest feeling...that we're being watched.
Briar: Yeah, I've been having that feeling too.
[Finn, Briar, and Jake look outside the window, and on a nearby hill, a big fat horse is staring at them]
Finn: Why is that horse staring at us?
[The screen does two close-ups on the horse]
Finn: That's super creepy.
Briar: Agreed.
Jake: Man, I just wanna go to sleep.
Finn: Well, maybe he's gone.
Briar: I'll check.
[Briar looks out the window, the horse turns around and looks at them]
Briar: Nope.
Jake: Not gonna be able to sleep with that horse watchin' me.
Finn: Let's just close the shade.
[Finn closes the blinds]
Jake: Outta sight and outta mind.
Finn: Good work, Jake
Jake: See 'ya in the morning, you two.
[He looks at the window, with the blinds down]
[The moon shines above the horse, casting its shadow through the blinds, startling Finn and upsetting Briar.]
Finn: Wait w-what.
Briar: Nothing you need to worry about, Cute Boy.
Finn: O-Okay. But that horse... Ahh! Why won't it stop?!
Jake: All right, man. Let's just go...push it off that hill or something.
Finn: Maybe we can just...politely ask it to leave.
Briar: Finny, normally I like your ideas, but this time Jake's is better.
[They go outside and talk to the horse.]
Jake: Hey! Get out of here, horse! I want to go to sleep, and you're creeping me the math out!
Finn: Whoa, man! Let me try, diplomat style. [walks over to the horse] Pardon me horse, I beseech thou to split from mine land, this night. But I welcome thee to come back for some luncheth, some other day. Okay?
Briar: Oh that was beautiful speaking Finny. Jake catch me I'm about to faint.
[The horse's pupils dilate then contract.]
Briar: Nevermind... the mood has been lost.
Jake: Forget it, man. This horse is whack. It's got poo-brain.
Finn: [Sighs] Okay, you're right. We can try pushing it, now.
Briar: Go ahead. I wanna watch. I'll get involved if I need too.
Finn: Alright I had my doubts but she is 100% Y/n's daughter...
Jake: Yep... Making us do all the work while she watches. That's his daughter all right...
[Both try to push, but it's no use]
Finn: Move, horsey! Good Grod, Jake! Are you even pulling?!
Jake: I'm super-pulling!
Finn: This horse has a ridiculous weight!
[They stop.]
Finn: Math this. What now, man.
Jake: I didn't wanna have to use my powers on you, horse, because I'm so sleepy. But you've pushed Jake too far!
[Jake grows big, grabs the horse, and puts it on another hill]
Finn: You shouldn't creep us out from way over there!
Jake: Let's get back to bed, buddy.
Finn: Oh yeah, I'm so ready for bed.
Jake: I wanna marry my bed.
Finn: Me to-
[Finn stops when he feels Briar glaring at him.]
Briar: What was that Finny?
Finn: N-Nothing!
Briar: Okay then! Time for Cute Boy Cuddles!
[The sounds of hoofs beating the ground in the background; Finn turns around, and the horse is back]
Jake: No more.... NO MORE!
Finn: Where are you going?!
Jake: I have an idea! [runs up to the horse, and flakes a blindfold on his face] I did it! Ha-ha! He can't stare at us if he's blind!
Finn: Look, man. [points behind Jake]
[The horse's eyes are sticking out from under the blindfold]
Briar: Dear god... those eyes are made of steel!
Jake: Wh..why?! Stupid blindfold! What's your deal, screwy?! Why are you messin' with us, huh?!
Finn: Jake! That horse is whack with poo-brain.
Jake: Yeah, I know, Finn. I diagnosed this horse with whacked out poo-brain five minutes ago.
Briar: It's true, he did.
Finn: Dude, poo-brain means we can lure it away from here using music. [Meteor then appears on-screen] Everything brainless likes music.
Briar: B-But I like music...
Finn: [blushing] O-Of course you are an exception!
Briar: Yay!
Jake: You're a genius Finn! [goes to get his viola] All right horse, prepare to be lured! [walks off and plays Beethoven's, "Moonlight Sonata"] Follow me, Horsey.
Briar: Damn, he's actually really good at playing the Viola.
Finn: Yeah he is... Jake? It's not luring!
Jake: Huh! Hmmm. [plays Symphony No. 5 in C minor] So, Beet-hoven's not luring enough for you, is it? Well, how about some Mozzart?! [plays Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"]
Finn: Huh?!
[Jake starts luring snakes, Finn starts to scream and run towards Jake while Briar follows.]
Finn: Ha! [closes his eyes]
Briar: Stop, Jake! You're luring snakes! STOP!!
Jake: Huh? Oh, nuts. Let me try and lure a mongoose! [starts playing, "Ride of the Valkyries"; Finn throws Jake's viola aside]
Finn: Stop man!
Jake: No! Ahh! [sighs] Dude... let's kill the horse.
Finn: WHAT?!
Jake: I'm so tired, Finn!
Briar: [summons Blood and Ebony] This horse has kept me from my cuddles for long enough! IT DIES NOW!
Finn: No, man, we're not killing the horse.
Briar: Bu-
Finn: Briar...
Briar: [pouts] Fine...
Jake: Okay, we won't kill the horse. We'll dress him up like a bunny! Ha-ha! And get a giant hawk—Caaaww!--To kill him!
Finn: Wah?!
Briar: Survival of the fittest. My bloodlust can be sated with that.
Jake: Caaawww! Caaawwwwww!
Finn: No, man! That is wrong.
Briar: Oh my poor sweet dumb Finny. It's nature taking it's course.
Jake: Eh. Did I say that the hawk would kill him? I meant that the hawk would swoop down gently and take him away to an island of sunshine and love-stuff and, take care of him.
Finn: Whoa. That sounds awesome.
Briar: [thinking] I'm in love with an idiot... but he's MY idiot!
[They put the bunny ears on the head and the bunny tail on the horse]
Jake: What do think?
Finn: It looks like a bunny?
Briar: Honestly, I can't tell the difference.
[Jake whistles]
Briar/Finn/Jake: Hey Come and get it hawk, let's go!
[They run and scream like crazy]
Finn: Hey Jake, I think I see a hawk or two. [sees hawks] Cause more commotion to help the hawks!
Finn/Jake: Ahhh! Blblblblblblblblblbl! [continue to scream like crazy] Take the bunny!
Finn: Hey, there they are! They see our commotions!
Briar: Riiiiiighhhhhht here! Yeah!
Jake: Grab a good hold and fly away!
[Two hawks swoop down to the horse, and start to peck the two on the head but stop when they feel Briar's glare.]
Briar: Not those two you dumb birds, take the bunny!
[The two hawks take the "bunny" away]
Finn: What a beautiful sight.
Finn/Jake: We did it! Back to sleep!
Briar/Finn/Jake: [run away laughing and screaming]
[Finn and Jake both hop into bed and Briar returns to her spot.]
Finn: Good night, buddy.Jake: Good night, buddy.
Briar: Good night Jake.
Jake: Night Briar.
Briar: Good Night Finny.
Finn: N-Night B-Briar.
[Without warning, the horse falls through the roof]
Finn: Ahh! It's in our house now!
Jake: That's obvious, Finn! You don't have to say that out loud!
Finn: Hey, this is all your fault, dude! If you weren't so darn handsome, animals wouldn't always be staring at you!
Jake: You're just mad at me for being...handsome? Well, you're the one who told me to lure snakes! Ahhh!
Briar: Actually he told you to lure the horse, not snakes.
Finn: Exactly! You lured the snakes! [sighs] Wait a minute, dude. Can't you see what this horse is doing? [long silence] It's tearing us apart.
Jake: Aw, man.. you're right! We have to get rid of this horse, for us!
Finn: I know, bro. I know. [The two hug]
Briar: GROUP HUG! [hugs them both]
Jake: Oh, Finn, Briar; this horse is bringing us together now. This horse is a blessing.
Finn: What?! Dude, you've lost it!
Briar: Jake are you okaky?
Jake: You...wait, wait. [crying] The horse is tearing us apart again!
Finn: You're right! It's about time I show this horse who's the man.
Jake: What are you going to do?
Finn: Say that to me again.
Briar: What are you going to do?!
Finn: Do... Doo-doo. I'm going to kick that horse in the bottom!
Jake: Oh, my Grod!
[Finn kicks the horse, and the Ice King flies out]
Briar/Finn/Jake: The Ice King?!
Ice King: I should go.
Finn: You were spying on us?!
Ice King: That's none of your business!
Jake: He was trying to learn our bedtime secrets!
Finn: [gasps] Were you?
[Ice King pulls a cork out of the "horse," revealing it was a costume]
Jake: [gasps] He was! Did you find out that I sleep "in the nude"?
Finn/Briar: Jake you're a dog... you're always nude...
[Ice King humming]
Jake: It's none of your business how nude I sleep, Ice King! Nnnnone of your business!
Ice King: Gentlemen and Gentlelgirl, I'll see you later.
Briar/Finn/Jake: Hmph!
[Ice King leaves the room and heads toward the door but Finn kicks him out when he's just about to get outside. Ice King hisses and uses ice magic as Briar comes out of the house with a sword in his hands]
Briar: Your sword my Dear Finny.
Finn: Thank you.
[Ice King and Finn fight until he kicks Finn's sword away while Jake fell momentarily asleep against the wall]
Finn: Jake! Jake! Look out!
[Briar pulls Jake out of the way to avoid the sword. Jake bounces on the sword that got stuck in the wall and aims at the Ice King]
Jake: Tell us why you were spying!
Ice King: NO!
[Ice King throws Finn in the air and ends up running into Jake, both hit the ground]
Finn: Snakes!
Jake: Quick! Throw them to the Ice King!
Finn: What's he doing?
Jake: He's using his ice powers.
[Blocks of ice that came out flying from the fridge go towards Finn and Jake but Briar uses her flames to melt them.]
Finn: Woah! You have flame powers like your dad?
Briar: Yep! I'm Papa's Little Flame!
Ice King: Is that all the ice ya have?
Finn: Yeeesss!
Ice King: Well, you should really have more.
Finn: We don't need any more.
Ice King: What if you had guests?
Finn: Guests bring their own ice.
[Finn slaps the Ice King causing him to lose his crown. Both fight until Finn kicks the Ice King and he hits the wall making the sword fall on his beard. Finn and Jake run and grab the sword while Briar has flames in her hands..]
Finn: Tell us why you're watchin' us or we'll - we'll cut off your stupid beard.
Briar: Or I'll tell my papa what you were doing!
Ice King: Papa?
Briar: [sighs] Y/n L/n
Ice King: He's your dad?! O-Okay then I'll tell you! I was watching you... to learn how to be happy.
Briar: Excuse me?
Finn: What?
Jake: Huh?
[Finn and Jake let go of Ice King and Briar extinguishes her flames]
Ice King: It's true! I would like to be happy like you guys. But, I have no idea how.
Jake: So, you dressed up like a horse?
Ice King: Have pity on me. [flashback begins] I've been so sad and miserable, I cry all the time. But, whenever I see you three, you always look so happy.
Ice King [In flashback]: But, they're just hopping over each other.
Ice King [Voice-over]: So yes, I've decided to spy on you, dressed as a horse. [shows the Ice King getting dressed up, aided by the penguins.]
Ice King: But, I guess my plan failed. All I observed was you three arguing to get rid of me.
[Finn and Jake snore while Briar pretends to snore]
Ice King: Hey, are you sleeping? [gasp] Is this it? Sleeping? Could it be that all I need is a good night's rest? [closes his eyes.]
[Silent moment]
Ice King: Ahh... I'm... still not happy.
[He then leaves and Briar opens her eyes. She smiles and picks up Finn and Jake and takes them inside. She tucks Jake into bed and then puts Finn into his sleeping bag, she then returns to laying on top of him smiling.]
Briar: Finally, my cute boy cuddles.
[Episode ends]
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