Chapter 10: The Duke
[Episode starts in the Candy Kingdom. Finn and Jake are laughing while throwing bottles at a nearby wall. Y/n is "supervising" them with sunglasses on.]
Jake: Here, try throwing this one.
[Jake hands Finn a bottle. Finn throws the bottle. When it breaks, a purple vapor in a humanoid form appears and vanishes.]
Y/n: Yo boys, true this one. It's called Caturday Surprise. You'll love it.
[He tosses the bottle to Jake]
Finn: Throw it!
[Jake throws the bottle. Green, pink, and blue cats explode out of it. Both Finn and Jake start laughing while Y/n chuckles. They stop their laughter once they hear Bonnie.]
Bonnie: Yeah, go on, get out of here! [An unknown figure runs away from Bonnie who is standing at the entrance of the Candy Kingdom.] Unless you feel like a fist cookie, you better keep runnin'!
Finn: What the heck is goin' on?
Jake: I have no idea. But it's probably best to stay out of it.
Y/n: [thinking] Looks like the Duke of Nuts is after the pudding again...
Finn: Yeah. Hey, look. [Finn grabs a bottle shaped like a boomerang.] This one looks stupid. Let's see how it flies! [Finn throws the bottle. It misses the wall and flies away.] Aw, lame. [The bottle then turns around and flies back at them. It flies up and into a window of the Candy Castle.]
Y/n: Well crap-baskets.
Jake: Uh-oh...
[Camera shows window that was shattered.]
Princess Bubblegum: [yells] Duke of Nuts! [Princess Bubblegum looks out of the window. Her head is green and she is now bald.] What have you done?!
Duke of Nuts: Oh... [runs away]
Y/n: Hey uh Bonnie, you got a bit of-
Y/n: But wouldn't it just grow ba-
Y/n: Shutting up now...
Finn: Oh no! She thinks that nuts guy did it. We gotta go clear up what happened!
[Scene changes to inside the room with the shattered window. Dr. Ice Cream is putting a thick rubber suit on Bonnie.]
Dr. Ice Cream: Don't worry, my dear. I'll have you fixed up in no time!
Finn: Princess! [Finn and Jake run into the room.] Are you OK?
Princess Bubblegum: Yeah, I guess if green and bald is okay.
Y/n: No comment...
[Finn gasps as Jake starts to laugh. Finn looks at Jake annoyingly.]
Jake: [while laughing] Oh boy. I'm sorry! I can't stop now.
[Bonnie looks depressed from Jake's reaction. Y/n bonks Jake on the head hard.]
Y/n: [whispering to Jake] Listen if I lose Y/n Jr. because you laughed at her. So help me, Jake Jr. is going down with me. Understand?
Jake: Yes sir!
Dr. Ice Cream: My dear, not to worry! The medicine milk in this suit will have you healed lickety-split! In just five days you'll be back to your beautiful bubblegummy self.
Bonnie: [yells] Five days?! The Grand Meeting of Ooo Royalty is tonight! [Bonnie pops a hole in her suit. Dr. Ice Cream tries to cover it. Y/n uses his magic to seal the hole.]
Finn: Uh... hey, Princess. There's something I should tell you about that bottle that hit you in the face.
Bonnie: I already know, Finn! The Duke of Nuts has always been a bad guy. But now that he's done this, I'll never forgive him! And it's not just because I hate the Duke! I'd never forgive anybody who did this to me! I'd hate them!
Finn: Yeah but-
Bonnie: FOREVER!
Finn: Forever?!
Bonnie: Finally. I have a witness to his misdeeds!
Jake: Three witnesses!
Finn: Jake!
Bonnie: Oh Finn, Y/n, my flawless, flawless champions, bring the Duke of Nuts to justice. The justice of a cold dungeon! [Bonnie laughs hysterically as holes pop in her suit. Dr. Ice Cream rushes over to try and stop the leaks. Y/n, Finn, and Jake laugh nervously.]
Jake: Heheh. She's completely bonkers.
Y/n: Normally I'm okay with a bit of crazy from her... but this is a bit too much for me.
Finn: What do I do? If I tell her I threw it, she'll hate me forever!
Jake: What if Y/n takes the bl-
Y/n: Hell no, she WILL chop it off if I take the blame.
Jake: [elbows Y/n lightly] In that case. That won't happen. We're gonna catch that Duke!
Finn: But we're the ones who threw the bottle!
Y/n: Correction YOU threw the bottle Finn.
Jake: Dude, look. The Duke of Nuts is bad guys.
Finn: How do you know that?
Jake: Think about it. If Bubblegum hates him so much, then he must have done some rotten stuff. I mean, maybe he even threw a bottle and turned someone ugly before.
Y/n: [thinking] If only the knew the truth. Been trying to explain Bonnie the truth for years but she won't accept it...
Finn: Maybe you're right.
Jake: Maybe I am!
Finn: Alright, just this once, we'll be vigilantes!
Y/n: I've been a vigilante for years.
Jake: Nah, we're more like cops. Crooked cops! [Jake makes a gun with his fingers and pretends to shoot something.]
Y/n: Ah sweet! I'll fetch my guns!
Finn: Princess! I won't rest until the villainous duke is captured!
Y/n: Oh I guess I won't either?
Bonnie: [with a creepy smile] Oh, thank you, Finn, N/n! [laughs maniacally.]
Finn: Woah. Okay, and by then, hopefully you'll have taken care of...this. [moves hand over face]
[Scene changes to the Duke of Nuts' castle. Y/n, Finn, and Jake walk towards it.]
Finn: Look yonder! The Duke of Nuts castle!
[They kick open the door, barging in.]
Finn: Duke of Nuts!
Jake: How are you?
Y/n: Long time no see.
Finn: By order of Princess...
[The Duchess of Nuts turns around in a chair by the fireplace in the room where Y/n, Finn, and Jake barged in.]
Finn: [hesitantly] Um, Princess... [The Duchess of Nuts turns her head around 180 degrees to face Finn.] [Finn gasps]
Duchess of Nuts: Hello, Finn. Are you here to arrest the Duke? Nice to see you again Y/n.
Y/n: Yo Duchess.
Finn: How did you know?
Finn: How did you know?
Jake: [Jake starts eating the nuts from the bowl. He then stops in realization.] Oh... should've asked if these were, like, her eggs or something.
Y/n: They ain't trust me.
Duchess of Nuts: I know of my husband's crime against the princess. A crime that you personally witnessed! And why would you lie? Huh?
Finn: Yeah, why?
Duchess of Nuts: Oh but he was once such a wonderful man! He'd pet dogs, kissed babies; we'd lie together underneath the cashew bush. He even taught under-privileged nuts how to dance. But somehow he's gone rancid! These nuts tell me he must be executed. Would you like to hear what my nuts have to say?!
Finn: That won't
Y/n: Okay she's gone fully insane! RUN!
Finn: That won't
Duchess of Nuts: Listen! Listen!
[Y/n quickly flies out. Finn runs out, grabbing Jake.]
Jake: Woah!
[Scene changes to outside the Duke of Nuts' Castle. Finn closes the door behind him.]
Finn: I don't get it, Jake, Bro. How can the dude be evil if he pets puppies, kisses babies, and lies with his wife?
Jake: What?! You believe that? She is nuts. Listen, man. Let's just go back and face the music. Who cares if Bubblegum hates you forever? It's no biggie. Tons of people hate me!
Y/n: Same here. I have a list of enemies so long it would take a few weeks to read the whole thing. Could even make a decent sized book of em.
[Scene changes to somewhere in a forest. A squirrel is reading some kind of newspaper in a hologram.]
Squirrel: Why, Jake? Why won't you print my letters? I...I...I HATE YOU!
[Scene switches back to Y/n, Finn, and Jake.]
Finn: Hmm. [gasps] [A figure runs past Finn and Jake.] It's him! The Duke of Nuts!
Y/n: After him!
[Y/n, Finn, and Jake run after him.]
Finn: [while running] I'll break left! You take the right! Bro take the middle! [They all go in their direction while. Finn tackles him while Jake jumps over them.]
Jake: I went left too!
[They both fall on the figure from before.]
Y/n: Well good job you two. I actually went in my direction.
Finn: Wha-? [Finn picks him up.] You're way smaller than I thought you were!
Jake: Dude. That's not him.
Y/n: That's his kid bro.
Marquis of Nuts: No one will harm the Duke of Nuts! I will kill whoever seeks to arrest him!
[The Duke of Nuts walks out of the forest.]
Duke of Nuts: No! Please! This has gone far enough!
Jake: That's the Duke of Nuts.
Marquis of Nuts: But I vowed to kill whoever did this to you. They can't take you away, Dad! [cries]
Duke of Nuts: Who's the toughest little nut? That's you. [Marquis of Nuts continues to cry into the Duke of Nuts' shoulder.] [He puts one finger up to Y/n, Finn, and Jake.] One second. Also, Hello Y/n.
Y/n: Yo Duke.
[Finn uses his hands to ask if they should walk away. The Duke of Nuts thumbs them up. Y/n, Finn, and Jake walk away.]
Finn: Man, I don't know, Jake, Bro. Why would Princess Bubblegum hate him if he's such a nice guy?
Jake: Just because he's a good father, doesn't necessarily mean he isn't a villain.
Finn: That doesn't look like a villain.
[Camera shows the Duke of Nuts putting his cape down for geese to walk across so they don't get wet.]
Jake: I can probably think of a reason why that's villainous if you gave me enough time. Maybe.
Y/n: Don't even try Jake. He ain't evil.
Finn: Ugh! Maybe we should just confess. But then, Princess Bubblegum will hate us forever.
Y/n: Who's this us? She'll hate YOU forever. Not me.
Jake: Hey man, it's not that bad being hated.
Y/n: Trust me, it really ain't.
[A letter flies near Jake's foot.]
Squirrel: C'mon man, pick it up!
[Finn and Jake walk by it, unnoticed.]
Squirrel: You son of a bleeblop!
Duke of Nuts: Oh! Sorry to make you wait. I made these daisy crowns for you guys as a- as a token of gratitude for waiting. [Y/n, Finn, and Jake put the crowns on.] Oh...sorry I....I have to sit down for a second. I know this is an odd question, but you wouldn't happen to have any pudding on you, would you?
Y/n: I gotchu Duke.
Duke of Nuts: Oh, thank goodness.
Yn: Need a spoo-
[We see the Duke of Nuts has already eaten all of the pudding.]
Jake: What happened to the cup?
[The Duke takes it out of his mouth and puts it in Jake's hand.]
Duke of Nuts: Oh, I'm so embarrassed! Now you know my shame. I can't stop eating pudding.
Finn: What?!
Y/n: Yeah, he has a pudding deficiency. It's a rare condition and he doesn't like telling people.
Finn: You knew?
Y/n: Of course, he told me.
Duke of Nuts: Y/n's right. And I always end up eating all of the royal pudding supply whenever I go to the castle.
Finn: So that's why Princess Bubblegum hates you!
Duke of Nuts: Yes, but I didn't turn Princess Bubblegum green and bald! I would never do such a thing!
Finn: Gah! Of course you wouldn't! You're too nice a guy. I'm the one who threw that bottle. I was gonna tell her, but then-- she started talking all crazy-- she said she'd never forgive me and I-- I didn't know!
Duke of Nuts: Hey, it's okay. People make mistakes. It's all part of growing up and you never truly stop growing.
Y/n: Wise words Duke, wise words indeed.
Finn: Now you're making me feel even worse by being so nice about it.
Duke of Nuts: Maybe I should just confess the crime and end all of this.
Finn: Wait...I think I might have an idea that will save everyone's reputations.
Y/n: And Y/n Jr?
Finn: And Y/n Jr, whoever that is....
[Scene changes to later that day. Peppermint Butler is driving Princess Bubblegum around in a mobile bath tub filled with healing milk. Finn jumps out of the forest and stops them with Y/n behind him.]
Finn: Halt!
Bonnie: Finn! N/n! Did you find the duke yet?
Y/n: Not yet, but you are in grave danger, Bonnie. There is an assassin in these very woods, dead set on stopping you from reaching the Grand Meeting. In fact, what's that rustling in the bush??
Jake: [behind bush while shaking the bush] Rustle. Rustle, rustle. [Jake jumps out suddenly.] I'm an ambush! Halt!
Finn: What's going on?!
Jake: Oh, [out of character] Did I come out to early?
Finn: [coughs] What are you here to do, stranger?
Y/n: Are you here to kill the princess?
Jake: I've come for the princess. I'm an assassin!
Bonnie: Um, guys?
Finn: Stand back! I will stop him! Hi-yah!
Jake: Hi-yah!
Y/n: I'll protect Bonnie!
[Y/n goes over to Bonnie while Finn and Jake jump into the air. They pretend fight for a couple of seconds.]
Jake: I will kill you! And raise your children as my own!
Finn: Hi-yaah!
[They still pretend to fight until Jake actually punches Finn into a nearby rock.]
Jake: Hah!
Finn: Remember, it's just acting, Jake!
Jake: [while running towards Bonnie] Sorry, dude! [Jake kicks Peppermint Butler to the side and stretches right in front of Bonnie but Y/n stands in front of her with his hands out.] Now, to kill you up. But wait, surely this cannot be the fair Princess Bubblegum! Where are her pink, flush cheeks? The long gooey hair? [Bonnie moves Y/n out of the way and punches Jake to the ground.] Clearly, the princess travels elsewhere. [Out of character] Later, Bubblegum! [Jake jumps into the bush he was hiding in before.] Get out there, man!
Duke of Nuts: [behind bush] I don't know if I can do this.
Jake: Go, go, go, go!
Duke of Nuts: And that's how I, the Duke of Nuts, by disfiguring you beyond all recognition, humbly saved your life.
Jake: [jumping out of bush] Yeah, alright!
Finn: [while still on ground from the impact of rock] Yeah!
Princess Bubblegum: What was the point of this little play again? [gasps] And why isn't the duke clapped in irons?!
Duke of Nuts: She's right. Innocent or not, I should accept what's coming to me.
Princess Bubblegum: Peppermint Butler! [Peppermint Butler comes out of the shadows with golden handcuffs. He starts to walk towards the Duke of Nuts.]
Finn: Oh, no!
Duke of Nuts: Nuttin's going my way today.
Y/n: Alright he made a pun. He's guilty! LOCK HIM UP!
[Peppermint Butler jumps up to handcuff the Duke of Nuts. However, he can't reach. Finn runs between them and keeps them apart.]
Finn: No!
Bonnie: Finn?
Finn: The duke didn't throw that bottle! Ahh- Princess, I have something sucky to confess. I'm the one who threw the bottle. [Bonnie gasps.] I'm sorry, but I knew if I told you, you'd hate me forever!
Bonnie: Hmm...well, I could never stay mad at you forever. And you seem genuinely penitent.
Finn: I don't even know what that means, but thank you!
[The Duke of Nuts is laughing with Jake.]
Bonnie: [points at them] But that doesn't douse my hatred for the duke!
Finn: Yeah, what's up with that hate?
Bonnie: That jerk always empties out my pudding pantry!
Y/n: Bonnie, I've been telling you for years he has a pudding deficiency. He can't control himself!
Duke of Nuts: It's true, your majesty. I'm sorry for my medical condition.
Bonnie: Oh, my, you poor man! Of course you're forgiven! [whispering to Y/n] Yeah, I don't believe a word from him.
Y/n: Ugh! [facepalms]
Finn: [sighs] I'm really sorry about making you temporarily ugly, Princess. Especially before the Grand Meeting of Ooo Royalty. I wish there was some way to make it up to you.
Bonnie: Maybe there is, Finn. Maybe there is... hey! [Bonnie catches Finn and Jake walking away.]
Finn: [turning around] Hmm, what? You said maybe.
Y/n: Welp all is well now.
Bonnie: Not quite N/n. [Y/n turns around.]
Y/n: Huh?
Bonnie: You let this happen on your supervision. So I have a special punishment for you~
[Bonnie licks her lips with a crazed look in her eye.]
Y/n: Oh dear god... I'm doomed...
[Scene changes to the Grand Meeting of Ooo Royalty.]
Turtle King: [while hitting gavel on podium] Call to order the sesquicentennial Grand Meeting of Ooo Royalty. I now call upon the delegate from the Candy Kingdom. Princess Bubblegums?
[Camera pans to show Finn and Jake, who are dressed up like Bonnie. Finn gets up and reads off a pre-written letter from the princess.]
Finn: Ahem! It would be presumptuous indeed to present myself against the distinguished princess to whom you have listened.
Jake: [yawning and talking to an oval-shaped member of royalty] Buy a lady a drink?
[A mask falls off the oval-shaped member of royalty to show that it is actually the Marquis of Nuts.]
Finn/Jake: [gasps] The Marquis of Nuts?!
Marquis of Nuts: Yes, but I didn't come alone!
[The face of the Turtle King is ripped open and the Squirrel comes out.]
Squirrel: Remember me, Jake?!
Jake: ...nope.
[Both the Marquis of Nuts and the Squirrel start screaming and jump on top of Finn and Jake.]
Finn: Bro help!
Jake: He can't! He's crippled right now!
[Y/n is revealed in the corner with a cast around his pelvis and on crutches and he can only say one thing.]
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