Chapter 1: Slumber Party Panic

[ In the Candy Kingdom, Jake is playfully chasing Lady Rainicorn.]

Jake: Yeah, you think you're pretty way up there but I can get you! [he stretches to be on Lady's level.]

Lady Rainicorn: 나 잡아봐봐~ ("Catch me if you can.")

[Finn, Y/n, and Bonnie are in a cemetery with a table full of different chemicals.]

Bonnie: Alright. Let me just add three more drops of explosive diarrhea. N/n, can you hand me it?

Y/n: Sure thing Bonnie.

(This is my Version of Y/n, he can look however you want. Might or might not be a hint behind Y/n's powers.)

[Y/n hands her a dropper, She adds the explosive diarrhea and a giant cloud shaped like a skull puffs out. Not a good omen.]

Y/n: Well that's not suspicious, eh Bonnie?

Bonnie: Calm down N/n, I'm 100% sure this is going to work perfectly.

(I'm gonna be calling her Bonnie throughout the story, makes it easier for me.)

Finn: Hey Princess Bubblegum, when we bring the dead back to life, will it be filled with worms?

Bonnie: No, if my decorpsinator serum works, all the dead Candy People will look as young and healthy as you do and Y/n do.

[Finn does a "Tarzan-yell" while hitting his hands against his chest.]

Y/n: Alright hand her that platter King of the Jungle.

[Finn picks up a serving platter and open the lid, revealing a Candy Person corpse.]

Finn: Old Mr. Cream Puff?

Bonnie: [Giggles] We used to date. [Applies the serum.]

Y/n: [groans] I forgot you two used to date.

Bonnie: [giggles] JJealous N/n?

Y/n: Past me would have been, but current me nah not so much.

[Mr. Cream Puff's corpse starts to glow and overflow with the fizzing serum.]

Finn: Something's happening! Come on, come on...

Bonnie: Work.

[A zombie Mr. Cream Puff arises and moans.]

Finn: Algebraic!

Bonnie: Wait, something's wrong.

Zombie Mr. Cream Puff: Sugar! [Squirts serum out of his eyes and mouth]

Finn and Bonnie: Ew!

Y/n: Well that's not concerning.

[Zombie Mr. Cream Puff leaps into a giant test tube. The test tube falls and infects the whole cemetery. Zombie Candy People begin to arise from their graves.]

Y/n: Well that's not good at all. Is it?

Bonnie: Oh no...

Finn: Hey, look, the decorpsinator serum is working!

Bonnie: No, this is wrong. They're not coming back to life--they're still dead! The decorpsinator serum--it's incomplete! [she rubs the head of a candy person that looks like a love heart.]

Y/n: Let me guess, leftover number?

Bonnie: Most likely!

Finn: [Pushes him back down] You're grounded, Mister.


Bonnie: Oh, this is really bad. They're going to be attracted to the Candy Kingdom!

Finn: Why?

Y/n: Finn, I want you to think really long and hard about that.

[He thinks for a moment when his eyes widen]

Finn: Ah crud, the candy people are made of sugar, man what a ding dong I am!

Y/n: There ya go Finn.

Zombie Mr. Cream Puff: [On Bonnie] Gimme some sugar, baby.

[Y/n grabs the Zombie and slams him into the ground]

Bonnie: My hero~

Y/n: We can flirt later! We gotta warn the people!

[They run out of the cemetery]

Finn: [Kicks another zombie] Get a life!

[Bonnie and Y/n are at the top of her castle, ringing a large bell]

Bonnie: All citizens of the Candy Kingdom! Report to the palace, immediately!

[Candy People mumble in confusion and walk to the palace]

Jake: Whoa!

[Jake and Lady go off to the palace. Bonnie notices the zombies slowly leaving the cemetery.]

Bonnie: [worried] Hurry, sweet citizens.

Finn: Alright, you heard the princess, everyone in! Alright, no pushing, come on!

Jake: Dude, what's up?

Finn: The princess will explain everything. Tree Trunks, get those hot buns in here, girl.

Tree Trunks: [Carrying hot cross buns] Oh, I hope it's not bad news.

[Bonnie, Y/n, and Finn close the door]

Finn: Did we get everyone?

Manfried: All present and accounted for.

Y/n: Thanks, Manfried.

Manfried: You're welcome.

Bonnie: Citizens, we are assembled here in the candy foyer for a momentous announcement. Tonight we are all going to have... a slumber party!

Finn: What?!

[Crowd cheers]

Finn: Wait! What about the zom--?! [Bonnie and Y/n cover his mouth]

Bonnie: Go ahead and start partying.

Finn: [Voice muffled] But, Princess, Bro, the Undead--

Bonnie: [Carries Finn to the lab. Y/n follows them.] We'll be right back, everyone.

Jake: Whooo!

[In the lab]

Bonnie: Finn, the Candy People can't know about the zombies.

Y/n: It's very important that they don't, it would not be good at all.

Finn: Wha?!

Bonnie: If they knew, they would flip out.

Y/n: That's the worst-case scenario if they flipped out.

Finn: What do you mean "flip out"?

Bonnie/Y/n: I mean they would flip out.

[At the cemetery; Starchie arrives with a shovel.]

Starchie: Princess? It's me, Starchie the gravedigger. I brought you a larger corpse shovel. Oh, Princess? Well, I'll just wait for you here, then. By the mausoleum. With my back turned. And my defenses lowered.

[As Starchie does so, Candy Zombie comes out of the mausoleum and goes up to Starchie, Starchie starts to scream and gasp and then... KABOOM!!! He explodes in a flash of light. Back at the castle.]

Finn: Candy People explode when they get scared?!

Y/n: Yep and trust me, it's not fun. Still don't understand why that was your smart idea when you made them.

Bonnie: Trust me, the alternative was not worth it. Anyway, Not telling the Candy People about the zombies is so important that you need to promise, Royal Promise, not to let anyone find out about the zombies, ever.

Finn: Okay, sure.

Bonnie/Y/n: No, Finn. You have to Royal Promise.

Finn: Yes, [kneels] I Royal Promise.

Bonnie: Now  I must cloister myself in the lab and finish the equation to my decorpsinator serum. You keep the candy folk distracted and ignorant. Can you do that?

Finn: Yes, your highness.

Bonnie: N/n, can you help him out?

Y/n: Sure thing Bonnie.

Finn: No, wait. Can I at least tell [Jake enters] Jake?

Jake: Tell me about what, dude?

Finn: You know, about the outbreak of zom-- [Covers his mouth]

[Y/n looks at him with a "Jesus christ, shut your mouth." look.]

Jake: [Chuckles] Alright, what's going on?

Finn: Uhh, nothing at all, buddy! [Laughs awkwardly and skips into the foyer]

[Jake then turns to Y/n]

Jake: Royal Promise?

Y/n: Yep, you think you can keep pestering him about it?

Jake: Why?

Y/n: I want to see if he can keep the promise. Consider it one of my tests.

Jake: Alright, if you say so.

Finn: [To party-goers] Who wants to play "Truth or Dare"?

Jake: Hmm...

Finn: Ok, Chocoberry, you may ask someone to tell a deep truth or a saucy dare.

Chocoberry: Mr. Cupcake, truth or dare?

Mr. Cupcake: Dare.

Chocoberry: I dare you to take off your wrapper.

Y/n: Ooo, spicy!

[Everyone goes "Oooh"]

Jake: [Shoulders Finn] Hey seriously, man. I'm your bro. Bros are supposed to tell bros everything all the time. What are you, Y/n, and Bubblegum up to? Is everything alright?

Finn: Yep! Fine! Everything is great! Heh, heh. [Crinkling sound] Except for that. Whoa.

[Mr. Cupcake has shed his wrapper]

Peppermint Butler: I didn't know he was chocolate.

Y/n: You learn something new everyday.

Mr. Cupcake: Jake, truth or dare?

Jake: Truth.

Mr. Cupcake: Do you prefer chocolate or fudge?

Jake: I can't eat chocolate or fudge 'cause I'm a dog and they'd probably kill me, but hmmmmm probably... neither. Finn! Truth or dare?

Finn: Dare! Haha!

Jake: I dare you... to tell me the truth about what's going on in your mind. What were you, Y/n, and Bubblegum talking about when you three were alone together?

[Everybody goes "Oooh"]

Finn: [Nervously] Umm, ahh, the truth is, ahhh...

Y/n: Go ahead, Finn. Tell him...

[Finn visualizes Bonnie's face on Jake]

Hallucination of Bonnie: You promised you wouldn't freakin' tell anyone! Don't break this promise!

(Finn knows that PB has feelings for Y/n so he ain't a simp for her in this story.)

Finn: Ahhh... the truth is... that I'd rather play Dodge Socks!

[Finn throws a sock at Jake, Bonnie's face goes away]

Jake: I'm not playing dodge socks 'til you stop dodging my questions. Hey... [Sniffs socks] Old Mr. Cream Puff? Isn't he dead?

Finn: Hey, give me my sock back! Dodge Socks was a bad idea!

Jake: Whoa. [angrily] Look dude, just tell me what's up, 'cause you are crazier than a cannonball tonight.

[Finn looks out a window behind Jake and sees the zombies coming]

Finn: [Thinking] Oh, my goodness! The Princess hasn't finished the equation and the zombies are here!

[Y/n also notices the zombies.]

Y/n: [thinking] It looks like this test just got more interesting.

Finn: I, uh, they just want this slumber party to be super fun, and if I did have something to tell you, then I would in a second, and it would make my life easier, unless there was something stopping me, like a promise, but there isn't, so I won't, so it's cool.

[Zombie arises by the window behind Jake]

Zombie: Sugar!

[Finn shuts the shutters]

Jake: What? You lost me.

Finn: Umm... Hey, you know what time it is?

Jake: Adventure time?

Finn: No, time for Seven Minutes in Heaven! You're first.

Jake: Really?

Finn: Lady Rainicorn! In the closet with Jake!

Lady: 뭐? 나? 웃겨 정말. 그래, 좋아. 하자. ("What? Me? You gotta be kidding me. Okay, then. I'll play.")

Jake: Okay, okay, alright. [Closet door closes on Jake and Lady] But in seven minutes, I'm gonna come out and make you spill your beans, Finn.

Finn: I can't hear you all the way in heaven!

Y/n: Have fun in there you two, don't make me an uncle yet!

Jake: Really funny bro!

[Finn looks out a window, a horde of zombies shouting "Sugar" comes and begins banging on door]

Chet: Umm, does anyone else hear that?

Finn: What? Hear what? I, I don't hear anything.

[Candy People begin to murmur as they too hear the banging.]

Chet: I hear something I don't understand... and it makes me scared! [Begins to shake.]

Finn: What? No, Chet. Everybody, wait. What noise? You mean this noise? [Turns on a radio and party lights comes on.]

Chet: Oh. [Laughs]

Finn: Yeah! Dance it! Bust it up! Uh! Uh! Uh! Oh!

[A zombie comes out of the main door, Finn rushes to the door, grabbing a table]

Chocoberry: What is this game you are playing now, Finn?

[Finn barricades the door with the table]

Finn: Uhh, it's... Blockado. Haha, the game of barricades. Come on, let's block all the entrances and windows!

Y/n: Blockado? That's the best you got?

Finn: I'm under a lot of stress okay?

Y/n: Fair Enough.

[Candy People cheer and begin blockading the doors and windows before the zombies can come in]

Finn: Alright, this is not a permanent solution. Think Finn, how can you keep everyone from finding out?

Manfried: Find out about what, Finn?

Finn: Manfried, the talking piñata! Your convenient appearance gives me a great idea. Everyone, grab a stick! New game! We're gonna smash some piñatas!

Y/n: Come again?

Finn: Except for you, Manfried.

Manfried: Oh, thank goodness.

[Finn takes some strips off of Taffy Girl]

Finn: Now everybody don these blindfolds. [Whispering] Thanks, Taffy Girl.

[Finn runs into the middle of the blindfolded Candy People swinging sticks]

Finn: Alright, everybody, get together. I'm hanging the piñatas... [The zombies burst through the barricades] They're all around you. Smash the piñatas!

Y/n: Bring it on!

[Finn, Y/n, and the Candy People smash all the zombies]

Finn: Yeah! You guys are on fire!

[Chocoberry smashes a zombie, causing candy to fall out. She kneels down and licks the candy.]

Chocoberry: Oh, it is so tasty.

Y/n: Okay that is just disturbing...

[All the Candy Zombies are smashed and the Candy People are eating their candy]

Finn: Yes! We did it! My improbable plan worked!

[Jake and Lady come out of the closet]

Jake: Whew!

Lady: 안녕! ("Hello!")

Jake: Seven minutes up yet? [Grabs a jelly-filled doughnut and eats it, noticing the zombie corpses.] Whoa! [Runs to Finn] What the nuts happened here?!

Finn: Oh, we killed all the zombies that Princess Bubblegum, Y/n, and I raised from the dead.

Y/n: Finn you idiot!

Jake: Really!?

[Time freezes, leaving only Finn and Y/n moving in the room.]

Finn: Jake?  Y/n, What's going on?

Y/n: You donked up ya idiot!

[Bonnie enters, unaffected by the freezing.]

Bonnie: What? Huh? Oh, Finn! Did you break your Royal Promise?

Y/n: He did.

Finn: Yeah, but, I mean, all the zombies are dead. The Candy People won't freak out. What's the big deal?

Bonnie: This is really, really bad, Finn. You can't break Royal Promises. Never, ever, never. No matter what, forever.

Y/n: I suppose that means... well, crap-baskets.

[The room starts shaking]

Bonnie: The Guardians of the Royal Promise are coming for us.

Y/n: Those guys... ugh, I hate them.

[A hand bursts through the ceiling and grabs Finn, Y/n, and Bonnie and pulls them outside]

Finn/Bonnie: Whoa!

Y/n: Just lovely.

Guardian 1: Finn the Human. You have broken a Royal Promise for which the penalty is trial by fire.

[Guardian 2 breathes fire]

Finn: That's stupid.

Bonnie: Wait! He's my friend! Isn't there another option?!

Y/n: Yall, really can't think of something else?

Guardian 1: Yes. Because you two care for the promise-breaker, we will give him a less hot trial. You must now answer...

Guardian 2: ...Math questions!

Finn: Mathematical!

Bonnie: Finn, you're terrible at math.

Y/n: You told me once that 9 and 10 made 21. The math doesn't even add up to that!

Finn: Awww.

Guardian 1: Now, solve this! [Puts Finn in front of Guardian 2, who puts up a hologram of an overly complicated math equation]

Finn: Uhh....

Y/n: Oh that's easy, it's 42-

Guardian 2: Oh, wait, wait, I thought of a better one. [Replaces the equation with one that says "8+8"]

Guardian 1: Yes! Eight plus Eight. Solve it or die.

Y/n: What...

Finn: Uhhh.... sixteen right?

[Guardians laugh]

Guardian 1: Oh, correct.

[Guardians heads explode and time rewinds, night becomes day, Guardian 2's head comes back and he talks backwards and goes back to sitting and blowing bubbles around the Candy Kingdom.]

Finn: What's happening, Princess, Bro?

Bonnie: You've defeated the broken royal promise! The Gumball Guardians are resetting!

Y/n: Good job Finn.

[Guardian 1 drops Finn, Y/n, and Bonnie, who teleport back to Bonnie's lab]

Finn: Slamacow! That was tops! Who's not good at math? I was all "Thirteen!"

Bonnie: Sixteen, Sixteen... Sixteen, Sixteen, sixteen... That's it! The answer was so simple, I was too smart to see it!

Y/n: Really? That's the number?

Bonnie: I don't see you solving out the serum!

Y/n: Fair enough, carry on.

Finn: You're welcome!

Bonnie: '16' is the last figure we need to perfect our decorpsinator serum.

[In the foyer, Bonnie pours the serum on a zombie. Y/n pours some serum on another.]

Revived Zombie: Golly!

Second Revived Zombie: Oh my!

[Finn, Y/n, and Bonnie pour the serum on all the zombies]

Finn: Woohoo! Yeah!

Bonnie: I can't believe it worked!

Jake: This is messed up, but sweet.

Lady Rainicorn: 진짜로. ("Truly it is.")

[Finn, Y/n, and Bonnie revive more Candy Zombies]

Candy Person 1: Uncle Chewy!

Candy Person 2: Grandma!

Ice Cream Lady: Former dead relative!

Jake: Starchie!

Starchie: Mornin'.

Jake: [Walks over to Finn] Man, you broke a Royal Promise? You're nuts. All you had to do is say that it was a royal secret. I know what's up. Besides Y/n already told me said he want me to test you. [Walks away from Finn.]

Finn: HE WHAT?!

Bonnie: I hope you grasp the full consequences of breaking promises.

Y/n: I sure hope you learned your lesson Finn, you screwed up by breaking the promise but you fixed it. I'll give you a C- for this lesson.

Finn: Heck yeah! If I break a Royal Promise, I get to fight zombies, throw slumber parties, awake Gumball Guardians and... and...

Bonnie: Alright, alright.

Y/n I mean... [shrugs] guess that works.

Finn: [evilly] And reverse death itself!

Y/n: What as that last part?

Bonnie: Oh, you are adorable. But keep your promises, okay?

Y/n: Please do, Promises are not meant to be broken.

Finn: I will, Princess, Bro.

[Finn notices Starchie gnawing on his leg and picks him up]

Finn: Starchie, you're not a zombie.

Starchie: I can't help it. Flesh is delicious!

Y/n: Wait.... Should we be worried about that?

Finn: You're delicious!

Starchie: Don't squeeze me! I'll fart!

[Finn squeezes him, Starchie farts]

[The End]

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