Chapter Thirty Nine
Luz explained them everything the best she could. When her visions started, what she saw, how she knew they were past experiences from looking through Mat's past, the idea that the mist people were nothing but extremely magically gifted immortals who gave up on their corporeal forms for more power. Nobody mentioned that was what she had done to cure herself.
The conversation went long into the day, and they decided to have some lunch. Nothing stimulated appetite better than the prospect of imminent doom.
-So these paths you see ... are like the ones I see? - enquired Mat taking a bite of his apple. If the others were surprised to know he had yet another power he had hidden, no one showed it. With the exception of Sarah, who had almost fainted when she heard her brother was an immortal.
-Yes and no - she replied. -I can also sense the past, as long as it is somehow connected to my own life. -
Isaac raised his hand. -So all the stuff you saw must be connected to your past? -
-The mist people are connected to all of our paths, it can only make sense. - she said, hoping she was right. Because if her other hypothesis was correct ... no it couldn't be true. And yet she hadn't mentioned the baby's existence to any of her friends. -Anyways they are immortals without bodies, beings of pure magic. From my visions I gathered they planned to control the rest of the immortals for their own good, their plans have nothing to do with the world fate as they tried to instruct us. -
Jane stole Mat's apple from his hands and took a bite herself. - Seems to me these rotting farts have everything they wanted though. Power, magic, an army of zombie immortals ... why would they possibly want to influence mortal's paths? -
Luz had thought about it too. For all her visions revealed, all the mist people had ever wanted was to be powerful.
No, wait that was not all.
-They wanted to be idolised from mortals and immortals alike. - she recalled while stealing the apple back from a Jane and tossing it to Mat. -But it seems like they have made no effort to contact mortals over the years... or -
-...or they can't!- gasped Mat. -It makes perfect sense since they are beings of pure magic. Mortals could literally step on them and not realise what happened. -
Luz pictured that happening. The mist people giving up all their corporeal form just to have mortals forget of their existence altogether. And they couldn't even kill them without unleashing immortals on them.
Isaac raised from his chair. - Why not just going back to their bodies then? -
Mat and Luz exchanged a look. -They might be trapped. - she explained. -Everytime I turn into magic ... it gets harder and harder to be pulled back. -she felt shame in her next words. -and it's more than that ... you don't want to go back. All the power ... it's impossible to let go unless you have someone on the other side who is anchored to the mortal world. -
All the eyes fell on Mat, who had the guts to wink at her. -Always avaible for pulling you up sweetie -
She avoided him, afraid to meet his green eyes and let her emotions betray her feelings.
To everyone's surprise, it was Sarah who spoke next. She had been so quite for the entire time that Luz had almost forgotten of her existence. Like a piece of furniture in the room, she had stood next to Mathias' chair. Luz hadn't noticed it before, but she stood there not to be protected, but to protect her brother. She looked slightly older than them, which was weird considering she was the youngest.
-What if they are trying to build themselves new bodies? - she offered. - I am not an expert in artificial intelligence, but in my masters thesis I speculated on the potential of that tech. -
"A fragile soul" had called her Mathias. Perarphs, just like them, he had underestimated her.
The skinny blonde Barbie might have been small, but she was a Biotech graduate from MIT. She was no fool when it came to this stuff and if she believed that it was possible for the mist people to build a new body and still maintain their magical powers ... Luz was all ears.
-Could they even do that? - asked Mathias voicing to her doubts.
Sarah raised her shoulders. -My hypothesis were based on Iron, the 12th most adbuntant element in the human body, but from what I gather that is not an option for you guys - she looked at the "Deodorant for dauntless immortals".
Andre clapped her hands. -What about copper? Could that work? -she asked. - And please speak on a non-educated person level. Not everyone's QI has 3 digits. -
Sarah frowned deep in thought. - I guess ... maybe. - she said finally. - But it is over 60 times less present in human bodies than iron so to compensate for that you would need an incredible amount of metal and ... oh ... -
She reached the conclusion at the same time as the rest of immortals in the room.
-Well crap - concluded Mat. -I bet they didn't appreciate Luz blowing most of it up, but I am sure they can get their misty hands on more. And the elections are only two days away, when they expect to find Sarah served on silver plate for them. -
Jane laughed and let the doughnut she had been eating fall on the table.
-Crap indeed my nerdy friend - said Jane. Mat made some protesting sounds but turned silent at her following statement. -Looks like we are taking another trip to Chicago. Someone needs to stop these farts before they start enslaving mortals the way they did with us. -
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