Authors note - I suck at naming things, just pretend I came up with something good.
Peace out, don't forgot to vote and comment because it makes my life =DDDDD
Two days later, people were still buzzing about James.
'I heard he has a French girlfriend back in France' whispered Chloe, in maths 'she's like a duchess or something.'
I looked at Chloe in disbelief 'where did you hear that?' I asked.
'You know, somewhere' she replied vaguely 'anyway, he's got this French girlfriend and she wants him to go back to France so that she can marry him and he can be Duke.'
'That's a lie' I said.
'No it's not' she said, insistently 'but he wants to live in England because he doesn't want to be tied down when he's only sixteen.'
'Who does' I said absently.
'But he promised her he wouldn't date until he goes back when he's eighteen.'
'Of course' I replied.
In History Danielle and one of her minions were in front of me talking about him as well.
'He's probably gay' said her friend, as way of consolation because pretty much everyone in the school knew she was fuming after he pretty much ignored by him again.
'He's not' she replied, sadly and I almost felt sorry for her.
'Well I heard he had the girlfriend who was so horrible that she put him off girls completely and now he can barely look at them.
'Really' Danielle looked at her with belief for a moment then looked back again 'no that doesn't work because he was quite happy talking to that Alice girl in English.'
I watched her minion roll her heavily mascared eyes 'yeah, but everyone knows that he met her before he met his girlfriend.'
'How?' asked Danielle.
'When he used to live here they were friends, so he knew she wasn't horrible.'
Danielle grinned 'so she doesn't even stand a chance with him because he's been completely put off dating by his evil ex, right?'
I shook my head, well aware that James didn't have an evil ex that had put him off all girls. He was probably just put off Danielle because she was easily the most intimidating girl he had ever met, and being beautiful didn't make a difference there.
'Are you a French Duke' I said as I sat down next to James for English.
'No, are you a fireman?'
'What?' I said, confused.
'I though we were playing a game' he said, smiling.
'No, I was just asking you if you were a French Duke.'
'Okay' he said, his brow furrowing in confusion 'I'm relatively certain I'm not but you can check my family tree if you want.'
'Not going out with a French Duchess?'
'I wasn't the last time I checked' he replied 'but if I've managed to pick one up on the way then it's all good. Why are you asking?'
'Oh, nothing it was something that Chloe said' I replied, unpacking my things as Mr Fuller came in and started handing out books.
'Thanks sir' said James as a book landed heavily on our table. Mr Fuller grunted but otherwise generally ignored him, 'between you and me I don't think Mr Fuller likes me' said James.
'Ah well' I said and we both reached for the book at the same time and my skin grazed his and I snatched my hand back again from his electric touch. 'All yours' I said breezily, smiling even though my heart was thumping painfully in my chest. We didn't speak for the rest of the lesson, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence it was just silence. I watched him out of the corner of my eye, he was writing in the same neat print with his eyes on the board but I could tell that he wasn't really thinking about the writing. His mind was elsewhere, from his eyes I could see that he was thinking deeply about something, but from his eyes I couldn't tell what.
I left the classroom as quickly as I could, nearly running out the door to make sure I wasn't alone with James for any time longer than I had to be. As I hurried along the corridor I wondered for the first time why James had moved to this school. Clearly he had moved to London with his mum, but there were hundreds of schools in the city and he just happened to end up in the same one as me, bumping into me again, the same person who had spent weeks obsessing about him and had somehow managed to guess his name. Coincidence was suddenly becoming something more sinister, and Matt's mysterious messages just confused things further.
Maybe he came just for me.
I closed my eyes, wishing that I could push the thought right out of my mind because even though it terrified me going through that much trouble for one person you didn't know I couldn't help but feel like it meant he liked me.
I made it through the next lesson, just. Chloe was talking about James for most of the time but about three quarters of the way through maths she changed the topic to dresses which was a welcome change. But not in my mind which had never even thought about dresses. As the final bell went I thanked God that I was going back to Michael's to watch pointless films instead of back to my room which was filled with floating thoughts of James. At least my head could be clear for four hours.
I stood at the side of the road waiting for Michael
nd watched Danielle and a group of similar looking friends glancing at me and whispering. Clearly telling her we were just friends wasn't enough, I shook my head and turned back to face the road, I suddenly heard a loud screech and a black sports car, I don't know the make, skidded round the corner and stopped in front of me, sending a tide of water over my head. The door swung upon and a way too familiar face looked at me.
'Get in the car' shouted Matt.
I stood completely still, shivering and feeling like a drowned rat.
'Get in' he repeated.
'You really know how to make an entrance' I said, through chattering lips watching people watch and laugh as my uniform began to cling to me.
'Get in' he said, again.
'Why?'I asked, starting to walk along the pathway angrily 'I'm waiting for a friend I don't have time for your stupid mind games, I give up I don't know why James is different. Personally I don't think he is, your just screwing around with my head' I lied.
The car followed me and the door remained open, Matt was looking around nervously and I suddenly realised everyone was looking at us 'What if I told you your life was in danger?'
'I'd tell you to stop being so stupid' I retorted 'now please go, I have enough of a reputation as it is at the moment without getting in a car with some random guy.'
'Really?' he said sounding surprised, the shaking himself and his voice returning back seriously 'well your life is in danger, get in the car now.'
'No' I said 'I'm not playing along..'
Matt sighed, then looked up and grinned 'if you get in the car it will be warm and people won't see you with wet hair and make up running down your face.'
'There's make up running down my face?'
He nodded and I climbed in, barely closing the door before the car shot off again pinning me back into my seat as I fumbled with the belt.
'Could you slow down?' I asked, holding the sides of the car nervously and wondering is Matt was even at the legal age.
'No' he said 'I'm helping you out here.'
We were going at least eighty down a few side streets as I desperately tried to put on my seat belt on. 'Wait' I shouted over the engine 'your not old enough to drive.'
'I know' he shouted back 'but my driving license begs to differ.' He looked away from the wheel, making me shake, and threw over a fake license which claimed he was eighteen when he couldn't have been much older than me.
'Can you explain to me how your saving my life?'
'All in good time' he replied pressing the accelerator down even harder throwing me back in my seat.
'Are you going to answer all my questions?'
'I'll try.'
'Will you tell me why you have no shadow?'
Matt looked slightly agitated by that 'I'll try and explain' he said 'but if you get freaked out it's not my fault.'
'Agreed' I said 'will you tell me why I have to be afraid of James?'
'Oh yes' he replied, honestly 'this is what this is all about to be honest' he smiled seeing my expression 'it's really exciting don't worry.'
'Is it scary?'
'A bit' he admitted 'but your strong Amy I know that about you, you'll make the right choice.
'What do you mean choice?'
'All in good time Amy, all in good time.'
'Can't you tell me now?' I asked, frustrated by his casual talk and unwillingness to part with vital information.
'No' he replied.
'Can I ask you questions about it?'
I hesitated 'if I guess will you tell me.'
'Fine, but you won't guess.'
I chewed my lip 'is he a murderer?' I asked.
'That's not it' said Matt.
'Bank robber?'
He laughed 'I don't know what he gets up to in his spare time but as far as I know, he's not.'
'The King of Sweden?'
'Not even slightly.'
I sighed 'can't you just tell me?'
'Fine' I searched my mind 'is he actually not a school kid.'
Matt looked at me with his startling green eyes 'sort of.'
'How can he be sort of.'
'You'll find out' he suddenly pressed hard on the break pedal sending me flying forwards but although he wasn't wearing a seat belt.
'Where are we?' I asked.
'Open the door, look outside and see' he replied.
I pressed the door handle and climbed out onto a cracked stone-slab pavement. I was standing in a grotty looking street and in front of me there was a decrepit looking apartment building.
'Is that it' I said.
'Yeah, pretty much.'
'Where's the flashy MI5 headquarters, the glass and steel building that cost about a billion pounds' I asked.
'Umm, I don't know. Why were you expecting that?'
I rolled my eyes 'come on Matt you must be a spy or something, the gun and the warnings. Did you get your shadow taken away by some sort of test so you could creep up on people or were you born a mutant?'
'You've gone insane haven't you?'
I shrugged 'pretty much.'
'I'm not a spy and I'm definitely not a mutant' he replied.
'Then what are you?'
'All in good time' he said again, frustrating me further. 'Oh, and by the way it's a lot more impressive on the inside don't worry.'
I took his word for it as I watched the door burst open and a girl burst out to come running over to us. She stopped in front of me 'you must be Amy' I nodded and I suddenly found myself wrapped in a tight hug. 'I've been so looking forward to meeting you, I'm so glad your safe' she pulled out of the hug and stood back a bit to look at me. She was very tall and slim and had long, blonde hair that curled it's way down to her waist but didn't look tacky, fake or stupid in the way people like Chloe's hair did. It was so much more interesting, it caught the sunlight making it shine like it was made of gold and silver. Her eyes to were beautiful, deep ocean blue with a little sparkle in the corner. She was only wearing jeans and an old t-shirt and she still looked like a supermodel, the most beautiful person I had ever seen and then some. She looked almost inhuman. I felt burning jealousy in my stomach until she smiled at me, in a perfect smile that made me happy. 'Lets get inside it's freezing out here and your all wet. What have you done to her Matt?'
'It was his car' I said 'and a puddle.'
She smiled and led me inside into the warm hallway. 'Do the lifts work?' I asked, knowing the answer.'
'Course' said the girl, 'Tom fixed them last year I think, but it's on the second floor so we'll take the stairs oh I haven't introduced myself, I'm Erin... Brooke.'
'Hi' I said mostly to myself.
We reached the second floor and it all seemed pretty similar to the apartment building I lived in except there was only one door which Erin led us towards. Inside the door opened into a wide living space, opposite us there was a huge, flat screen telly that took up most of one wall and a large blue sofa that was occupied by a boy who looked about seventeen with sandy hair.
'Tom' called Erin 'oi Tom, get up and meet Amy.' The boy stirred and sat up to look at me, he was handsome I supposed but not really my type whatever that was.
'Hi' he said and collapsed back down.
'Ignore him' advised Erin 'he's lovely really when he can be bothered to get off his lazy ass.'
'Hey' he protested 'keep me and my lazy ass out of this.'
Erin smiled and walked elegantly back over to me with her legs up to her armpits 'I'm sure you've got a lot of questions for us then Amy.'
'Yeah' I said, as if that wasn't the understatement of the century.
'Well we've got a few for you to' said Matt.
'You have questions... for me?'
Erin nodded 'you see we have a relatively clear picture of what's going on but you'll have to answer our questions first before we even begin to explain what we reckons going on, in case we've got it wrong.'
'Okay' I said slowly.
She led me into the kitchen 'do you want anything to eat or drink?' she asked. 'Nothing meat, I'm a vegetarian.'
'No' I said, looking around at the kitchen in disbelief. It put my poky one back at home to shame, it was almost as big as the lounge and full of shiny surfaces and steely appliances that almost made my eyes hurt. One of the cupboards even had a built in flat screen tv which was playing on low at some news station. I heard the door close and looked round to see Tom walking in to stand next to Matt behind me. I was suddenly beginning to feel a little closed in and nervous, Erin sensing my worry put her hand on my arm to comfort me. 'Don't worry' she said 'we won't hurt you, will we?' she looked at Matt and he took a step backwards.
'What do you mean by that?' I asked but Erin just shook her head.
'I get ask the questions first' she said 'that's our deal right then I'll tell you everything, agreed?'
'Agreed' I confirmed, still glancing at Matt and wondering what she had meant.
'When we saw you, on Saturday like two weeks ago was that the first time you'd seen James, ever?' she asked 'you hadn't seen him in the street or anything?'
'I don't think so' I replied, I would hardly forget a face like James'
'Yeah' she said, absently 'what happened when you got back home?'
'I went into my bedroom' I replied 'and I looked out of my window to see what had happened outside but you were gone of course' I laughed weakly 'I thought you weren't real and I had gone insane or something.'
'Then what happened?'
I blushed 'well I like drawing so, so I drew some pictures of him before I went to sleep.'
Erin didn't look surprised in the least 'did anything unusual happen?' she asked.
'Yeah' I replied 'it was weird, I thought that the name James would suit him so I wrote it down and then the next day it was his name.'
Erin's perfect eyebrows shot up 'that's weird' she said softly.
'Are they all the questions?' I asked.
'Yeah' she said 'your turn now.'
'Okay first, what the hell is going on?' I demanded, crossing my arms.
'Could you be a bit more specific said Erin, who was biting her lip with a look of intense concentration on her face.
'Why did Matt tell me to be careful around James?'
'Because you have to be' said Tom, almost angrily.
'Yeah, but why why?'
Erin drummed her manicured fingernails on the counter impatiently 'he's dangerous Amy' she said.
'Yeah but why?' I asked.
Erin suddenly looked up at the screen and my eyes followed her gaze. The news reader was reading some story about a serial murder.
'... Twelve victims in two months, all female and their bodies found mostly outside night clubs. We believe the killer seduces the girls then leads them outside where they are killed.'
My eyes widened 'was that James?' I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
Erin jumped up and turned off the screen 'I think so ' she replied.
My arm started shaking 'James is a murderer' I said, terrified but somehow it didn't fit 'am I his next victim then?' I asked, desperately hoping not. This explained everything, almost.
'I don't know' she said 'but I don't want to wait and find out.'
'Why didn't you tell me straight away?' I demanded, 'why don't you call the police if you know he's a murderer'
'Because he'd kill the police' said Matt, almost bitterly.
'It's not what you think' said Erin.
'What's going on then?'
'James, he's not entirely well... human.'
Suddenly an image of a UFO flashed to mind 'he's an alien' I said.
'No he's not an alien' she said, shaking her head 'actually that might make it easier but he's not I can assure you, otherwise we've got this whole thing completely wrong.'
'What is he then?' I asked.
'He's a demon.'
'A demon?' I said in a disbelieving tone.
'Pretty much.'
'You mean fire burning, hell demon?'
'Not quite' she said 'just kind of human shaped.'
'Okay, that's it I've heard enough. Very funny joke you almost had me with that whole alien thing but sorry I've caught you out. I must say your all completely hilarious but if I could go back home now and return to a normal life I'd be very happy.' I stood up scraping back my chair on the white slippery floor.
'She wasn't kidding' said Tom quietly.
'Going home really won't return you to a normal life' said Erin 'sorry but it just won't, you can't go back to a normal life, not now. I'm so sorry.' She sighed, looking genuinely sad 'if you listen to us and do what we say then you just might live.'
'This can't be real' I said, shaking my head and collapsing back into the chair not feeling as I landed my whole body had numbed into an ice cube.
'I'm really sorry' said Erin.
'Who are you' I whispered, almost feeling tears prickle at my eyes.
'We're demon hunters' she said, staring down at the floor 'demons are like leeches. They stalk people and suck the life out of them, don't ask me how I've never studied one, but they just do and then they leave them to die in the most grotesque ways.' She shivered 'if they had their way the entire human race would just be one big herd, just there to be slaughtered, that's where we come in. To kill them basically.'
'That can't be true' I said, feeling my face whiten.
'I'm so sorry' she said.
'What's a demon?' I asked.
'Not fire breathing servants of the devil' said Erin, smiling for a moment 'usually they live in forests and caves preying on animals but a lot find the life energy in cities more exciting and come and prey there. Oh, and they don't have horns, usually they have human or animal forms so they stay inconspicuous.'
I laughed despite myself 'you make them sound like animals' I said, quietly.
'I wish' said Matt 'they'd be easier to kill if they weren't so clever.'
'What does James want from me then?' I asked, blinking at Erin.
'That's what we're still trying to find out' she said 'we're as confused as you are, usually a demons interest in a human only goes as far as wanting to kill them or make them suffer, and if that were true you'd be dead long ago. But James seems to be driven by different instincts entirely. It's weird because he only seems to be interested in you like your in some way different.'
'Well I'm not' I said hoarsely.
'I know' she said 'clearly your unique and everything, but your only human. It's just that demons see humans as being mindless sheep, like cattle unable to think for themselves. But from what we've gathered James sees you as being entirely different and incredible interesting I don't really understand why and I don't think he fully understands either.'
'Interesting?' I said numbly, it didn't feel like I was there. It felt like I was miles away, in space even but not here. Just lying back and watching the events take place in front of me.
'I'm sorry Amy.'
I breathed in, trying to tell myself this was just a dream but my judgement was a bit off lately. I glanced behind me at Matt who was standing silently behind me 'why did you tell me that my life was in danger?' I asked.
'We're a bit worried that James'... interest in you could turn deadly and he might try and consume you.'
My eyes widened and I began shaking as I suddenly became aware how much danger I was in, my life was actually at stake 'consume me' I said pale with shock.
'Don't worry so much' said Erin 'believe me we're in constant danger of being consumed, and we'll do absolutely everything we can to keep you safe. Even if it means constant surveillance. Just be extra careful when you're around him and make sure your never alone with him but other than that you'll just have to look after yourself, okay?'
'Yeah' I said regaining a little colour, but still shaking. Was this a dream? I wondered when I would wake up because it felt real, but I knew demons didn't exist.
'Any other questions while we're here?' she asked.
'Oh, yeah' I said suddenly remembering a question I had already asked that day 'why doesn't Matt have a shadow?'
'I though you might ask that' said Erin looking at Matt in a bemused sort of way 'its a long story that probably seems as far fetched as demons.'
'Try me' I suggested.
'Okay' she said 'but don't look at him any differently for it, he's not entirely human.'
'What... is he a demon as well?'
'No, no' said Erin 'he's half Vansycrioli.'
'Half what?'
'Vansycrioli' she said 'they seem human but their very different, you'd probably know them from tacky old films and comics as vampires.'
'You're a vampire' I said a little too loudly staring at Matt in surprise.
'Only half' he said, then added 'the good half.'
'Can you turn into a bat and fly?'
'Do you sleep in a coffin?'
'I could but I don't' he said 'you have a ridiculous idea of what 'vampires' are really like, and no I do have a reflection just not a shadow.'
'Do you drink blood' I asked looking nervously at him.
He nodded 'sorry about that one, I don't really drink human if I can help it.'
'But could you?'
'I suppose, yeah' I shuffled my chair back a little bit and Matt obligingly took a few steps back.
'So you have fangs?'
'Sort of, there not really fangs just two sharp teeth.'
'That's pretty cool' I said without thinking, I was spending to much time with Michael clearly if I thought fangs were cool. 'How did you end up being only half vampire, did the person biting you stop half way through?'
'I was born a half-Vansycrioli' he explained 'my mum was human and my dad was a Vansycrioli, creating Vansycrioli's is harder than you think. Once you've got a taste of blood its hard to unlatch yourself, only one in a thousand bites actually result in the creation of a 'vampire', and...' he stopped himself, but I didn't notice.
I felt a bit sick and Erin put her hand back on my arm in comfort. 'I think that's enough for today before Amy passes out.'
'But I want to hear more' I protested but Erin shook her head.
'You've asked way more questions than I asked' she said 'but I've just got one more for you, are you ready?'
'Yes' I replied, slightly confused.
'We need to find out more about James, we have reason to believe he's extremely dangerous and at the moment you seem like the closest person to him.'
'What do you want?' I asked, this wasn't real, this couldn't be real. I smiled at my insane dream.
'We want you to make a choice' she said 'nobody will judge you on your answer but it needs to be asked. Will you help us?'
'To find out more about James we need someone to get close to him and observe him, you preferably. We'd make sure you were safe but there's always danger in coming into close proximity with a demon, especially one like him.'
'What do you mean one like him?'
Erin sighed 'don't let this sway your decision but he's already killed fifty three people this month.'
'Jesus Christ' I said, my heart began thudding in my chest 'what's my other option to spying on him then?'
'Well, we'd leave you alone and take our own action but its unlikely that James will leave you alone so it seems likely it would end in you becoming his fifty fourth victim.'
I felt a bit queasy, 'I'll do it, but what do you mean about unlikely to leave me alone?' I ventured nervously.
Erin glanced at Matt, looking nervous herself 'Amy, we won't let him do anything to you.'
'Like what?'
'It doesn't matter because it won't happen' replied Erin 'we'll be in touch and meanwhile be careful.' '
'When this is over, will it all go back to normal?'
Erin looked away, shaking her head 'I don't know Amy, I just don't know.'
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