






Rabastan wasn't the only one who was sporting a sour expression, those beside him were all facing the bitterness that their birds were giving them.

Holding a grudge didn't rightly entitle what was happening at their own manors.

But for Corban, having Izzy silently plan the wedding had made him guilty as she rightly didn't have a choice on getting out of their marriage as the pregnancy was quickly becoming visable.

"Amelia say anything to you yet?" Corban questioned, and Avery seemingly shook his head. They were currently waiting for the Dark Lord as he was in another meeting, with who?

They were unsure.

But there were far too many new faces in the ranks that Rabastan stuck close to his mates and away from the lower factions.

One ounce of weakness and they would look for ways to out him.

"Wyatt cried when I held him. Amelia says he's forgotten me." Rabastan turned to his best mate and gritted his teeth, that is what Aurora claimed will happen if this route continues.

"Roe did the same." It was a small bit of eye contact between the two fathers, but at least the twins were excited to see their papa...Even if it caused a frown from their mum whenever he entered and stayed in the same room.

"Izzy's scared that her grandparents are going to find out soon, the weddings in a few weeks..." In the mist of it all, Rabastan was thankful that at least a wedding would shed a bit of a breakthrough all of this tedious work.

Rory was indeed right, the Longbottoms are in hiding...But for entirely a different reason.

Their weeks of work wasn't a complete failure, but at the current moment, he felt like a disappointment. And rallying beside his mates who were feeling the same started to get on his nerve.

Other than McNair who tried to aid everyone's word...But failed miserably as he wasn't seeing anyone nor engaged.

The wizard wasn't even offended as it was better than feeling guilty for causing stress to their significant others. Or children for that matter, so instead he silently vowed to remind his mates to send a quick message to their wives if they forget to like the previous time.

"Brother. Cassiopeia is needed." Rodolphus had snuck up on the silent group, but the majority of those standing beside him stilled.

This was going to be the breaking point for sure.

"I'll be right back." His eyes danced between his mates and brother, before he hurried along off the property and in return to his manor.

Rory had paused her reading to Roe when she heard the pop, but picked up quick enough that he hadn't noticed her hesitation.

"Rory...You're being summoned love." Panic arose in the mistress as she looked to Rabastan, then to the children.

"They will be alright, I'll ask Avery and the rest to stay in the manor until you return." He hated seeing her look between the three little ones, only for her to call the few elves to bring them back to their playroom.

In addition to the dire wolves to give them company.

"Can you stay with them?" She whispered, desperation lacing every word.

"It's not safe to leave you, the entire faction is at the Malfoy's." She gulped and hurried up the stairs to dress into something that wasn't a lounge dress, and Rabastan was just relieved that Rory wasn't hormonal or against in going entirely.

He was prepared in returning to the Dark Lord without his wife.

The two managed perfectly into the floo network, arriving in Cissy's study—Which had been completely emptied out as she was relaxing off and away at some expensive retreat.

One of which Rabastan was going to question if his own wife would be interested in, but the children still needed their mother.

Thus, the cousin seemingly attending the spa by herself.

"I don't want to leave them alone for so long..." He noticed how skittish she had become with being away from them for mere minutes.

When the two had entered the den, sweet merlin was Rory not prepared for the sickly faces of Death Eaters. Ages ranging from anything to Regulus' age and above, perhaps she needed another moment to prepare herself for these horrors.

She greeted her husband's friends, and watched as he leaned in to explain what was being asked of them. Avery had wasted no time at all in fulfilling that, as well as Corban, both of them knew it'd give them a good word when Rory speaks to Izzy or Amelia.

Rory continued with Rabastan at her side to another room, one of which was not the Dark Lord's study. He was quick to knock at the door, only for them to open half a second later at Rodolphus' entrance.

"Sister, fit as ever."

"Remind me you're getting a curse after I'm allowed to use magic again." The eldest Lestrange had turned a grin as he looked to his brother, but in no way shape or form was she lying.

She was indeed on a warpath.

"Perhaps Bella and I will wait to see Romulus and Halsey." Just mentioning the child had brought the poor woman to twiddle her thumb to attempt a calm approach.

"Is everything alright? I haven't been called in—"

"Cassiopeia. Come." Aurora squeezed her husband's hand as she came forward towards the Dark Lord...Who had looked extremely conflicted, almost antsy to what he had learned.

But pure relief had come from seeing the youngest Lestrange in the room.

"My Lord? Is everything alright?" The sweet voice had indeed been a light in the shining darkness, but the hiss of ordering everyone to leave was what had her hands flinch further.

Rory had looked back in pure sadness as the support of her husband was heartbreaking, but an order is an order.

However Severus had made his way to Aurora's side and nodded off to Rabastan, at least she was not the only one before the Dark Lord.

A seat soon levitated towards Rory, and she sighed in pure relief in being able to sit down. Her ankles were already giving her an angry retaliate.

"The prophecy has come to light..." Aurora's eyes widened as she sunk into her seat further, but her clear curiosity as she looked between the Dark Lord in Severus caused her to shiver.

"My Lord?...How—What is—" He waved his arm to the wizard beside her, and in clear cut fashion had Severus bowed to somewhat meet eye level.

"The Dark Lord tasked me to take Professor Slughorn's place at Hogwarts, I arrived at the three broomsticks for my interview, Dumbledore was interviewing a woman for divination...She held the rest of the prophecy." Rory's eyes danced for a moment as she whispered what she had uncovered months prior.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...Born to those who have thrice defied him..."
"...Born as the seventh month dies." Her attention popped up to see the Dark Lord himself spit the remaining bit of the prophecy.

"That is why it wasn't finished, I received the prophecy at the wrong time my Lord...It's—" The Ravenclaw's mind was racing at a thousand words per second, but it did nothing to settle Lord Voldermort's mind.

"Who is with child?" The severed man hissed, and Rory took a small tally...There were indeed a given few who were pregnant.

"Myself, Narcissa...Isabella, though it's hidden from her family as she's not wed..."

"The Longbottoms." Severus breathed, and Rory's reaction still danced for a conclusion. "The Potters..." Was another whisper, and that earned a shot of interest from Mrs.Lestrange.

"But it's the dates we will need to counter for, 'born as the seventh month dies'...So that would mean—"

"Severus call in the Lestranges and the rest, I'll kill them before—"

"MY LORD!" The shout had startled Severus, and surely broke the concentration from the Dark Lord as he stopped pacing to look at the waddling pregnant woman making her way closer.

Whispering even.

"My Lord, pardon my interruption. But if you kill them in the womb then the prophecy will follow to another unknown child or family. It hadn't specially said a year." Severus had heard partial bits and pieces, but the Dark Lord and his chaotic mindset allowed to listen through her thought process.

And she was indeed right.

"My Lord, what is a newborn going to accomplish. Ronan is 37 weeks old and he is just about learning to walk."

"You...Are correct Cassiopeia, we will wait and seek out the proper child." And speaking of a child, Cara decided it was a pleasant time to kick her mother's rib rather roughly, causing Rory to hiss out.

"Aurora..." Severus had offered, shaking his head as he knew that she needed to sit down. That getting this worked up was not going to be worth it in the end.

"Sit, we are going to discuss this with the highest-ranked. Severus, retrieve those mentioned prior. And get Cassiopeia some tea." A gracious smile greeted her lips as she leaned back tiredly into her seat.

With the room quiet had it left the two to bask in the endless theories. "When you received the prophecy, you feared that it was speaking of your child..."

"My Lord, Cara should be here in July yes, but in the beginning. Not the end. And by default would a witch defeat you?"

In mere defense, a Lestrange child, no matter a wizard or witch. Would surely bask in some trouble and empowerment with the history of a long beautiful bloodline, from two sacred houses.

The newfound group had hurried along into the room, and Rabastan had quickly taken his wife's side and gripped her hand. Though sweaty a small bit from fear and the mess of anxiety from the previous conversation, granted it hadn't been that long since she stepped foot in this private study either.

Her eyes were still pinned forward, partly late in reaction and hadn't made any comments as the rest were rallying arguments over the prophecy.

"Cassiopeia had received the beginning lines, Severus had been fortunate to hear the rest." Rabastan was proud of his wife for interrupting and forcing the Dark Lord to see reason in not rushing to kill.

The Death Eaters would sit and wait patiently for their task as a child, as Rory had mentioned, wouldn't be able to do much of anything.

The only downside that the Dark Lord had with this, is that Dumbledore is the one who knows it now as well.

Returning to the manor that evening had been anything but rejuvenating, Rory had passed those in her house and had gone straight to the elevator and away.

"Merlin did you run into a dementor on your way back?"

"She had a private audience, we're in difficult times...The Dark Lord is allowing me to relay specific parts and not a word more, do I make myself clear?"

Rory had seemingly found solitude in the bath, though the water had long been cold, replenished and cold again. An Elf had begged her mistress to leave the water, only for the damned thing to go and fetch Rabastan...Who was now kneeling down beside the tub.

"If you're craving warmth, might I suggest a fire to sit beside. Or even the—" Her hand had covered his mouth to stop him from talking any further.

"I—I need a vision." Was that part of the Dark Lord's task? Was he pushing his wife for a vision?

"Rory, love...It has barely been a few hours. Please. The tub isn't the answer...Being at your fullest health is, you need a bit to eat, rest, a clear mind...Is your mind clear?" It caught her attention for sure, how insanely perfect his words had been.

"No, and it can't be if you're sitting in dirty tub water. Now let me dry you off, dress you...Get something to eat in you, and after a nap, then you can try again." Her pure exhaustion had her act like a small child, or drunk, he remembered kindly to that Christmas party where she had drank too much and he was left to take care of her.

This reminded him of that, strongly. Especially when she rose up and into his embrace, a towel already wrapped around her soaked body.

"Please Rory...You and the children are the only thing left in this world that keeps me sane. Seeing you like this shatters my heart." The mother simply nuzzled her way further into his chest and neck as tears became stream downing.

How could she betray her husband?

How could she live a constant lie right under his nose?

"Do you want to lie down now?" She nodded, her eyes still tearful as he aided her to the bed. The largest damn one he could find, as he had a small flashback of Narcissa and him scouting for furniture the manor would need.

Rabastan carefully took her hair out of the sloppy bun that was featured at the top of her head, and found her favorite blanket to snuggle up against.

"Can you stay for a bit?" Her voice barely making a dent into the air as he had to make a double-take to ensure that she had spoken.

And it wasn't his mind playing tricks as to what he wanted to hear.

"J-just for a bit? Until I fall asleep?" The two rightly hadn't had a conversation in terms of where they in their relationship. Especially when Rory was still livid about being left in the dark.

He needed to make it up to her, perhaps he could set up Cara's bedroom so she wouldn't have to worry about it?

But what did he know about designs...What else could he do?

One thing is for sure, he was going to cater her from here on out.


Severus had returned to his house in the deepest ends of Cokesworth, after hours of the Dark Lord continuously looking through his mind at the prophet, he was downright excused and couldn't be bothered with brewing nor requesting a follow up on why he hadn't been at his interview.

Instead he had taken an uncomfortable slummer on one of his living room chairs, in two moves had he cracked either side of his neck and stretched his legs. Only for a slip of parchment to fall from his lap.

"What in the bloody—" He opened the slip without an ounce of wax to hold the contents and in it was four words. And they didn't imprint loud enough in his mind as the paper itself was set to burn after it's initial message had been met.

Congratulations, you outted Lily.

Complete dread followed in his wake as he thought of his friend—His old friend. Just a few years ago would they be studying together in the library or out in the courtyard if Lily deemed it to be warm enough outside.

He didn't mind the cold, he was far used to this house being unprotected by the elements outside...That is until he inherited it and settled magical borders to cease the drafts.

There wasn't a day that he hadn't thought of Lily, he had seen her wedding photo. Purposefully skipped on the Potter wedding raid.

He was a mess, and the only one out of the given lot to see through it was Aurora. The one who most likely knew of Lily's pregnancy—Actually she had been the first to know.

And the first to predict it as well, and the only settling matter is that the full prophet has been foretold. Meaning it was waiting for the right babe, and sure enough...He was on the way.

Dumbledore on the other hand had been wary that someone had been listening in, and just his luck that it had to have been Snape.

Why he accepted the application was a mystery, but without Aurora's knowledge from her side...They were slipping with the upper hand, and the prophet ultimately threw the Order for a shock.

James had instantly gone to his wife and held a protective hand over her tum. His son was going to be hunted. And before he could let any caring words to calm down his wife, it was Sirius that rose up to his feet and attempted to get to the door.

"AURORA'S PREGNANT! LET ME GO MOONY!" Remus had a stronghold over his best mate, his own feelings getting in the midst of this knowledge.

"Sirius, sit down. We mustn't get ahead of ourselves...Yes, your sister could have a child 'born as the seventh month dies', however there are few others who are with child." Sirius had shrugged off Moony's hold and fixed his jacket, funny enough the one Rory had gifted to him that Christmas back in—

"Who else is with child?" Lily asked, still clutching the blanket above her stomach further. She wouldn't wish this life for anyone, and she was already horrified in telling James that she was pregnant.

The relief she felt from his excitement was killed at this moment.

"The Longbottoms, Sirius' cousin Narcissa Malfoy...I am waiting for Aurora's response, however Alastar had gotten word that she was admitted into a witches' facility in almost losing the—"

"WHAT?!" This had to be connected, but the explained timeline still didn't match up correctly.

Luckily Dumbledore held the reins in having them remain in their seats.

On the opposite end of the spectrum was Aurora in her study, a husk herbal scent clearing the air, steam from the placed kettle just mere inches away.
She was pulling all the stops from Divinations, especially the candles giving a mint mood.

But even with these lengths, she could not force a vision.

A knock pulled her out of her trans, peeking one eye open as she groaned into her hand to see Rabastan coming forward.

"Gods how can you stand the stench of—" 

"Raba I'm trying to concentrate." Pinching the brink of his nose did he come forward to blow out all the candles in her study, clear out the scent and gestured to his watch.

"I was hoping I could have dinner with my wife, rumor has it that we're going to be sent out like last month."

"You've been home barely a few weeks." Rabastan sighed, he would love to stay with his wife and children, however he had no place to question the Dark Lord.

"I promise to call Daisy and relay a message...But before I leave I want to know that you are eating properly and going to bed. The Dark Lord isn't asking for you to look for a vision. It will come eventually." She pouted, leaning into his arm for a want of affection.

"I don't want you to go...I can't live in this manor without you Raba." She began to cry, her emotional stress became visible once again as she looked up to her husband with pitiful eyes.

"We are looking for the Longbottoms and the Potters, the Dark Lord wants us to gain information on their whereabouts." So it was a stakeout mission? Great, so while she was stuck in the manor, Lily and Alice would be confined in a prison against their will.

Rory wished she could reach out to Lily without having to go through Sirius or Remus, and there was no part of her that wanted to bring Regulus into knowing what he was missing.

He should be far away from this mess as is without any knowledge.

"I'll pop in for a few moments Rory, I'll try."

"And Cara? What if she comes early?" Rabastan held his wife close and promised that he would be present for the birth.

And if he were to withhold any promises, this would be the one...


Date Posted: 10-31-19

Time: 10:16

Words: 3388

Happy All Hallow's Eve

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