Telling Aidan was a difficult task, but after the three days he remained in shock. Rory was surprised to open her front door to find him with a large stuffed bear in a sense of congratulations, but also offered his help if she was falling behind in her work for the expansion on Salem then he would aid her.
Or babysit.
Or cook.
When both she and Regulus made up, he laughed that Aidan would be chased away easy. Which earned him a few whackings from both his sister and girlfriend, which only reminded him that he needed to talk to Rory and his father together.
When Rory arrived home that afternoon, she was prepared for an easy night, especially with the children occupied in the main manor, her stomach showing a very healthy almost five-month swell.
"Is this an intervention?" She mumbled, almost dreading to sit down with her brother and her father's painting that has been placed on one of Aurora's stands.
"Not for you at least darling, Regulus called a family meeting." Aurora snorted and placed her bag down and settled down, smirking to see that he prepped lunch and a kettle of tea for her as well.
"Suspicious, so am I making the ring or—" Regulus gawked, and it caused Aurora to roll her eyes as she took a long sip of her tea.
"Pardon me, was this supposed to be a surprise?"
"Er, yes? I wanted to ask both of you for your opinions on it." The room turned silent for a moment and the Rory hummed.
"I think you should've proposed the day after you found her to be pregnant Regulus, but as it turns out America is forgiving. But I want your son to have our name."
"The boy won't have the Black name anyway father, Regulus is a Blackwell here." Orion's face fell for a moment and shrugged.
"Then it's abbreviated for both him and Phoebe. As Regulus must've created prior. Now son, how about you ask the question and your sister and I will relay are thoughts." Regulus sighed a breath of relief for his father's calmness, surely his father never thought that he would marry an American, but what was the harm?
"I want to propose, I want her to know that I'm committed. But...I'm worried she won't want to." Aurora looked to her father wanting to take the lead, but she was silenced as Orion took the first approach.
"She's carrying your child Regulus, the responsibility and commitment is already there. You know our judgment, what is your true worry?" Aurora smirked as their father took her words from her downright. "That she doesn't want to get married."
"Oh please Reg, the girl loves you dearly...And coming from myself who's known her since...She's been dreaming of her wedding for a while. And if it's any suggestion, before the babe is born would be best." Fear wracked into Regulus' heart as he worried about throwing together a wedding for the sake of their son being born.
"Yes, I agree that you shouldn't wait much longer. The two of you are already living with one another and expecting a child. You've done it all backwards."
"I wouldn't say that father, they went at their own pace. And I'm sure Reg wanted to propose far before he found out Phoebe was with child." He groaned, as he hadn't prepared for his family to already know his intentions.
"Am I that predictable?" He pouted, and Aurora rolled her eyes once again.
"Predictable no, old fashion? Yes. It's like a silent promise Reg, that you two are starting your own family." He smiled as his sister mended what she had meant, as it sounded partly like an insult.
"So what sort of ring are you going for?" She questioned, and thus Regulus had turned completely giddy as he adored how Rory made them very personal.
So she left the room for a moment and looked through the box of jewelry she had, showing explains of designs and what he wanted to show his love to Phoebe with.
It hadn't taken all that long, as Rory promised to make a few in case he didn't like the final product. But a damnable kick had caused Rory to retire for a nap for the rest of the afternoon, yet the firm expression caused Regulus to frown.
"Your sister is forgiving. If I had been alive I would've smacked you upside the head for speaking to her like that."
"I apologized!" Orion groaned.
"You seem to have missed your brother's ability to speak to witches, you apologized. But did she forgive you? With Rabastan out of the picture, are you prepared to father her children as well as your own?" Regulus hadn't thought of either point his father bestowed upon him, and so he sighed into his hand.
"Suppose I didn't."
"Cassiopeia had agreed with him on four, and now not only is she beyond her limit. But my little night needs a break. I happen to like that Proctor fellow." Regulus darted his attention off towards his father and rose abruptly and threw a spell to silence the room.
"Are you mad?!"
"If she accepts him Regulus, you are not to interfere. She deserves a proper gentleman to treat her normally, and if he hasn't left as you said...Then he has the potential to be their father." Regulus began to look for anything to argue against his father, he was indeed reaching for the stars now.
"She doesn't believe in divorce."
"She doesn't have a reason to believe in it, if she meets someone and decides that she is better fit with them then what will stop her? The faith she follows would not want her to continue on like this, we need to prepare what happens when he dies." Regulus let out a solid breath, and there was only one thing he could think of.
To allow Aidan a half of a blessing in pursuing his sister, it wasn't like the bloke did anything questionable or wrong, but Regulus was far to cautious.
"From my understanding, she is far more angry at you than Aidan."
"She isn't angry!"
"No. But she's tense, and that builds up to anger. Believe me son I've watched her in her study for the past few years, I can read her perfectly by now. When has she ever been that snippy in my presence?" The two remained silent for a moment and Reg laughed.
"She's with child father, I'd be at wits end. I understand what he meant when he said that Rory changed a bit. Phoebe's a fire breathing demon some nights."
"And if she hears you she will be for the rest of your life...Now go plan an engagement. I want to have another daughter!" Regulus replaced his father back to his normal place in the hallway off near Rory's room.
"It'll be better for her not to dwell on the past, be kinder to her. She did save your life." Regulus had barely made it to the door when he realized that Rory was the reason he was living and breathing now.
Why his son was on the way.
He was sent to see his future wife.
Regulus straightened his back and followed through with his father's suggestion, apperenting straight off towards Aidan's apartment. He knew where the bloke lived because he dropped off a few documents from Rory to him when she was locked to best rest from Liz.
"Just a sec!" The damnable git called out, and an award-winning smile turned into a confused tilt. "Everything alright? Is Rory—"
"Just fine, taking a rest...Can I talk to you mate?" Aidan hesitated before offering to enter the flat. Reg continued in and ran a stressful hand through his locks as he sighed.
"Alright, so perhaps I've been a tad bit judgmental and defensive when you come around my sister—"
"Ah. No need Regulus, you've made your opinion clear. I'm not good enough for your sister." Regulus wanted to stomp his foot like a child, but withheld as he needed to start acting his own age—And start acting like a father.
"Look mate, I realized that I was being a massive git. To both you and Rory, and I'm sorry." Aidan hadn't been prepared for an apology, but then his brows narrowed further.
"What'd you say to Rory?" The Black heir coughed into his hand to clear his throat before he spoke, then repeated what he asked his sister.
"So while I haven't done anything wrong, you're going to stand there and claim that you said that shit? Are you kidding me?" He questioned, and Reg remained silent.
"Does she know you're here?"
"No. And John isn't finding anything permanent to numbing the hand fastening. I'm worried for her." Aidan realized that the young wizard was only looking out for the best interest of his sister, who's had enough to deal with than a wizard wanting a few dates and a stolen kiss.
"I've respected your sister from the moment I met her when we were younger. You're a downright asshole." It was the first time he heard Aidan respond properly.
"You haven't met her husband."
"I have no desire to, sure he's worse...But we both know you were buddy-buddy with him too, so before you start judging people Reginald, look at yourself." He finished before kicking the young wizard out.
Only Aidan left the door open for a moment and smirked.
"I do very much like your sister, but if she does accept me...I plan to court her." He finished, and it caused Regulus to frown. What was the American version of courting?
Rushing home did he storm into his own flat, seeing Phoebe in the kitchen with a happy smile in her face. "What is courting like here?" Phoebe laughed and pointed to her swelling tum.
"Just a little late Reg, why?"
"Aidan wants to court my sister! What have I done?!" He yelled, and Phoebe saw the despair that she rushed over and settled a calm hand over his cheek.
Regulus explained all that happened and she displayed what the definition of courting, meaning that Aidan had been royally screwing with the brother after the conversation had turned in.
Well he surely made another mess out the evening, didn't he?
A pleasant sigh had graced Aurora's presence, she had been having blissful morning and her daughter seemed relatively content. Course this final child would be met with the least stress of them all, and for that she hoped it would make up the absence of her father—
"Yes, my apologies little one. I won't bring him up again. You know how my mind just flutters away." A giggle rallied behind her, and she erupted in a grin to see the twins behind her.
"Are you sneaking up on mummy?" The two held their hands to their mouth and laughed once again. "You're talking to Sissy." Halsey pointed out and Rory turned from around from the stool she was sitting on and put down her color palette.
"Why shouldn't I? I talked to all of you when you were in my tum. I read, and the pups would make sure you're alright in here." She gestured to rightly swelling stomach, the size was indeed worrying, as she worried that there was twins hidden in once again.
But Liz took that as maybe an earlier birth?
Time could only tell, but as of yet Rory wanted to complete a little gift that hadn't made it for her brother's wedding.
A beautiful tribute to the young couple, featured all the combined cousins as the flower girls and ring barriers. Aidan accompanied Aurora with a rather proud grin, it was an intimate affair. He pampered her and discussed the babe as though they was his own, and it was a beautiful ordeal.
But Rory continued to feel guilty about the fact that she was beginning to fancy Aidan, when her husband was in Azkaban. She relayed all this to him, and he said that he would fight for her.
From there she trusted Aidan, however she said that once the baby was born that they could try to be a couple. Or a while after the babe is born as her attention was going to be devoted to her.
Beyond that, he was the perfect male figure for the children. And he proved that time and time again. "Aidy!!" Halsey cheered, and it caused Aurora to cover the painting in fear that Regulus was with him.
Luckily he wasn't with him.
"You're still working on it?" He questioned, and she rolled her eyes off to him. He didn't understand the method of taking time which artistic pleasures.
"I've only been on it for half an hour, these munchkins wanted some pancakes for breakfast." The grinned wildly to the wizard and he just bent down to pick them both up into his arms.
"Well that sounds like a good morning, are you eating enough?"
"Mummy ate fruit on her pancake!" Halsey cheered, naming all of which her mother ate, and Aurora could only hide behind a her work before catching his attention again.
"It seems like you two are watching out for your mom then?" They both cheered, though Romulus took it upon himself to stay with his mum more often than not.
These were the easy days, but then it started to drift. There were days where Rory didn't want to leave her bed, then there were times nobody could force her to sleep.
No amount of scolding from Elizabeth would push her to stop working, but she was taking a lead to her personal project. All considering she was on maternity leave until the babe is born.
But for now, those on the Salem committee were rushing to make the proper changes before the fall, as the lads were starting to join the Salem community as well.
Rory was beyond dedicated to the idea of overseeing the classes the coming school semester, by then the babe won't need her like in the early months of infancy.
The birth however, was a blessing in being able to have Elizabeth by her side and patting her sweaty brow with a cloth. And no matter how exhausted she was, she demanded herself to get through this.
Just get through this.
The wet-nurse aided Elizabeth and before Rory knew it, the babes' screams pierced through the room and allowed a cheer to come from Romulus.
"Lad, why don't you give your mummy a moment. She's very tired." He pouted, but he couldn't help give the boy what he wanted, so he picked him up and walked cautiously into the room to see the scene before him.
His sister was partly asleep, curled into cleaned sheets and Liz still ushering potions and tonics to keep her blood levels normal.
"A girl!" The wet-nurse cheered, and it gave Regulus a culture shock once again. He hadn't been present for Paige's birth as he didn't want to intrude, but America favored witches just as much as wizards... Since either were able to hold a family lineage on their own.
Romulus shared a gasp as he leaned forward to the wet-nurse to see the first glimpse of the little lady. The perfect moment for Aurora to peek her eyes open to see her favorite boys fawning over her youngest.
"Is she okay?"
"Perfectly healthy, you did beautiful mama." The nurse teased, bundling the little joy into a blanket before passing her off to her mum.
Rory pushed herself up against the pillows against Liz's judgment and offered her arms to take the lil gal. Romulus was soon let onto his mother's bed and he crawled the rest of the way to take a proper look.
"Reg, could you get—"
"Be right back Rory." He winked, and smiled brightly to himself as he was waiting for the same the secret as well. Elizabeth held the proud smile to her friend.
"Makes me want to have another." She whispered, and it caused Aurora to laugh.
"I like the methods here better, damn brilliant." She whispered, and Elizabeth smiled in triumph, they indeed one uped the British community.
Soon the room was crowded, seeing the newborn being welcomed to their ever-growing family. Aurora had made eye contact with Phoebe, and the pregnant witch just flattened her hand over her enormous tum, feeling the blessings through the room.
"Romulus, do you want to tell everyone her name?" She whispered, giving Rommy the floor and he threw his best smile to rest.
"This is Lorelei." Regulus knew that Rory allowed her son to pick the name, but it fit almost perfectly.
Lorelei Lestrange. The youngest daughter of the family.
It caused him to place his hand firmly onto his wife's stomach and rubbed affectionally in a circle. "She'll have a cousin to play with soon enough." And Liz picked up Paige from her eldest and nodded down.
"And plenty to help her grown." Aurora had been quite emotional in the final days of her pregnancy term, but this was endearing.
"Mummy don't cry..." Romulus soothed, coming closer to cuddle with his mum, and it called upon all the children to carefully join her into the bed.
Regulus knew what she was thinking with one glance of her tearing eyes.
"Wir sind zusammen dabei." [We're in this together] He called out in German, not wanting to lose his touch on the language.
He spent far too long studying to lose it now.
"Zusammen." [Together]
Romulus looked at his mum and cheered the word with his sister, earning both of them a kiss from their mum.
Aurora was awakened to pure bliss, this late November babe was the perfect addition to the family.
Date Posted: 01-10-20
Time: 1:27
Words: 3043
Ugh I go back to school the 22nd and I got a preview of this semester🙃🙃
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