There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back


"Annabeth HURRY UP, I GOT TO GET TO THE STUDIO!" I yelled, running through the palace halls

"Im coming, Im coming Jesus, how do I look?" Annabeth said as she walked out of the queens chambers

My feet stopped in there tracks and my jaw dropped as Annabeth came out wearing shorts and a white shirt that ripped in the back. Her hair was done with side braids that tied together in the back and of course, she couldn't help but add several daisy's to it. This may not be something you would probably find jaw dropping, but when you find someone as beautiful as Annabeth, with her pale skin that's just starting to regain some color glowing, and her beautiful blue eyes shining bright, anything she wears is jaw dropping.

I attempted to speak but words failed me. Anna smiled and stepped forward, wrapping her arms around my neck and leaning forward on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my lips.

"Come on Shawn, that new recording studio in the city isn't going to run on its own" she whispered against my lips before giving me a peck on the cheek and walking off, probably to make sure all her queen duties are completed before we left.

Ever since her grandmother passed away, she had to move into the palace and take up her role as heir, and me being the awesome boyfriend I am (And also a very attached one...) moved in with her. I mean, ever since I almost lost her I've grown extra attached... Okay, she's also my co-song writer so I kinda need her at my side...

With quick steps I followed in the direction she had disappeared in, hoping I wouldn't get lost in the halls... Again. Today was an exciting day, I would be recording a song Annabeth hadn't heard yet, which was a shock because she knew all. What's more is that I'll be recording in a new recording studio here in London! Island Records teamed up with Annabeth to make it happen, that way I wouldn't have to fly all the way to New York!

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, You ready for this?" I suddenly heard which snapped me out of thoughts

Max, Annabeth's twin sister, was standing in the middle of the hall with a smirk. I smiled and hugged her good morning.

"You ready for Annabeth to smack you out of anxiety?" Max laughed, punching my arm lightly

"She'll thank me later, she hasn't enjoyed the fangirl experience in a while. Now, she has something suspenseful to hang off of" I laughed back, continuing to walk along with Max as we made it to the front doors

"True True... Now hurry, I cant wait either" She squealed the ending part, obviously a signal for me to dash out the huge double doors and into the awaiting limo

"Finally, you decide to join us in the limo. Now, can I know the song title?" Annabeth pleaded as we drove off

"No silly, if the world doesn't know yet, what makes you think you can know?"


"Alright Anna, get out" I commanded as I set up recording equipment

"Why though" She complained

"Because, the song is a surprise, you cant hear it" I reminded her

She huffed and turned on her heels, exiting the room and slamming the door behind her. I heard Adele was using our facility today so she might as well run into her. Lately everyone's been using our recording facility's, apparently there's is either flooding or being damaged in some way. Annabeth usually takes up these opportunity's so lets see if it'll keep her distracted.

"Ready hot shot?" Andrew asked through microphone n the other side of the tinted window


A familiar tune began to play in my headphones and I smiled, knowing that Annabeth made up the beat without even knowing it.

I wanna follow her where she goes

I think about her and she knows it

I wanna let it take control

'Cause every time that she gets closer

A flash of memories from when I began o write this song came onto me, and the first thing that came to mind was Annabeth telling me about her moving.

She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing

And maybe I should stop and start confessing


It was then that I was reminded of when I first got closer with Annabeth.. Best friend close may I clarify. I never showed it, but I thought she liked me, but I didn't know for sure, so I was guessing on my own.

Oh, I've been shaking

I love you when you go crazy

You take all my inhibitions

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

Annabeth and Max fangirling could be an example of Annabeth being crazy... Or when she decided to jump into that lake in her underwear, or when she snuck out of the recording booth and met Nick Jonas..... There are many examples.

You take me places that tear up my reputation

Manipulate my decisions

Every thing I do, I run through Annabeth... I don't HAVE to, but I do anyways which leads to her manipulating my decisions in a good way... Like I may ask her to go do something stupid and she'll change it to me going with her, on a different date that I planned because we had something else on that day.... Its for the great or good guys.

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

There's nothing holding me back

There's nothing holding me back

And there's never anything holding me back, Im always led back to my illumination.

She says that she's never afraid

Just picture everybody naked

This was advice Annabeth gave me one day when I was really nervous due to the fact that I had almost lost her, there was a big time music critic in the stadium, and I didn't want to mess up cause I looked like a train wreck. So she told me when she performs she sees everybody naked...

It helped.

She really doesn't like to wait

Not really into hesitation

If you've met Annabeth, she used to hesitate.. A lot. Now not so much, being queen has helped her in many ways.

She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing

And maybe I should stop and start confessing


Oh, I've been shaking

I love you when you go crazy

You take all my inhibitions

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

You take me places that tear up my reputation

Manipulate my decisions

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

There's nothing holding me back

There's nothing holding me back

'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far

I know we'd be alright, I know we'd be alright

Out of everything I've gone through with her, I know we'd be alright. Were always taking something to far.

'Cause if you are by my side and we stumbled in the dark

I know we'd be alright, I know we'd be alright

'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far

I know we'd be alright, I know we'd be alright

If you are by my side and we stumbled in the dark

I know we'd be alright, I know we'd be alright

Oh, I've been shaking

I love you when you go crazy

You take all my inhibitions

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

You take me places that tear up my reputation

Manipulate my decisions

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

There's nothing holding me back

The music ended and I smiled my famous smile at the tinted windows. I did it, I took the first step to recording this master piece for my little sunshine... Well, that wasn't Hold On, this is probably way better then that one. As I opened the door that led to the control booth, the door to the booth swing open and a panicked guard entered with wide eyes and completely out of breath.

"Th-the Queen! She- shes been kidnapped"

And with those words, I felt everything around me collapse...

Where could've she gone? Well more like...

Who took my Annabeth?


Hey guys!! Im back from like being away forever which is not good, but I GOT THE INSPERATION!!!! Shawn's new song, There's Nothing Holdin Me Back, is constantly on replay and I thought of this!!! This Imagine is based off of my book Hold On, so if you haven't already go read it...

And for those who already have, I think I smell a sequel.....

Well Im gonna leave you on that note, I have to go keep singing cause...


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