The Dive


I ran back into the folding room, parachute in hand and laying it carefully on the floor beside the folders. I had just come back from my fifth dive today! I usually do about fifteen, just to keep me busy. Ever since I was small in my little town of New Zealand Ive been Skydiving. I started off at nine years old, hang gliding and jumping out of planes. Enjoying the one minute of free fall and the view of the earth below me.

"Hazel" Henry, my best friend here at the skydiving port

"Henry!" I squealed, jumping into his arms

No were not having secret crushes on each other or anything, Henrys gay. His flight from New Zealand here to America had just come this morning, so he wasn't here with me yesterday when I accomplished my dives.

We were both champion free fallers and were requested to become instructors here at the Diving port. We both took up the opportunity, having loved this extreme sport it was practically a must during our day.  Henry helped me fold up my custom parachute and we carried it to my tent pitched in the field right beside the folding hanger.

If your wondering why I have a tent here, its so I don't have to pay for a hotel! They let you sleep here at the port so you don't have to spend money on anything else. I took off my diving suit leaving me in a tank top and spandex. Henry watched as I took up my water bottle and chugged it down.

"So, how was two days without me?" I asked with a smirk as I tightened the cap on the bottle

"It was absolute hell. Everybody suddenly saw the opportunity to bug me cause my tuff friend wasn't there" he said with sass, rolling his eyes and pursing his lips

I laughed and opened up my backpack to reveal some sandwiches. Without asking, he grabbed one and opened it up to eat it. I didn't question his actions, hes my best friend since I was five. What's mine is yours and your is mine right?

"What'd your mom think about the competion?" I questioned, biting into my pepperoni and baloney sandwich.

Odd mix, I know. Henry dropped his head a little and ate slowly. I sighed and placed my sandwich down.

"She said no didn't she" I stated, farewell that she had said no and he had disobeyed her

"Why cant she understand that the thrill of the dive is your life?! Your about to 19 years old and you've been doing this for ten years! Why cant she just grasp the fact that you have to move on?" My mouth ranted, causing me to pace around the giant two room tent

"Ever since we lost dad in that accident she's been concerned about me doing dive" he said calmly, packing up his sandwich and setting it to the side

I stopped pacing in front of him and I set my arms on his broad shoulders, staring deep into his grey eyes.

"Well she's going to have to deal with it" I said sternly

"Your right, she is cause I'm here with you to train for this competion" he said with an eye roll causing me to chuckle, breaking the serious tension in the room

"And to be instructors, teach people to appreciate the art of diving" I said coolly, pressing my hands together

"Hazel?" A voice that I confirmed as my bosses called from outside my tent

I unzipped my tent door and stepped out, looking up at my 6'4 tall boss. My 5'4 frame very small compared to his.

"Yes sir?" I crossed my arms, squinting my eyes from the sun light

"We have a beginner here, he's going to do a tendon and then he wants to see if he'd do lessons. I'm leaving it up to you" he said, his face expressionless

"Got it boss, let me get my suit" I said before turning my back and stepping back into my tent

"That's our boss?" he asked, biting his lip

I gave him a 'seriously' look and crossed my arms.

"Your not going to develop a crush on our boss now" I said sternly looking deep into his eyes

He sighed as he lost the battle, my eyes staring him down with how serious I was being.

"Fine.." he mumbled as I slipped on my suit

I grabbed my tendon jumping parachute and jogged out of my tent, heading to the small kiosk where I would be meeting my new student. As I approached my destination, I realized no one was there except the receptionist.

"Hey Tia, I'm tendoning with someone right?" I asked for reassurance

She checked her computer and nodded, a small smile growing on her lips.

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms and furrowing my brows

"Hes a hottie" she whispered before turning her back on me

I was about to question her when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Samuel, one of the other instructors standing there.

"Samuel" I said cheerfully, a smile growing on my lips

"Hey Haze! Uh, just had to come over to tell you the person your tendoning with is right over there" he said, pointing at a figure sitting on a bench at the waiting area in the distance

"Thanks Sam." I thanked, about to walk away before I stopped and quickly turned around

"Oh Sam! My friend I was telling you about, from New Zealand? Hes here at my tent, mind getting him settled in?" I asked, winking at friend

Samuel was gay too.... So lets just say, I thought there personality and similarities would bring them together... And to be serious, Sam was an awesome guy that I wouldn't mind having as a brother in law

Sam smiled and nodded before shooing me away and making his way for my tent. I turned on my heels and jogged over to the table where my tendant was waiting. He was casually but comftrably dressed which is what we required. You could wear anything really, as long as its comftrable.

He was watching as a team of divers landed there parachutes in the near by field. Quickly to not lose time, I sprinted over to where he was.

"Hi! I'm your instructor, Hazel" I panted, sticking my hand out as he turned his head towards me

I was almost taken aback with how good looking he was. Tia was right, he was a hottie. But he also looked kinda familiar. His brown hair formed a tuft on his head and his chocolaty eyes were enough to make me melt. His jaw line was sharp, I swear if I toughed it I would probably cut myself. Okay to sum it up, he looked like a god.

"Hi, I'm Shawn" he responded, taking my hand and shaking it

I took in a breath as our hands made contact, his voice just made him cuter. I sat beside him, as the ten minute warning was called out for the divers catching the next plane.

"So how long have you been doing this?" He asked, looking over at me

"I've been jumping out of planes since I was nine" I chuckled, watching as several others joined us at the table

"Nine!? I thought the U.S. law was you had to be eighteen?!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide

I laughed and brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"I'm from New Zealand where the laws don't exactly apply like that" I laughed, watching as our plane began to roll up

Shawn was already strapped up and ready to go. We went to the plane and jumped in, immediately taking hold of the restrains on the ceiling. The plane began to move as the last Skydiver jumped into the plane.

Just about fifteen minutes later, we were at our altitude. The first few jumpers jumped out of the plane and Shawn watched in awe. It was our turn, behind us was the last jumper Mitchel who was really mean at times. I grabbed the straps on Shawn and began to attach them together when suddenly Shawn jerked forward and flew out of the plane.

I gasped and at first instinct jumped out of the plane also. I watched in horror as Shawn began to fall, speeding down to earth at rapid speed. Out of training I pressed my body together to make it straight causing me to develop more speed. I looked at my Altimeter on my wrist and almost choked on my spit as I realized if I didn't get to him soon, he'd be a goner. I approached him at a massive rate and grabbed his shirt just as the beeping in my helmet went off.

I deployed the chute, still keeping a tight hold on Shawn's shirt.  I hooked on his restraint and as we landed he still seemed responsive. I strapped off the chute and twirled him around to make sure he was okay.

His hair was a mess and his cheeks were red, his breath was heavy causing his chest to heave up and down.

"Can we do that again?"


Okay so this imagine is like a small scene from a book I want to write but cant really publish yet. I hope you liked it!

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