Self Care exist and its important. You clearly dont know what that is.
Normally this house was full of sound. May it be the boys practicing upstairs in the studio, or maybe the TV playing the latest news, or maybe it could be the sound of cooking in the kitchen and loud music playing. But not today. The liveliness of the house seemed to diminish and the only thing brightening it up was the sunlight streaming in through the window. The only sound echoing through the house is the coughing coming from the Master bedroom.
I walked up the stairs, slowly carrying a tray with chicken soup, water, and medicine on top of it. I pushed open the bedroom door and walked to the bedside. In the bed was just a lump of pillows and blankets. Or so you would think.
"Brad, here's the soup," I said, setting down the tray on the night stand.
A small groan came from the lump on the bed slowly moving to remove the blanket off his face. Bradley's beautiful up brown eyes were sunken in and droopy. His brown curls pasted against his sweat covered forehead. He was pretty sick, probably because he refuses to take care of himself properly. Which then leaves it up to me to insure his health is in tact.
Brad sat up in bed and I grabbed the soup bowl and began to feed him. He looked so weak, flu season hit him hard. He kept his eyes closed half the time, it seemed to help with his migraines. I don't know how much darker this house can get seeing as every window shade is closed and light is off. He silently ate what I gave him, being in too much pain to speak much. Afterwards I grabbed the Advil from the tray and began to open it to take a pill out.
"Nooo," he moaned, wrapping himself back up in his blankets and laying back down, "I don't want medicine. I'm fine."
"You clearly arn't. Just take the medicine, you'll feel much better I promise," I cooed, holding my hand with the pill in it.
"I'm man enough to suffer through it, I've got this!" He declared, still hiding himself under the covers.
"Clearly not man enough to drink your damn medicine and- man I dunno.. Take care of yourself." I remarked sarcastically, putting the pill back into its container.
"Its not my fault I'm sick," he whined, turning over and looking up at me through the blankets.
"How is it not? Every time you go on tour or to a performance you manage to not take care of yourself and not eat properly and this is where it gets you." I began to wrap up whatever was left and set down the medicine and water on the night stand, just in case he changed his mind.
I got up to leave when he spoke up.
"Yes my love?"
"Can you turn the A/C down? It's hot in here."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes and nod, closing the door behind me. As I washed the dishes I thought of ways to get him to drink his medicine. Well.. I could try taking some thing away from him, that normally works. But he wouldn't care if I took his phone away simply because it's too bright for him to use anyways... For some odd reason the thought of that bear I gave him the last time he toured, it was supposed to be a snuggle buddy for those nights where he felt lonely... Currently it resides safely in his arms underneath all those blankets.
With the plan in mind I went back up the stairs and went to the bed. I crawled into it and just laid by his side, stroking his hair and getting it out of his face. He smiled up at me and moved the blankets so he was no longer just wrapped up in them he was just under them. Before he knew it I had taken the bear away from him and held it tightly to my chest. If right how soft it was.
"Hey! Shannon what was that for?! Give it back!" He whined, raising his voice with every word.
He flinched back into his pillow from how loud he spoke, his migraine getting worse.
"Give it backkkk" he continued
"Not until you drink your medicine." I said, motioning to he medicine on his bedside. He kinda glanced behind him then looked back at me.
"Just give it back, please?" He pouted, his soft brown eyes practically drilling into my soul.
"No" I stubbornly declared, holding the bear away now from Bradley's grasp.
He huffed and then sighed.
"Oh fine. I don't get the big deal about medicine anyways." He muttered, taking the medicine and then holding his arms out for the bear.
I returned the plush back into his arms where it belonged. I giggled st the way he snuggled with it and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He seemed tired but wanted to talk so we sat in bed together and spoke for a bit. His fever went down in half an hour and a little bit of light shone back in his eyes.
"I feel better" he smiled, happy that he felt well enough to sit up and bring me closer to him.
As I laid down at his side he looked at me in the eyes. I could tell he wanted something, there was something mischievous about that look.
"Heyyy babbbeee," he grinned "since I'm feeling better now can I have the rest of the ice cream in the freezer?"
"Why nottttt,"
"Because it's not healthy for you and you're still technically sick."
I tried to avoid his face as I spoke but every muscle in me told me to look. Big mistake. The puppy dog look on his face was all it took for me to go down the stairs and get that stupid tub of ice cream. When I returned he had this huge grin on his face. The little devil. I then proceeded to spoon feed him the ice cream, but a few spoonfuls later he had suddenly dozed off. I told him he was still sick.
Just as I came back from putting away the ice cream, Bradley was back up and sitting in bed.
"Weren't you just asleep?" I commented, crawling back into bed with him.
"Yeah but I missed you." He said, using his weak strength to pull me practically on top of him. He held me close, obviously feeling clingy and wanting to cuddle for comfort. I couldn't help but giggle and give him a peck on his forehead.
"How about you give me a real kiss?" He pouted.
I rolled my eyes and gave him a smile. I leaned down, cupping his cheeks, and pressing his abnormally warm lips to mine. We both couldn't help but extend the kiss, longing to just stay in each other's arms for eternity. It got intense at one point and we had to pull away for air. Brad eyes were full of love but he couldn't help but also seem tired. I rolled onto my back and motioned him to rest his head on my chest. He greatfully obliged, resting his head on me and almost instantly falling asleep. After a few minutes I also felt abnormally tired. I hope I wasn't getting sick, or maybe ti was just the Aurora of the house. Either way I fell asleep.
The next thing I knew all I could feel was kicking and thrashing and a familiar voice crying and moaning. My eyes shot open as Bradley beside me continued to toss and turn, mumbling some incoherent sentences under his breath, tears running down his face. Immediately I began to try to calm him down and wake him up.
"Babe, babe wake up! Hey it's ok I'm here just wake up baby it's only a dream" I said, holding his head in my arms.
The moment his eyes popped open he was clinging onto me. He was drenched in sweat and was shaking and trembling. He sometimes got dreams like this, where he was out in a situation where he had to let me go. Sometimes I was forced away, some times his heart was broken. But this seems bad bad. His sickness could've heightened the situation. I continued to hold him, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and reminding him of how much I loved him and cared for him. He began to calm down and the moment he was done shaking he pulled away, cupped my cheeks and kissed me.
I kissed him back and pouted when he pulled away.
"Are you ok?" I asked, not letting go of his hand.
He simply nodded, obviously drained. I grabbed a small towel from the nightstand and wiped away the sweat one his forehead and out him back to sleep, holding him close the whole time.
The following morning I awoke but everything was so bright and hot, everything was just so damn hot. And loud- why was everything so loud? My head just throbbed with pain as I hid myself under the covers.
"Brad? Bradleyyy" I called out, recognizing the face that he was no longer in bed.
I could feel the bed side sink in and him lean on me. I turned over it and sat up partially, hiding my face in his chest.
"You ok my love?" He asked, his voice no longer sounding groggy like he was when he was sick which had been for a few days.
"No i- I feel sick..." I hummed, refusing to open my eyes.
"Aha! Who's the sick one now?"
I couldn't help but groan.
This imagine is for @Shannon1300
Thank you for requesting an imagine! I haven't written in so long and this kind of gave me the chance to shake off the rust on some of these old gears haha. I don't know you found this book that's so old but thank you for doing so! I hope you enjoy!!
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