You and Cameron Dallas have been best friends ever since your brother, Mathew, invited you to tour with Magcon for the summer! Its been a year already since you and Cameron have met and today's the exact date! You wonder if Cam remembers the date, even though you won't get mad if he doesn't, he's a forgetful guy sometimes.
"I AINT GONAN DO IT" everyone yells out while doing random stuff
The vine ends and you laugh at the computer screen. For the best friend anniversary date for really all of the Magcon group, your putting together all of our favorite vines together into one video. You may even add some YouTube clips in there. As you begin to edit your video, your door swings open and someone comes in and lands with a thud on your bed.
"AGH MATHEW GET OFF" you yell as you realize Matt is making dinasour noises
He jumps off the bed and starts screaming, his hands tucked in partially into his shirt, flailing then around. You laugh and he begins to laugh also.
"OH NO SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THE MATTOSAUR!" you yell as Matt trys to tickle you with his little dinasour arms.
"WERE COMING PRINCESS!" you suddenly hear unexpectedly, you thought it was just you and Matt at home but apperantly not.
You continue to squeal as Matt continues to tickle you. He's suddenly yanked away and you see Shawn holding Matt like a little baby. Matt now looks like he died, and Shawn's singing a lullaby.
"Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little mattosaur...." He sings
You laugh as Matt starts snoring.
"Okay I'm done with you" Shawn says before dropping Matt on the floor and walking away
Matt groans and suddenly eight boys run into the room, jumping onto you on the bed.
"AYEEE" you yell as all the boys laugh their weight crushing you.
"Alright guys, I think that's enough your killing her" you hear Cameron say
The pressure on you is realized and you laugh while trying to get air.
"Nice to see you guys too" you mumble as you try to get up from the bed
They laugh as you struggle to stay standing. You take in a deep breath of air and step forward but trip over Matt and begin to fall. Your suddenly caught and you start to laugh as you look up into Cameron's eyes, he has a smile on his face and for the first time you realize how cute he really is up close. He helps you steady yourself and you give a nervous laugh.
"Thanks for that, I could've died" you say kicking Matt who hasn't gotten up from the floor.
Matt groans and you roll your eyes as you throw yourself on top of Aaron and Carter who are on your bed.
"Get off Y/N" they groan
"Dayum y'all grumpy" you say with an eye roll, bringing you laptop onto your lap and trying to finish the video in secret.
"Whatcha doing?" Nash asks, just as you pressed finish on the video
You give Nash a glare as you turn the screen away from him. You stand up and go up to the TV in your room and grab the HDMI cable, hooking up your computer.
"Okay so I have a surprise for you guys" you say, taking out your phone secretly and positioning it right under the TV.
"SUPRISES!" they all yelled, jumping onto your bed
You smile and walk over to the bed, craming yourself in between them.
The video begins and you wonder what there reaction might be. The bold letters appear on the screen as the video plays.
Hey guys!
Happy Best Friendaversary!
Can you believe its been a year already?
You know since the day this happened?
A video starts and reveals itself for it to be the day Matt introduced you to Magcon. There all on stage and Matt is holding the camera.
"Okay guys, I have a surprise for you!" Matt says into his mic
"It better not be a slap cam cause I swear-" Carter starts but is cut off by Matt cutting him off
"I would like to introduce you guys to someone, welcome my sister Y/N!" Matt shouts as you run up onto the stage
You have a bug grin plastered on your face and your face is red as Matt wraps his arm around your neck.
"This is my sister, she will be joining us for tour due to her amazing dancing skills;" matt says proudly
"And the fact that I get to be an idiot" you say with a smile causing everyone to laugh
Wow, I that was so long ago!
Let's flip through some more memroys shall we?
The video continues, showing pictures and diffrenet videos from the Magcon tour the previous year.
Those were some good times huh Jack J? But I would also like to do some thanking.
Thanks Jack J for showing me to be at box
Thanks Shawn for teaching me to play the guitar
Thanks Jack G for teaching me sing
Thanks Nash for teaching me how to edit a YouTube video
Thanks Cameron on teaching me how to play it smooth
Thanks Aaron for teaching me that talent lies in the heart... Jk, thanks for teaching me to do the worm (I have no clue how I couldn't do it before)
Thanks Matt for teaching me to be goody, and how to be an Espinosasaur!
And thanks Taylor, for teaching me to be me!
And thanks you all for being my best friends!
Happy Best Friendaversary!
The video ends and you look to your sides to see there eyes wide, it looks like Jack J is crying and Carter is about to cry. The rest look nervous and starstruck.
"Wow" was all that escaped Shawn's mouth
Suddenly you feel arms wrap around you in a tight hug.
"Awww! This moment must be captured also!" You says, pressing a button in the palm of your hand
The boys look at you with confused faces as you walk to where you had hidden your phone. During the video you had taken pictures of there reactions with a Bluetooth button in the palm of your hand. You show them the pictures and you all laugh at there reactions, but they all still seem to be nervous.
"Y/N..." Nash begins
"We forgot..." They all say at once, looking down
"Its okay guys, I don't expect you guys to remember."
The nervous look on there faces lessen as you smile. You all decided to play some PS4 and just chill. You and Cameron are having a super smash bros battle so you don't realize when the boys sneak out of the room. You beat Cameron and he groans as you cheer and jump up.
"Hey, where'd everyone go?" You ask, looking around
He smiles and stands up.
"You trust me?" He asks, stepping close
"Uh no" you answer nervously
He laughs and picks you up, throwing you on his shoulder and walking out with you. You pound on his back, screaming for him to out you down. He carries you down the stairs and sets you down in the entrance to the kitchen/dinning room area.
"SUPRISE!" you here the boys yell
You turn around to see gold balloons everywhere, food covering the counters and streamers hanging up on the walls. You gasp and cover your mouth.
"HAPPY BEST FRIENDAVERSARY!" they yell, hugging you
You sniffle and hug each of the guys indevidualy.
"Don't really think we forgot the day we met the best girl in the world;" Cameron said, giving you a big hug that makes you blush
You all go and begin to celebrate, eating chips, playing a game of truth or dare and making several vines.
"Alright so this next game is kinda like a trust game where you have to ask deep questions to the other perosn and then switch. After we take a quiz on how much we really know the person!" Shawn explains
Everybody splits up and you start with Nash. You finally go around talking to all the boys until you finally end up with Cameron.
"Alright, favroite color" Cameron asks
"Dayum that's deep" you say causing you both laugh
"Purple" you answer
He nods and you put your mind at work. What do you want to ask him? Has to be something deep right?
"Alright uhm.. Were best friends right?"
"Well yeah"
"Alright then here's my question. Who do you like?"
He stares at you thoughtfully before responding.
"I don't. I love someone"
You nod your head before trying to trudge deeper into the question. Who was this mysterious girl he loves.
"Well then, she must be very lucky" you say biting your lip slightly
"Oh yeah, I've loved her since the day I laid eyes on her" he says with confidence
"Seriously? Dude, I have to meet her" you say, after all he is your best friend, you should know
"You will" he says with a smirk
"Call her" you blurt out
He raises an eyebrow.
"You heard me call her. I want to know who this girl is so I can break her is she hurts you" you say to cover up your desperation
He smiles and chuckles lightly.
"Alright" he says grabbing his phone and dialing the girls number
You hear your familiar ringtone of "As Long As You Love Me" come from the kitchen
"Shoot, hold on Cameron I'll be ight back its probably mum" you say dashing for the kitchen
You swipe you phone off the counter and the caller I.D reads Cameron. You look up at Cameron confused and answer the phone, your eyes locked.
"I love you"
Does this sound familiar? Remember that one meme with ... Here just look at it.
Any who, did you like it? I hope you did! I'm still taking request! I also just got a Pinterest account so if you want to follow me look up zalina52303! Love you guys!
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