~Imagine~ You and (10) meet Master
(You are a Time Lady and Doctor knows it)
You were sitting on minisofa in middle of console room. Doctor stood by console, switching levers and pushing buttons. You let out small sigh and he looked at you with small smile. "Where should we go?" He asked as he sat next to you, hugging you. You had kind of relationship, something like girlfriend and boyfriend. "Anywhere" You smiled and he chuckled lightly. He got up and kissed you on forehead. "I'll think about something" Doctor said as he pulled last lever and it jerked with floor, causing that Doctor almost fell on ground. You giggled and he chuckled. After a while you two landed and Doctor walked to doors. "Allons-y!" He said and you laughed walking right behind him. But when you steped outside, your smile faded. You were in London but it looked terrible. "W-What happend?" You looked around, panic written on your face. "This can't be true" Doctor said as he walked to fence. On it was paper. You walked next to him. On paper was for you unknown man, with short hair and smirk stuck on his lips. Under his photo was name: Harold Saxon. "Who's this?" You rised your eyebrow. "He is Master. Time Lord" He looked back at you. "Time Lord? It's three of us?" Your eyes wided. Doctor nodded looking back at town. Only one building was shining with light. It was obvious where he is. "And I am going to meet him after long time. You will go back to Tardis" Doctor said. "What? No! I'm not leaving you!" You hissed. "Yes you are. You are now in big danger and I don't want to loose you" He looked at you with his big sad eyes. You hugged him and he returned hug. "I can say same" You replied and he sighed. "You wont change your mind don't you?" He said and you chuckled. "Nope!" You smiled wildly and you looked at building. "He is surely there!" You said and started to walk toward building. "But be carefull okay?" He looked really worried. "I will. But same for you" You said and he chuckled. "I will" He replied and you grabed his hand. He squeezed your and you came to building. Doctor pulled out Sonic and unlocked doors. You took deep breath and walked inside. Noone to be found. You headed to elevator. Soon you were on last floor and you walked from elevator. You were faced giant room, looking luxury. Expensive furniture, at least five guards and on other side of room sat man, showing you his back. He stared trough big window. "It was only question of time when you will show up, Doctor" Master said as he turned toward you, not getting up from his chair. "Great to see you again, you have new comapnion eh? You are changing them like socks" He chuckled. Doctor kept quiet. "I guess you have a lot of questions and no, I am not going to give you answers" He got up, walking toward you. "Why are you doing this?" Doctor said and walked closer to him, draging you with him. "Why? I think you already know Doctor. I want Time Lords to live again! They will make me King!" He laughed. He was insane. As much as you remembered about Time Lords, even if you were one of them, wasn't very nice to be honest. Doctor sighed with long sigh. "Master. You still don't understand that they are insane?" Doctor said. You were always amused by his bravery. "But the drums! I heard them, drums of war calling me!" His head shot to you. "Who are you?" He asked and took step toward you. "Leave her. She have nothing to do with this" Doctor pulled you behing him. "Oh yes she have. I can feel it. Here" He tappen on his temple. "She is like us. Time Lady? Where on the Gallifrey you been?" Master looked more then confused. "Of course. Doctor had to find you first! It is alwayd him" Master growled loudly. This man was insane. "Master I-..." Doctor started. "Shut up!" Master yelld and Doctor backed a little. You knew that Doctor didn't wanted to hurt him, he wanted to help. "What is your name?" Master looked at you. "[F/N]..." You replied. "[F/N]...Such a special name for a Time Lady" He smiled. "Let me guess...Time Lords send you from Gallifrey on Earth as a last chance" Master mumbled. "So you can bring them alive" Master looked at you with this unknown emotion. "Stop this Master! You aren't going to touch her! Not with those thought! You want to kill her?!" Doctor barked at Master. You were a bit suprised. You knew that Doctor cared for you but now he was really protective. "Of course not! Well I wont kill her. I wouldn't have heart to do it" Master giggled. "I wanted to help you but now I am done with it. I don't give second chances" Doctor turned on his foot toward you. "We need to leave" What about London and humans?" You asked. "We will save t-..." He was interupted by a pure white light. You fell on ground, shuting your eyes tightly. Doctor came to you and covered you with his trench coat so light wont blind you. After a while everything calmed down and you looked around. Where stood Master was nothing. "What?" You asked suprised. "I think he...died..." Doctor sounded sad even after what happend. You sit up and hugged him. He hugged back. "We should leave. Let's go" He said after a long while. "Okay" You replied and you returned to Tardis. When you sat on minisofa, you looked at Doctor and he looked back. "Last Time Lords Doctor. So many suprises waiting" You smiled. "Many as very Universe" Doctor smirked.
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