Chapter two: Nice Cream

"Alright then Colorless, We'll check your eyes next. Have you had any issues lately?" Dr. Reaper asked, holding a small light up to check out how the child's eye light reacted to it. "With seeing? No." Colorless answered softly, his eye light contracting. "B-but, my body does shake a lot."

"You're still having no issue with the medicines right?" Dr. Reaper asked, as some medications he'd had adverse reactions to. "No" the child shook his head, "it just makes me really tired."

"I know and I'm sorry, but it's the most effective ones we have at the moment," The doctor said with a tired smile "Is there anything you want to speak about, anything health-wise you'd like to ask or mention?"

Colorless thought for a moment. "...the coughing is becoming a bit more...." he paused, thinking of the right word. "...f...frequent? And it hurts."

"I know you don't like it Colorless, but how about we try the humidifier for a few hours a night to see if that helps?" Dr. Reaper said rubbing his skull. Colorless nodded. Anything to stop the coughing would do.

"Alright, we're going to take some magic samples for today's appointment. They're going to test them against something new, hopefully, a new medicine that will be easier on you," Dr. Reaper said, as magic samples were easy. At least it wasn't marrow samples which could be painful. "Oh, okay" Colorless frowned. Taking magic samples always made him uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt.

"Now, I think Mr. Error mentioned you two were going for nice cream.. so scoot. Go have fun," Dr. Reaper said, shooing the child from the office once the samples were taken. Said child beamed, remembering the promise of the sweet dessert. "thank you, Dr. Reaper!" he chirped, waving goodbye before hurrying away.

"Have fun," Dr. Reaper called after him.

"Mr. Error!" Colorless called, looking for his caretaker. "I'm done!"

"That's great, bud, ready to hits the Merciless Nice Cream Parlour?"

"yeah!" Colorless cheered, wings flaring out dramatically.

Minutes later the two of them were walking down the main street, Colorless skipping happily with Error holding his hand. Merciless Nice Cream Parlour wasn't a big business, a tiny place but popular with the locals. Mind you, the shop was just one of many owned by Mr. Error's brother.

"Error!" The cheerful, blue-clothed skeleton greeted, leaning his head out of the shop window. "Hi! And is that little Colorless?"

"Uncle Blue!" Colorless said happily, running up to the older monster and babbling to him all the things he and Error had done so far today and how Mr. Papyrus actually let him sit in his car today. "I swear he likes you better than me," Error laughed. "That's because he does, dear brother" Blue winked, snickering at Colorless gave him a scandalized look. "W-what?!" the child gasped, "no! I like you both the same! I really do, I promise!"

"We know Colorless, now what Flavor do you want today from my brother?" Error asked with a grin. "Chocolate!" Colorless grinned, stars in his eyes. "alright, chocolate for the little bird, and let me guess," Blue looked at Error, "chocolate for you too?"

"Why, brother, it's like you don't know me at all," Error said with a fake gasp "but yes the usual." Blue laughed. "You infected Colorless with your chocolate addiction, Error."

"Addiction? No. There is nothing better than chocolate, you taco heathen," Error sniffed "After all, you still haven't managed to create a Taco flavor."

Blue narrowed his eye sockets. "I'm trying, choco gremlin. But at least I don't go around, asking for chocolate-flavored pasta and pizza"

"Hey, Red made a perfect chocolate pasta last time," Error pouted, Colorless of course was giggling as he watched the two verbally spar with each other as they did whenever they met up. "Perfect, no one but you could stomach it," Blue said waving a nice cream scoop. "Seriously, I watched Edge try one after you left, he couldn't even finish half of it."

"He doesn't even like chocolate, he thinks white chocolate is actual chocolate and good," Error replied. Colorless snickered as he'd received his treat. The two were always prime entertainment. "What did white chocolate do to you?" Blue asked, "you just have some kind of...grudge, against it."

"Your fifth birthday," Error said crossing his arms.

"...Which part? The tacos made of white chocolate and glitter, or the white chocolate fountain that blew up when you tried to use it?"

"All of it," Error said eye twitching, trying not to remember the traumatizing day... and the clown.. gah the clown.. that forced him to eat said tacos. Blue handed Error his chocolate nice cream. "There you go, one nice cream for the chocoholic. That cost one hug."

"Really?" Error deadpanned, giving his brother a look as he already had the money out.

Blue grinned like the little chaos maker he is. "Yeup!"

"You're the worst brother ever," Error declared but gave his sibling the hug with a laughing Colorless joining in. "Love you too, bro" Blue chuckled. "familial love, of course. Get your mind out of the gutters- not you Error."

"Hardy harr harr," Error snorted. "Let's get to our table little guy," Error said to Colorless, taking themselves to their usual table which always seemed available when they came. Colorless sat down and adjusted his wings so that he would be comfortable. He hummed, happily eating his nice cream, and looked outside at the blue sky.

"So we have a few more hours before dinner, anything you want to pick up at the local grocery?" Error questioned, as he knew the illness made it harder for Colorless to eat. "...Ah. Actually..." Colorless thought back to the day before, and a passing conversation he heard. "Mother and Father want, have dinner together, tonight."

"Wait.. Fai and Shade... having a family dinner?" Error said in disbelief, which was shocking to anyone that knew them for more than five minutes. People were pretty sure, the only reason they hadn't lost custody of Colorless was due to the connections of his father. "Yeah" Colorless winced, looking away. "but...I don't know if father will actually come."

If the argument from earlier meant anything, that is. "It might end up just being me and mother."

"Hmmm," Error said "How about we get a few snacks for you on the way home.. just in case," he suggested, you know the kind you could hide in case his mother had a snit. The kid perked up. "Cookies?" he asked hopefully.

"I'm sure we can slip them in you cookie gremlin."

Colorless giggled, hugging Error happily. "Thank you Uncle Error."

Error hugged back, one day he'd get the kid out of that cold house. He didn't need the money, he just wanted the kid happy and healthy.

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