Chapter 30: The Beginning of the End

That night I slept better then I had in ages, even after the events of the day. No dreams, and, for the first time, I went straight to sleep without imagining anything, I was that exhausted! The next morning I woke up early, around six, without Reflamen waking me up. I stetched and got dressed then headed to Leivites house. When I walked out I saw Reflamen there, still asleep. 

'Wow,' I thought, 'That's a first.'

I smiled and conitnued my way over to Leivites. When I arrived I saw Leivite out in the clearing making a small pile of stones mold together into a pyramid. I waited until he had finished to talk.

"Hello Leivite," I said.

"Hello," said Leivite picking up the tiny pyramid, "You're late."

"Sorry about that," I said, "Reflamen didn't wake up in time."

Leivite nodded, "Okay then, let's get started."

We spent the next few hours going through all the spells I had learnt and how to control them. By the end I was mildly exhausted, but ready for another bout. 

"Okay, that should do us for today," said Leivite, "Try to get here on time tomorrow."

I nodded and started to run off to my training with Derrick when Leivite called out, "And Derrick, I don't want you to fight in the war tomorrow. I want you to stay here until you become unconscious, then you can go when you wake up."

I stopped and looked back at Leivite, "Why?"

"I don't want you to get in anybodies way when you fall," said Leivite, "To many people will worry about you, even if you do have that magical shield.

I nodded, "Okay then."

With that I ran back to my tent and grabbed my sword. Reflamen was gone so I assumed he had gone hunting. I ran over to the training fields, for some reason I had a very strange thought about the battle.

'The battle's going to last for six days,' I thought, 'That should be long enough for me to get there and back without any problem.'

I nodded to myself. Even though I didn't know what was going on anymore I could still somewhat control the events. 

When I reached the training fields I noticed that Rogan wasn't there.

'Probably doing preparations for the battle,' I thought.

I managed to spot Derrick on the other side of the field leaning against Shadowrang. I could tell they were talking to each other. 

'Hey Reflamen,' I said, 'Can you come here please, I'm about to start training.'

I felt Reflamen take a sharp turn left and he started to fly back towards the camp, 'Be there in a few seconds.'

Sure enough he sailed right over the training a fields a few seconds after our convisation. He glided down and landed next to me with a big thud. He shook himself and looked over to me. He had blood all over his face, which actually made him look quite silly. I cast a spell that cleaned up his face.

'Thank you,' he said.

I shook my head and we walked over to where Derrick and his dragon were waiting.

"Hello!" I called out.

"Hey," replied Derrick, "Everything going well?"

I nodded.

"Okay then, let's get started," he walked over to me and cast a spell on my sword and body, then he did the same with the dragons, "Okay, I asume you know what your doing, now fight.'

I sighed and lifted my sword, ready for another beating. 

The training went by very quickly, I spent most of it up in the air flailing around, trying to get some control. Eventually I defeated the dragons but Derrick just made me go again, then again. We spent the whole morning trying to sharpening my skills at fighting dragons. When I asked about fighting actual people, Derrick just shook his head and said, "People are a lot easier to fight then dragons. People only use the one weapon, or sometimes two, but dragons fight with five, or six, at the same time."

I nodded. 

"Okay then, keep going," said Derrick.

We continued until the sun was low in the sky, and I was exhausted, very exhausted. Even Relfame  was having a hard time lifting his head from when I had smashed it into the ground, and Shadowrang couldn't even lift his wings. Derrick on the other hand, was just standing there with a bread role in his hand and whatched us calmly.

Shadowrang gleared at his rider and said something. Derrick smiled then shook his head. Suddenly Shadowrang pounced and trapped his rider against the ground. He snarled.

"Okay, Okay," said Derrick, "I'll join in! You don't need to get all cranky."

Shadowrang nodded and walked back to where we were. Derrick got up and brushed the dirt of himself, he then cast the protective spell over himself. He drew his short sword. 

"Okay," he said, "Lets get this over with, me and Derrick verse the dragons, and powers allowed."

"What!" I said.

"Okay, go!" said Derrick.

To put it one way, we were completely smashed. Reflamen started of with a burst of extremely hot fire, directed at me. I stood still for a moment, surprised, then tried to get out of the way. The fire washed over me. My body went so numb I couldn't feel any part of me, I couldn't even move.

Shadowrang went straight for Derrick. He opened his mouth and Derrick was shrouded with shadow, and trapped.

"Okay, okay," said Derrick, "You got us, how about we end it for today."

Relfamen, Shadowrang and I all said yes at exactly the same time. 

"Okay then," he said, "Shadowrang, lets get something to eat."

He ran over to Shadowrang and jumped onto his back.

'Do you want to go hunting,' said Reflamen.

'Yeah,' I said, 'Why not.'

I climbed onto Reflamen's back and we lifted off into the sunset. 

That night was another peacful night. Reflamen and I had landed somewhere away from the Resistance. I was sitting against the dragons stomach, being warmed by the fire within.

'I hope nobody dies tomorrow,' I said to Reflamen.

'Me two, I've grown to like these people,' he said.

'How could you not like them,' I said, 'You've been living here your whole life.'

'Yeah, twelve days,' he said. 

'And you're already fully grown,' I said smiling.

Reflamen just shook his head and looked at the sky, 'Tell me about your family.'

I was actually surprised at the request, 'But, you already know everything about them.'

'No, I don't,' said Reflamen, 'Sometimes, your mind doesn't make sense, no offence, but I find that if I try to venture far into your memories, I get lost. There is so much going on in there and I just can't keep up.'

'Oh,' was all I could say.

I thought back to our world, of everything going on. I remebered one of my teaches saying in a class, "Our world is advancing so fast. There is so much going on now that it stresses out the human brain."

'I guess I'm sorry, I find it hard to remeber you're still very young,' I said, 'And you already no so much, it must be stressful.'

'It is,' said Reflamen.

I suddenly felt very sorry for the dragon. I rubbed his side, 'Hey, Relfamen, why did you choose me?'

Reflamen thought for a moment, 'I like you, your personality suits me. We are very alike, even in the imagination part. I often don't show it, but my mind is almost as active as yours, although I can't make things come true like you can.'

'Maybe one day you will,' I said with a laugh.

'Maybe, some day,' said Reflamen.

We sat there in a comfortable silence, looking at the stars. 

'You know, you still haven't told me about your family,' he said.

I laughed, 'Okay then.'

We talked well into the night and when I went to sleep I felt a hole lot better, and I felt I knew my dragon better then ever. 

When we woke up the next morning it was almost nine o'clock, even Reflamen had slept in! I hurridly got up, then instantly sat back down, feeling that formiliar dizziness. Reflamen felt my panic and woke up with a start.

'What is it?' he said.

'I'm late for Leivite,' I said.

Reflamen got up, 'Well, let's go.' 

I climbed onto Reflamen's back and we flew all the way to Leivites. He was standing in the clearing, and was looking at something.

"Hey, Leivite!" I said from atop Reflamen's back.

Leivite looked up and waved. Reflamen descended down into the clearing.

"You're late," said Leivite.

"Sorry," I said, "Reflamen and I slept in, we were exhausted from yesterday."

Leivtie nodded, "The army left about an hour ago. I was worried you went."

"No," I said, "We'll get there in three days."

Leivite nodded, "Well then, let's begin training."

We started with revision, then Leivite let me play around with the magic. It was very fun, making an earth wall come from the earth then shooting it with a fireball. I was also allowed to practice my imagineering. I imagined a transparent red dragon flying into the clearing. Reflamen looked up, and when he saw it he growled.

'You can attack,' I said, 'It will be fun.'

Reflamen looked at me with surprise, 'Okay then.'

With that he attacked. I spent the rest of the time trying out new ways to fight and creating new weapons, like a sword gun, which could slash and shoot at the same time. 

After about two hours I was getting very dizzy.

'It seems to be worse each time,' I said.

Reflamen nodded, 'I can feel it.'

"Hey Derrick," yelled Leivite from the tent, "The battles about to start."

I ran over to the tent and Reflamen followed me. I walked inside and saw Leivite looking through a mirror. The city of Taknor appeared in the mirror. Reflamen snaked his head in to get a look. We watched as the city of Resistance approached. They stopped at the edge of the city and started to set up camp for a seige. 

It was exactly twelve o'clock when the first catapult from the Resistance fired, and I fainted.


Hey guys, new chapter. I hope you enjoyed, vote and comment if you did. I'm sorry if this chapter seemed a little vague, I just had a lot to get in, in one chapter, and I needed to get to a certain point in the book. Anyway, See Ya!


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