Chapter 2: Meeting With Dragons

I just stood there gapping at the scene around me. 

'This is impossible, I'm dreaming, I have to be,' I pinched myself just to be sure.

When that didn't work I bit my lip as hard as I could, drawing blood. I coughed and spat the blood out, this definitly wasn't a dream. I looked over to Seltic. He was staring at me like I was crazy.

'He would think that,' I though to myself.

"Aaah, are you alright," said Seltic hesitantly. 

I gave him a reasuring smile, "Yeah, I just realised something, is all."

Seltic looked at me as if he was expecting something more. He sighed and shook his head.

"So,' I said, "Where are we going?"

"To the palace, the king wants to see you," replied Seltic with a frown.

I frowned, in my story the king turned out to be an evil tyrant, wanting power. He had decread that dragons could only choose to have riders that passed a certain test, or challenge. And before you ask, yes there were dragon riders in my story, but Derrick wasn't one, not yet anyway.

Wait a minute, I could get a dragon, if one chose me that is. Even if the king had decread that only those who past the test could get a dragon, he couldn't make it so that the dragon had to choose people that past the test. This meant that it was very unlikely for a dragon to hatch, and when they did the king instantly took control of the dragon and its rider.

I nodded and started to walk towards a large buiding in the distance. It was the kings palace, although it looked more like a giant, sandstone skyscraper. The king had his own dragon and liked to live in high places. 

"Um, where are you going?" called Seltic.

"To the kings palace, of course," I said.

Seltic hurried after me. He was forced to work under the king, although he was leading a secret rebellion against him, which the king knew about, well, that is how it goes in the story, but now that I'm here it may change a few things, like the fact Derrick had disappeared after the lightning strike. Derrick from the story, that is, not me Derrick. 

"Do you even know were the kings palace is?" said Seltic.

"Yes," I replied and kept walking, this is going to be fun, I was already thinking about what could happen. 

I will walk into the kings thrown room. Guards guarding the door, with iron spears and bronze helmets. They will take us into the room and the king will be sitting on his chair, toying with a jewelled dagger he liked to play with. He will look at me before glancing down to his dagger.

"What is you're name kid," the king will say, not looking up.

"Derrick," I will reply, slightly fuming about the way he called me kid.

The king will look up in surprise, whisper something to himself then say,"The man who found you said you had been pulled from a wreck, one that had been hit with a lightning bolt. Is this true?"

"Yes," I will say looking at the king, staring at him.

The king will frown, "Do you know who I am?"

"Yes, you're the so called king that everyone is going on about, I personly don't think you're that special, more like a tyrant if you ask me," I will say smiling sweetly.

Seltic will look at me with shock and the king will be fuming.

"Watch what you say kid," the king will say, anger in his voice.

"No, I prefer to spaek my mind, Oreman."

At this the king will draw his sword and strike at me. I will dodge to one side and run to the door, only to be caught in a magical snear. Then I wiil feel power surge through me and the spell will be broken. I will run to the edge of the city, where I will meet the Resistance.

I was broken out of my daydream when Seltic told me to stop. I smiled at the daydream, that would be pretty cool if it happened.

We were standing at the double doors that lead into the throne room, where the king met anyone he was about to talk to. I noticed the guards were dressed exactly as they had been in my daydream, but, then again, all the kings soldiers were dressed like this, and some of them hated it. The guards took one look at Seltic then ushered us through into the throne room, following us afterwoulds. 

The king was sitting on the throne, playing with his jeweled dagger. He didn't look up at us, but kept toying with his dagger. 

"What's you're name kid?" the king asked wih a boared expression.

"Derrick," I replied, slightly fuming. I hated being called 'kid'. To me it was the worst insault to call someone, except if they actually are a kid.

The king looked up, his ice blue eyes drilled into me, like they could see into my mind, but I still had my 'protection' up, so there would be no getting into my mind. He whispered something to himself before saying, "the man who found you said you had been pulled from a wreck, one that had been struck by a lightning bolt. Is this true?"

"Yes," I replied quickly, not trusting myself to say anything else.

The king frowned as if I had insulted him, "Do you know who I am?"

Suddenly I burst, I didn't know what happened but i just felt so angry, "Yes, you're the so called king everyone's been going on about, I,personaly, don't think you're that special, more like a tyrant if you ask me."

I smiled at him sweetly. Seltic looked shocked and the kings face screwed up in anger.

"Watch what you say kid," he said as calmly as he could.

He said kid again, "No," I said, "I prefer to speak my mind, Oreman."

Oreman was the kings real name. No one else new it execpt his dragon, and me of course.

Surprsie flickered across the kings face before he roared in anger and drew his sword. He struck at me. I rolled out of the way before sprinting to the door. I was just about to disappear through the door when something grabbed me. I was lifted into the air. Now I was really angry, for some odd reason, a strange energy seemed to explode in me. I had no where to put it so I flung at my invisible bonds. The bonds broke and I sprinted out the door, hearing the kings angry cry behind me. 

I ran for what felt like hours. By the time I reached the edge of the city wall I was exhausted. I ran down an ally way and slumpt against the wall, trying to catch my breath. When I did i realized that what had happened in the throne room was what I had daydreamed about on the way there. I laughed.

'That...was...awsome," I thought. Then I remembered the energy I had been filled with, had I used magic? I looked at my hands, trying to figure out how it had happened. 

Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. A man with cloth wrapped around his face was standing there. I stared at him for a second.

"Don't worry," said the man, "I won't hurt you."

"Who... Rogan?" I said surprised. Rogan was Derrick's (Derrick from the story) brother. He was the leader of the resistance and the next king, when the other king dies, that is.

"How do you know my name?" said Rogan.

"Long story," I said, "but what are you doing here?"

Rogan smiled, "I saw your peformance in the throne room, and when you broke the king's magic, I was doubly impressed, so I thought that you would want to come with me, if you know where we're going."

I though about it, 'Why not, I might even get a dragon.'

"Sure," I said, "Does that mean we're heading to dead mountains peak, where all the dragons are."

Rogan looked at me with suspicioun, "How...?"

"As I said," I interupted, "Long story, and you probably wouldn't believe me anyways."

Rogan may be a good leader, but he finds it hard to believe that the impossible can happen.

Rogan nodded slightly and then guestured to me to follow him. I nodded and followed him down a narrow passageway that lead to the outskirts of the city. When he got to the wall he placed his hand on the wall and whispered three words 'Open for me'. Suddenly a narrow crack appeared in the wall.

Rogan squeezed his way through and I followed after. The narrow crack was a magical weakness in the wall. The weakness allowed a 'door' to open in the wall. The resistance found out about the weakness a long time ago and have been using it as a way in and out of the city for a long time now.

The only problem with the crack was the fact that it was extremely narrow, just big enough for a man to sneek in sideways, but it was the only way in and out of the city without getting caught.

We got through the crack, with some difficulty, and out into a forest. The forest was called Rath Forest, because everyone in the city thought it was inhabited by raths, which were only the resistance in dark uniforms, making scarey noises.

We hurried through the forest, heading in the direction of a clearing where the resistance get there transport from, hopefully Rogan had brought his dragon along, I giagantic purple beast, with almost pure white horns. She was large for her age and breathed the hottest fire out of all the resistance dragons. Sadly she dies in the last battle against the king, but she puts up a dragon of a fight.

We finally arrive at the clearing. Rogan guestures for me to stay where I am before he runs into the clearing. I heard a surprised growl then a yelp and a laugh. There was silence for a few seconds before Rogan yells out, "Its ok, you can come out now!"

I smile and slowly walk into the open. Whenever Rogan comes to this clearing he always tries to surprise his dragon, although it never works and he usually ends up upsidedown with his dragon holding him by the legs.

When I see the dragon I stop and stare, my eyes wide open. Sure I had imagined her before but it doesn't beat seeing her in real life, she was, after all, a magnificent creature, exactly as I had imagined her, to the very tip of her  wings. Her purple scales shone in the moonlight and her horns were glowing. She stared at me with two large yellow eyes, studeing me.

Rogan smiled, "This is Sophire, Sophire this is Derrick, I believe?"

I nodded slowly and walked slowly up to her. I was completely mesmerised, not in fear, like most people would have been, but in amazment.

I reached out my hand to touch her, then hesitated, "May I?"

Sophire looked at her rider for a second. Rogan smiled. She looked back at me and blinked once, as if saying yes. A reached out my hand and touched her scales. They felt smooth, like glass, and soft, like cloth, but I knew that was not the case. Dragon scales were like armor, strong enough to withstand almost any blow. I stroked her scales again.

"Just like I had imagined," I said quietly to myself.

Sophire seemed to frown at this and looked back at her rider. He frowned as well.

"Alright," he said suddenly, "If you're done admiring my dragon, I think we should be off now."

Sophire lowered her neck and Rogan jumped onto it and sprung of her head landing on a saddle, almost invisible behind her neck. 

"Come on," said Rogan, "You coming up."

Sophire looked at me as if amused and lowered her neck towards me. 

"Ok," I said to myself, "I've done this a million times in my mind now its time to put it into practice." 

I climbed onto Sophire's back, somewhat awkwardly, and made my way up her neck and onto her back. I sat in front of Rogan. He wrapped his arms around and said, "Let's get going Sophire!"

Sophire roared in response and took of.

I wooped in delight as the wind passed over my face. 

'I'm riding a dragon,' I thought to myself, 'I can't believe I'm actually riding a dragon.'


Hey guys, new chapter. I'm getting these out quicker then I thought I would. Any way hope you enjoyed. More chapters coming soon.


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