The Invitation

 10, 9, 8, 7...

I was counting down the seconds to when the curtains go up. My heels were together and I had my hands up in the air.

5, 4...

I let my right hand down quickly to stroke the rock in my pocket for good luck. The same rock i was planning on giving to my liitle sister. Before the incident.

"Whish me luck Pebble." I whispered before putting my hand up again.

2, 1, 0!

My hand glowed as I made an illusion of mist seeping under the curtains just before they went up.

"Showtime." I said grinning to myself as i stepped forwards to be met with cheers.

"Hello citizens of Ninjago!" My voice projected in the theatre where I was having my show.

The cheers turned into screams of excitement and clapping.

I started my show, flipping around the stage, creating illusions. On the day of the great devourer I had unlocked a power. An elemental one. Turns out my father was the elemental master of illusions, and as his eldest I had inherited those powers.

It had only been a year and half since the attack. I was homeless for a while and managed to get food by making illusions on the street as a show. Now I was in a theatre and 1,000 people has come to see me and my illusions.

~Life is good. ~

I thought as I finished my performance and gave a bow to the crowd as my assistants brought some people from the crowd on to the stage with some water for me to drink.

It was time for the next part. I had figured out a while ago that I could make hard illusions. I know illusions shouldn't be hard, but I don't know any other way to explain this extension of my powers.

A little girl around 7 stepped forwards first I looked at her and felt something warm in my hands. I looked down to find a crystal flower. It was a lilly the exact same pink shade as her dress.

The catch with the hard illusions is that I can't choose what they will be. It's my subconscious and whatever it thinks when I stare at something.

A woman of around 30 stepped forwards and she had gotten golden coloured Teddy bear with eyes that sparkled just as brightly as hers.

I gifted the rest of people with hard illusions knowing some will treasure it and some will just sell it of.

I gave one more performance of illusions before the curtain fell.

Grinning to myself I went back stage to get dressed out of my stage clothes which were normally dresses with either sparkles glitter or gems on them.

I didn't really like all the glitter and sparkles but I gotta get food on the table somehow. Though I've made enough money to live comfortably for the next decade. I was a big hit in Ninjago every week I would put on a show, I had never experienced empty seats whilst I was performing.

Probably the biggest part of my success were my hard illusions. Videos have gone viral on brick tock, block tube and many other social media websites of people trying to break my hard illusions yet failing. Some people even used a hydraulic press. The press exploded yet the illusion, a crystal football (⚽️), was still intact without any scratches. Turns out only I can break them and that's why people love them, and me.

I got dressed into a baggy jumper with jeans and trainers. I let my white blonde hair down just like I normally do on stage and picked up my bag. Slipping on some sunglasses I have gotten used to keeping around with me I stepped outside.

Flashes were the only thing I could see for a second then it was bodies then it was the car waiting for me. I felt a smile on my face as I signed some autographs and firmly told some male fans and a few female fans that no I'm not looking to date anyone, before finally reaching my car.

I slipped in and smiled at my agent Abby, before I could even greet her, her mouth was already talking.

"You have an interview tonight then your free until Sunday." She said not even bothering to look up from the tablet she was tapping on probably getting me more things to do.

Today is Friday. This was the main reason I kept Abby around. If I had a late night one day then she made sure I had the next day free to sleep in. She also finds ways to make my work fit in with my school work.

I sighed and mentally prepared myself for a long night of talk were I was just gonna be asked if I had a lover 5 times then they'll call it a wrap.

^​​​​Time skip brought to you by Echo mentally banging her head against the wall^

I had finally gotten home,  past midnight mind you and I felt dead. I had been out of my house since 4 am. I looked at the time. 3:47 am almost 24 hours. I swear there must be some kind of law forbading minors from working for that long.

I got ready for bed forcing my tired body to go through the motions. When I was done I layed down on my bed about to doze of when my doorbell rang.

Who the hell knocks on a door at 4 am? Whoever they are they better hope I can stop myself from punching them in the face.

Reaching under my pillow i pulled out a knife. Fame has its dark sides, one of them being crazy fans or haters breaking into your house, I had learnt to put a knife in every room, even the toilets.

I walked confidently to the stairs and avoided all the creaky steps and tiptoed towards the front door. I could hear Isabella, my minder, snoring upstairs. Sometimes I wish I could sleep as soundly as her, not even a stampede of elephants playing heavy metal could wake her up.

Once I finally got to the door I looked through the peep hole to see one of the most unpleasant man I've ever seen. He's not that disgusting but just looking at him made me feel nasty. His tiny mustache also didn't help.

"Miss Echo, I know your there. I have something for you." Ugh his voice was even nastier. I just wanna fling myself out of the nearest building after hearing him.

"Listen pal, if you have some kind of fan letter or mail give it to my agent. She'll make sure I'll get it."

"Oh no, you seem to misunderstand me."  I've had zero sleep im grouchy tired been through way to much love questions at that interview and his voice just isn't helping.

"Fine, if it's a letter just put it through the letter box, if it's an actual package i ain't opening the door." Hopefully he'll go away now.

The man smiled.


He slid an envelope and left. Picking up the envelope I turned on the hallway light and opened it.

It read:

《You have been invited to Master Chens tournament of elements, there you will fight other elemental masters and might even make a friend or two. Tomorrow at midnight on the docks.Bring no weapons and tell no one.》

Pretty short but the thing that caught my eye was the friend thing. Ever since I had become famous my so called friends abandoned me out of jealousy, and everyone else that I had met only cared about my fame.

This tournament sounds fun, maybe i should go?

I turned of the light and climbed up the stairs, sleep forgotten, my mind trying to figure out of I should go or not. I walked into my room and put the knife under my pillow again. I sat at my dressing table and stared at myself in the mirror.

Am I really ready to go back into the world again after being away from it for so long?

I stroked the human shaped rock I had saved from the day the great devourer attacked. It still had a crack in the middle which I had filled with glue so there was just a white line there.

"I wish you were still here Pebble. You'd be 12, a bit more wiser and you could probably give me advice like to follow my heart or some shit like that."

I looked at the ceiling.

"But I'm still gonna go, it should be fun and just in case if its some kind of plan to capture me, I'll leave the letter on my bedside table."

Feeling better now that I had come to a decision I could feel the tiredness hiding in the corners of my brain. I got back to my bed just in time before I fell asleep.

^Time skip brought to you by Lloyd teasing Jay for wearing makeup.^

I had woken up and checked the time hoping I could sort out everything before night. 13:00. Pretty late not gonna lie, but I've been so tired lately that I really couldn't care.

I stepped into the shower as I could hear Isabella downstairs. I sang to myself whilst drawing hearts on the steamed parts of the glass door. I got dressed into a white long sleeve with a grey crop top on top, I had beige baggy trousers.

My blonde hair was starting to curl a bit as I brushed it then dried it. Putting some light makeup on I walked downstairs.

Isabella had gotten fast food, and let me tell you it smelt like heaven.

"Good morning Isabella." I chorused feeling like a small child.

"Good morning Echo. What time did you get back last night?"

I winced knowing that she would be furious for how long I was out for.

"That late huh?" She said after my silence.

I nodded before taking a huge bite out of the burger I had gotten.

Isabella had light brown skin that always seemed glowy, her thick black hair was piled up on her head in a bun though some curls had escaped. She was a bit of a round woman, which gave her a kind feeling and seemed to always have a smile on her face.

"Isabella? You don't mind if I disappear for a few days, right?" I said, getting straight to the point.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I've been invited somewhere, I can't tell you so don't ask, but it has something to do with my powers." Isabella and Abby are the only two who know that I have elemental powers and that my shows aren't fake.

Isabella hesitated.

"Please please please whith sugar on top?" I begged clasping my hands together and staring at her wide eyed.

"Well I guess if Abby is O.K with it I'm fine." I could practically feel the suspicions from down here.

I jumped for joy, my food finished. Now all I needed to do was convince Abby to give me 3 weeks of, then it's tournament time.

^Time skip brought to you by Cole eating a freaking mini bomb.^

It was midnight. I had my bag packed. Abby had agreed to a 3 weeks holiday though it took some persuasion. Throwing a jacket on I put my human shaped rock in its pocket.

I had arrived on the docks 5 minutes before midnight, and damn there were a lot of people. I put my bag down and sat down right next to it. I pulled a lollipop out of my bag and started eating it. Like 2 minutes later a few guys showed up each wearing their own colour. And man were those colors bright.

I payed no attention to them and went back to my lollipop trying to figure out who seemed friendly. I had made a list of friendly looking people (though one guy was invisible so it was hard to tell), when one if the colored guys came up to me. The green one. Seriously what's with the one color scheme? Are they trying to dress up as fruit and vegetables?

"Excuse me, but is there a chance you have another one of those?" He said pointing at the sweet I was sucking.

I shrugged and checked my bag to find that I indeed did have more. I gave it to him. Without a word the boy plopped himself down next to me and also started to eat his lollipop.

"I'm Lloyd, the green ninja." He said.

"Echo." I wasn't ready to give up more info yet.

"What's your elemental power?"

"That's for me to know and for you to learn."

"What? Oh come on. I told you mine." He whined.

"Wow, I didn't know colored ninja was an elemental power." I said sarcastically.

"My powers come with my job."

"Same here."

"So what's your job?" He's kidding right? I've been on news papers and billboards for a year now. 

"Well if you don't know me then your out of touch." I said as the Master of Speed came up to me to ask for my autograph.

Before Lloyd could say anything the ferry came and oh god, the guy who gave me the letter, the one with the annoying voice and tiny mustache was there to greet us. 

~Ok, Echo, he's just being nice and greeting us, don't throw him overboard.~

When I had gotten onto the ferry I was ready to kill that annoying voice guy, he had looked at me in the most disgusting way, but decided to find somewhere to nap.

I went under the deck to find a hammock. I felt disgusted just looking at it. There was no way I was sleeping in some random stranger's bed. I decide to just sleep on the floor using my most fluffiest jumper as a mattress.

^Time skip brought to you by Garmadon insulting Jay.^

I had finished my nap and went up to the deck to find Lloyd's red friend fighting with some big metal guy with big metal gloves. I rolled my eyes.


Soon enough annoying voice came to break up the fight saying that we were here. I looked out and saw that we had arrived to an island. 

The tournament of elements had begun

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