The Corridor Of Elders


I floated through darkness, I felt so small in this emptiness, like if the darkness chose to, it could crush me. Is this how ants feel? 

Nah, ants are strong. While I, on the other hand, am not.

Speaking of not being strong, why does my arm hurt so much?


Pain pulled me out of my.... unconsciousness?

I still seemed to be in one piece. Or kinda. My left arm was encased in a grey cast. Couldn't they have made the cast look pretty, at least?

Well, at least I now have a weapon.

I looked around and seemed to be back in the Samurai X Cave. All the Elemental masters were gone. How long had I been out?

"Oh great, you're awake." Nya said, coming in.

"Where's everyone? How long was I out?" 

"You were out for a few hours, and basically Chen set up a trap. The others fell into it. They're on their way back now." A little red light flashed behind her. "Scratch that they're here now."

Soon, the Elemental masters started trickling in until they were all here.

Kai came up to me, his brow furrowed.

"Are you OK?"


He looked at me for a second too long before walking over to Skylor.

We all stood in a circle. I stood in between Lloyd and Cole.

"So why are we here?" Griffin asked. "We should be fighting snakes."

"Because anyone can fight, but only one side can win the war." Wu wisely said.

Nya turned to her computers. She pointed out the red dots, saying that Chen had already taken over Eastern seabord and was moving.

"That's a lot of red. Karloff not like red."

~​​​Damn poor Kai.~

The Master of Gravity finally decided to talk to us.

"How are we supposed to stop them? Most of us have lost control over our Dragons. Not to mention, we're outnumbered 10 to 1."

"Actually, 62.4 to one."

~Thank you so much, Zane.~

"There's hope." Wu said. "The Corrider of Elders."

"Sorry? I don't think I've ever heard of that." I said.

"I know we don't stand a chance against his whole army at once. But after he takes control of the East, he'll move east and make his way through Echo Canyons. Our best tactical position is to make our stand where it bottlenecks; here." Wu pointed at the map on the computer. "At the Corridor of Elders, the monuments honouring our ancestors. It's narrow, but it's our greatest chance."

"If we don't stop them here, the rest of Ninjago will fall like Domino's." Garmadon said.

"Karloff not like to lose, Karloff fueled!"

"Then we have one day to save tomorrow." Wu said, inspiring a cheer.

^Time skip brought to you by Pythor getting tortured^

The ninja had left the cave to go inspire some citizens to help. Meanwhile, I was sitting on a really hard chair drinking some vile tea while Wu prodded around my broken arm.

"You know you can't join us in the fight?" He said, prodding even harder.

"What do you mean?" I hissed in pain.

"Your arms broken, it's in no condition to fight."

"Come on, you can't go to a canyon with the same as me without me! And anyway my arm will be fine." I tried reasoning with him, but he walked away with a flick of his hand dismissing me.

Well, that makes me wanna go against him.

^Time skip brought to you by Lloyd buying sweets on his mission ^

I stood next to Lloyd in the Corridor of Elders. I had gotten the colourful hair trio to hide me in the Bounty and was now a part of the crowd. Wu would only be able to see me if he was trying to find me.

After a bit, we could see Chen's army arriving. We all got into our positions. The Masters at the front and the citizens behind us.

"Is there more of them than before?" I asked.

Jay nodded. "I think so."

Lloyd used his power to create a line in the ground.

"We fight together. We fight as one!" He yelled, causing a cheer to erupt.

The opposing army approached.

"Hold the line." Lloyd said.

The slimy snakes started speeding towards.

"Hold the line. Hold."

Somehow, the snakes managed to get faster, then some of them fell into a hole we had dug earlier. Zane acted quickly and covered the whole with his ice.

"Now!" Lloyd shouted.

We met the Anacondrai and started pushing against them. I only had one arm, but even with that disadvantage, I could feel myself pushing as hard as possible.

 Unh. Push them back!" Karloff encouraged.

"I'm slipping!" Cole cried.

"Unh. Don't let up." Kai pushed his shoulder into the snakes.

"We can do this, guys!" I could feel my working arm letting out.

"Hold the line!" Lloyd repeated.

The Anacondrai pushed harder.

"Ugh. They just keep on coming!" Jay complained.

I could feel the Anacondrai slowly but steadily winning. It felt like we wouldn't win until the bounty came swooping down, its cannnons shooting, taking out some snakes, and Condrai Crushers, giving us a bit of an edge.

Chen, not liking this, ordered his cultists to make the canyon wider, which led to one of the statues to be beheaded. Luckily, Gravis noticed and caught the falling head before throwing it away.

"We have to stop them!" Lloyd shouted.

"We don't have enough people!" Kai responded.

"We can't hold them all!" That was Cole.

By now, the snakes had passed the line. They were going through us as if we were water.

All of us had split up and were fighting properly. I bashed a few Anacondrai on the head with my cast before feeling something bumping my foot.

Looking down, I found Pythor, the tiny white snake, on a rat. Pythor had a book with him. On closer examination, it seemed to be Clouse's spell book.

"I'm looking for Garmadon!" His tiny voice shrieked.

Understanding, I instantly picked him up and put him on my shoulder. He turned to his rat.

"Be free, Rodrigo! You've earned it!"

I could see Lloyd, but there were a bunch of snakes in between us.

Closing my eyes, I made a sword appear in my arm. Ignoring the headache I had more than gotten used to, I started cutting through the Anacondrai, making my way over to the green ninja.

I finally reached Lloyd and gave the Anacondrai he was fighting a swift kick to the head. I turned to him.

"He's looking for your dad." I gestured to Pythor.

Lloyd looked suspiciously at him.

"Oh come on, you can trust me. If anyone's gonna take over the world, I'd rather it be me. Take me to your father, and he can end thus once and for all." Pythor rolled his eyes.

"Follow me." Lloyd said to me.

We quickly reached the deck of the Bounty, and Lloyd turned to Wu, who didn't seem surprised to see me.

"Pythor said he has something that can end this war."

"They've crossed the line of no return. No amount of power can stop them now." Wu regretfully said.

"But the might of a true Anacondrai might." Pythor said.

Garmadon turned angrily on him. "Can't you see what's happening? This isn't about you. Making you big doesn't solve anything."

"But if the Generals of the Anacondrai so long ago saw this mockery, they would stop this travesty at once."

"Are you implying that we should bring them back?" I asked.

"No one returns from the Cursed Realm." Misako informed.

Garmadon took Clouse's spell book away from Pythor and looked at the page that was marked. "Unless he that Cursed them takes their place. I could unleash the spirits of the Anacondrai Generals."

"If you banished yourself. Magic has its rules, you know." Pythor added grimly.

Lloyd turned to his father. "We're not cursing you. We're not losing you to bring them back."

"If we do nothing, we could lose Njnjago." 

I felt awkward as an argument broke in between the family.

Soon, Lloyd got frustrated and jumped off the side of the boat in a huff. I took this as an excuse to leave and was about to join him when the sound of my name being called made me turn my head.

"Echo, I'm sorry for believing you were a traitor. I can now see how well you fit with the group and how you would never betray them. I'm glad my son has another friend in his life." He apologised.

I nodded at him before throwing myself over.

I joined the fight again and saw Lloyd going back up to the Bounty. I hope he got to his father in time.

After a bit, a dark storm cloud appeared out of nowhere on top of the Bounty, and a light connected the two of them together. Then a figure, which I assumed it was Garmadon, was raised into the cloud.

Ghosts of the Anacondrai Generals came out of the Cursed Realm and came down to deal with the fake snakes. They turned them back into humans before turning them into ghosts, cursing them so they got pulled into the Cursed Realm.

The only one that didn't go through the portal was Skylor.

Understanding that the war was over, we all started celebrating. Some people had already started working on rebuilding the canyon as if our win had energised them.

^Time skip brought to you by Morro laughing at Garmadon as he escapes^

We stood around a fire drinking tea while watching a new statue being made. It was a statue of Garmadon. I was next to Cole. Lloyd was clutching Clouse's spell book to his chest.

"To the Anacondrai. The greatest warriors of their time." Kai said.

"Yeah. Now, it's our turn to make our ancestors proud." Jay added.

"Because we are proud of those who were here before us to show us the way. Goodbye, Father."

"His loss will affect us all." Wu wiped a tear.

"Not his loss, his life. He made us stronger, and he brought us together." Misako said.

Lloyd looked at his father's statue. "I am Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon."

"Student of Sensei Garmadon." Wu added.

"He made me who I am today. He was my father. He was my adversary. But in the end, he was my friend."

"Because of him, we live to see tomorrow." Zane added smiling.

Kai also smiled. "And for every tomorrow, we will live to honour him."

Lloyd threw the spell book into the fire. We all turned to watch it burn.

"And because of him, well be ready for whatever comes next."

"Skeltons, Snakes, Nindroids and Anacondrai wannabes. If they can't stop us, what can?" Cole said, throwing his arm over my shoulder with a force that pushed me to stumble a bit.

Looking up, I locked I eyes with Kai, who was on the opposite side of the fire to me. I gave him a small smile and received one back.

I think I've finally found my people.


So here's how this going to work: inbetween each season there will be an extra chapter. But I'm going to count Day Of The Departed as a season which means between season 6 and DOTD there will be an extra chapter and between DOTD and season 7 there will be another extra chapter. I will also publish 2 extra chapters before season 5. Thanks for reading.


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