Only One Can Remain

The ferry had come to a stop at the island two workers put down a wooden plank and annoying voice walked across it welcoming us to Chen's Island.

I bent down to pick up my bag only to notice that it was gone.

The hell?

​​​​​​I looked around and noticed that no one else had their bags. Some worker must have taken them.

I was the last one to get of the boat, infront of me was a girl in an orange hoodie.

Little orange riding hood.

I snickered at the thought and could hear Lloyd's group talking. There was an old man who I had no memory of seeing on the Dock. He also seemed too old to join the tournament. They were saying something about the serpentine, my mind went instantly to the great devourer. If those slimy snakes hadn't let it loose then my parents and little sister would still be alive.

I got a text from Isabella, thankfully I had kept my phone with me and didn't leave it in my bag. I walked past the ninja, I swear they are so slow. What I didn't expect was to literally get body slammed by the blue one.

I fell backwards and probably would have fallen on the steps and get some nasty bruises if it weren't for my instincts kicking in and activating my powers. I landed on a gold chair that had a red cushion on it and damn was the cushion soft.

I looked up trying to figure out why I was pushed to see that the red one, the idiot who was fighting on the ferry, had pushed his teammates to the side so that little orange riding hood could go past.

"Ladies first." He said.

Now where was that gentlemaness when I almost twisted an ankle.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't see. Wait where the heck did that chair come from?"

I look up to see the blue one looking at me, he definitely seemed concerned. I took the hand he had extended, see this is how you treat someone you almost injured. Not go worrying about some other girls icy heart. 

"I'm fine don't worry about it." I smiled at him.

"OK, but how did that chair appear in thin air?"

I opened my mouth to say that it was a secret when the old man spoke before me.

"I see we have an elemental master of illusions."

I looked at him surprised, though my job requires illusions no one has been able to guess how I do it.

"So that's what your elemental is." Lloyd said, looking at him next to the old guy I realised they look alike. Son and father?

I dusted my clothes and gave one of my show bows.

"Echo master of illusions at your service."

I straitened up and chuckled when Lloyd copied my bow.

"Lloyd elemental master of God knows, this is Jay master of Lightning Cole master of Earth, my dad Garmadon and the guy who still hasn't looked at you is Kai master of Fire."

I waved to the other three but didn't even bother to look at the red idiot.

The ninja waved their goodbyes before heading inside while I texted Isabella back before following them in. We walked past people wearing red hoodies.

Whats with all the riding hoods? First orange now red.

"-the only way of this island is with his permission, which you have to earn." I only the end of what Garmadon said.

"You never told me about this place, how do you know so much about it?" 

Yeah I'm wondering about that aswell.

Garmadon stopped walking and started to pull down his shirt.

Woah sir, please keep this pg rated.

Thankfully he only showed his shoulder that had a tattoo of a purple snake on it.

Weird, I'm pretty sure I've seen that before.

"Because before Chen was my enemy, he was my sensei."

Sooo I don't trust him.

^Time skip brought to you by Echo distrusting Garmadon^

We were now sitting in a circle and honestly it felt like I was back at school. I was sitting next to a girl with purple hair. Or should I call it a purple Bush. She somehow managed to make it work with her red lipstick and purple clothes.

"Hi, I'm Echo." I gave her one of the many smiles my advertisement team taught me. It worked.


I was gonna keep speaking to her when a cultist banged on a gong and annoying voice, sorry Clouse, turned on some kind of wacky music. The music was odd it was annoying but at the same time pretty good.

"All rise for Master Chen." He called.

We all stood up as a throne came down from some rope thar was hiding behind banners.

~Those ropes are going to snap.~

On the throne was probably the most psychopathic man I've ever seen. He looked as if he'd never slept in his life. And there was something crazy in his eyes. To top it all of he had a dead snake as a head accessory. A. DEAD. SNAKE.

"Welcome, to the tournament of elements." This guy was moving in every possible direction. "Now, everybody can all di-"

The doors behind us closed.

If he does anything I'm sure I could kill him with one of my heels. Oh wait, I'm not wearing heels. We're dead.

"Rect your attention to me." He giggled.

I smiled a little. Sure he hurt my eyes just by looking at him. His voice isn't the best. But the crazy psychoticness is fun.

"Never before have so many elemental fighters been under one roof. I see master of fire, earth, shadow, speed. And even the prophesied green saviour, and a former pupil has returned." He turned around and pointed at the gong.

"This symbol before you is the mark of the anacondri fiercest warriors to ever roam this land. Its creed: Only one can remain."

The cultist banged on the gong again and this time it split in two. Behind it were the brackets we had to fight in. I instantly started to look for my face. Found it. I was against some guy with his hair in a mohawk. One side was blue and the other was red. He also had yellow eyes that looked like stones and some kind of giraffe print on his cheeks.

Oh gosh, forget Chen I'm going against a total nut job.

I turned my head when I heard Chen start talking again.

"Behold a Jade blade! Here it represents life, obtain it move on, allow your opponent to take it loser. The rules are simple. Every match will be different no two fights will be the same. Your powers will keep you in the tournament. Use it or lose it."

What does he mean by lose it? I kinda need mine for my job thank you very much.

I started to zone out and could hear people cheering and laughing. Eh, who cares. I only snapped back into reality when annoying voice, sorry, Clouse started to speak again.

"You'll now each be shown to your rooms." He clapped his hands and some women with facepaint on came into the room in a single file.

They all stopped infront of an elemental master.

Wow I wonder how much practice that took.

They then proceeded to start tugging on our arms so I guess we had no choice but to follow them.

One of the kabuki led me to a room and opened the door for me.

"Your rooms secrets are connected to your mind." She said giving a quick bow then leaving.

Hey atleast she closed the door. And she has a nice sounding voice, unlike the other two.

I looked around my room only to see that it was very plain. A bed wardrobe and dresser. All of them white just like the walls.

Oh gosh, this reminds me of when mum used to insist that everything white is better since it makes the room look bigger.

I missed my old room back in Ninjago City. I could see it right now. Dark green walls. A black bed. And a grey dresser. With some hard illusions, mainly flowers, dotted around the room.

Just then, infront of my eyes my plain room turned into my room back home.

What? I know I'm not making any illusions cause one this big would tire me out.

"Your rooms secrets are connected to your mind." I could hear the kabuki's words echoing in my head.

My mouth made an O shape as I realised what she meant. It's basically illusions I don't have to make. It also saves my energy.

I then noticed something on the foot of my bed.

My bag! 

I quickly checked to make sure nothing hadn't been stolen. Thankfully nothing had. And even better news, my sweets were all there.

I picked up a packet of sweets planning to eat it when Chens voice came over the speakers.

"Fellow fighters hidden around the arena are enough Jade blades for every participant except one, the one who returns to the Palace arena empty-handed loses. The tournament begins now, may the best fighter win!" He laughed.

Yep, a total maniac.

Now, what's the best place to look for one? How am I supposed to know.

I was heading towards my door, stuffing my sweets in my pocket when something shiny caught my eye.

There, in the darkest corner of the room, was a Jade blade.

Not the best place to put it. Do they want me to find it?

I shrugged and managed to get it down with a lot of jumping. Curse my shortness. I left my room only to find people fighting in the hallway. One of them, the nut job I have to go against came straight for me trying to steal my blade. I gave him a quick punch in the jaw and ran off.

I could hear his footsteps behind me and his heavy breathing.

"Come on, we haven't even been running for a minute and your already facing difficulties." I called back to him.

I ran into the arena and put my Jade blade with the only other one there. Little orange riding hoods one.

I turned and gave her a small smile.

"Congrats on getting here first." I said before sitting down with my sweets.

^Time skip brought to you by Garmadon jumping on Clouse.^

All of the ninja except Kai had gotten here, and I could see Lloyd was stressing a bit. I looked at the last sweet I had, then him. I sighed. Why was I doing this? I got up and walked over to him.

"Hey, do you want this?" I handed him the packet and his face lit up.

"Thanks Echo!" He practically pulled my finger as he eagerly took the packet and ate the last one.

We could hear heavy footsteps coming to the door. Everyone turned to look, curious on who would be out. The ninja, on the other hand, looked nervous.

~Those footsteps are too heavy to be Kai.~

Just as I thought that Karloff walked in the door with a Jade blade.

"Karloff wins!" He yelled holding up the blade.

Someone's hand came behind Karloff with... a screwdriver? Kai unscrewed Karloffs mittens.

"Looks like you got a screw loose." 

Where on Ninjago did he get a screwdriver from?

Kai used his fire to turn into a human shaped rocket and put the last Jade blade with the rest of them.

Huh, it kinda looks like a Christmas tree now.

The rest of the elemental masters cheered for Kai even though they were cheering for Karloff two seconds ago

"We have a loser!"  Chen declared.

"That's not fair, he cheated."

Now I feel bad for him.

I could hear Garmadon saying something to Kai. But at this point I couldn't care.

"Fine, I lose. Karloff never wanted to be on stinking island in the first place."

~Gasp. He spoke in first term. There's hope for him. Hmm, I'm craving some chocolate, i hope mine didnt melt. If it did maybe they'll let me use on in the kitchen? Nah, i dont trus- HOLY FSM the floor opened up under Karloff. ~

"As you can see, lose and your out, break a rule and your out. Never bite the hand that feeds you... Master Chens delicious noodles." He clapped. "Now rest up, tomorrow the tournament will continue."

^Time skip brought to you by Echo's chocolate melting.^

It was later on in the day and we were getting food to eat. I got mine and threw Lloyd a quick smile before sitting down at a table.

Before I could even breathe, three other seats on the table were taken up. Green hair. Purple hair. Red hair.

I looked at the three girls, apart from exchanging names with Chamille. I don't know who they are.

"Echo, right?" Red head asked.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry if this comes off as rude, but I don't know your names." 

"Sorry, I should've introduced. This is Skylor master if Amber and Tox master of Poison. And I'm the master of form." Chamille said.

We spent the rest of the time chatting over food and generally getting to know each other. After I had lost my parents, I was too busy trying to make money and staying alive to make friends. And when I became famous I couldn't tell what people's real intentions were.But here no one really cared about my job or fame, once they realised that my illusions are my elemental powers it pushed me onto the same social bar as them. 

^Time skip brought to you by Jay snapping at poor Pale man.^

I was in my room drawing in a sketchbook I accidently made. OK, that was generous it was more of scribbles, but you try drawing when you feel like dancing. I was listening to a song I've been obsessed with for quite a while.

"F f f fake wings." I sang along drumming pencil along with the beats.

A knock sounded on the door came just before the chorus. I stopped the song. Who interrupts a song just before the chorus, that's pure evil.

I dragged myself of my bed ready to kill whoever it was, but opened the door to find purple floof.

"Hey girl." I smiled at Chamille 

"Hey, we're having a mini party in Tox's room, can you go get Skylor."

I raised a brow.

"Isn't that against the rules?"

"We have permission. Oh, and bring some kind of snack." She called over her shoulder.

As I walked over to Skylor's room, I couldn't but help feel exited. Just yesterday I was lonely. Today I've made 3 new friends AND I've been invited to a party. This tournament is definitely good for me.

I walked past Kai's room, or I think it was Kai's room it had a flame on the door but that was my only clue. I could hear more than one voice coming from inside.

So the ninja are breaking the rules? Intresting.

I hurried on to Skylor's and knocked on her door.

"Come in." Came the answering reply.

"Hey Sky, we're having a mini party in Tox's room, you coming?"

"Sure, lemme get some training in first, I absorbed the master of fire and I would like to get some control as soon as possible." She got down and started doing some pushups.

I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me. After around 5 minutes we could hear voices. Skylor didn't seem to care but they were definitely annoying me.

And then the FREAKING painting talked. It was more if a mumble and I couldn't understand what it was saying except it sounded like it was fighting someone. I'm glad that I'm on the other side of the room. And Skylor was acting as if nothing was happening.

She even managed to activate her fire powers as if everything is just dandy. The painting gasped then started to sing before it fell silent.

"What the hell was that?" I asked hoping that it was just me going crazy.

Skylor frowned.

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea."

"What do you mean no idea, you were so calm." I practically shrieked.

Sklor shrugged her shoulders.

I took a few deep breaths to calm down. This wasn't me, I only freaked out if I saw a bug, normally if i saw a talking painting I'd laugh. Also what's with the painting of Chen. Creepy.

I walked over to the painting trying to figure out how it spoke when I noticed something.

"Peepholes." I breathed

"Hmm." Skylor was done training and was gathering some snacks she had hidden under her bed.

"Your painting has Peepholes."

Skylor came closer.

"Oh my FSM, your right. What should we do?"

"You got tissues?"

She handed me some and I poked them in the holes. Someone was watching us. I felt a shiver go up my spine, but turned around with a smile plastered on my face.

"There, that should work, for now. Let's get going to Tox's room."

The two of us left her room chattering about anything except our find.


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