Ninja Roll
I woke up in my bed, my head feeling way clearer than before. Looking around, I confirmed that there was no old dude lurking in my room with some tea.
I could hear Chen's voice coming from somewhere in this fortress.
"Skylor! Master of Amber versus Jacob! Master of Sound. Fight! Fight!"
I sat up.
Is it already time for Skylor's match?
I scrambled out of bed, putting on the first clothes I could find haistly running a brush through my hair before tying it up in a ponytail with a few strands coming down.
I hopped out of my room, trying to put my shoes on before heading to the direction of where the noises of the battle were coming from.
I walked in just in time to see Skylor breaking a giant vase to get the Jade blade.
Kai's p.o.v
I was watching Skylor's match breathlessly. I had come in late after getting Lostock and now I have found out that we're not related. This means I still have a chance with her.
I saw some movement at the door and turned to see the girl we had allied ourselves with. I think her name was Echo.
Her practically white blonde hair was tied up with some strands falling down framing her face. Her cheeks were flushed, and her green eyes sparkled.
~Damn, she's pretty.~
Instantly feeling guilty, I turned back to the match to see Skylor win.
Echo's p.o.v
Chen had started another announcement. I swear that guy liked talking waaay too much.
"I hope the tournament of elements has entertained you as much as it has me." He started as he picked up a box and opened it to reveal a bunch of diamonds and other precious gems. Faaaake totally fake. "To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things." Everyone in the room cheered. "But in yesterday's match, the masters of lightning and earth tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset. For their insubordination, I have taken away all of your fancy quarters, and everyone has to sleep together in the showhouse. That is all, thank you, you can go." He dismissed.
All the other masters turned to glare at the ninja, including Kai.
Honestly, what is up with that guy? One second, he's an asshole. The next, he's really nice.
I started following the rest of the elemental masters and abruptly stopped, causing grumbles to surround around me.
I had been in such a rock to get to the match. I forgot my rock, I left it back in my room, and knowing Chen, I probably wouldn't get it in the chow house.
I changed direction and started speeding off my room and got there in record time, I burst into the room luckily no-one was inside, and the room looked untouched.
Retrieving my rock from under my pillow, I gathered some posseins of mine, including my sweets, and went over to the crowd house.
By the time I got there, everyone had already chosen a bed. The only bed left was next to the ninjas, Kai's being the the closest.
Sighing, I dropped everything at the foot of my bed, planning to deal with them later when I heard three pair of footprints coming towards me.
I turned around to find the unnatural hair triplets.
"What is happening with you?" Chammile asked.
"What do you mean?" I frowned in confusion.
"I mean one day your laughing with us partying with us, then the next second your talking to the ninja, you start to look like them and now your sleeping next to them, are you trying to become one of them? 'Cause no offence, I don't think you're cut out for that." Chammile put her hands on her hips.
"First of all, just because we laughed and hanged out together for one day doesn't mean I have to hang out with you. Second, how do I look like the ninja? The only person I could look like is Lloyd cause we both have blonde hair and green eyes. And I am NOT trying to become a ninja!" We were both glaring at each other. The rest of the room was quiet watching the drama unfold.
Chamille gave a dirty look before turning to the other two.
"I think she's crazy let's leave before we catch it."
~Wow, what a bitch.~
My blood boiled with anger as they walked away, Skylor looked back and mouthed sorry before turning away.
Kai then chose that it was a lovely time to come up to me.
"You do know that wasn't the reason they said you looked like us, right?"
"What do you mean?"
"Have you seen your clothes?"
I looked down and to my horror, I found myself wearing the same clothes as the rest of the ninja except mine was a pale pink. I randomly put this on without looking and somehow matched with them?
"Ugh, I'm too tired for this shit." I turned away from Kai and just went off to sleep in the most uncomfortable bed in all the sixteen realms.
^Time skip brought to you by poor La-loyd's back breaking^
I woke up to someone banging a gong IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. I sat up and found one of the staff touching my feet.
I retracted my feet as quickly as I could and found the enclosed in roller blades.
Looking around, everyone was in skates. And some of them *cough* Jay*cough cough* looked way too happy.
I missed pretty much half the conversation due to my tiredness but caught that Lloyd and Chammile were supposed to fight. I noticed that Chammile pretending to be Kai went up to Lloyd.
I quickly got up and skated to them, I could hear her asking if Lloyd had any weakness and cut in before Lloyd could answer.
"Cut it out Chammile, why don't you go get ready for your match instead of tricking your opponent?"
She transformed back into herself and glared at me before skating away.
"Woah how did you know that it was her? I've known Kai for almost 2 years, yet I thought it was him." Lloyd asked.
"You can't trick the master of illusions with an illusion.... also, Kai can't skate." I pointed at Kai, who was trying to get back up after falling with no luck.
Kai came wobbling up to us, his arms waving in the air as if he was trying to fly.
"Skates. Why did it have to be skates?" He asked before falling.
^Time skip brought to you by Kai falling on his face^
We rolled into the arena, which was a really big skating rink.
Chen came wobbling in on his roller-skates, shouted and interrupted the speed guy, and explained the rules for us.
I skated over to the helmets on the hooks. If I chose a green one, I'd be part of Lloyd's group, but if I chose an orange helmet, I'd be on Chamille's.
I picked the green and heard Chammile mumble something under her breath, ignoring her. I skated over to the ninja, who looked a bit surprised.
"Do you think the helmet clashes with my outfit?" I asked, holding the said helmet to my clothes.
"Huh?" Jay asked.
The other two looked confused.
"I think it looks fine." Kai said.
I gave him a disagreeing look.
"What? It looks fine, and if you think about it, red and green are on the opposite of the colour wheel."
"Yeah, but you look like a long tomato, which is fine." I said.
Jay snorted.
"Jay, I don't know what you're laughing about. You look like a deformed blueberry." Kai said.
Now Lloyd chuckled.
"Come on, Lloyd, you look like the standard vegetable." I said, rolling my eyes playfully.
"Like what vegetable?" The unsuspecting boy asked.
"An asparagus!" Kai and I exclaimed simultaneously before high-fiving.
The four of us burst into laughter, and it felt... Good.
Our mood died down when we noticed how many we were against. The rest of the elemental masters were on the other team.
"This doesn't look good." Jay said with a gulp.
I strapped my helmet on.
Everyone went to the starting line as Chen dramatically turned around in his seat. "Lloyd, master of Powet versus Chamille, master of Form. Most laps with their Jade blades before the timer runs out wins. Loser is our. Thunderbladers, on your mark, get set. Good luck to everyone, but mostly Chamille because we want Lloyd out, GO!" He pressed one of his buttons indicating that Lloyd and Chammile should go.
Lloyd and Chammile skated off, and after a few seconds, Chen pressed the same button, and the rest of us started skating.
At first it looked like Chammile was in the lead, especially with all the help she was getting, she even got a lift from the buggy that Chen let into the match, but the ninja decided that it was time to tell the other fighters about Chen, the other fighters believed them (except for Tox who stayed loyal to Chammile).
Kai and Skylor managed to get the buggy and they gave it to Lloyd who used it to catch up with Chamille, then poor innocent Lloyd decided to tell Chammile that they could win the match together if she joined him in the buggy, instead she pulled him out before skating away.
Lloyd started skating after her, and the two started sword fighting, but alas, Chammile crossed the finish line first. She would have won if it weren't for the fact that she left her Jade blade behind, Lloyd held his up triumphantly as the rest of us surrounded him cheering.
Chen then decided to act like a child and started whining.
"No, no, no! He cheated! Lloyd loses!"
The rest of the elemental masters refused and said that if Lloyd loses, then they were out too, and the Skylor delivered the killing blow.
"If you kick us out, what kind of tournament will you have?"
Chen sighed."Fine, have it your way, Form loses." He pressed a button and Chammile fell through screaming her heart out.
Oh well 🤷♀️
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