New OC

I just made a new OC! What do you think?

N a m e : Saki Murayama
A g e : 19
G e n d e r : Female
P r o n o u n s : She/her
S e x u a l i t y : Lesbian

F a c e c l a i m : Yuna Taira
A p p e a r a n c e : Saki has medium length hazlenut colored hair that has a touch of wave to it and dark chestnut colored eyes. Her height is about average standing at 5'3 and her almost flawless skin is pale with a slightly darker tint to it.
C l o t h i n g : The clothes Saki wears consists of hoodies, croptops, croptop hoodies, and ripped jeans. The tops she wears are always lightly colored, showing her personality perfectly.
S p e c i e s : Human
P o w e r s : N/A

P e r s o n a l i t y : Saki is someone who likes to spread kindness and love wherever she goes. If someone messes with her, she just let's it happen. She's not really one to fight back. Instead, she just never loses hope for a better life. Until that happens, she makes sure everyone else is happy, even if that means she's unhappy. She knows she can deal with being dissatisfied, so she makes sure nobody else is.
When Saki gets upset though, she'll go off by herself and quietly cry until she's not upset anymore. She knows people won't be happy to see her sad or upset, so she makes sure nobody ever sees.
S t r e n g t h s : Making/seeing other people happy, the cold, drawing
W e a k n e s s e s : The heat, not getting any time to herself

L i k e s : The cold, seeing other people happy, drawing, cherry blossoms, nature
D i s l i k e s : When people inappropriately mess with her (although she doesn't show it much), the heat (one of her biggest weaknesses), seeing others unhappy
H o b b i e s / s k i l l s : Drawing, the ability to cheer people up
H a b i t s : Drawing/sketching
F e a r s : Over dehydration, losing all hope

B a c k s t o r y : Growing up, Saki lived with her aunt and uncle. This was because her dad died and her mom abandoned the whole family, leaving without a trace. Her dad died when she was only three years old and her mom left on her fourth birthday.
Saki always showed kindness towards others, constantly smiling her sweet smile. Even through her roughest moments, she would always put others first. People hurt her, though. There was an attack on Japan when she was ten so she had to go live with her cousin in America. Her uncle was called in to fight and her aunt was killed in one of the first attacks.
Saki had to learn English, but her cousin helped a lot. America was very different from Japan, and a lot of people didn't like her. She was ráped when she went to her first party at the age of fifteen and boys constantly did inappropriate things to her.
That's when she started liking girls instead. Even though she never really fought against them, she hated those boys who would always play with her. So she started dating girls.
Saki has been through a lot. Her cousin eventually left her too, killed in a car crash at the age of twenty-seven. She keeps on, though. Instead of sinking into despair, she always makes sure everyone else is happy.

Also, if you want to make an aesthetic for her you're more than welcome to!

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