Chapter 9: I will protect you
The streets were filled swat team patrolling the street searching for the now wanted criminals of Fuji, Asashi and Haruto as Akio orders his swat team to find them and kill them in site.
They drive through the neighbourhood searching for them while within the alleyway we see te trio as Fuji peaks out to see them gone as he signal the rest to move which they did as they make their way to Takato's place so he might have something to expose Akio's crimea and clear Chikao's name and end this nightmare for good.
Asashi: You think he can help us?
Fuji: If Guardian said he has something to end this, then that's the only way.
Haruto: I just hope he is doing alright.
Fuji: Same. To be honest I actually regret pointing my gun at him when he saved us. I was stupid to listen to then fucking news report.
Haruto: Don't worry I'm sure Guardian forgives you. Now let's forced on the mission in hand.
Fuji node and soon they arrive to Takato's home qs it looks boarded up as they walk over to the front door and Fuji knock it. Then seconds later the door swings open and they step back when Takato aims his shotgun at they're faces but he lower his shotgun down to see they're not from Akio's forces.
Takato: Oh sorry about that. Didn't suspect any police officers will be here during all this shit is happening.
Fuji: Don't blame you. Guardian told us you have something so we can end all of this?
Takato: Ah yes of course, come in, come in.
They enter the room and once inside they were surprised to see Au, Chikao's wife as she turn to see them as she rushes over to them.
Au: Have you two seen Saku anywhere while you were coming here?
Fuji: No what happened?
Au: When the swat team burst open the door, I allow him to escape while they took me away to thier vehicle but Takato arrive to save me.
Takato: She stay here while I do my best to search for her son. Anyways back the subject in hand, follow me.
They follow Takato as they arrive to his office as Takato sat down on his computer and type something in and after a while he was done as he show it to Fuji and the rest.
Fuji: (surprised) Holy shit! This is perfect!
Asashi: So he and Chuuei were in all of this? I have no idea.
Takato: Yeah and it all make sense. The two met after the first fighting tournament and they decided to work together so they can continue on the war in this city while Akio clear him from the police file. That's why it was hard for us to find Chuuei because Akio deleted it all.
Haruto: So all we have to do is upload this to everywhere and once that is done Akio is done for.
Asashi: (smile) Sounds like a plan.
Au: If I remember correctly, there is a News station we can go to so we can upload it to everyone.
Fuji: There is too many swat teams around the city. How can we get there?
Takato: (smirk) Lucky for all of you I have a plan. If we take the sewer near us, it will take us to the radio station without anyone know where we are.
Asashi: Eeewww we're going to the sewer? Gross!
Haruto: It's either that or be killed by the swat team. Still what do you think Fuji?
Fuji: If this is our only plan then so be it. Alright everyone, we're going to take the sewer and get to the radio station.
Au: I need to go out and find my son. He kight be in danger and I need to be there yo protect him.
Fuji: Okay, stay safe and here just in case.
Fuji hands her his pistol which was heavy to her but she node ad Fuji, Haruto, Asashi and Takato take off as Takato take his laptop and they head off to the sewer and make their way to news station and expose Akio and his crimes once and for all.
We see Saku running away from the swat team as they chase after him after they spotted him. He runs through the alleyway as he was in tears and fear was within him as he rush through the alleyway trying to lose them.
The swat team were on his tail as Saku turn to different paths to try to lose them but they just keep following them. He found himself stopping when he see a wall of wooden plank in front of him as he turn to see they're footsteps getting closer so he try to find a way through.
Then he noticed a hole that he can crawl through so he did and once at the other side he keeps on running while the swat team stop to see him gone.
Saku: (thought) Just keep running! Just keep running and don't stop!
He turn a corner only to bump into someone and fell onto the ground with a splash.
???: Hey you okay kid?
He open his eyes to see Housen and Koudai looking at Saku as he stare at them with fear while the two were waiting for an answer.
Then they hear other footsteps coming towards them and realise Saku is being hunted so Housen lift Saku up and tell him.
Housen: Follow us kid, we get you to safely.
Saku was surprised by this as the trio make their leave and soon made their way back to their hotel without anyone noticing them.
Saku sat down on the bed, shaking up which they notice as Koudai ask Housen.
Koudai: You sure it's a good idea bringing him here with us?
Housen: Maybe but I'm not juts gonna let those jerks get him while he is scared.
Koudai: You may have a point.
Housen: Just make some drinks while I have a chat with the kid.
Koudai nodes and she gose to the kitchen to make drinks while Housen walks over to Saku and sat next to him on the bed.
Saku: (nervous) Th-Thank you for saving me miss.
Housen: No problem kid and call me Housen will ya?
Saku: (nervous) S-S-Sure thing. I'm sorry.
Housen: No need to apologise. So where are your parents?
Saku: (nervous) M-M-My father was arrested for a crime he didn't do while my mother.......I think she is already dead.
He then start to tear up which Housen felt bad for him as she pat him on the back while she tells him.
Housen: I'm sorry for that kid. Must be hard to lose your parents like that. Still your safe now with us for now on okay kid?
Saku: (sniff) O-Okay.
Then Koudai came over with some drinks as she hand Saku one and he take a drink.
Koudai: So who are your parents?
Saku: My dad works as a chief of police while my mom just stays at home.
Housen: Wait? Your father don't happen to be Chief Chikao right?
Saku: Yeah. He's the best and very loyal to eveyrone around him. I wished to be like him when I'm older. He'll do anything to protect me and the people around him.
Koudai: (smile) Sounds nice of him.
Saku: Say....aren't you two fighters? I believe I've seen some pictures from my dad's work?
Housen: Y-Yeah kid. Well we were until we betray our clan due to some issues.
Saku: So your fighting for justice right?
Housen: We're not heroes kid. We never were.
Saku: (smile) I believe you two can be hero's. Even if they might be fighters they can make things right and fight for what is right.
Housen: You havesome spirit kid.
Saku: (smile) That's because I was saved a while back by Guardian.
Koudai: You met the Guardian?
Saku: Yeah. I was just walking him like usual when I decided to take a short cut. It was a mistake because it too me to a warzone with many fighters beating each other. I try to get away but they spotted me and since they knew my father was a chief of police, they planned to beat me up for it. I was scared and wished that someone will help me.....but then he came and help me. He just came out of nowhere and beat them up while he protected me. After that he took me out of that alleyway where my father came because he was looking at me and once he find me, Guardian hand me to him which he thank him for saving me. When my father ask why he saved me he said "Because I'll fight to protect the innocent even I know them or not." Then he left, he was a hero to me and I wished to see him again so I can thank him for everything that he has done.
Koudai and Housen smile to listen to his story and understood why Guardian wants to end this war, so he can make people happy and bring peace to this country.
Then Saku see something shinning out through the window which he pushed them down as a sniper rifle is heard follow by they're window shattered as we see Skull laying on with his sniper rifle aiming down his scope while Swat team below enter the building and make their way to their floor.
Housen: Crap they must have found us! Come on, we get to the roof and find a way down here.
Koudai: Right. Come on Saku, let's go.
Saku node and the trio dodge the incoming sniper fire as Housen burst open the door and make a run for it while Swat team turn the corner and open fire at them which they manage to dodge and continue on running.
They chase after then while they reach the staircase as Koudai turns to the halls and tell Housen.
Koudai: Take Saku and get out of here. I'll try to hold them off as much as I can.
Housen: No way Koudai I'm not going to abandoned you!
Koudai: There isn't much time now go!
Housen understood and take Saku hand and they make their way up the steps while Koudai pulls out a metal pipe off the wall as Swat team charges towards her while Koudai swings her metal pipe and charge at them.
We see Housen burst open the door to the roof and the two step onto the roof and look around for a way down.
Housen: (thought) Crap. There's nothing. Come on girl think.
Skull: End of the road Housen!
Then a swat helicopter appear in front of them as Swat land on the roof as he stare at Housen and Saku as Saku gets behind Housen.
Skull: What your doing is a criminal offence. You maybe killed on site if your protection a child fighter.
Housen: He's just a kid! You can't just drag him into a warzone.
Skull: Say to the person who hurt a lot of people. The person who broken people's arms, legs and body and for what? For the joy and not only that the torture and suffering to did to many people. You think your a hero? Do ya?
Housen stood there in silence as she turn to Saku and she realised she can't let her past get in the way from her as she gets into a battle stand while Skull chuckle while he throw away his rifle and crackle his fist and neck. The two stare each other until Housen charge at him and she strike blows to Skull but he blocks and dodges her blows.
Housen try to do what ever she can to protect Saku, in a way she was doing something right for herself. She may have hurt many people but she can make things right by protecting one as she swings a punch but Skull dodges it and strike punch at her stomach and she fulls down onto the floor while she cough out blood.
Skull: You maybe a fighter but I'm more trained to face with fighters like you. Now then.
Skull turns to Saku which he got scared as Skull walks towards him while Housen slowly try to stand up and run over and block Skull from getting Saku.
Skull: So your going to risk your own life just to save him?
Housen: (anger) If I have to, yes.
Then Skull pulls out his pistol and aims it at her head.
Skull: I'm done playing games Housen. Now, it's over.
He was about to pull the trigger when suddenly a grabble wraps around Skulls arm and his arm was pulled as he fired his pistol at the air before he was punched by Guardian.
Saku: (surprised) Guardian!
Guardian watch as Skull stood up and turn to Guardian. He pulls out his knife and chare at him to stab him but Guardian dodges his strike and elbowed him on the stomach before he grab his arm and alone him around and throw him. He crashed onto the edge but luckily he didn't fell as he slowly stand up an throw his knife at him but Guardian dodges the knife and in return throw his ninja stars at him as he quickly was about to grab his rifle but the ninja stars stopped him.
He turn and Guardian throws a punch at him but he dodges and the two strike blows at each other. Guardian's fist was catches by Skull but he break through and strike a blow to him and rush over and double kicked him.
Skulls stumble back as he grab his stomach while he looks up at Guardian.
Skull: Impressive. You've gone stronger since the last time we met.
Guardian: This ends here Skull.
Skull: I could say the same thing to you Guardian. Let's see how fast are you.
He quickly pulled out his second pistol and fired a shot at Housen and Saku but Guardian leaps over and takes the shot as he rolled onto the ground but he wasn't done as he pulls out a dirt gun and fire a sleep dirt which hits Skull at the neck.
Skull: No. No!
He stumble and then fell onto the ground. Saku rush over to Guardian while Guardian sat up to see Skull unconscious.
Saku: Are you okay? Did it hurt?
Guardian: I'm okay kid. Stronger body armor this time. You okay?
Saku: (smile) Yeah. Thank you for saving me Guardian. Your awesome!
Guardian: (chuckle) No problem kid. Just glad you and Housen are safe.
Saku smile while Housen smile to see him alright when Koudai came to the roof Alice with Au as she sees Saku alive and not harmed.
Au: Saku! Saku oh thank god your safe!
Saku: Mommy?! Mommy!
He rush over and hugged his mother as the two smile with tears of joy in their eyes while Guardian helps Housen up while Koudai walks up to them.
Koudai: (smile) Guess this what it feels like to be a hero?
Housen: (smile) It feels kinda weird. Proud, but weird.
Guardian: Still I'm thankful you two protected him. You two really did proof yourself that you can change.
Housen: (smirk) Yeah, now I'm starting to want kids now. What do you say Guardian?
Guardian: (blush) Wow Wow Wow I'm not ready for that type of responsibility!
Housen: (giggle) Just kidding. Your cute when you act like that.
Guardian blushes underneath his helmet even more when suddenly Sara calls him through his radio.
Sara: (radio) Guardian can you hear me?!
Guardian: I'm here. What's going on?
Sara: (radio) It's about Kairi's brother! The hospital called to tell him that his brother has woken up but......but......
Guardian: But what? What's happening?
Sara: (radio) He doesn't have long to live. Kairi is heading there now to see should head there as well.....I think this will be Kairi's final moments with his older brother.
At the hospital we see Kairi racing through the halls in a panic and soon he arrived to the room where his brother is in and once there he swings open the door very fast and stood there to catch his breath.
???: Kairi.....Kairi is that you?
Kairi's eyes widen as he know that voice. He walks over to the end of the room and once there he sees his older brother named Kana as he looks at him and guve him a weak smile.
Kana: (smile) Good to see you....Little bro.
Kairi: Kana.
Tears start to burst out of his eyes as he sat next to his bed and gose on to tell him.
Kairi: (tears) big bro I am so so so so sorry for getting you inro this mess. If I haven't arrived there none of this wouldn't have happened. I just want to see you and I was stupid and I'm so so sorry! I'm truly am sorry indeed!
He cries even more while Kana gently lifted his arm to Kairi and grab his check as Kairi met his eyes as Kana smile at him.
Kana: (smile) No bro. It was my fault that I fighting in the first place. I was....stupid and I want to be as cool as eveyrone else....bit instead I got you into danger and I'm the one to be sorry to you. I was a bad image to you and I'm deeply sorry for it.
Kairi cries even more as he shut his eyes while he lower his head down and then he tells his brother
Kairi: (tears) Your not the worse brother Kana! You protected and risk your life for me! But now....your going to die because of me.
Kana: (smile) That maybe true but remember....I'm always with you. No matter what happens, I'm always watching over you.....always.
Kairi cries even more as he takes Kana's hand as Kana lay back his head and feel like this was his time as he turn to Kairi and tell him.
Kairi: (smile) I knew you and Y/n are fighting to end this war. And I'm so proud of you for fighting for justice and fighting for eveyeonee smiles. Keep up the good work little bro.....keep on fighting.....for
Then he passes away as he shut his eyes and lay there in silence while Kairi cries even more while he buried his face to Kana's lifeless body as he cried.
Then a hand gently grab his shoulder as we see Y/n artive to see Kairi like this after he lost his older brother as he tell Kairi.
Y/n: I'm so so sorry Kairi. I'm truly am sorry.
Kairi have his head up, wipe the tears away and then tells Y/n.
Kairi: End this now.
He turn turn to Y/n and look at him in a serious look as he gose on to tell him.
Kairi: End Chuuei's rain once and for all Y/n.
Y/n nodes to him and once that he leaves him be while he gose out to do what he has to do. He must end this once and for all, for this city, the country, the people he fights for, for Kairi and.........for Kana, in the name of justice.
To be continued.............
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