Chapter 8: A new law, New order (Lemon)
The town is now going down hill and the citizens are more scared now the before. Not only the fighters still gose on but the police are taking away their child to be apart of the fighters war as some parents try to do what ever they can to hide their kids or even try to fight back but in the end they were either arrested or killed by the police with their children taking away.
Even the children in the orphanage were being dragged to take part of this war while the city gose into choas. What's even more worse is that Guardian hasn't been seen for a long time, either he is busy fighting crime, gone into hiding or have giving up being a Vigilante. Still we see Akio sitting on chief Chikao's chair with a smirk on his face while Fuji, Asashi and Haruto burst into the office and Fuji was the first to yell at him.
Fuji: (anger) ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE! You just made us worse then the fighters!
Akio: (smirk) What are you talking about? When making this city a grest place remember?
Asashi: (anger) Yeah but arresting the chief and fucking take away every parents children on this city!
Haruto: (anger) Your a monster!
Akio: Oh I'm a monster? I'm a monster?! This fucking planet has been many monsters for years and all of us has ever done is sit there and do nothing! Well NOT ANYMORE! If those fighters want to get dirty, they will get dirty. Why not fight fire with fire.
Fuji: (anger) Your fuck up Akio. I thought we were friends but now, your just selfish and cruel.
Akio: (smirk) You can't talk back to me? I'm your boss.
Fuji: Not anymore.
He then throws his batch in front of Akio and Haruto and Asashi follow as well. Once that the trio leave Akio's office and slam the door. Akio smirks amd pulls out his phone and calls someone to deal with them.
We see the trio outside as they climb onto Fuji's car and they drive off. There were silence in the car ride as though run through their heads wonding what to do next.
Asashi: I can't believe this.
Haruto: Agree. This is so fucked up.
Fuji: So what should we do now?
Asashi: Well we can't just do nothing. We gonna do something to stop this.
Haruto: But how?
Asashi: Don't know. Maybe the Guardian can hel-
Fuji: No! We can't trust him.
Asashi: Why not?! He's the only person who can help!
Fuji: You've sene the footage in thr news. He beat up a squad of swat team and disappeared into the woods.
Asashi: but he saved Alex remember! He saved his life, those swat team could have been working for Akio.
Haruto: She has a point.
Fuji: Look we be fine without him. All we have to do is head to my place and we-
Suddenly a swat truck smashes qt the left side of the car as glass shattered as the car flips due to the strong impact and soon the car was flipped upside down.
The trio slowly open their eyes and shake their heads as their doors were open and they were dragged out by Swat team. They try to break free qnd even call out for help, but there were no help as they were dragged out of their cars and onto the street. They were set onto their knees and they were face to face by the swat team as they look down at them.
Swat team leader: Take aim.
They all raise their rifles at them which they realised they are gonna kill them and this was it for them. But before they could pull the trigger and motorcycles bike ride by them wuth no one riding on it but that's when two smoke bombs lands and smoke fills the air.
Soon gun fire is heard as Fuji, Asashi and Haruto only see a figure taking out of the swat team in which speed as he swings his steel rod at them and taking them out. After a while the gun fire stops qs Fuji sees a pistol so he grabs it, stood up and aims it at the figure just as the smoke clears up and they see Guardian. Guardian turn his head to Fuji while Fuji stare at him but until Asashi stood up and tells Fuji.
Asashi: Please trust him. You really wanna try to arrest him after not only saving Alex but also us as well?
She has a far point so he lower his pistol and Guardian stand down and ask.
Guardian: Judging how they attack you three, I bet you three quite being officers after what he did.
Asashi: Yes and we thank you for the save Guardian.
Guardian: No problem but if I were you, I'll stay away the streets and hide until this thing is over.
Fuji: No! We want to bring this city back to way it was and we gonna do that! Even if we're not officers no more, we have a duty to protect the citizens at all cost!
Guardian: Filled with determination. You three are one of the most loyal and strong willed officers I have ever seen. If you three do wanna help this city then try to find any clues to clear Chief Chikao's name. Go talk to Detective Takato, I think he might have a clue to clear the chief's name.
Fuji: Okay. What about you?
Guardian: I'll do what ever I can but at the mean time you three will go and see your friend. He is at the hospital now recovering and he needs you three there.
Fuji: Okay. Thanks again Guardian.
Haruto: (smile) We knew you never give up!
Guardian: I never give up this city and those I fight for.
He then walk over to his motorcycles bike and once on he ride off as they watch him leave.
Fuji: Let's take the alleyway. Come on, let's grab of swat teams weapons and let's go.
Asashi: (smile) Meeting the Guardian in person is awesome. He's also kinda hot.
Haruto: (smirk) Yeah. Wish I know what's underneath the mask.
Fuji: Hey, you two, let's go!
Asashi and Haruto: Right, sorry.
They gather what ever they can and they head off to make their way to the hospital and meet Alex and see he is okay.
We see Y/n arrive to Hakufu's home as he waits for both Hakufu and Koukin to return. While he wait he sat down on the floor with a table in front of him as he place his hand onto his face with a sigh while Goei approached and pour him so tea into his cup and sat on the floor across him.
Goei: You seem stressed out? Is everything alright?
Y/n: Oh it's alright it's just.....everything has changed and....let's just say I've been busy.
Goei: (smile) I see what you mean. Being a Vigilante and protecting the city is hard work.
Y/n: (surprised) You knew?!
Goei: (smirk) Of course I knew. I knew that your the Vigilante due to how well you fight and how every time Hakufu gets herself endanger, Guardian some how came and rescue her. Like he knows exactly where she is.
Y/n: Well yeah, it's just I thought we were about to end it all when it all go e horrible wrong. Damn it, we were this close to end it all.
He gently slam his fist onto the floor while Goei takes a sip of her tea and tells Y/n.
Goei: Sure the plan might go wrong but it ain't over for you and your journey of justice. When things gone down hill, there is always a way to get back up and win. You have been fighting for the sake of others for a while without stopping or giving up. You shown to find your way out of tough situations and this will be your ultimate challenge that you must face. Either yo win qnd bring peace to this city, or lose and let darkness take over. Only you can defeat the darkness that has been within this city for many years.
Y/n looks down at his own reflection on his tea and knows that Goei is right and he can't stop now. He drink the rest of his tea and stood up.
Y/n: Yeah that's right. I've been through rough situations and lived, I'm not gonna give up.
Goei nods to him as he make his leave but before he leaves he stop and tells Goei.
Y/n: Miss Goei.
Goei: Yes?
Y/n:.....No matter if there were thousands or millions of fighters. I won't let any of that harm your daughter. I will protect her even by mean sacrificing my own life.
Goei can sense his determination boiling inside of him which made her smile and tells Y/n.
Goei: (smile) You'll be a great man for my daughter Y/n. Thank you.
Y/n nods with a smile and make his leave and head sout to train as much as he can so he can get stronger and will show Akio and those fighters who the Guardian is.
At the hospital we see Alex laying I a hospital bed unconscious for a second until he slowly wakes up and at first everything was in a blurr but soon he can see that he is in the hospital. He slowly try to stand up but he felt a shape pain on his waist. He pulls over the blanket to see white bandages wrap around his waist.
He was confused until he remembered what happened and his was boiling in rage on what Akio has done.
Alex: (anger) That mother fucker!
Soon a door open and Asashi, Haruto and Fuji enter the room with the nurse letting them in as they came up to him.
Fuji: You okay Akex?
Asashi: Everything has changed when you were shot.
Alex: What I'm stuck in thr future or something?
Fuji: Maybe this will explain you.
He turn on the news on the TV and it shows Akio's speech and what he will do. Alex watched in shock as he lay his head down onto the bed qnd mutter out.
Alex: I rather be in the fucking future then that crap.
Haruto: We were attacked by his swat team but Guardian arrived and saved us.
Alex: Well we should own him for our lives.
Fuji: Agree. He told us to speak with Takato, saying he has something that can clear Chikao's name.
Alex: Well count me in.
Asashi: Oh no you don't! Your staying right here to get healed you hear me.
Alex: Fuck off! That mother fucker Akio shot me. I need to get my pay back!
Fuji: Asashi is right. Until you get better you should stay here and get a lot of rest.
Alex: Still how are you three gonna get out of here?
Fuji: The doctors can lead us to a nearby exit that can leaf us to the alleyway. That alleyway can lead us to Takato'x place.
Alex: Well good luck you three, stay safe.
Haruto: We will.
Asashi: (smirk) You get busy getting some rest.
Once that the trio left his room and now he is all alone as he lay his head back onto the pillow and looking up at the ceiling as he hopes that everything will be alright.
We see Chikao in a jail cell as we see him sat down when he heard footsteps and looks over to see Akio in front of his cell with a smirk on his face.
Akio: (smirk) Hello sir.
Chikao race over and grab the cell bars and start to yell and scream at him while Akio stays calm and stare at him.
Akio: (smirk) Well that's interesting. I've never seen you get this angry before.
Chikao: (anger) I will murder you once I get out of here!
Akio: (smirk) You sure about that? I think there might be problems if anything would to happen with your family.
Chikao's eyes widen in shock while Akio continues to stare at him as Chikao was now silence and soon he ask, wanting to know.
Chikao: What. Do you. Want. From me?
Akio: Nothing. I just want you to stay in there and rote while our plan comes into play.
Chikao: What do you mean? You have the whole city already in chaos, what else do you want?
Akio: Simple. Among this city is someone who contain a spirit. A spirt of the beast inside of his or her. A spirt that can end all those who can stand against us once for all. A sprint.....that will make us even more stronger.
Chikao: And what would that be?
Akio: The spirit of the dragon of Choas.
Chikao: What? There is no such thing as the spirit or dragon?
Akio: (smirk) Your wrong. You see, we want that dragons spirit and the only way to get it. Is to unless the users true power. By meaning awaken it fully.
Chikao: Well there is no way that will never happen! There is other people that will stop you like Guardian!
Akio: (smirk) The Guardian? (Chuckle) You totally forgot that I've framed him and now the whole city is now against him because of me and my boss.
Chikao: (anger) You sick twisted fuck!
Akio: (smirk) So long Cheif. Feel comfortable while I sent my officers to "take down" your wife and take your son away.
He turns and laughs while Chikao barks at him and threatening him that if he even harm them he'll kill him but Akio doesn't care as he walks off and leaves the jail cell.
Soon he arrived back to his office where Chuuei and Kouha is here as Akio sat down and tells Chuuei.
Akio: Soon we will find her and the power will be ours.
Chuuei: Agree and Guardian will not stop us know the city he protects is now against him.
Akio: Agree but just in case we will track him down and kill him for good.
Chuuei: Agree.
Akio: Heard two of your members has turn against you?
Chuuei: Yes but I do not care. That will make things fun for the both of us. (Evil smirk) Once we find them, we will rip then apart.
Akio: (smirk) Like the sound of that.
Kouha laughs in a crazy way as their plan is going smoothly and there is no one that can stop them now. Not even Guardian will not stop them.
It is night with a full moon shining up to the sky as we see Y/n alone in the roof on an abandoned building as he throwing down some fist into the air and some kicks into the air while his body sweats. He has been doing this all day as his body get sweat as he stumble back and land on his knee.
He feels tired but he knows he can't stop there and hose on training while Sara arrives with some water and watch him training. Then he stumble back and fell onto the ground with a thud.
Y/n: Ow. Damn it.
Sara: Seems like you've been training a lot.
Sara tossed him a water bottle which Y/h catch and take a drink while Sara also brought a blanket to it on so we see the four sitting on the blanket looking at the full moon above them as Sara tells him.
Sara: You think we got a chance?
Y/n: Yeah I believe we have a chance.
Sara: And if we fail?
Y/n: No. Failure will not be an option. We will win, we will bring justice to this city no matter what.
Sara smile and wrap her arm around Y/n's arm and rest her head onto Y/n's shoulder which made Y/n blush a bit as Sara tells him.
Sara: (smile) Your really are serious and determined to make this city better. I like a man who knows his business.
Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thanks Sara.
Sara: Still I'm worried for you. I just wonder one day your luck will run out and you will.
Y/n gently grabs her cheek and made her to turn to Y/n's face as they look into their eyes as Y/n tells her.
Y/n: That won't happen. Yes I may have to sacrifice my own life for others but I will find a way to survive. I will not Guardian die along with me. We both will survive, we will survive together.
Soon there was silence between the two as they stare each other and Y/n was about to look away when Sara lend over and kiss him on the lips. She can feel his soft and warm lips as she continues kissing him as she stroke his arm in a sexxy way.
Soon Y/n gets turned on and kiss her back as the two hug each other and made out. There were a few moans and then the two fell onto the ground and gose on making some love together.
(Lemon start)
The two made out on the roof as there is some moans while that made out and even Y/n grab Sara's large breast which made her moan even more and turn her on really good qs they kissed harder with more tongues inside. After what seems like two minutes the two stop making out and pulls away with saliva coming out of their tongues qs they have theirs out.
Sara: (giggle) God your so hot!
She then turn Y/n around with a surprise gasp from Y/n and now Sara was on top of him and she start kissing him once again while Y/n kiss her back as she slowly reach her hand down to his trousers and pulls down the zip.
Soon she stop kissing Y/n and crawl down to his treasures and take it off. She throws them aside along with his underwear as she looks at his dick.
Sara: (smirk) My My you have a big one here. Mind I make it bigger for ya~?
Before he could say anything, she dose on to lick his dick which made Y/n to lend out a soft gasp to feel how goof it was having Sara locking his dick. She add this up by sliding his dick between her huge breast and use them to rub his dick while she stick her whole mouth in and give him qnd breast/Blow job as Y/n lend out some moans while Sara gose faster Y/n's dick gets bigger and Y/nn feels like his cum is gonna come out.
Y/n: (moaning) Oh shit Sara! There it cums! It's cumming out!
Soon his dick spilled out cum and it landed all over Sara's face while she haveher tongue out to to get some of them. Y/n was breathing heavily and it felt amazing as she lick the last bit of cum and took off her shirt, showing Yn to her bra and breast as she squeeze them and looks at with with a sezxy glare.
Sara: (smirk) Wanna continue?
Y/n: (breathing) Hell yeah.
Soon their clothes were around them and we see them naked as we see Y/n sticking his dick inro her Vigina and thrusting it in and out while grabbing both of Sara's large breast qs they each lend out some moans as Y/n gose fasted and harder as Sara rolled her eyes back from this enjoyment.
Sara: (moaning) Oh yes Y/n~Don't stop! Don't stop!
This gose on for another while with the two enter orgasm and soon they both lend out a moan. Soon we see Y/n laying on top of Sara and sucking at one large breast while squeezing her nipple as she lend out some moans as he doss it.
Sara: (moaning) You like my milky Y/n? That's right~Ah! Drink it all up my handsome boy.
This gose on for a while as Sara's breast gets even bigger and soon her breast milk exploded while Y/n drank it all. He swallowed it and looks up at Sara who was panting like a dog.
Y/n: (smirk) Now that is some drink.
Sara nods and to end this this night Sara have her butt sticking out while Y/n is standing up as he stick his dick into her butt and start thrusting his dick in and out whioe Sara lend out some moans.
Sara: (moaning) Oh fuck yes! That feels so great~! Don't stop! Go faster and harder!
He dose so while he bend down and grab both of her breast qnd start squeezing her nipple which made her turn on as she lend out a moan while this made Y/n turn on and this gose on for a while.
Y/n: (moaning) Fuck! There it cums!
Sara: (moaning) I feel it as well! YES! YES! YES! YYYYYYYYEEEESSSSS~!
After that the two lay on thr ground breathing heavily as Sara pulls out another blanket for them and place the blanket over them.
(Lemon ends)
We see the two laying on the blanket with another blanket to cover their naked bodies as they were breathing heavily with sweat coming out of both of them as they look each other as Sara ask him.
Sara: (smirk) That was some training huh Y/n?
Y/n: (breathing) Y-Y-Yeah. Some training.
Sara: (smirk) Man your so hot while you sweat.
She lend over and kiss him on the lips which she allowed her. Then she pulled him and now we see Y/n on top fo Sara with his head on her massive breast like a pillow as she looks at him and tells him.
Sara: (smirk) As soon this is done. We gonna have a lot more "fun" together and I might invite a few girls you might know.
Y/n: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
She realised Y/n has passed out which she doesn't mind as she cuddle him and shut her eyes and she too falls asleep as well.
Sara: (thought) Your the hero that this country is. Your Kento's Guardian.
To be continued........................
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