Chapter 7: The Great fighting Tournament (Arc 3 final)

It was the middle of the night as we see Guardian and Housen sneaking through the forest and getting near to  Rakuyo high School so they can rescue Koudai before it's too late.

They hop over a fence and soon they arrived at the school and see many students there patrolling with Mercenaries with them as Guardian scans the area to see going out there in the open area will be a death sentence.

Guardian: Any ideas we can sneak through them without getting caught?

Housen: (smirk) Yep. There is a trail deep in thsi woods that me and Koudai go through and no one hasn't know about it. It gose to a bunker that was build years back and used for meetings.

Guardian: And that's where your friend is at.

Housen: Yep. So ready to go.

Guardian: Of course, let's go.

She nods with a smirk as they turn to return back to the forest and soon made it to a trail and make a walk to the bunker. While this walk Housen turns her head to Guardian and asked.

Housen: I wanna know, why are you doing this? Why are you stopping us from winning?

Guardian: It's not all about who wins or loses. It's about the lives of innocent people and who they are at risk.

Housen: And you care for them why?

Guardian: Because they are innocent people that want to live in a normal qnd peaceful life. They don't want to be apart of this war that all schools are in.

Housen: What ever man, I never understand why you care for anyone who are shown to be cowards that is too afraid to take part of our battles.

Guardian: Then why did you took part of the war? You could have live a peaceful life or use yoru skills to fight for justice as well.

Housen: (smirk) Look sweetheart I'm not a good girl that you think to be. I'm more of a bad girl, which I think you like it.

They stop and Housen turns to him as she gets close to Guardian which cost her breast to press on Guardian which made him blushed underneath his helmet.

Housen: (smirk) Your one strong fighter are you? Perhaps after this you and I talk and maybe you can show me everything, especially...your handsome face.

She slowly move her hqnd towards Guardian's helmet and her hand was inches to his cheek when Y/n grabs her hand and moves her arm down and tells her.

Y/n: Sorry but I can't allow that. Still we have a job to do, we should keep going.

Housen: (giggle) What ever you say hottie.

They continue on walking and after a while they arrive qt the entrance of the bunker. Guardian walks over and opens it and looks down in case it was a trap. He slide down from the leader and once at the bottom he turn to see no one.

He stand up and singal Housen which she slide down and land next to Guardian. Once that they sneak through the tunnels within the bunker which they sometime stop and hide to see more Mercenaries walking through the halls and walking pass their hiding spot.

They continue on moving and while they sneak through the tunnels, Guardian ask her.

Guardian: What was the reason for this bunker?

Housen: It was used during World War 2. It's connected to our school and the entrance is at the gym.

Guardian: How doss your leader allow you and many students enter the bunker?

Housen: The Principle didn't care if we enter the bunker or not. Actually i don't thinm many Principles in different schools don't care about their students fighting or what.

Guardian: I see. So how did you and Koudai attended this school?

Housen: Well my parents forced me to go here while Koudai wants to go here so she can study more. Qnd know about the city and history. But you can tell how taht turn out.

Guardian: Right I still remember you and Koudai attacked me.

Housen: (smirk) Well you did put us to sleep with your dart gun so I guess we're even.

Guardian: True.

They sneak around trying to find Koudai and after a while Housen find her as she look through the door window and see her still strapped on a table and left alone. Housen open the door and once open they head inside and rush up to her.

Housen: Hey Koudai! Koudai wake up!

At first they thought they were too late but then her eyes move and she slowly wake up and looks over to Housen qnd give her a small smile.

Koudai: (smile) It's about time you showed up.

Housen smiled back while Guardian walks over qnd grabs the chains while Koudai was shocked to see Guardian and once free she leave the table and stumble back and asked.

Koudai: Why is he here?

Guardian: I'm here to help Housen to break you out.

Koudai: (shocked) W-Wait what? Housen, is this true?!

Housen: Look I know how you are feeling but we're now on the same page here. Chuuei is going too far and we have to go.

Koudai: Right but you brought him here? We be hunted down and killed if he knows about this location.

Housen: He won't know because we're getting out of here right nowl

Koudai: We can't. There is something I need to find qnd I'm not leaving without it.

Guardian: I'll go get it. You two get out of here before it's to late.

Koudai: Yeah right, why should I trust you?

Guardian: I know you can't trust me and I get it, but like Housen said, your leader has gone too far and now we're on the same page.

She just look at Guardian for a while until she sighs qnd tells him.

Koudai: I think they locked it in a room near here. Search for 7-A, that's the door where it's in.

Guardian: Right, I'll see you two outside.

They nod and the two leavethe room while Y/n also leave qnd go to a different way as he sneak his way through the halls trying to find the right room where this statu might be at.

He hide from incoming Students or Mercenaries and soon he arrived at a hallway of from that each of number and letter as Guardian gose through them all and after a while he finds the right door and opens it and see the statue which he walks Iver go take it but there was a sound of a click of a gun and behind him was a student with a gun.

Guardian turns to face with thsi student and was qboit to fight him when someone hits the student from the back and the student fell as a female student walks in and fixes her glasses and looks at Guardian.

???: I see your retrieving Koudai's statue.

Guardian: Yes I am, are you gonna stop me?

???: No I'm not.

Guardian: Really? Why?

???: Because I know that everything is going too far and you might be the only one to stop him. Stop all of this before this will be the doom to all of us. It's best you leave now before they see me talking to you.

Guardian was surprised by this but agrees and walk pass her and walks off but stop and turn back and asked.

Guardian: Who are you?

Butnwa: The names Butnwa and nice to meet you Guardian.

Guardian nods and walks off as Butnwa watch him leave and once he was gone she turns back and walks away like nothing is wrong.


In town we see Housen, Koudai and Guardian at a hotel with Koudai rising in bed while the statue is next to her on a table while on the balcony we see Housen handing Guardian a data chip.

Housen: Like we promised. You help me qnd I give you the reward for it.

Guardian: Thank you. Your doing something right for this town.

Housen: I'm only doing this to make Chuuei pay for my friend and teach him a lesson.

Guardian: I see. Still why though, you know that just because he is a leader that doesn't mean he can tell you or your friend or the rest what to do. Why do you listen to him?

Housen gone silent as she turns away from him and look at the veiw as she grabs her shoulder and tells him.

Housen: I was afraid. All of us were. You know how power he is, how strong of a fighter he is. We didn't have a choice. It was working for him or be killed by him. You couldn't understand what I feels like to be afraid of someone.

Guardian: I do. We all have fear that make use weak qnd a target to those who are strong. But fear can be conquered and as soon you, Koudai and the rest conquered your fears you start to realise can make your own decisions. Make your own path, make a choice that you never have. Your not pawns to Chuuei or anyone. You are you.

Housen turns back to Guardian and give him a smile before she hugged him which Guardian hugs back which made Housen heart beat fast and once th3y let go Guardian pulls out his grabble gun qnd fire a grabble and swings off while Housen watch him leave.

Housen: (thought) Hope you get to see you next time my little Vigilante.

Meanwhile Guardian lands on roof and oncehe landed he pulls out the data chip and calls up Kairi.

Guardian: Kairi I have it. This is gonna change everything.

Kairi: (radio) Really?! Holy shit man, we're gonna end this fighting in this town once and for all!

Guardian: Agree. I'm coming back and tomorrow, we're ending this.

Kairi agrees as Guardian walks off to return back tk base to hand this to Kairi so he can sent the proof to the police qnd put Chuuei in prison once and for all.

(Next day)

We see many police offers driving through the streets in top speed and soon reach to Rakuyo High academy and once parked Swat offering and police officers exit out of their vehicles qnd leading them are Alex and Akio as Qlex yells to the rest to surround the school and block the roads.

Alex and Akio walk up to the gate and stare at the sigh as Alex sighs with Akio smirk and asked.

Akio: (smirk)Nervous?

Alex: A little. I can't believe this is it. We're about to end this stupid war for good.

Akio: (smirk) Agree. This is gonna be cool.

They suddenly hear a bike riding towards them and see Guardian riding towards them and soon he stop his bike and leaps off of it and walks over to them.

Alex walks up and the two shake hands.

Alex: I don't know how but your one hell goof wuth your job are a Vigilante.

Guardian: No problem officer. Just doing my job. There is a bunker taht he might escape to.

Alex: Copy. I want swat team follow Guardian to the entrance to thus bunker! The rest, your with me. Let's end this war.

So they split off with Akio and Alex making their way through the gate and walking around the school. A few officers patrol the outside of the school and inside of the school while Akio and Alex make their way to the green House.

The two hug the glass ans Alex nods to Akio which he nods back and he grabs the door handle and he swings open and they storm in and draw their pistols to see Chuuei.

He was watering his flowers when he turn to see them as the two aim their pistols at him.

Chuuei: (smirk) Good morning officers. How can I help you both with

Alex: Chuuei Toutaku you are under arrest for illegal fist fighting, property damage, murder and assault. Your coming with us!

Chuuei puts down his water bucket and fully turns to them.

Chuuei: (smirk) You really think arresting me is gonna help? You really think this war will end if you arrest me?

Alex: War? Your so call "war" has injured many students and even innocent people!

Chuuei: (smirk) That is war.

Alex: There is no war! Don't you get it! This war has been going on for many years now and this hasn't stopped, until now. Once we throw you into jail, we're going after the re-


Alex widen in shock as he drop his pistol and it hits on the ground while Chuuei smirks even more while Alex fell to his knees and looks over to see Akio now pointing at Alex while his waist was pouring out of blood because....Akio shot Alex.

Alex: A-Akio. What the fuck!

Akio: (smirk) Sorry man. Won't let you end this war.

He pulls out his radio and calls up the swat team who were with Guardian.

Akio: You know the drill. Kill him.

Swat team leader: (radio) Yes sir.

Alex: B-But why?

Akio walks over to Chuuei and hands him his pistol while he turns to Alex and tells him.

Akio: (smirk) Don't you see. Violence, war and fighting IS humans nature. We were born to fight to each other not for justice or freedom to thsi fucking town. It's about who is the strongest and who is strongest enough to live. I've learned that from my parents and I know I must fight but I won't allow you, the police or Guardian gonna stop us. This is our nature Alex, this is....our destiny.

Alex coughs out blood while Chuuei walks ver to Alex and looks at him before he smirks and points his pistol at his head.

Chuuei: Any last words?

Alex:.....F-Fuck you.

Chuuei: (smirk) Very well then, goodbye.

Alex was ready for his death to happen qnd Chuuei was aboit to pull the trigger when suddenly a swat team member crashes through the glass window and land hard on the garden. Then more was thrown as Guardian holding a steel rod enters and sees this which Chuuei turns and fire his pistol which Y/n blocks them with his steel rod and rolls over and grabs Alex.

Alex: Guardian?

Guardian: Don't worry I'm not gonna let you to die.

He throws a smoke bomb before Chuuei could fire qt him qnd once the smoke clears the two were gone.

Akio: They escaped.

Chuuei: Maybe so, bit now I think it's time.

Akio: (smirk) Agree.


After Guardian drops Akio to the hospital, we see him back in base as he toom off his armor and tells Kairi and Sara what happened.

Sara: So Akio was this corrupt police officer all along.

Y/n: Yeah and it's not just him but the swat team as well. They attacked me and I just saw them killing other officers as well.

Sara: That's insane.

Y/n: I know. Damn it, we were so close of ending it all! Fuck!

He punches the couch while Sara pats him on the shoulder while she tells him.

Sara: It's okay. We can try it again. Now we know aboit Chuuei and how evil he is, what's stopping us to take him down.

Kairi: Um I thinm you all want to see this.

They walk Iver to Kairi and he puts on the news on his computer as a new guy tells everyone in town.

News guy: (TV) We have a tragic news and a awful betray are the Vigilante known as Guardian is shown beaten yo Swat team in the woods. This footage is shown right here with Guardian attacking the swat team taht were doing their job.

Then a footage is shown Guardian beaten up the swat team like he was attacking them but in reality it was the opposite.

Y/n: That's fake. Someone is trying to frame me.

Sara: This can't good.

News guy: (TV) I've also have interesting information. It appears Cheif Chikao is proofen to be guilty after it was revealed that he was the true master mind of this war. But hope soon to come when a officer named Akio is taking roll as Chief of police and he is putting up a speech right now.

Then the screen changed to Akio on stage with a smirk on his face as he talks to the crowd of people below him.

Akio: (TV) Ladies and Gentlemen as we may know this war has gone on for so long and many people have rather been injured or died. But.....we must know that this is the way, this is how humanity must be in order for us to survive. In order to make sure of this I decided to force all children in the ages of 10 or 13 to take part of this war so they can be stronger to fight back. Any parents who refuse will be arrested and have their children been taking away forever. This is the future now people, we must get used to it.

A crowd of people were shocked by this and argued to Akio the he just smirks as he walk away while Kairi, Sara and Y/n watched this in complete shock.

Kairi: (shocked) This can't be happening.

Sara: (shocked) Dose this mean....we lost?

There was silence in the room and they know they can't do anything and not even Guardian can't go out there anymore know he is a criminal and wanted for a crime that he didn't. They believe...they failed.

Y/n: No.

Kairi and Sara turns to Y/n as he walks over to his suit qnd grab his helmet and looks at it while he said.

Y/n: He became a Vigilante to keep people safe. To save the lives that doesn't watt to take part of this war and bring this land back the way it was before this war started. I'm not gonna guve up.

Sara: But how? I know and Kairi are great fighters but two Vigilantes ain't gonan help against Akio and his new swat team force. How can you win?

Y/n turns to her with a smile and tells her.

Y/n: (smile)  It's not just me and Kairi who are the onky fighters. There is more and we need their help.

Kairi: You think they will help us?

Y/n: (smile) Of course they will. Chuuei may have won this round but we will come back but this time....we show him what fighters can do if we work together.

To be continued.............

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