Chapter 4: Vigilante's date

We see Kairi and Sara within the base while Y/n came down the steps still wearing his Vigilante clothes as he pulls out his helmet and tossed it onto the couch and walks over to the two, lend in over to Kairi and asked.

Y/n: So what do you got about this Mercenary guy who attacked me?

Kairi: According to his files he is a X Military soldier who was discharged for brutal tormenting his enemies and collecting their heads and make skulls out of them.

Sara: Jesus, talk about psychopath.

Kairi: He became a bounty hunter I most parts of the country and now he is here.

Y/n: To target me.

Sara: You sure your up to face him again?

Kairi: Yeah we faced Fighters but this guy is different. He's a Mercenary.

Y/n: That maybe true but I can hold on my own and can survive his attackes. Besides, not the first time I have to dodge bullets from someone.

Kairi: Yeah but those where Gang members and corrupt cops. This guy is different, he has special training, know how to use weapons and knows how to hide in the dark.

Y/n: (smirk) It looks like I have to get better in order to beat him then.

Kairi: (smirk) Sometimes I wonder why you do this to me.

Y/n: (smirk) Oh come on buddy, you love seeing me get indanger during combat. It's like a super hero film.

Kairi: (smile) Yeah Yeah.

Sara: (smile) You boys now to bring up the humour around here.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. Now gonna check on a fews friends and possibly find out more about Hakufu and why other fighters are targing her.

He heads into the changing room to get changed in his civilian clothes and once that he came out and head up the steps before Kairi calls out to him.

Kairi: I'll update you if anything is happening.

Y/n: Right. See ya.

Then he leaves whioe Kairi continues on walking whioe Sara sat down on the couch and grab the helmet and looks at it.

Sara: So what was the reason why he became the Guardian?

Kairi: Well it's because he was there when my brother was beaten brutal many years ag. Me and him were looking for him at the parking lot when we see my older brother fighting a few fighters. One of them spotted us and Y/n try his best but gets knocked out. I was scared but my brother sacrifice his own life and gets beaten to death. In the end.....he was sent to a coma and years later....I wanna make those fighters pay by making that same suit sne end them but Y/n stop me and told me killing them ain't gonna bring them back. In the end I knew I'm not ready for the suit but Y/n is.

Sara: come you allow him to become the Guardian?

Kairi: (smils) Because he's kinda different. He never seem to show anger to anyone except those who hurt them. He's string with justice within him and wants to do what ever he can to bring peace back to this city and other seven regions. He believes killing them ain't gonna solve anything, he his enemies mercy is the right thing to do. And I respect him.

Sara smiles while she looks down of the helmet and falls for Y/n even more after Kairi told her about Y/n and his reason why he became the Guardian.


He arrive at Hakufu's place and walk around the back to see Koukin outside and walks over to him and asked.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Koukin, where is Hakufu?

Koukin: In there, you do not wanna know what for.

Then he hears what sounded like a smack and Y/n realised what he means and nods to him. He stand next to him and he asked.

Y/n: Koukin.

Koukin: Yeah?

Y/n: Why do you not want Hakufu to fight anyone? I know I'm against fighting but you were worried but not a type of way more don't want Hakufu to do something that you don't like.

Koukin: may not know but when me ane Hakufu were beaten by Shemei, Hakufu tap into her inner rage and nearly killed Shemei if weren't for Guardian there to put her to sleep.

Y/n: I see. So you afraid she will accidentally kill someone?

Koukin: Yeah but promise me to stop her no matter what.

Y/n: I promise.

Then Koukin got a text message and he pulls out his phone and opens it.

Koukin: It's Gakushuu.

Y/n: Gakushuu? What dose he want?

Koukin: He wants to meet me at this cafe. Well gonna go and see what's up, see you around.

Y/n: You too, be careful.

He nods and he walks off and once he was gone the slide door opens and Hakufu came out whike she rub her butt while coming out.

Hakufu: Ow that really hurt.

Y/n: What happened?

Hakufu: My mum smack me. I swear she always dose this to me.

Y/n: Um dose she always do that?

Hakufu: Yeah (sigh) This really sucks. Hey where is Koukin?

Y/n: He has other business to do but I'm sure he'll be back.

Hakufu: (smile) Oh okay then, hey wanna go out with me.

Y/n: (blush) I'm sorry what?

Hakufu: (smile) There is a theme park I heard and it sounded awesome. Let's go there, please!

Y/n blushes a little but he also needs some break so he said.

Y/n: (smile) Sure besides need some break as well.

Hakufu: (smile) Alright! Let's go!

She then grabs Y/n hand and drags him out of her house and to the theme park while Goei watch them go with a smile on her face before she walk back into the house.


We see the two at tge theme park and they gone down through the carnival games when Hakufu stops and points at a large cute blue dog.

Hakufu: (smile) I want that one!

Y/n: (smile) You want one?

Hakufu: Yeah but I know you gonna say that's a bit childlike to-

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

Hakufu: Sure? Sure about what?

Y/n: (smile) I'll get that for you. I mean I'm not like Koukin or Goei and besides, I think it looks cute as well

Hakufu watched as Y/n pays to play and the person hands Y/n a few balls which he grabs them and aims at the stcked up tin cans. He then throws all three in perfect shots which surprised the guy behind the table and hands the stuff blue dog to Y/n and Y/n hands it to Hakufu.

Y/n: (smile) One stuff cute blue dog just for you Ma'am.

Hakufu: (smile) Aww it's soo cute. Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No sweat it Hakufu.

Hakufu: Still I sometimes act a bit childish do I?

Y/n: (smile) Not to me. I like the way you are Hakufu. Now let's enjoy the rest of the games and get on some rides.

Hakufu was a bit surprised that Y/n is more laid back then Koukin which she smiles and they gone on a few games and try on some games. They want on a roller coaster which they were laughing to see their funny faces they made when they gone through a camera.

They go through a hunting house which ghost and other fake monsters try to jump them which Hakufu jump a little and garb Y/n's arm which made Y/n blush to feel her breast. She then looks at Y/n and smiled and he smiled back and then they go through a few more rides and now we see Hakufu riding on a fairy go round while Y/n stand behind the gate and watch her enjoy herself.

Shemei: Hello Y/n.

We see Shemei behind him but he doesn't turn around and asked her.

Y/n: What are you doing here Shemei? If it's about a fight then forget it.

Shemei: It's not that.

Y/n: Then what?

Shemei: You have one last chance to join us and kill Hakufu or we will-

Y/n: Why do you want Hakufu dead? Look at her, dose she really show a threat to you?

Shemei looks at Hakufu smiling by flashbacks of her nearly broken her back appear onto her head and looks at Y/n which he sighs and tells her.

Y/n: Look it was your fault to attack Hakufu without not knowing the skills she has. She may look innocent but she is different and i can feel her, you can feel her too.

Shemei stood there in silence and fortunately agree to him. Then Y/n finally turn to her and then asked her.

Y/n: Why do fight people?

Shemei: I'm sorry?

Y/n: What is your reasoning of becoming a fighter? Is it for revenge, glory, being famous or what?

Shemei just look at him and turn around before saying.

Shemei: It's none of your business.

She then walks off leaving Y/n to Hakufu as Y/n watch her disappear among the crowd and still wonder why she become a fighter.


We see Koukin walking near a junkyard after his conversion with Gakushuu and he was looking around for Hakufu and making sure she is safe.

Koukin: Hope Y/n is keeping an eye on her. Who knows what she will get into if she walk up to someone that wants to fight her.

???: Funny. In thwt case we have to bring her over shall we.

Then a gun was pointed at the back of Koukin's head and we see Skull behind him as he look at him whioe Koukin slowly turn to him as Skull said while he wave his pistol to the junkyard.

Skull: Walk that way. Slowly.

Koukin raised his hands and followed what he is saying and the two enter the junkyard and once there fighters from Yoshu academy came out as they smirked while Skull forced Koukin onto his knees and he walks around and in frontnor Koukin as Koukin asked.

Koukin: What do you want?

Skull: Nothing personal kid. Just here to collect my reward and their reward.

The fighters smirked while a few pinned Koukin onto the ground while Skull picks up his phone and calls up Hakufu.


We see Y/n coming back from the bathroom and see Hakufu arguing to someone on the phone so he walks over and asked.

Y/n: What's wrong?

Hakufu: I think Koukin is trying to trick me. He told me he has Koukin whike speaking with a deep voice.

Y/n: Let me talk to him.

She hands him her phone and he puts it onto his eat.

Y/n: Hello?

Skull: (phone) Hello, who may I speaking to?

Y/n eyes widen to hear Skulls voice bit he stay calm and respond.

Y/n: This is Y/n. Who may I be speaking to?

Skull: (phone) It's not in your concerned but what is your concerned is we have your friend here and he's really struggling to be free.

Koukin: (phone) Y/n! Hakufu!

Y/n: (shocked) Koukin!

He then hear a smack from the back of the gun and then Skull says through the phone.

Skull: (phone) Tell Guardian and Hakufu to meet me at the junkyard in the next 10 minutes, or he dies.

Y/n: Your making a huge mistake.

Skull: (phone) I bet on it.

He then hang up and Y/n makes a fist whike Hakufu asked.

Hakufu: So what did he say?

Y/n breaths in and out and then turn to Hakufu.

Y/n: He told me he was joking around and he should be at your place soon.

Hakufu: (smile) Awesome! Hey wanna come over and have dinner with us.

Y/n: Um sure but first I need to do something first. Be there soon.

Hakufu: (smile) Alright but thanks for taking me out, your tbe best.

He hands Hakufu's phone back and she heads off home while Y/n gose in a different way and calls up Kairi.

Y/n: You hear the phone call.

Kairi: (phone) Yep and Sara just drop the suit off near you.

Y/n: Right.


We see Skull and othe fighters sitting around waiting for Guardian and Hakufu to arrive which Skull gets impatient while Koukin who was pinned dare to say.

Koukin: There is no way they will not come, they aren't stupid.

Skull: Maybe but we can find out soon enough.

???: What's going on here?

They turn to see the fighters boss walk over and looks around at his fighters and to Skull.

Skull: And you are?

Shigi: The Names Shigi and what are you doing here with my fighters.

Skull: Sorry about that. I was borrowing them for a while. Hope you don't mind.

Shigi: Do you all fools! Your with a person who breaks the rules of fighting!

Skull just walks up to him and the two glare while other fighters watch ad Skull said.

Skull: So your own of those leaders that follow those rules seriously.

Shigi: Even if I was so what. You don't know I thing about this place or what we do her-


Koukin and the other fighters steps back when they heared a gunshot go off whike Shigi eyes widen as he slowly looks down to see Skulls gun pointing at his stomach and he fired a shot at him.

He fell back while Skull stands over him as Shigi grabs his legs and told him.

Shigi: You (coughing) your not following the rules or....fighting.

He then point his pistol at his head and then said.

Skull: I don't care.


Blood pours out of Shigi as other fighters were shocked by their leaders death while Skull turns and points his pistol at Koukin.

Skull: Since they won't come, guess your next to join him.

Koukin just glare at him before a ninja star flies by and knocks the pistol off of Skulls hand and smoke grenades were thrown and smoke came out. Then one by one the fighters get taking out and after a fre the smoke clears up and they see Guardian.

Skull: There you are.

Y/n knocks out two fighters that was holding Koukin and help him up.

Koukin: Thanks. Wherever Hakufu and Y/n?

Guardian: Their fine but you should go now. I'll hold them off.

Koukin nods and rushes off while Guardian pulls out his metal rod and gets into a battle stand while Skull and other fighters with pipes and other melee weapons appear and stare down at Guardian.

Skull: Kill he.

The fighters charge at Guardian and try to swing at him but he dodges their attackes and land some blows at the fighters with his metal rod and even grabble one of them and pull them towards him and hits them with his rod and continues to take out the rest of the fighters while Skull picks up his pistol and fire a shot which hits a fighter in the head.

After that Guardian moves out of the way dodging the round of bullets as he leaps back and throws his ninja stars at Skull and it knocks his pistol off of his hand again and Guardian rushes over and hits Skull in the face which cost Skull to stumble back.

Then he pulls out two swords and charge at him and swings his blades at him but Guardian dodges them and even clashes his rod at his blade to block his strikes before he air kicks Skull in the chest and senting him flying and crash onto some junk.

Guardian land onto his feet just as Skull slowly stand up and before this fight continues the police arrived lead by Alex and Akio as they get out of the car and aim their pistols at Skull.

Alex: Don't move!

Skull sees he was outnumbered but behind his back was a grenade as he unpinned it and chucked it at the police. Guardian rushes over and use his rod as like a bat to hit the grenade and sent it flying snr it exploded in the air.

They look down to see Skull have gotten away. Soon the ambulance arrived to take two dead bodies away while Alex and Akio speak with Guardian.

Akio: Who was that guy?

Guardian: Skull. He is a Mercenary hired to kill me.

Akio: Really? Sucks to be you.

Alex: He just killed two students and nearly killed us. We won't accept this. (Sigh) This is getting worse and worse.

Guardian: It's best you warn your officers about this guy and be on high alert.

Alex: Right. Thank you Guardian, we can take it from here.

Guardian: Alright. Take care.

They watch Guardian hop onto his bike and rides off as the sun was setting down for the night.


We see Y/n, Koukin, Goei and Hakufu sat around and having some dinner as Hakufu tells Koukin and Goei her time with Y/n.

Koukin: Is that why there is a stuff blue dog in your bedroom.

Hakufu: (smile) Yep. Y/n won it in one of the carnival games.

Y/n: (smile) It looks cute so why not.

Koukin: Well just glad you were alright.

Goei: (smile) I must say you both have some adventure. Wish I have some with my true love.

Hakufu: (mutter) Even though your old.

Goei: What was that?

Hakufu: Nothing! Nothing at all!

Y/n chuckle a little when he gets a call from Kairi so he excuse himself and went out and answer the phone.

Kairi: (phone) It's happening.

Y/n: You sure?

Kairi: (phone) Yeah I'm sure.

Y/n: Alright. What about the police?

Kairi: (phone) They also go it and now they are getting ready  to stop every fighting tournament before any injuries will happen.

Y/n: I see. What ever happens, we will stop this. For your brother.

Kairi: (phone) Right. Get some rest.

Y/n: Okay.

After that he hang up just as Hakufu came outside and walk up next to him.

Hakufu: Who was that?

Y/n: Just a friend.

Hakufu: Alright. Hey I wanna know, why didn't you wnat to kill me and Koukin? Why go down with us?

Y/n: Because your my friends and friends never abandoned friends no matter what. I will refuse anything and still be with you and those I care for no matter what.

Hakufu: Guess so but you should at least fight me so I can see how strong I might get from beaten you.

She then throws some kicks into the air and lunches but she slipped and she fell face first onto the ground which looked embarrassing as Hakufu sat up and strach the back of her head.

Hakufu: Ow that hurts.

Y/n: chuckle a little and bend down to her and the two look at each other and Y/n smiled and said.

Y/n: (smile) Your such a silly Billy Hakufu.

He then poke her nose before he smile.

Y/n: (smile) But your may Silly Billy and I like it.

Hakufu heart beats more and she smiles as well and likes Y/n calling her silly instead of stupid. Y/n knows no matter what Mercenary or fighters some higher up leaders will sent....he will fight them all onky to protect those he cared and loved.

To be continued...............

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