Chapter 3: Fear the Skull
Outside of the police station we see news reporters and cameras are seen standing in front of the police station while we see Alex, Akio, Fuji, Haruto and Asashi standing and facing the news reporters as they were waiting for their chief to come out and speak the reporters about the fights that have been going on for years.
The four officers stand there with Alex lend over to Akio and whisper to him as he said.
Alex: (whisper) This must be one largest news reporters I've ever seen. Usually there should be a few 2 or 3 of them at least.
Akio: (whisper) Since many citizens are sick and tired of the war that each seven schools have been going on, they want to know what we are doing.
Alex: (whisper) But they know our police force is spread thin.
Akio: (whisper) We told them last year and the week ago and now they wanna know we are doing now.
Alex: (whisper) Damn.
Haruto: (whisper) I heard that Nanyo Academy have a brutal fight that sent some to the hospital.
Fuji: (whisper) In which school?
Haruto: (whisper) None. They fought each other. Animals, that's what they are.
Asashi: (whisper) Not all of them remember?
Haruto: (whisper) Maybe but still Animals.
Soon their chief walks up on stage with the four officers stsnd at attention as their chief walks up on stage and faces the crowd.
Male reporter 1: Chief Chikao, is this war of the seven schools gonna end?
Male reporter 2: What are the police gonan do about this?
Female reporter 1: We heard what happened to Nanyo Academy fighting each other, what is that all about?
Chikao: People people! Please settle down.
They did so and Chikao knows they want answers so he takes a deep breath and then spoke to the crowd.
Chikao: People of this city and to this region. I know you maybe scared, confused, frustrated and worried on what's going on in here including the other regions. But I assure you that we are in our power to stop this endless war and bring peace back to Kanto. Our officers will do to make show these fights will never harm no one and we will do everything we can to keep you safe.
Male reporter 4: What about this masked Vigilante hero who call himself the Guardian?
Chikao: Ah yes that Vigilante. We have heard reports about this masked Vigilante before and we seen his actions last year when he saved two children from a fight that cost them their lives if it wasn't for thsi Vigilante. Till this day, he has been saving peoples lives and stopping the fights tat have been going on in our city. You all think we are against him and want to arrest him but no. He shown to save more lives and even my own son, if weren't for him, I would have lost my son. Which is why I decided to let this Vigilante to do his job and we will support him and his goal of ending this war that has been going on once and for all.
The crowd take pictures while reporters asked him more questions while we see a masked figure looking down at Chikao and heard his speech before he takes off to complete his job.
At Hakufu's home we see Koukin sweeping the floor board outside with a broom and we see bandages on his arms and body after that brutal fight in Nanyo Academy a three days ago and with him was Hakufu's mother named Goei hanging up clothes as they hear the news about Chikao xs speech within the radio.
Goei: A masked Vigilante? Isn't that the same one that saved you and Hakufu three days ago?
Koukin: That's what the doctors told me and I think he was the one that brought back Hakufu's Magatma from who ever took it.
Goei: He sounded like a mysterious person. Oh I wish I could see the handsome face of his it would be a dream.
Koukin nervous chuckles a little while Y/n came around thr corner and walks over to Koukin.
Y/n: Hey Koukin, how are you feeling?
Koukin: (smile) Pretty good so far. Thanks for coming here and checking up on us.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. I actually have some food for Hakufu if she is around?
Koukin: She's still asleep but I'll tell her you came back and got her some food.
Y/n: Thanks. But how is she?
Goei: She is still upset about that defeat. Seriously she should grow up and accept defeat. She is such an idiot sometimes.
Y/n: (thought) That's kinda mean to your own daughter.
Koukin: I heard you were also got targeted but it looks like your okay. What happened?
Y/n: I was ready for a fight when Guardian came and help me take care of the students and told me to leave while he'll find my friends.
Y/n knows that's not true but he can't just tell him he was the Guardian otherwise his identity would be exposed.
Y/n: Still I feel bad for leaving yous behind. I should have be there to help
Koukin: (smile) That's alright, I'm just glad your okay.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah...right. Hey i gonna go now here, this is her food.
He hands Koukin the bag and then turn and left whike Koukin say goodbye to him. He also said goodbye and once that he walk through the neighbourhood and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Someone is targing Hakufu and in order to find out who it might be, I gonna find some clues. Maybe Kairi might have some to start off this investigation. Let's hope he got something.
We see Y/n within Kairi's base as he is in the middle of typing his way through the computer to try and find who order a targeted on Hakufu.
Y/n: Anything?
Kairi: Nothing. Who ever sent the mail was smart. Even if I break through a fire wall, there is another one at the other side.
Y/n: So we have no idea who sent a targeted on Hakufu or why?
Kairi: Well kinda. There is a faster way to breach through the fire wall but I needed some help. I've sent a text message to Sara, she's a friend of mine and knows about this stuff then I do.
Y/n: (smirk) Were you two close?
Kairi: No she is just my friend. When I talk about you two her she have a look
Y/n: Look of what?
Kairi: It's....maybe best you'll get there and see it for yourself and never worry about our identity because she knows you are Guardian.
Y/n: (surprised) How?
Kairi: She said she just guessed and I told her that's true.
Y/n: Can you not just say your wrong.
Kairi: Really bro? You know I can't be rude to a women. Besides, she just flirts with me until I spilled it out.
Y/n: (smirk) Never know women flirting with you is your weakness.
Kairi: (smirk) At least I'm not the only one, right Y/n?
Y/n: (chuckle) You have a point.
Kairi: Anyways, she'll be at a cafe at this location at 10:30 A.M.
Y/n: Well it's already hitting 10:20 so I'll head there now ans see her.
Kairi: Right. Good luck and be careful out there.
Y/n nods and walks out to meet Sara while Kairi stay here and work on the fire walls he is dealing.
At a small cafe we see a few men staring at Sara looking down at her menu and reading through it whike the men were looking at her large bags on her chest. She gone used to tuis attention and she even looked at one of them and winks at them to see them gasp.
She chuckles within her until she heard a bell ring and she looks up to see Y/n as he walks over to her table and once there he asked.
Y/n: Are you Sara?
Sara: (smirk) Maybe but who is asking?
Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n, Kairi's childhood friend. Bet you know him?
Sara: (smirk) Yep and you must be him hmm? Your cutter as I imagine it to be.
Y/n blushes a little while she smirks to herself while the men behind Y/n shot a glare at him while he sat down across from her and order some drinks to the waiter.
Once their tea arrived Sara stir are tea spoon while she look at him in a flirty way which made Y/n blush a little and this might be what Kairi told him about. He clearly his throat and then ask her.
Y/n: So Sara, I was wondering if you know who targeted on Hakufu Sonsaku?
Sara: I see. I've heard something like that before. In fact, I've investigate that and found something.
Y/n: What is it?
Sara: Turns out Hakufu wasn't the only one to be targeted by other schools or her own. Couple of students that shown strength or impressive fighting skills were mysterious killed or been on an accident before the next fighting tournament.
Y/n: You sure?
She then pulls out some file pack out of her bag and place it onto the table and slide it towards Y/n.
Sara: Have a look.
Y/n take the file pack and open it up sne read through the reports and there were even pictures to show students death. Some were beaten up, got ran over by a car and other stuff but some were strange like killed in their sleep at home, killed by a unknown sniper and even fall off a high place that suddenly collapse.
Y/n: This is weird. Some of these deaths ain't involved beating up a student.
Sara: Indeed. This started when a student won a fighting tournament last year.
Y/n: Who is this student?
Sara: His name is Chuuei Toutaku and according to police reports he won last year's fighting tournament until he mysteriously disappeared. Since that day, many Fighters are getting killed by unknown people left and right and no one knows who is doing this.
Y/n: Could it be Chuuei?
Sara: No one knows and since the police doesn't have any evidence to against Chuuei, they just remove him from the suspect list.
Y/n: I see. He might be involved of the target on Hakufu.
Sara: I don't think so.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Sara: I've gone down deeper and it turns out who ever this person was is a student of Nanyo Academy.
Y/n: (surprised) What?
Sara: I know, this city is going insane with all this war and hits on different students. Either it is Chuuei who is doing this...or someone within Nanyo Academy.
Y/n thinks about all of this when he gets a call on his phone and when he pulled it out Koukin was calling him so he answered and place his phone onto his ear.
Y/n: What's happening?
Koukin: (phone) Y/n Hakufu is gone!
Y/n: (shocked) What?! But I thought she was still asleep or did she wake up?
Koukin: (phone) I check on her and find out that she is gone. She left a note to say she is finding a way to get rid of this different feeling, she might be trying to get rid of the pain of losing to Shemei.
Y/n: I'll go and find her, I'll call you once I find her.
Koukin: (phone) Okay.
Y/n hang up and finish drinking his tea and sat up while he tells Sara.
Y/n: I'm sorry but I need to go and find someone very quickly but thanks for this information.
Sara: (smirk) No problem. I'll come by at your base and hang around. Nice knowing you hot stuff.
She winks at him which made Y/n blush a bit more as he runs off and left the cafe while Sara smiles to herself and looks down at her tea.
Sara: (thought) What a cute Vigilante.
We see Y/n got his Vigilante clothes and once that he leaps onto the roof and use his grabbles to swing through roof to roof while he looks around for Hakufu.
Guardian: (thought) She maybe silly sometimes but she actually smart to fool me, Goei and Koukin and sneak out. Still she is out there and I gonna find her before she gets hurt. I just hope I find her before someone finds her and-
When he leaps to the other side he looks down and he was suddenly punched in the face by something and then grabbed from behind and was thrown on the other side or the roof.
The Guardian skidded onto the floor enter he hits the gate to stop him from falling off the roof. He slowly stand up and look over to see two female Fighters land onto the roof and walks over to Guardian.
Guardian: Who are you two?
Housen: Names Housen from Rakuyo High school.
Koudai: And my name is Koudai Chinkyuu also from Rakuyo High school.
Guardian: Judging how you two are standing and how confident you two are, you two are good friends.
Housen: (smirk) You got that right. You must be smart to a Vigilante.
Koudai: Agree.
Guardian: Still why are you two here? If it is a fight you want then forget it. I have other business to be.
Housen: (smirk) Too bad.
Housen charge at him and try to throw a kick at him but Guardian dodges it by leaping back but Koudai got I behind him but he ducks forward to dodge he punch and he backwards kick Koudai back but he turn and Housen try to slam at him with is feet but dodges it once more and lands safely onto his feet.
The two girls charge at him while they split up to try to flank him but Guardian forsee their plan and throw a smoke bomb and smoke blows up just as they were about to kick him but they see he vanished.
Once the smoke cleared the two look around onto to get shot in the neck with a dart and they start to feel sleepy and fall to their knees whioe Guardian appear out of the shadows with a dart gun loaded with sleep darts as he walks up to them.
Koudai was the first to fell asleep while Housen fell onto her knees and Guardian knows she is strong to fight the sleep dart but not for long so he bend down and asked her.
Guardian: Is there a reason for you two to challenge me?
Housen just smirk at him before she too fell asleep. Guardian was confused until he have a string feeling that someone is-
Guardian quickly dodges a in coming bullet just in time as the bullet went by him and the two girls and hits the gate, leaving a hole.
???: Nice dodge. Guess you must be quick as my clients told me.
Guardian turn to see a man wearing what looked like a skull masked standing there while he lower his pistol and stare at Guardian.
Guardian: Who are you?
Skull: They call me Skull, a mercenary/Bounty hunter hired by my clients to track down and kill you.
Guardian: And you used two Fighters as an distraction so you can kill me.
Skull: That is the way of the hunt. Let your target get tired and take the shot.
Guardian: I will not have mercenary in this region.
Skull: I don't give a shit about what you say or this city or this county. I came here for the money and if I kill you and take your mask, then I'll be rich.
Guardian: We'll see about that.
Skull and Guardian stare at each other and waiting for either of them to attack first. Then Skull quick aim his pistol and open fire at Guardian but he dodges the bullets and throw his ninja star and the Spike lands into the barrel of the gun and when Skull pull the trigger to shoot it blows up out fo his hand.
This gives Guardian a chance to charge at him and throws a punch at him but Skull catches his fist and elbows Guardian in the stomach three times before he twisted his arm and was about to break Guardian's arm but Guardian active his taser glove on his other hand and slams his hand onto Skulls face and he was zap with electricity that fost him to let go of Guardian.
Guardian stumble back and check his other arm is alright and it looked like it is but Skull rush at him and tackle him off the roof and smash through onto another apartment building where two couple were making out before they scream to see two masked people fight each other within their living room.
Skull slams Guardian onto the table that breaks and turn to the couple and pulls out his other pistol and aims it at them so there won't be any witnesses but Guardian grab his arm and force it upwards that Skull fires onto the ceiling whioe the couple make their escape.
Skull throws Guardian onto the kitchen which he slams onto the oven but dodges quickly as Skull try to land a punch at him but punches the wall instead. Skull fire his pistol at him but Guardian's armor bounce off the bullets which guve Guardian a chance to rush at him and grab a hold of him and the two crash through the window and fell a few floors down whike they throw punches at each other while they fell.
Guardian sees they were close to ground and fires a grabble to slow his fall but Skull grab his foot and they land onto the ground safely without any bones broken.
Guardian stood up and turn onky to dodge a swing from Skulls knife which he lands and Skull rush at him with a knife and he try to swing his knife at him but Guardian dodges it and blows a few punches and even a swing kick at Skulls mask that cost him to stumble backwards before Guardian rush at him and throws another punch at Skull tyat cost his masked to be thrown off out of Skulls face and lands onto the floor.
Then helmetless Skull stumbled back and looks at Guardian and Guardian sees his real face. His hair was white with black stripes going down, he have a scar scratch through his right eye with no pupil whike his other eye was normal whike he has a small beard as he stare at Guardian.
Guardian: Looks like your identity is exposed.
Kenji: Indeed. Allow me to introduce myself for real this time. My name is Kenji also known as Skull.
Guardian: I see. Who hired you to kill me?
Kenji: (smirk) Like I ever tell you. I never reveal to my clients.
Guardian and Kenji share glares at each other before they hear police sirens in the distance. Someone must have reported the gunfire and fights that were happening so Kenji grab his Skull masked and then said.
Kenji: You live this time Guardian but I'll have your head and once I do. I'll get my money.
Guardian just watched ad Kenji puts on his masked and then walks off and disappear into the darkness of the alleyway while the Guardian dose the same once the police arrived to investigate. When Guardian check up on Housen and Koumei, they were gone.
We see Y/n without his Guardian uniform in worry that Skul might change his mind and go after him so he needs to go and find Hakufu without it. He looks around the city while sun was about to set down and he was worried someone might have killed her and thtow her body away.
But he soon find her asleep with some tools to around her underneath a bridge and see the walls that were fixed by Hakufu or someone else.
Y/n: (thought) Someone must be here or maybe Hakufu must have done it. But if it was Hakufu then who give her the tools to fix the wall?
He looks down at Hakufu's sleeping and blushes a little to see her asleep and thinks she is cute while she is asleep. He picks her up just as Koukin arrived and said.
Koukin: You find her!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. She was handful but I found her.
Koukin: Well that's a relief. Come on, let's get her home before someone else come here and ask us questions.
Y/n: Right.
They leave the area while Y/n carries Hakufu while she is asleep. She then move a little while asleep and nuzzle her head onto Y/n's neck while he blushes deep while he sees her smiling which he smiles back and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Never worry Hakufu. Me and Koukin will protect you and I swear I will find the person who hired a hit on you. We won't let anything happen to you, that is a promise.
To be continued...............
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