Chapter 2: A hit on Hakufu

We see Y/n taking the bus ride to Nanyo Academy as he was sitting near the window looking through the window ans was just listening to his music on his phone through his headphones when he gets a call from Kairi which he answers and said through his headphones.

Y/n: Yo man what's happening?

Kairi: (phone) Nothing much. On your way to school?

Y/n: Yeah taking the bus rather then walk today.

Kairi: (phone) Alright.

Y/n: So what's the update about Gakushuu?

Kairi: (phone) Well he is released from the hospital and the cost of his unconscious is losing air probably cost by Shimei's stranggleing tactic.

Y/n: So no serious injuries.

Kairi: (phone) No which is unsurprising since he is strong. I mean, he may have beaten you up if he wasn't too piss off.

Y/n: (chuckle) I found my ways to get out of a fight.

Kairi: (phone) Well I'll update you on anything else.

Y/n: Alright man, take care.

Kairi: (phone) You too.

Y/n hangs up and his bus stops at the bus stops which is near his school. Once he hops off he walks over to the front gate and was met by Hakufu and Koukin who just arrived arrived the front gate.

Hakufu: (smile) Oh hey it's you!

Y/n: (smile) Hey, see you two were in the hurry. Overslept?

Koukin: You could say that.

Hakufu: Yeah and my mum is such a Meanie. When she found out I wrote my name on my Magatma, she punished me for it.

Y/n: But is that not a good idea to do? I mean there is a lot of Magatma so she would understand why you have yo write your name on it.

Hakufu: (smile) Yeah now you got me! I swear she is such a Meanie sometimes.

Y/n: (smile) She maybe but she is still your mother and only family you may have. Anyways let's head in or we be more trouble.

Koukin: Right let's go.

The trio head through the gate and once that they enter to the main building of the school to start their first lesson.


Pictures have been taking within an alleyway as police officers were here to report of a dead body that was brutal beaten up by something from a rival school.

Soon a car was pulled over and a detective named Takato exit out of his car and walks over to the crime seen as he puff a smoke out of his mouth and bend down and pulls over the covers to get a clear look at the body.

Takato: Cost of death?

Male police: Beaten to death. It's a shame, this boy was today's birthday and it seems that his death has come.

Takato: I see. Time of death?

Male police: 6:00 Am in the morning. The witness was walking pass here when he saw another student beat up another.

Takato: And where is this witness or did you ask him some questions?

Male police: He was frightened by this but he did ask us some questions. It seems that the attacker was crazy and laughs a lot and repeat the words "Die Die Die." Over and over again while the attacker was beaten the victim.

Takato nods and looks back at the body and stood up and puff another smoke out of his mouth and throw his cigarette away while he said.

Takato: The attacker lower the victim here and once he enter to his trap, he attacked him with a beat down stick. The witness sees this and the attacker makes a run for it while the victim calls the police.

Male police: That sounded about right sir.

Takato: Yes but there is one question that I don't get it. Why?

Male police: All students always fight each other. Some get injured while others death.

Takato: Not like that. This is more like a hit target then an attack. Someone is hired to kill this student to remove him from the fight.

Male police: You think so?

Takato wasn't sure but he looks over and notice something that looked like a phone that was dropped. He put on his plastic gloves and walks over to it and picks it up before he slide it into the plastic bag as he looks at the phone and says.

Takato: Yes....I believe so officer. I believe so.


We see Y/n, Hakufu and Koukin standing around the hall after finishing up their class and Y/n asked Hakufu.

Y/n: So you like to fight other people so you can get stronger?

Hakufu: (smile) Yeah, my mum told me if I get stringer I can beat up more and powerful students here.

Y/n: I guess that last school you were in was.....boring?

Hakufu: Yep I got in trouble many times because of my fights and got kicked out in six different schools.

Y/n: (surprised) That's a lot of schools.

Koukin: I know, hey do you hear what happened to Gakushuu?

Y/n: Yeah, heard he was out of the hospital after his fight.

Hakufu: (smile) Man I can't not wait to try to fight him again now he is out of the hospital! It will be epic.

Koukin: I'm sorry but it's best we leave him be snd let him get healed.

Hakufu: Awww that sucks.

Y/n: It may suck but we need to respect that. He maybe strong but he is human like all of us not matter how stronger he might get.

Shemei: Y/n.

They look over to see Shemei standing there staring at him as she said.

Shemei: Can we talk in private.

Y/n: Um sure?

Y/n follows her with Koukin and Hakufu watch the two leave with Hakufu asked.

Hakufu: Who I she?

Koukin: That's Shemei, one of the strongest Fighters in this school.

Hakufu: Really? Wonder why she wants to speak with Y/n in private?

We then cut to the two enter a gym closet with the slide door slightly open as Y/n asked Shemei.

Y/n: So what's going on? You don't usually talk to any of the students including me?

Shemei: The reason why i brought you here is because we all have receiving new orders.

Y/n: New orders?

Shemei: Indeed. Our new orders is to take out Hakufu Sonsaku.

Y/n was shocked by this when she told him this and he knows what she ment by "take out Hakufu Sonsaku" means.

Y/n: (shocked) This is a joke right? She is just new here, why the hell did someone sent that order to all students?

Shemei: I have no idea but it was orders I've been sent to all students except for you.

Y/n: Then why are you telling me this?

Shishi: Because your close to her including Koukin.

Y/n turn to see Shishi coming out of the shadows like a ghost but this doesn't surprise him because he'll appear out of nowhere but he gose on to say.

Shishi: (smirk) At first we thought we just don't tell you but your the onky student that doesn't have a Magatma which must be sadden that you have people to show disrespect to you. But all that can change.

Y/n: Even if i would agree, what do you want me to do?

Shishi: (smirk) I want you to lower Koukin to a trap and have the two of them separated so we can attack Koukin while someone else will take oit Hakufu. If the plan is successfully then you'll be reward a free Magatma and everyone will show you respect. So what do you say, wanna help us?

He lend out a hand to Y/n which he slaps it off and told him as he glare at him.

Y/n: Do you think I wanna be part of your stupid ane ancient war that has been going on for years ane still is to this day. I won't betray my friends and will never will.

He walk pass Shishi and Shemei and slide open the door and took the last look at the two and told them.

Y/n: You will not hurt them. If you will be sorry.

Then he left the room leaving the two be with Shishi smirks while he dig his hands into his pockets and said.

Shishi: (smirk) Looks like he's not gonna take part of it.

Shemei: What should we do?

Shishi: (smirk) We continue out plan but....seems like we have to deal with three targets now.

He looks up and sees another student with his sneak like tongue sticking out with his face looked crazy and mad.

???: (laughter) Hakufu will die. (Crazy laughter)


We see Y/n standing on the roof of Nanyo Academy just shaking off the thought or Hakufu must be taking out ordered by someone that maybe in charge of all the fighting tournaments of this war and responsible of many deaths.

Y/n: (thought) Who ever is in charge around the tournaments, he might as strong then every student here. Still I need to warn Koukin and Hakufu about this before it's too late.

Gakushuu: Y/n.

Y/n turn to see Gakushuu and see plasters on his body positively slowing his body but he looked to be alright.

Y/n: Look if it's about before then I didn't mean to do that alright.

Gakushuu: I didn't came here for that. I came here if you received new orders about Hakufu.

Y/n: Well no but Shemei told me about it.

Gakushuu: Shemei? Why she tell you about it?

Y/n: It's a long story but let's just say they want me to distract them which I refuse.

Gakushuu: That maybe a dumb idea for you to do. You know they may go after you if you refuse.

Y/n: They may try but I won't let that happen. Unless your gonna stop me?

The two share looks at each other before Gakushuu moves back and said.

Gakushuu: No. Your maybe a fool but a fool with guts which I respect.

Y/n: Is that the reason why you didn't beat me up yesterday? Because I have guts?

Gakushuu: You could say that.

Y/n: Right. Well looks like I need to get ready. See you when I make it out alive.

He start to walk off when Gakushuu turn to him and said while Y/n opens the door.

Gakushuu: There will be tuns of students that will go after you and your friends.

Y/n: I know....but I can make it.

He tyen left the roof while the sun sets down and we see Y/n enters the changing room and walls up to his locker and opens a secret door at the back of the locker to reveal his Vigilante clothes as he grab his masked and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Alright then. Let's do this.

(Short while later)

The students slides open the door of the changing room after they have new orders to stall Y/n and Koukin while anothee student takes out Hakufu and they have word he is in the changing room possibly hiding.

Six students enter the changing room and they look around to search for Y/n but they see no one here. This confused them and they turn to leave but the they heard a noise that made them stop and listen to it.

Male student 1: Come out Y/n!

Male student 2: We've been waiting for this all our lives you little shit. Come out! Fight like a man!

Then something was dropped and they turn to see grenades with chemicals in it as it burst and they smell the gas and they slowly get tired and fell onto the ground and fell asleep from sleeping gas.

Then Guardian leaps down from the ceiling and see them all asleep and Kairi says through his radio.

Kairi: (radio) Told you those sleeping gas work..

Guardian: I give you A+ on your chemical skills old buddy.

Kairi: (radio) Thanks but you have more students coming your way outside of the changing room.

Guardian hears footsteps and he huge the wall near the door and the once the gas was all clear the student opens I and walks in only to get kicked onto the wall by the Guardian and he rolled out of the changing room as the students where shocked to see the Guardian have.

Male student: Get him!

They rush at him while Guardian signal handley take out three students as he active his taser gloves and strike blows with them and dodges their punches and soon all three were knocked out.

Guardian stands up and turn to the window to see a drone that Kairi is controlling flying at Guardian floor as he give Kairi through the camera a thumps up before he hears more students rushing towards him and he sees they have weapons like pipe, bats and chains.

Guardian: You wanna play rough? Alright then......

He then pulls out his steel rod out of his back and he spines it around before he slams I onto the ground and said while he wave his arms towards himself as if to have the other students give their best shot.

Guardian: Let's play rough.

One student throws his chains at Guardian and it raps onto his rod but he pulls it towards him and the student was sent flying towards him and the Guardian punches the student in the face and he fell onto the ground.

Soon more students charge at him and they swing their weapons at him but he dodges them and blocks their attackes with his rod and uses the rod to trip them over or slap them on their hands to force them to drop their weapons before he blows a punch at them to knock them out.

He dodges a swing from a students with a bat and then he catches the bat and he leaps and land his feet onro the students stomach snd push it forward as the student was sent flying back while Guardian grabs the bat and the student slams onto the wall and fell unconscious.

Guardian throes the bat at a student and it hits him on the head and knocks him out for good while he sees there is onky two students left now and they charge at him.

But Guardian fires twin grabbles each coming out of his two wrist to grabs them by the shirts and he pulls them towards them and he swing his arms once they got close and lands a hit with his arms and they fell onto the ground unconscious while the grabbles retract back to his wrist and stood up and look around to see them all unconscious.

Kairi: (radio) That was awesome man! I never suspected you'll get so strong.

Guardian: It's not just strength that I am string. It's skills that makes me strong.

Kairi: (radio) Guess so. Yo I see something at the outside staircase. Go check it out.

Guardian: On it.

He rushes through the halle of the school until he reach outside and rush up the outside staircase until he arrive at a floor and see blood on the floor and some on the walls.

He bend down and use his HUD on his masked to scan the and sees it belongs to Koukin which worried him.

Guardian: Oh no. This blood is Koukin's. Judging by the blood he was beaten badly.

Kairi: (thought) If that so then where is he? Do you think they-

Guardian: No I refuse to think about that. Search around, maybe he might be in the school.

Kairi: (radio) Already on it. Shit! I found them snd I looks bad!

Guardian: Them?

He realised that Hakufu is alos in trouble so he rushes up the staircase to try to find them and save them.


Guardian rushes through the halls in a hurry to get there before it is too late. Once he turn a corner he was horrified to see both Koukin and Hakufu unconscious and laying on the ground.

Standing over them was Shemei and Shishi who turn to see him. Guardian makes a fist and calls out.

Guardian: What did you do!

Shemei: Done what we have ordered to.

Shishi: Yeah. Hakufu pull up a good fight but guess I the end, she have no match against Shemei.

Guardian: I known about the order and I wanna know who sent it! Tell me who order a hit on Hakufu?!

Shishi: (smirk) Like we ever gonna tell you.

Guardian: Tell me now punk.

Shishi: (smirk) You don't scare us Vigilante.

Guardian glares at Shishi snd Shemei as Shemei gets to a fighting stand while Guardian dose the same. He was gonna plan out way to take the two of them out when he was surprised to see Hakufu standing up ans stood behind Shemei.

But this surprised turn inro shock when Guardian sees Hakufu grab Shemei by the neck and bend her over including Hakufu as Shemei's back started to crack and she scream in pain.

Guardian: No stop! What are you doing Hakufu?!

She doesn't listen and then she slams Hakufu onto the ground as blood came out of her mouth while Shishi watch this in surprised as Hakufu grabs Shemei's face and start to slam her head over and over again while Hakufu's gives Shemei a crazy and psychopathic like face as she beats Shemei over and over until Guardian rushes over and tackle Hakufu and he holds her down as she start to struggle and try to break lose from Guardian grabs.

Guardian: Hakufu calm down! This isn't you!

Kairi: (radio) She is out of control! You gonna knock other out.

Guardian agrees and pull a sleep gas and open the grenade and puts it near Hakufu so she can smell and it and she start to get sleepy and soon she passes out and fell asleep.

Guardian breaths in a sigh of relief from that while he hears a clap and turn to see Shishi slow clapping as he said.

Shishi: (smirk) Nice Work, nice work indeed. You handle that quiet well.

Guardian grabs Shishi by the shirt and lift him up off of the floor and said in a threatening like voice.

Guardian: Who order a hit on Hakufu, I want a name!?

Shishi: (smirk) It was an imperial order. Don't know who through but never ask anymore questions.

Guardian: But why Hakufu? Why dose she have to be the target, why her?!

Shishi: (smirk) No clue but I like the fun of it.

Guardian just glare at him and then throw him onto the floor and the two look at each other until sirens is heard outside with Shishi smirks once more and stood up and said.

Shishi: (smirk) Guess this is my time to leave. I have several crime records in the past, don't want another one. Take care Vigilante.

He then walks off and disappear from the shadows while the Guardian stood there and still have questions on who hire a hit on Hakufu and why.


The police and ambulance arrived after they got a call from a unknown person which I'd Kairi about a student about to be murdered and they arrive to arrest the fre students that was apart of the Assassin attempt on Hakufu.

Shemei was gone possible Shishi taking her while the ambulance takes the unconscious Koukin and Hakufu to the van while the Guardian watches them get loaded in sne feel bad for not being there on time.

Takato: Well Well Well, it looks like we found our attacker.

Guardian turn to see Takato look at another student named Kouha Kannei as Takato take some finger prints from him and it matched to the murder of another student that Guardian didn't know about.

Takato: (smile) Looks like your now coming with us. Load him with the rest.

Kouha: Let me go! I will kill you! I WILL KILL YOU ALL! (crazy laughter)

Guardian walks up to Takato and once there Takato turns to him and said while he lights up his cigarette.

Takato: Seems like you've been busy before we came.

Guardian: Yeah. Are they gonna be alright?

Takato: Just some injuries and some blood loss. Nothing too serious which they were lucky.

Guardian: I see. Someone is-

Takato: Hiring someone to kill Hakufu Sonsaku. Yeah, I've heard something about that.

Guardian: How?

Takato: A phone was dropped during a crime seen and later on a message been sent and it said to take out Hakufu Sonsaku which looked serious so we start to investigate about it.

Guardian: Any clues?

Takato: No idea but who ever sent that message must be clever. We can't track down that person's I.D or can't trace where the message have been sent. It seems like someone doesn't want us to find him.

Guardian: Right. I'll see you I can do.

Guardian begins to walk towards his bike when Takato said to him.

Takato: I don't work with Vigilantes like you.

Guardian claim onto his bike and start up his engines while he said.

Guardian: I didn't say we have to work together.

Then he rides off while Takato watch him leave and he walks off while Guardian rides through the streets still have many questions which he have to solve. One or which is who wants Hakufu dead and why?


We see a small green house and inside the green house we see a fee female students gathered around while we see one male student laying on a female students lab while a mysterious deep voice came through the computer.

???: (computer call) It seems that the hit was a failure. I thought thet students of Nanyo Academy would take her out right now.

??? 2: (smile) It seems that they were stopped by ti's Vigilante. Still we can try it again.

???: (computer call) But he'll stop that from happening. I'm hiring someone stronger enough to kill him. I made you and your school one of the most powerful Fighters around Chuuei but I'm the one that is pulling the strings of thsi war and don't you forget it.

Then we see clearly Chuueis face as he sniffs on a purple flower while he says to the mysterious voice on his computer.

Chuuei: That maybe true sir but you know that you can't control this region if you have one school backing you up. You maybe powerful and wealthy but we both know your not.

???: (computer call) I sometimes hate that yoru right.

Chuuei: So how long will your mercenary will come to deal with this Vigilante?

???: (computer call) Not long but I want one of your best fighters to try to hold him off while my mercenary will finish him off.

Chuuei: Hm? You want one of my own fighters to go after him?

???: (computer call) Do you have a better idea?

Chuuei smirks at this mysterious voice and then said.

Chuuei: (smirk) I'll have two of my best fighters to go after him. Maybe cost a bit of chaos to drag his attention.

???: (computer call) Understood.

Then the call ends with Chuuei sniffs on a flowe and looks at it and said.

Chuuei: (smirk) fought one of the weakness Fighters within this to fight with the best of my Fighters around.

To be continued...............

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