Chapter 14: Vigilant's rising (lemon)

Female command: (coms) Swat team alpha we have lost communication with Swat team sigma, we believe they have been taking out by a unknown threat. Please be aware that this person is a fighter so approach this slowly.

Swat team leader: Yes ma'am, we're arriving to the location right now over and out.

It was the middle of the night as we see two armored Swat trucks driving through the parking lot and stopping in front what looks like a huge stadium that seemed to be broken in by a group of fighters who wanted to have a huge battle in the middle of the stadium.

The Swat teams burst out of the back doors and they make their way inside the stadium while we can see a completely empty armored swat team truck that looks like it's doors were ripped apart as we see the two Swat teams making their way down the hallway as Swat team beta gose to a different direction as they search the locker rooms.

Swat team Alpha make their way down the halls with their weapons aimed as they reach two twin large doors that leads then to the stadium itself as they lend against the wall as their leader grabs the handle and then slowly open and see there was no one so he opened both twin doors and they made it out and see a site they never thought to be real as the Swat team leader pulls out a radio and calls in to command.

Swat team leader: This is Swat team leader alpha. We found the fighters.....they are all dead.

We see all the dead bodies of the fighters laying around the feild with blood being spilled out as they were horrified by this mess.

Suddenly a sound of gunfire is head echoing throughout the halls as they turn and they decided to check it out. They make their way down the halls and then make their way down to the locker room and once there, steam was blocking their vision as they slowly make their way down the hall while searching for Swat team beta.

There was more gunfire followed by a scream and silence as they walk down the halls and then turn around the corner and see the whole team of Swat team beta laying on the floor lifeless as the team leader radios in.

Swat team leader: We lost Swat team beta I repeat, we lost seat team beta, we need back up right-

Suddenly there was a sound like a foot hitting the floor which he turn only for someone to grab him in the face and burst his head like a balloon while the other teams open fire but they were getting killed left and right as their screams and gunfire will out the hallways and soon silence follow.

Female command: (coms) Swat team Alpha do you copy over? Swat team alpha do you copy over!?


Somewhere in a city at night we see a small store as it being robbed by two men wearing masks as the two criminals were waiting for the employee to hand them the money.

While this was going on we see Guardian on top of a roof and watch as the crime is happening as he waits for the criminals to make their escape.

Guardian: Have them in my sites. Looks like it's the classic.

Kairi: (coms) You think he come?

Guardian: No doubt about that. Disbite how low the crime maybe, he'll come.

Kairi: (coms) Let's hope so man.

Soon the two criminals make their escape as Guardian Goss after them as he follows them and soon they turn to an alleyway which Guardian fired a grapple and swing over and land at the alleyway. He step inside the alleyway and look around for the two criminals or "he" as he makes one step and suddenly the same criminal fly out of nowhere and land hard onto the ground.

He looked over and see someone fighting the last criminal as he swing some blows at him and then he lands a headbutt at him and then a punch in the face as the criminal drops onto the ground and falls unconscious as the person step out onto the light and said.

???: (smirk) Next time, don't try to steal money from stores. Because you know I'll be there to stop you.

Guardian: Very impressive kid.

He looked over and was surprised to see Guardian as he walked up to him.

???: (surprised) Wow! Your Guardian! The famous vigilant hero and the most strongest person alive.

Guardian: Yep that's me, so who are you? Because I've heard about a young vigilant in this neighbourhood and I wanna know that this is true.

Seeker: (smirk) They call me Seeker. I seek crime within the shadows, seek justice and freedom.

Guardian: Interesting name but may I ask why your wearing a custom that us from Assassins Creed?

Seeker: This is the best i can do! I mean it's not like I can afford better gear or gadgets! I only known who to defend myself and fight.

Guardian: Okay Okay take it easy. One last question, why are you going around fighting crime?

Seeker: Duh because you inspired us to be vigilant Hero's!

Guardian: Us?

Seeker: After you defeated Chuuei and his plans, many teenagers who doesn't want to fight decided to join on defending their own cities and towns from the fighters and other crimes. Your like the ever first vigilant who inspired us to take on arms and fight for peace and justice.

Guardian: (surprised) Really? How many vigilantes I'd there?

Seeker: (smile) A lot man! Say I'm actually have a team of vigilant that you wish to join, maybe you can be our leader! We have been searching for a leader and we figured you can join us. Here!

He hands Guardian a card which he look at and it said "Tokyo protectors."

Guardian: Hhmmm I'll think about it. For now you should go now.

Seeker: (smile) Yes sir! And....May I say it's a honor to meet you, my team are gonna flip out.

Then Seeker rushes off as Guardian looks at the card and finds it very interesting that there is already a vigilant group as he thinks about it tomorrow.

(Next day)

It was a nice day as we see the new Nanyo Gakuen with new students coming in acting normal and not gonna fight since most students are new while some are fighters taht decided to be normal after new law banned all fighting tournaments or illegal fighting.

In class we see the classroom clean and not like a prison as we see Y/n sitting at his desk and looking at the card as he stare at it for a bit whne someone came up to him and hugged him all of sudden.

Hakufu: (smile) Hey there Y/n~! How's my darling doing.

She kissed him on the cheek which he smiled while blushing as Koukin and Gakushuu came into the glass room as they walk up to Hakufu and Y/n.

Koukin: (smile) Morning Y/n. How are things?

Y/n: (smile) You know the usual.

Koukin: (smile) Well judging by you holding that card, I can tell it was a different night for you.

Gakushuu: Yeah what is it?

Y/n: It's a card that I got from that guy me and Kairi saw a few weeks ago.

Hakufu: You mean that Assassins creed guy?

Y/n: Yeah but I got his name. He calls himself Seeker and he's among of vigilantes that's rising up and fighting for justice and peace.

Koukin: Man it's been a while and there have been vigilantes being reported everywhere in this country.

Gakushuu: Yeah no kidding but you think they are on our side?

Y/n: Probably but I might have a visit with Seekers vigilant team.

Hakufu: (smile) Well don't forget our day out with Me, Shimei, Housen and Koudai.

Y/n: (smile) Sure, how can I forget.

Soon class starts and everyone was enjoying their peaceful school life without any students fighting each other or bursting into the class rooms to tell them about a fight.

Once school ends we see Y/n walking their way down the halls when he was pulled into a class room and after the doors was shut he was suddenly kissed by someone which he smirked and kiss her back as they kissed until they stopped as Y/n smirked while he said.

Y/n: (smirk) You really have to spoiled it huh Hous-

But he was surprised to see it was Shimei as she let out a small giggle and ask.

Shimei: (smile) Bit surprised it wasn't Housen?

Y/n: (surprised) Well yeah. I thought you were Housen.

Shimei: (giggle) Nope. Just want this moment with you.

Y/n: Why is that?

Shimei: Well tomorrow I'm taking a trip to another town and searching for anyone who has the spirit ofnthe dragon within them.

Y/n: Why?

Shimei: Well.....if you and Hakufu have dragon spirits them what if there is more and maybe there is soke that can control it like you.

Y/n: Guess you may have a point.

Shimei: (smirk) Don't worry. We'll have something "special" for you for tonight.

Y/n: (smirk) And what would that be?

Shimei: (smirk) Best you wait and see.


It was the afternoon as we see Y/n, Hakufu, Shimei, Housen and Koudai at a nice bar as we see them taking some drinks and cheering follow by a laughter as Y/n chuckle and then takes a drink.

Housen: (smile) Now that's the stuff ain't that right Koudai?

Koudai: (smile) Yep. This is the best.

???: (smile) See you all are enjoying your time.

They look over at the bar tender and they were surprised to see Alex as he smiled at them.

Y/n: (surprised) Alex?! Is that you?

Alex: (smirk) The One and only.

Hakufu: I thought you were a police officer?

Alex: I decided to retire. After everything that has happened I decided to take a easy life and be a bar tender for this place.

Y/n: What about Fuji, Haruto and Asashi?

Alex: They still work for the police. In fact Fuji is now the new police chief while Haruto and Asashi is still doing their job as police. We actually got together a while back at my bar and it was a great time.

Y/n: (smile) That's good to hear. You did a lot for us.

Alex: No, you did a lot for us including saving my life. I wouldn't have be here today if you hadn't save my life.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem.

Alex: (smile) And as for that it's on the house so drink away!

They cheered and they take another around as they enjoy their time until night came for them.


They were at Hakufu's house while in Hakufu's room as the girls were a bit drunk as they laugh and giggle while Y/n is also a bit drunk as well as we see him laying in bed and feeling a bit dizzy.

Y/n: Damn, maybe I should have (hic) drink too much. Fuck I'm drunk right now.

Hakufu: (giggle) my head feels spinning!

Shimei: Damn I don't feel so well.

Housen: (giggle) Now this is a great night.

Koudai: (smile) Yep! (Giggle)

Y/n: So I guess this is it? Is this how our night ends?

Hakufu: (smirk) Nope.

Then Hakufu climb on top of Y/n as Hakufu took off her shirt and bra and once that lend in close to his face and says.

Hakufu: (smirk) It's time for the greatest night you ever have.

Once that the girls also took off their clothes, leaving them completely naked as Y/n sees what is going on but he immediately feels turned on as Housen locks the door and they begin their pleasure night.

(Lemon start)

We see Y/n's clothes being tossed to the side, leaving him naked as they are gathered around Y/n's dick as they are start licking and moaning as Y/n tightly holds onto the blanket and let's out a few moans and soon can't take it any longer and let it out.

His cum burst out and landed onto the girls as they open their mouth to have his cum land into their mouths. Y/n breaths heavily as Hakufu wants to go first as she crawl up to him and then kissed him on the lips. The two make out as Y/n reach his hand down to her vigina which made Hakufu let out a surprised moan but continues kissing him.

Then Shimei felt Housen wrap around her from behind as she grab one of her breast while Koudai get down in front of Shimei and start licking Shimei's vigina which made Shimei moan.

Housen: (smirk) You have some amazing breast Shimei. I'm gonna miss them.

Shimei: Damn it Housen.

Housen: (smirk) Oh relax this is now an orgy after all. Now come here.

Then Housen kissed Shimei in the lips and Shimei let it happen as she kissed Housen back as they share some sexxy moans while Koudai digs her tongue into Shimei vigina while Y/n and and Hakufu continues making out while Y/n sticks his fingers into her vigina which she can't help it and let it all out as she moan including Shimei as well.

Then we see Y/n, Hakufu and Shimei on the bed as they each take turns making out while Housen and Koudai is seen laying on the floor right next onto the bed making out as they share some moans as Housen have her fingers inro Koudai's vigina as she let out a moan while Y/n, Hakufu and Shimei turned over as Y/n is on top of them and sucking on their breast while Hakufu and Shimei were kissing and sharing some moans as Y/n continues sucking her each of their breath while grabbing them as they gasp a few times and then they let out a moan including Koudai and Housen as well.

Then we see Shimei sitting on Y/n's lap as he thrust his dick into her several times while Shimei felt extreme pleasure as he gose harder and faster. Then it was Housen's turn as she sat on his lap facing him as she kissed him and he dose the same thing to Housen as she let's out some sexxy moans, making Y/n really turned on and soon Housen let's it out.

Then Koudai was next as she grab onto the bed while Y/j sticks his dick into her and start thrusting back ams forward while she let's out some cute moans but soon she roll her eyes back a bit while she sticks out her tongue and after a while she can't handle it and let it out with a loud moan.

Koudai: (moaning) Oh yes~!

Then Hakufu was last as the two were on the bed as sticks his dick into her vigina as Hakufu smirked at him and ask him.

Hakufu: (smirk) Show me what you got. Don't go easy on this girl.

Y/n: (smirk) I won't.

He then dose her business with her as she let out some pleasure like moans while Y/n gose fast and hard while Hakufu grabs the blankets and after a while of moans she wraps around Y/n's neck and the two kissed as the two share some moans and then stop.

Y/n: (moaning) Jesus I feel like a big one coming!

Soon the two let out a loud moan and soon they passed out onto the bed with Koudai, Housen and Shimei also passed out as well as they lay on the floor unconscious throughout the night.

(Lemon ends)

We see a man wearing a black suit standing on top of the balcony as he is on a call with someone as he ask them.

???: You sure it's him?

The person at the other end told him which he node several times and then after that he hung up as he stand at the balcony and let out a stressful sigh as he enter back inside as a teenage boy slowly closes the door behind him but he heard a voice behind him, asking him.

???: And where were you Midori?

He slowly turn to see his father as he nervous tell him.

Midori: (nervous smile) Oh you know...having a late night walk, that's all.

???: (sigh) Son you know it's too dangerous for you to be out there.

Midori: But dad I can handle it myself, I know how to-

???: I don't want to hear it anymore just....go to your room. I'll be back home, I just need to sort things out with work.

Midori: (sigh) Yes sir.

He walks off to hid room while his father leaves the house. Next thing we see is Midori enter his room and tossed away his bag aside and shut off the lights and gose to sleep while we can see his bag and see the Seeker outfit he wear last night as Midori is the Seeker and he will meet the Guardian very soon.

To be continued..................................

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