Chapter 13: The fury of true justice (Arc 4 final)
We see the hostages at the cafeteria along with the corrupted swat officers as they keep an eye on them and shoot any of them if they try something suspicious. After what seems like a while one of their radios gose off as one listen and nodes a few times and then ends to call. He nodes to the rest as they reload and walk towards the hostages as they sat there in fear while the corrupted swat officers get around them and aim their rifles at them.
There were screams and cries as they were about to pull the trigger when he lights they were in turns off all of a sudden.
Swat officer 1: Who turned off the lights?
Swat officer 2: Shit is someone here?!
Swat officer 3: Maybe. Anyone have a flash light?
Swat officer 4: Got one her-
Then he screamed when he was dragged while the rest turned and open fire but suddenly another officer was taking and then two more as more and more were being taking into the darkness and once that the lights came on. There was only one as he was scared as he fire his rifle around, trying to hit who ever attacked the others.
Swat officer 1: Show yourself you mother fucker! Show yourself!
???: Gladly.
He then look up only for Night-Justice land on top of him and then he strike a blow at his neck, knocking him out. Once that he turn to the hostages who look at him while he wave towards the door while he tells them.
Night-Justice: Lunch time is over people, time to get out of here.
They breath a sigh as they make a run towards the exit while Night-Justice watch them leave. Then Housen and Shimei appear behind him as Housen dust off her hands while she tells them.
Housen: (smirk) Man this is going to be easy.
Shimei: The hostages are free now it's just Shishi to deal with.
Night-Justice: And Akio at the CEO office. Let's hope Guardian and Hakufu can handle them.
Housen: (smirk) I'm sure they be alright. After all the two have the spirits of each dragons after all.
Night-Justice: True but we should back them up. Just in cas-
Suddenly there was a shake follow by a boom above them as the lights flicker a bit as they stood there and look up at the ceiling.
Housen: What the hell was that?!
Shimei: That came from the top building!
Night-Justice: Come on!
The trio rush out of the cafeteria to see what happened up there and see if Guardian and Hakufu are alright.
We see Koukin laying on the floor as he slowly wake up and see flames around him as he slowly get up follow by a groan as he shake his head while Gakushuu who was beside him also sat up while groan a bit as he look around to see the CEO building was destroyed.
Gakushuu: Damn that was close.
Koukin: Yeah. Wait, where's Guardian and Hakufu?!
Gakushuu: Look there's Guardian!
He looked over to see Guardian laying on the floor while rubble was on top of him as the two rush over. Gakushuu lifted the rubble off of him while Koukin pulled Guardian from the rubble and then turned him over and then he was shocked.
Koukin: (shocked) Y/n?!
The explosion cost his mask to be damaged critically leaving a massive hole at the right side of his mask, exposing his left side od his face as he slowly wake up and see Gakushuu and Koukin looking over him. He slowly gets up while he groan and then ask the two.
Y/n: You both okay?
Koukin: (shocked) Y-Y-Yeah but Y/n...your Guardian?
Y/n was surprised but he touched his left side od his mask and see it broken as he breath a sigh while he tells the two.
Y/n: Yeah.....I am. Guess you both were not suspected this huh.
Gakushuu: Well if you think about it, it kinda make sense.
Y/n: Still you guys can ask questions later, right now we need to find Akio.
Koukin: I think he's over there.
He turned to the destroyed CEO office and see the burning and dead body of Akio as his body burns while he sat there without a word. Y/n breaths a sigh while he slowly gets up and felt pain at his waist but he still stood up.
Y/n: Then where's Shishi and Hakufu?
Koukin: I don't know! We have to find her!
Y/n: I'll find her. You both find Night-Justice and get out of here. I'll go and find them both.
Koukin: No it's too dangerous plus Hakufu is my friend I have to-
Y/n: I know you want to save her but it's too dangerous to face Shishi. I promise Hakufu will be back without harm no go.
Koukin was hesitant but Gakushuu grabs his shoulder and nodes to him. He nodes back as the two head downstairs while Y/n calls up Sara on his broken helmet that his radio still works.
Y/n: Sara can you sent in drones to find Hakufu and Shishi. I bet Shishi got her while she was unconscious.
Sara: (radio) Already on it.....and I got him! He's on the roof! Get him now and we can end this.
Y/n: Right, thanks Sara.
After that he race towards the stair case and make his way up the steps, heading towards the roof and finally he burst open the door and step onto the roof. Across from him was Shishi looking at the veiw and not facing him as Y/n take a few steps towards him and then Shishi spoke.
Shishi: (smile) Seems like we've finally met Guardian. Or should I say Y/n.
Y/n: Stop this now Shishi! It's over!
Shishi just chuckle as he turn to him to see his broken mask while he smirk and tells him.
Shishi: (smirk) You never know when to give up do you? You could never end this war and even if you try, the will be problems that will continue this war forever and ever.
Y/n: I don't care how hard it might be, I'll end I even by means I have to sacrifice my own life to stop it.
Shishi: (smirk) Here you are being a hero and all. When are you going to realise violence is what we are. We were ment to spread violence and show the world that the strong can survive while the weak is the test for the strong.
Y/n: Then what about you? You lie, blackmail and trick anyone around you just to watch them cost more chaos and have them turn against each other.
Shishi: (smirk) Yeah that was fun when it lasted. But let's have our final fun one final time. Hakufu.
Then he turn to see Hakufu appear above him as he leaps back while she slammed where Y/n was standing. He looked up to see Hakufu's eyes were green while he growl as she charge at him and swing at him bit he dodges he'd blows while Shishi watched with a smirk.
Then Hakufu kicks him, sending him flying which he crashed onto a pipe as he groan in pain. Then he leap back when Hakufu strike at him as he land behind him and pulls out his dirt gun when Hakufu ripes a pipe and tossed it at him. It hit him, costing him to drop his dirt gun as it slides away from him while he lands hard on the ground.
He then fired a grapple to dodge Hakufu quick strike as Y/n slammed onto the wall and after that he stood up to face Hakufu as she turn to him.
Y/n: Hakufu snap out of it please. I can help you.
She roar while she launched at him and strike a blow at his face, finally destroying his mask as he roll onto the ground while parts of his mask scattered everything while Hakufu roars once more while Shishi smirked as Hakufu leaps towards him but Y/n use his smoke bombs to blind her. She swings her arms around until the smoke clears up and then two sleeping gas grenades roll up to her but Hakufu kicks them both off of the roof as they exploded while she turn back and then Y/n came down, striking a kick at her and pinned her to the ground as she struggle while Y/n called out to her.
Y/n: Hakufu it's me Y/n! You remember right? Don't let him control you! Remember who you are!
She headbutted him which made him to let go and then he was kicked across the roof and he was about to fall of the edge but he grabs the edge of the roof and is seeing haning on as he grab his other hand and climb off the edge. He breaths heavily while he look up and was immediately grabbed by the neck by Hakufu and then tossed across and slammed onto another pipe as he felt his bones crack as he groans in pain even more. He fell onto the ground while Hakufu walks towards him and turned him around and then stomp her foot at his stomach as blood spit out of him as Hakufu slowly squeeze his stomach with her foot as she was about to crush his stomach and kill him for good as Y/n looks up at her snd tells her.
Y/n: (smile) I know your not stupid but I also know your not smart most of the time. But that's okay. Because deep down I know your the childlike Hakufu that I love. Your the girl that wants to fight while also have a smile on your face but you also fight to protect your friends just like me. Still no matter if the spirit of the dragon is controlling you or Shishi is.....I still love you.
Hakufu hears all of it as tears came down from her cheeks follow by her green eyes flicker and then she remove her foot as he slowly gets up and turn to see Hakufu stepping back as she yells out while grabbing her head like she is fighting the spirit of the dragon within her. Then she succeed as she breath a sigh while she collapsed but Y/n rushes over and catch her. Hakufu slowly open her eyes to meet Y/n's as she smiled at him and said.
Hakufu: (smile) I'm sorry. I'm such a stupid girl.
Y/n: (smile) But your my silly girl.
She smiled while she giggle as he help her up and then they hear clapping ad they turn to see Shishi clapping his hands as he stop and then said.
Shishi: (smirk) Guess I've lost then. Guess all that planning was close but in the end....we've failed looks like you've won Y/n. Congratulations.
He then trun away from them and step forward as his feet was close to the edge as everyone down below looked up and see Shishi as all cameras look up as Shishi looks up at the clear blue sky and then said.
Shishi: (smile) You's impressive to have someone like you had enough of this war and decided to end it by any means necessary. This country will not be the same without fighters or this war, you know that right? You love the violence and you love to be a her right? You wish this war will continue so you can beat more fighters up right?
Shishi: (smirk) It doesn't matter. None of this matters anymore. Our mission is lost, our plan failed and our forces are gone. There is only me and I know what I must do.
He turn his head towards Y/n and Hakufu as he take one last step and said before he fell.
Shishi: (smirk) Goodbye.....Guardian.
Then he fell completely as the crowd down blow gasp in shock while Shishi shut his eyes while he smiled but then he felt a hand grab his arm as he slammed onto the glass window and open his eyes and look up to see Y/n grabbing hid arm as he look at him and then tells him.
Y/n: Your wrong. I'm really sick and tired of this war and I'll do anything to end it.
He then tossed Shishi back on the roof as he stood over him as he pulls out handcuffs whike he tells Shishi.
Y/n: Your under arrest Shishi.....its over.
Shishi just smiles as he have his hands behind him as Y/n bend down and cuff his hands whike a police helicopter appear behind him as he turn to it as officers came out and run pass Y/n and getting Shishi up and taking him inside while Alex walks up to Y/n and the two shake.
Alex: Thank god this is all over. I need really need a drink after this.
Y/n: (smile) Don't blame you.
Alex: (smile) Still thanks for everything Y/n. We could never forget what you did.
He smiled while he node to him as Alex climb back into the helicopter and they took off. Y/n watch them leave when Hakufu walks up next to him and ask.
Hakufu: So guess this is over?
Y/n: (smile) Seems like it. We won, justice is served.
She nodes while she took off her magatama and looks at as she closes and says.
Hakufu: (smile) Even though my mother told me to always wear this. I realised....I really don't need this to roof I am a fighter.
She then tossed it away as it lands somewhere whike she turn to Y/n and immediately kissed him in the lips. This surprise him but he kissed her back as the two wrap each other and then they stop and look at each other as she smiled.
Hakufu: (smile) I can be my own fighter no matter what.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
The two hugged as we see Koukin and the rest at the roof as they see Hakufu and Y/n alive and well as they smiled as they believed this battle of justice is now over and the city is now peaceful after for soo long.
(A week later)
It has been a week since the final battle and it seems the city has changed. Fighters are slowly disappearing left and right and the city is slowly going back to normal. Either the fighters quiet being a fighter or have thirr fighting battle somewhere in secret from the police, either way the city is now peaceful and even though many other regions are still battle and continue on the war, reports saying vigilanting heroes are rising up and taking their own battle against the fighters and trying to end the war in their own way.
Hakufu: Okay mum I'm going out!
Then we see Hakufu and Koukin leaving thier home as they make theie way towards the gate and they see Y/n waiting for them as he turn to them as they walk up to him.
Y/n: (smile) You two up on time.
Hakufu: (smile) Yep! Thanks for that alarm clock you've give me!
She lend over and kissed him on the cheek as he chuckle and respond.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Hakufu. Now let's heaf to school.
Hakufu: (smile) Yeah!
They head off to school as Y/n and Koukin were behind Hakufu as Koukin turn to him and said.
Koukin: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Koukin: I just wanna say thanks for everything and thanks for keep Hakufu safe.
Y/n: (smile) She's a strong girl she can handle anything.
Koukin: (smile) Yeah but you've always protected her from danger and I just want to thank you for keeping her safe.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Koukin: (smile) Also I don't mind you two going on a date. You deserve her.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, I'll treat her well.
He smiled and soon they arrive at school as students wave hello to them as thy enter into school.
Housen: Hi there Y/n~!
Then Housen appear and hugged him while she kissed him in the cheeks while Koudai approached them.
Koudai: (smile) Hey guys. How's things?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good. How's it feels like to be new students of Nanyo Gakuen academy?
Housen: (smile) Feels good, just as long we can see you more and more our handsome boy.
She kissed him once more while she press her breast at his shoulder while Hakufu dose the same, including Koudai as the two girls grab each others arms as they cuddle him.
Gakushuu: Hey guys.
Then Gakushuu walks up to them as they turn to him as Y/n smile and said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Gakushuu. How's things?
Gakushuu: (smile) Pretty good. Now come on, class is aboit to start.
Y/n: (smile) Right. Let's go.
They head into class to enjoy the peaceful lessons by their new teachers and then hours go by and Night came as we see Y/n and Kairi sitting on the roof of the building with theie vigilant outfits on them as they eat their shared pizza as Kairi sighs and tells him.
Kairi: (smile) Seems like a peaceful night.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah for once. How are you holding?
Kairi sat there in silence a bit but he turn to him and says.
Kairi: Even though my brother maybe gone.....I'll still fight for justice and I'll always fight along side you.
Y/n smile as he wrap his arms around him, giving him a hug.
Y/n: (smile) Still we are like brothers and no matter what, we will always be best friends.
Kairi: (chuckle) Same.
They look down at the pizza box to see only one left as they look at each other but then they hear gunfire in the distances as the two stood up and put on their masks. Guardian had a new suit that is a lot more stronger as Guardian says to Night-Justice.
Guardian: Who ever beats the most criminals gets the last slice of pizza.
Night-Justice: Is that a challenge?
Guardian: Better then fighting over it.
Night-Justice: True. Still bring it on.
The two fire thier grapple and then heads to fight crime once more as two vigilant heroes. Disbite the war still continue, there will always be heroes doing their best to end the war once and for all and Guardian along with his friends.....will end this war for sure.
To be continued....................................
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