Chapter 12: The fury of true justice (Arc 3)


We see Y/n standing in the middle of a black void with nothing around him except for himself. He looks around but see there is nothing as he walk a few steps forward, his feet echo throughout the black void while he looks around while he wonder where he is.

Then there was a growl that isn't human like as he stop while the growl turn into deep breaths. Then suddenly blue flames appear around Y/n, forming a ring that surrounded him which made him jump back a bit when the flames nearly burn him in front of him.

But he realised it didn't hurt so he walk close to the blue flames and lift his hand and dig his hand into the blue flames and it isn't burning his hand in pain but it feels kinda nice.

???: It seems we have finally met young boy.

He step back a bit and look around after hearing that voice but he can't see anyone so he calls out.

Y/n: Hello? Who's there? Who are you?

???: I was thrown away by my brothers and sisters because I refuse to harm any being I have seen. I was the only dragon of my kind to show true passion towards beings like humans to refuse to harm or take over like you. I am your spirit, I am....your dragon spirit.

Suddenly the blue flames in front of him blows away, revealing a blue dragon that shocked Y/n as he step back a bit but see the dragon lower his head down while staring at him, showing he is not a threat but rather...his allie.

Y/n: (surprised) Your the Blue dragon spirit of justice? The spirit that Chuuei said before his death.

Blue dragon: That is correct. Unlike many dragons I was the only one who show no reason to attack any humans for the sake of violence and blood. I rather protect them then taking part of a foolish war that has been going on for years.

Y/n: I see. So, your the reason I've managed to defeat Chuuei in combat?

Blue dragon: I was giving you the strength to defeat him while you did all the work.

Y/n: Oh...Guess I should thank you then. (Little chuckle)

Blue dragon: There is no reason for thanks. You are shown to be very strong even before my awakening. Your bravery and honor allows him to be awaken inside of you and I share my powers so you can defeat the true threat of this war.

Y/n: Still this battle ain't over yet, there is Aiko and Shishi still out there and they have Koukin and Gakushuu.

Blue dragon: I agree but you must understand that there is more humans like me that hold the spirit of the dragons but unlike me they want blood and they will do so no matter what will happen.

Y/n: How many do you think they are?

Blue dragon: Hard to say, my memory is a blurr but I hope not as many. Still though, you must be ready when ever it comes. Hakufu's dragons may have already been awaken but long your around her, I believe the dragon inside of her will not go berserk and try to kill anyone.

Y/n: Alright. I'll make sure that will not happen. I promise.

Blue dragon: I know you will, young vigilant.

(Dream ends)
(Short while later)

We see Y/n at the gym throwing his basketball through the hop as he catch the ball and throw it once more through the hop. He smirks a bit when he hear someone walking uo behind him and he turn to see Shimei. She stop and stare at him while the basketball gently bounce off somewhere while the two look at each other for a bit.

Shimei: Why didn't you tell me you were a Vigilant?

Y/n: Because I don't want to get anyone hurt.

Shimei: Still why doing all of this, you were nearly killed several times so why even continue as a hero?

Y/n: True, I nearly have died a few times throughout the months as Guardian but it won't stop me of being who I am. I won't stop until I will bring this region back to the way it was.

Shimei: Even though that be impossible. You do know taking down Chuuei and many others ain't gonna stop this war. You do know that right?

Y/n: I do know Shimei, that's why I'm gonna continue until this war, the death, the violence and every terrible things....are stopped. This region will finally get what they never have forever....peace and justice.

There was silence between them as Shimei gets close to Y/n which made Y/n blush a bit but then she punched him in the stomach which made him fell to his knees while Shimei crackle her knuckles while she said.

Shimei: That's do keeping secrets from us.

Y/n: O-Okay....I kinda deserve that. Guess I should have seen that co-

When he look up at her Shimei kisses him on the lips qhich surprised him a bit as he stood up as Shimei kiss him even more until she stop and pull back. She too blushed in a cute way as she also said.

Shimei: (blush) A-And that's for...caring for me.

Y/n gives her a warm smile while she blushes even more when he pet her on the head.

Y/n: (smile) I always care about everyone...including you.

Shimei blushes even more when this moment was cut off by Y/n's phone ringing so he pulls it out of his pocket and answer it. He nodes a few times while he ask and then he was shocked and hangs up. Once that he turn to Shimei.

Y/n: (shocked) Akio and Shishi are attacking the office building....and he has Koukin and Gakushu!


We see police helicopters flying around the tall office building as we see flashes follow by gunfire while down below we see many officers at the entrance aiming their weapons at the buildings entrance while we see Chikao, Alex, Haruto, Asashi and Fuji among the officers as they get the officers ready when they come out.

Then we cut to tye CEO office when we see the CEO get shot in the head by Akio as he fell onto the ground lifeless while we see Shishi there along with the tied up Koukin and Gakushi as Akio get grabs a microphone and tells his rouge swat officers through the speakers throughout the building

Akio: Attention all swat forces. Make sure all hostages are tug inside the cafeteria and if they try anything funny, shoot them on sight. We will not leave until we get what we want.

He throws the microphone away while he walk over to the window with Shishi next to him as Akio look down at the officers down below with Shishi glancing down and said.

Shishi: Looks like your plan is going well. You think he'll come?

Akio: He should be. If only Skull would be here but he's not answering my fucking phone calls!

Shishi: (smirk) Relax we can handle this without him. We just need to wait for both he to arrive and we can spring our trap.

Akio: (smirk) Indeed.

Koukin: What is it you want?

Akio turn to Koukin and walk up to him and once he gets to him he bend down and tell him.

Akio: You see, Guardian has ruined my plans and now.....he needs to pay. That is why you and your strong friend here are gonna stay here until he comes and I can get my revenge.

Gakushuu: It's hard to beat him if you ask me. He is very skilled in combat, he'll find a way to defeat you.

Akio turn to Gakushuu and back to Koukin before he stood up and turn around and walk away until he stop in the middle of the office, take a deep breath and quickly turn back around and fire a lot of shots at the wall between them and keeps on firing until he hear a click on his pistol.

Koukin and Gakushuu were shocked by this and still hear the ringing in their ears while Akio lower his empty pistol and tells them.

Akio: We'll see about it.

He turns and sat on the CEO's desk and relax while unknowing to them we see a drone spying on them as we cut to Y/n's hideout. Inside we see Y/n, Kairi, Hakufu, Shimei, Housen and Sara as they see them through Kairi's computer screen.

Kairi: Yep that's them alright. They have Koukin and Gakushuu at the top floor while have hostages at the cafeteria.

Hakufu: (smirk) Alright let's go and beat them up.

Shimei: They have weapons Hakufu. This will be dangerous.

Housen: (smirk) Oh please we've been through dangerous situations so this will be easy.

Sara: Beside there are less rough swat forces inside so it be easy if we use stealth.

Y/n: There's no point. They will know we are coming and who knows how long until he will get impatient and start killing hostages.

Kairi: So going in loud?

Y/n: Yep.

Kairi: Right, I'll get mu suit ready.

He leaves his chair and head off but Y/n rush over and grab him by the shoulder.

Y/n: Your coming with me? You sure about this?

Kairi: (smile) Of course. Dude this is our chance of bringing peace to this city and besides, you need back up. I'll free the hostages while you go and face off with Akio and Shishi and save Koukin and Gakushuu.

Y/n: (smile) Right.

Hakufu: (smile) If you two are coming then we're coming with!

Y/n: No way! You were killed by Chuuei before, I won't let you get yourself killed again.

Hakufu: (smile) That maybe so but Koukin is my friend and besides, i can't let you both have all the fun. If your going, I'm going.

Y/n was worried about this as he think about but he sighand place his hand on her shoulder and tell her.

Y/n: Okay...just....stay close and don't do anything reckless okay?

Hakufu: Okay~!

Housen: (smirk) This is gonna be awesome.

Shimei: Dangerous but we're with you.

Sara: (smile) Guess I'll monitor things here and update you all if anything happens.

Y/n: Right. Kairi, let's suit up.

Kairi smirk with a node as the two suit up and get their gear ready and once that they head out to face Akio and Shishi once and for all.


They arrive at the location as they walk pass the crowd of officers and get to Chikao and the rest as Guardian walks up to Chikao and ask him.

Guardian: What's the situation?

Chikao: Nothing much. We have a few rouge swat forces at the front entrance while some are keeping the office workers as hostages at the cafeteria. Akio and Shishi are at the top floor with two other hostages as well.

Guardian: Right. Night-Justice once we're inside the clear the main entrance, take Housen and Shimei and make your way to the cafeteria to save the hostages while me and Hakufu head up to the top floor and face off with Shishi and Akio.

Night-Justice: On it.

They were a bit surprised and even Alex ask Guardian.

Alex: (surprised) When have you form a team?

Guardian: Just now. Tell your officers to wait until we clear the main entrance and once that, arrest the rouge swat forces and stay there until we come back with Shishi and Akio arrested.

Chikao: On it.

Guardian: Alright then, let's do this.

Inside the main entrance we see rouge swat officers patrolling and guarding the main entrance when a smoke grenade was rolled and stop in the middle of the room as they turn and smoke filles the air. They realise that he is here but they were not suspected him to have back up as they were quickly pulled into the smoke while screams and were heard.

Soon the main entrance was clear as the smoke clears up and we see Guardian and his team as they look around and a few more appear at the second floor. They aim their weapons at them but Y/n throws its ninja stars that knock away their weapons out of their hands before Night-Justice and Housen leap up and knock out the rouge officers follow by Guardian, Shimei and Hakufu as they too leap ontonthe second floor and then beat them up.

Some rouge officers retreated while the rest were taking out and soon they fell onto the ground. Once that they make their way through the halls just as Chikao and his officers burst into the main entrance and start handcuffing the rouge officers.

While this is happening we see Guardian and the rest rushing through the halls when they quickly stop when bullets fly in front of them ad Guardian see a few rouge  officers opening fire at them while Night-Justice pullsnout a EMP grenade and throws it towards them.

The grenade gose off as there weapons stop working as Shimei and Housen take them out. Once that they see two paths so they have to split up as they turn to each other as Guardian tells Night-Justice.

Guardian: Be safe.

Night-Justice: Same to you. See you soon.

Once that they split off with Night-Justice, Housen and Shimei head to the cafeteria while Guardian and Hakufu head to the top floor. They reach the stairs as they look up and it will take a long while to get to the top floor.

Hakufu: Aw man that's too high! I'm not going run all of those stairs.

There was a ding as the elevator opens behind them ad a rouge swat office was checking on his phone when he look up and see both Guardian and Hakufu.

Rouge swat officer: Oh shi-

Guardian quickly kick him which he slammed onto the elevator and he blows a punch at him in the face. Once that he grabs the rouge swat officer snd throw him out of the elevator and once that exit out of the elevator and said.

Guardian: Ladies first?

Hakufu lend out a giggle as she enter the elevator first with Guardian enter last as he press a button ad the elevator closes in front of them and the lift gose up.

They stand at the elevator waiting for the lift to arrive to their floor as Hakufu and Guardian stand there in silence as Guardian ask Hakufu.

Guardian: This elevator reminds me of that Zombies film about a man trap inside a elevator during a zombie Apocalypse.

Hakufu: Really, what was I called?

Guardian: Can't seem to remember. I think I was called the elevator, no....there trapped elevator, no........wait I got it! The end! Yeah that's right.

Hakufu: (smile) Was it a horror film?

Guardian: Yeah but it's pretty good. Me and Kairi watch it and it was awesome.

Hakufu: (smile) I might wanna watch it with you. That way i can imagine you protecting me from the grows undead people.

Guardian: You think I'll be a great zombie slayer?

Hakufu: (smile) A badass one in fact.

Guardian: Hm, now I really wish a zombie Apocalypse would happen so I can test out my skills during the Apocalypse.

Hakufu: (giggle) Your silly, there is no such thing as Zombies.

Guardian: (giggle) Yeah, guess your right.

After a while there is a ding and the elevator doors finally open and they step out and walk towards the huge door where Akio is at so Guardian opens the door and they step in.

There they see Akio with his legs on the table as he smirk at them while Koukin and Gakushuu are seen next to him as Koukin looks over to see them.

Koukin: Hakufu, Guardian!

Hakufu: Hey jerk! Let them go or we will beat you!

Akio: (smirk) Is that your best threat? Please, you can do better then that.

Guardian: Give up Akio. You've lost, turn yourself over and come with us.

Akio lend out a small chuckle while he place his legs back onto the ground while he lend forward onto the desk and tells Guardian.

Akio: (smirk) You have no idea what you are doing now do you? Hm? I mean what you are doing is ending a war that has been going on for years and years, war is something that we are. Peace, love, justice and order.....they're fucking jokes and it make us weak. Soo weak in fact, I remember a retired soldier gets beaten up by a bunch of people and he doesn't fight back or kill them because if he dose kill or harm them then that is against the "law" which is Bullshit!many years ago we were strong, powerful and unfeared people and now we are pathetic, weak and fools when law came around and the Government told us what to do! We....are.....not....weak. We are strong, powerful and brave people and if we listen to the law then that will make us weak, make us powerless and more importantly make us as cowards!

Guardian: So you did all of this just because you believe the law is making us weak?

Akio: Yes! No matter how many times we throw away criminals they will always break out and kill more. Rather then these citizens getting ready for a a robber or a murder to come, they hide away and cry like cowards! These criminals ain't demons or have powers they are people like us and they should be killed because they are challenging us to show our bravery and we all have failed time after time over and over again...except for me. I kill anyone who break into my home and I do NOT care what the law says, I can do the the fuck I want!

Suddenly Hakufu was grabbed from behind by Shishi as Guardian quickly turn to see Shishi holding Hakufu while Akio grabs a bat and leaps over the desk and rushes towards him to land a hit at him. But Guardian grabs his bat and kick him away which cost Akio to slam onto his desk while Guardian walks over and stand over him.

Guardian: I don't care what you say about the law. The law is there to protect people, true it may not work but it keeps us together as people and no matter what I will not only protect the people of this region but the law as well.

Akio just smirks to himself ad he look down and shake his head.

Akio: (smirk) Guess your right. As long your alright the law will be protected....but....let's shattered that shall we?

He pulls a trigger and suddenly one helicopter appear on the left side while another came from the right as Guardian sees missiles as he throws his bat at Shishi, hitting him on the head as Hakufu races over towards Guardian while he throws his ninja star and cut the rope of Koukin and Gakushuu as they all race out of the office as the missiles fire at tne office while Akio smirks and says.

Akio: (smirk) The law.....will one day be way....or another.


To be continued.................................

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