Chapter 10: The fury of true justice (Arc 1)

On top of the hill near the city, we see the news station and inside we see Fuji, Asashi, Haruto and Takato already inside as they manage to take out Akio's guards while Takato plug his laptop onto the station and downloaded all the evidence to the city so the city will see the truth. While it downloads, they hear more Swat team coming so Fuji, Asashi and Haruto get behind cover and ready their weapons as the door in front of them kicked open and the swat team open fire which they return fire.

A few swat team get shot and fell to the ground while Takato dose his best to not allow the swat team to shoot his laptop while it's downloading.

Asashi: Never suspected we be shooting at our own police force huh.

Haruto: Well their no longer the police force anymore.

Fuji: Still we need to hold the line before-

Then Fuji got shot in the arm and he ducked down as Asashi give Haruto cover as she try to see how bad is Fuji's wound and patch it down.

Takato: (thought) Come on....come on....come on.

The Download was complete and TV screens show Akio's crimes and evidence so the city will see that Akio was the really responsible for all of this to happen. Once that Takato crawl over to the rest and pulls out his pistol qnd headshot a few swat team. The room was clear but more will come as they stand up while Haruto helps Fuji up.

Takato: So now what?

Haruto: Let's find Akio and end this.

Takato: Well that's gonna be everywhere so there is no where to run now.

Fuji: Still he might try to kill Guardian. Come on, we need to get to the city now.

They make their way through the halls of the news station and once they burst open the door they were immediately stopped and see a whole swat team aim their weapons at them.

They can't take them all out so they were ready for their fate when suddenly a swat truck slammed through the gate and nearly ran over some swat team as some moved out of the way as the swat truck stops in front of them and a voice of Alex is heard inside.

Alex: Get inside now!

Fuji: (surprised) Alex?!

Alex: Get in now!

They conplay and hop inside and once Haruto shut the back of the trucks doors Alex drive off as he burst through the gate and drive towards the city while Fuji next to Alex see him wearing his officer uniform.

Fuji: (smile) Good to see you alright Alex. How did you hijack this truck?

Alex: (smirk) Those idiots left the keys on my desk so I take it and head over to get you. Let me tell you, their fucking idiots for doing that.

Fuji: (chuckle) Yeah but it's good to see you alright.

Alex nodded as Asashi open the slide door between them and asked.

Asashi: So where do you think Akio might be?

Fuji: Who knows but he must be tracking down Guardian which is why we're gonna help him.

Alex: (smirk) He saved my life and all of you so let's return the favour.

They agree as Alex drives the truck into the city to find Guardian and help him before Akio finds him.


Guardian rides his bike through the city and heading to Rakuyo High school to end this once and for all. He knows that swat team forces will find him racing through the city but he doesn't have much time. Then he get a phone call from Goei and he answered.

Goei: (phone) Y/n you need to get to Rakuyo high school right now and save my daughter.

Guardian: Don't worry I'm on my way the-wait what?! Why in the hell is she there?!

Goei: (phone) A while back Chuuei encountered her at the water park and now I believe he knows.

Guardian: He knows what?

Goei: (phone) I should've told you this sooner but you must understand. Do you remember Hakufu going into her rage when anyone nearly beats her?

Guardian: Yeah I do.

Goei: (phone) There is a reason for it. She has a spirit of a dragon that only wants one thing.....fighting. it's the reason why she is a strong fighter.

Guardian: So that's why she isn't herself when ever someone is stronger then her or beats her?

Goei: (phone) Indeed and now Chuuei is trying to use her and try to control the spirit within. You have to get there before it's too late.

Guardian: Don't worry Goei, I'll get to Hakufu before Chuuei will succeed. You have my wor-

Suddenly there was an explosion that sent Guardian flying and he lands hard on the ground as his bike slammed onto the ground while Guardian slowly gets up and looks over to see a army of Swat team along with a tank rolling up to him  as Guardian slowly gets up and Akio opens the tanks hatch and looks at Guardian.

Akio: (smirk) What do you think? Guess that Skull guy has more then just weapons in his hand.

Guardian: Stop this now Akio. Turn yourself in and surrender.

Akio: (smirk) I think your blind here. Your the one who is surrendered and now this city will see you fall. Get him!

The swat team rushes towards them with their police bats as he dodge their strikes as he quickly pulls out his metal rod and blocks their attacks and hits them back. More just keep coming as Guardian try his best to take them all down but there was just too many to deal with.

Soon his metal rod gets knocked off from his hand qnd he was beaten several times but he breaks free and grabs one swat officers arm and tossed it towards the rest before he fire a grabble at one swat officers arm and pulls him towards him as he blows a punch at the swat officer in the face as he slammed onto the ground while he turn qnd catches a fist but another swat officer manage to blow a punch at Guardian and he stumble back.

He was breathing heavily as he pulls out two sleeping gas and tosses it towards them and the gas gets around them as Guardian stood there and see he might have won when suddenly a tank fired and the blast near Guardian sent him flying as he crashed onto a call and fell to the ground.

He slowly gets up and he felt like his back is broken but he still gets up while Akio drives the tank through the smoke while more swat team came oit of the gas wearing gas mask as Guardian pulls out his grabbe at a building try to make his escape.

Akio: Oh no you don't!

He fired the tank the building and blows it up as Guardian falls back down and slammed hard on top of the car. He slowly rolled off the roof of the car and land hard on the ground as he grab the side car as he try to get back up while Akio laughs.

Akio: (Laughter) Look at you now! Weak and done for!

He fired the tank and blow up the car while Guardian was sent flying and crashed onto a wall and fell to the ground. He slowly gets up only for the swat officers to come over and beat him while he was done as he beat him several times while Akio watched with a smirk.

Soon the swat officers drag Guardian ij frontbof the tank as they force him to his knees while Akio aims the tanks cannons at Guardian.

Akio: (smirk) Before I will kill you right here and now let's see who you really are.

He snap his fingers and one swat officer grabs Guardians mask and ripped it off. Everyone who were looking out of their window from their buildings look out and see Guardians true face as Y/n lift his head up and looks up at Akio which surprised the swat officers and Akio.

Akio: (surprised) Wait? Your Guardian? A teenage boy is Guardian this whole time! I mean why are you even doing this?! Aren't you also a fighter as well so why ending the war!

Y/n: Because......Because I'm sick and tired of this war.

He glare at Akio and the rest as he tell them all.

Y/n: I'm tired that so many people have to suffer because of this pointless war. This war has gone long enough and I can't stand by and watch this war continue any longer. These people needed hope, they needed someone to stand up and end this war no matter what, someone who understood the feeling of watching many people around you die or injured. So you see, that's why I became Guardian, so I can end this war and so everyone else can be free from the war that has been happening throughout the years! I WILL NOT ALLOW ANYONE ELSE TO DIE!

Then he zapped the two swat team officers and throw them to the ground as he immediately stand up and immediately grab one officers fist and punch him at the stomach and quickly turn and grab the other rifle and moved it away as the rifle fires before Y/n ripped it out of his arm and kick him.

Whioe he turn to the officer who he is still holding on and headbutted him and throw him away. Then he was slammed by a riot shield which made him to stumble back as he was slammed by another behind him and soon more swat officers start slamming their shields at him before one punched Y/n in the face as he fell onto the ground facing the sky.

He lay there while Akio walks over to him and place his foot onto his chest and pulls out his gun and point it at his head.

Akio: Don't care your reason of fighting kid. People will still see you as a villain and always will be. So....any last words?

Y/n sees there is no way out of this and knows that this is it for him. He cracks a smile and tells him.

Y/n: My spirit will inspire more to fight for justice. Even if you kill me now....a new will rise to end this war once and for all.

Akio: (smirk) Then I guess I have to destroy them all. Starting with you.

Y/n still smile as he shut his eyes and ready for his death and thinks about everyone he has met and wishes he can see them all for the last time.

Suddenly a brick was throne at Akio as he was hit by it qnd stumble back.

Akio: The fuck! Who did that!?

They look over and they see a child in the middle of the street as he glare at Akio while Akio calls out.

Akio: Punished the boy.

They were about to when more and more citizens came out with bats and steel pipes in hand as they form a massive crowd which was too many for Akio's men.

Male person: If your gonna harm him, you gonna gte pass us!

Male person 2: Yeah! Leave him alone!

Female person: He's a hero and always will be!

Children: He's the best hero we have!

Y/n was shocked by this to see everyone stooding up for him as Akio was shocked as well and yells out.

Akio: (anger) The hell are all of you talking about! He's a criminal, a villain and more importantly a student of one of those fighters!

Theh didn't care as they march towards them while Akio and his men backs off while the crowd starts to yell at them while some help Y/n up and carry him away and once out of the crowd they set him down as Y/n looks at them all.

Y/n: Thank you. You've just saved my life.

Male person: (smile) Of course. You saved all of us and now....we do the same to you.

Female person: Your such a brave boy who stood up for all of us and we can't thank you enough for everything though did for us.

Little girl: Here.

Then a little girl walks over to Y/n and hands him his mask follow by her saying.

Little girl: This was dropped. I think you want to have it.

Y/n smiles as he take the mask and puts it on.

Guardian: Thank you. Thank you all.

Male person: Don't worry about your identity kid. Your secret is safe with us.

Guardian nodes as he slowly gets up just as a swat truck drive over and Alex honk the horn while he peaks out through the window.

Alex: You look like hell!

Guardian walks over to Alex and tells him.

Guardian: I need to get to Rakuyo high school as quickly as you can.

Alex: Alright get in and we can take you there.

He nodes and turns to the people and give them a node as he climb inside the truck and once that Alex rides off as the citizens smile as they believe they will end this once and for all.


Soon they arrive as they race through the school and see many unconscious students which Guardian believes Hakufu was here but not alone. They reach the garden and burst open the door and see Chuuei there strangling Shimei while Hakufu and Housen are laying with Hakufu are shown to be lifeless.

Guardian: Hakufu!

Fuji, Takato, Alex, Haruto and Asashi drew oit their guns at Chuuei while Guardian rushes over to Hakufu and see if she is alright.

Alex: Stand down and let see soke hands!

Chuuei smirks as he rays some hands but he disappeared in seconds and appear behind them as they quickly turn as Chuuei kicks them all away. Fuji rolled and fire a few shots at Chuuei but he dodges the shots and appear in front of Fuji ad he grab his pistol and crushes it into pieces. He then one kicked Fuji which sent him flying across the room and slammed to a table while Takato fire a few shots at Chuuei which he immediately appear in front of him punched Takato's stomach which cost him to cough out blood as he fell to the ground.

Then Alex, Asashi and Haruto got together and open fire at Chuuei hoping to hit him but disappeared and grabs both Alex and Asashi in the face while headbutting Haruto as Haruto fell to the ground while he slammed both Asashi and Alex's heads as they fell to the ground. Chuuei stood over them and laughs before he said.

Chuuei: (smirk) So much for all of those training you all have. Now you will all die here as I will snap your necks.

Guardian: NOT IN MY WATCH!

Then Guardian tackles Chuuei as the two rolled to the ground as Guardian try to punch him but he disappeared and appears as Guardian turn and was kicked in the face as he stumble back. Then he try to land a punch at Chuuei but he ducks down his fist and strike Guardian in the stomach, cracking his body armour as Guardian stumble back once more.

Guardian: Your going to pay for everything you did!

Chuuei: (smirk) I like to see you try Guardian.

He rushes over and strike blow to blow at Guardian in the stomach before he upper cuts him which cist his helmet to fly out of him and then Chuuei slammed his hand at Guardian's stomach, sending him flying qnd slamming onto a window which shattered.

Then Chuuei grab his foot and pulled him over him and slammed him to the ground and then drag him around Chuuei still holding on to his foot as he throw him up to the air and then leaps up and leaps over and appears on top of Guardian as he double kicked him which sent him down to the ground hard as dust fills the air.

Chuuei lands on his feet as he grabs Guardians mask and looks at it before he crushes it into many pieces as the dust clears up as everyone around him open their eyes and were shocked to see his true face as he slowly gets up.

Chuuei: (smirk) I must say you were nothing like other fighters who dare to try to face me. Your nothing like them Guardian.....or should I say....Y/n.

Shimei: (shocked) What?! So this whole time Guardian was Y/n!?

Housen: (shocked) Holy crap.

Asashi, Haruto, Alex, Fuji and Takato were speechless by this as Y/n slowly gets up and looks over to the still lifeless Hakufu before he was immediately grabbed by the head and slammed to the ground as Chuuei slowly start squeezing his head.

Chuuei: (Evil laughter) Now look at you now! Your gonna die in front of everyone and they will witness me killing you! Any last words Y/n!

He laughs while Y/n feels pain as Chuuei is squeezing his head as he slowly open his eyes and see the spirit of Kana looking at him and smiling as Y/n know this can't be the end. He came all this way to stop this and he can't let Chuuei win now so he slowly grabs the ground and slowly tries to get up but Chuuei smirks and turn him around and grab his face instead and slammed him to the ground.


Y/n slowly move his hand and grabs Chuuei's arm as blue flames burst out of his hand which shocked Chuuei as he feels his arm being squeezed while Y/n remove Chuuei's hand from his face which shocked Chuuei even more.

He slowly gets up to one knees as his other arm burst into blue flames as he glare at Chuuei in blue dragon light eyes and throws a powerful punch at Chuuei's face.

This sent Chuuei flying and crushing onto the floor as Y/n gets up as everyone see his two blue flames on both of his fist while also blue dragon like eyes as Chuuei stood up and was shocked to what he is seeing.

Chuuei: (shocked) No! This can't be! You have the spirit of the dragon as well!

Then Chuuei realised something as if he recognised the buyer flames before and he start to step back a bit while his facture pale from realising.

Chuuei: (shocked) N-No....y-you can't have the spirit of the blue dragon.......the blue dragon of justice!

Y/n crackle his neck as he gets into a fighting stand as he only says three words to Chuuei.

Y/n: Let's end this.

To be continued.......................

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