Chapter 1: A new student
It was a cold and dark night within Kanto and the city was quiet as we can just see vehicles driving by in roads and highways just driving to their homes to rest for the night or a hotel to sleep for the next morning.
But we cut to a young girl rushing into an alleyway and judging by her face something bad must have happened as she start to rush through the alleyway while holding her bruised like someone punch her in the arm.
Still she ran through the alleyway in a panic and she heard something rushing towards her so she hide behind alarmed dumpster bin and cover her mouth so no one can't hear her breathing. The footsteps get faster and faster and then a hand grabs her and she scaremed in a panic but a voice says.
Male preson: No it's me, it's me!
She looks to see her boyfriend look beaten up but look fine. She breath a sigh of relief and hugged him and he hugs her back.
???: How cute you little shit.
Then a pipe hits the boy in the face and he stumble back and fell onto the floor. Then five gangs appears out of the darkness with one grabbing hold at his girlfriend while the other gathered around and look down at the boy as he explains.
Male person: I'm not the one that attacked your friends! It was my other friends, please we have nothing to do with it!
They chuckle like he told them a joke and then one of them said.
Male gang member: (smirk) We don't care your with them or not. Your from Nanyo Academy including your girl right? Your our enemy so time to show you not to mess with us!
They raised their pipes and start to beat the boy with it while his girlfriend screamed and yell at them to stop but they just continue. They continue to dose so and the two started to lose hope when suddenly a smoke grenade was thrown which they turn and smoke came out and they were covered with smoke.
Male gang member 2: Damn it, is that the cops?
Male gang member 3: I don't know, I can't see any- Hey wait who are- Wait what are you doing!
Then one gang member was punch and was sent flying and then one by one the gang members get beaten up by this unknown figure as he dodges their attackes and kicks and pinches them while the boy and his girlfriend watched.
Once the smoked was clear the figure drops the unconscious gang member and turn to the last one who was holding the boys girlfriend hostage as he pulls out a knife out of his pocket and put it at her neck.
Male gang member: Don't you move you hear me! One step and I'll fucking kill this bitch!
She start to cry while the mysterious figure glare at him and slowly pulls out something from his pocket and quickly he throws ninja star at the gang member and the ninja star knocks the knife off the guys hand which give the mysterious figure the opportunity to run up and kicked the last gang member as he fall to the ground and he was knocked out.
The boys girlfriend rushes over to the boy and they hugged while they look over to the mysterious figure and he turns to them which at the same time the moon light shines on them and they can clear see this masked Vigilante in person with his all black but some blue appears on his jacket and his hood.
He stare at them and the masked Vigilante see a jewel called Magatama on the boys eye which he spoke to them in a deep voice.
???: I suggest you take that Magatma off your eye, including your girlfriend. It's dangerous to have them out in puplic.
Male person: O-Okay.
The masked Vigilante turns to leave but his girlfriend spoke which made him stop and turn to her.
Female person: Wait! Thank you. Who are you?
Guardian: I am the Guardian. The protector of those who never want to take part of this endless war, but I'm gonna finish it for good.
Then Guardian walks off and disappear into the darkness while the boy and his girlfriend look at each other and look at their Magatma and decide to throw them in the bin so they will never take part of this war ever again and decided to live a normal life together as a couple.
(Next day)
We see our main protagonist named Y/n L/n on the roof of Nanyo Academy a she was in a phone call with his good friend and childhood friend named Kairi who is a hacker and helps Y/n with his Vigilante work as Guardian which no one knows except for Kairi and Y/n himself.
Y/n: So they just left school and moved to a different country like that?
Kairi: (phone) Yeah. To be honest I don't blame them.
Y/n: Agree. They rather be somewhere else rather staying here and get beaten by the other factions in different schools.
Kairi: (phone) Still news came up, saying the the Guardian have strike again and there is a lot of people that is supporting Guardian right now.
Y/n: (smirk) I'm actually surprised they started to beg a masked Vigilante to help them.
Kairi: (phone) Guess you were right about people needed hope, and they needed someone to stand up and end this war for good.
Y/n: Which will be a challenge but I'll take up that challenge.
Kairi: (phone) You mean us right?
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah us, sorry about that buddy.
Kairi: (phone) Never worry buddy. Oh by away, you got a new student at the front gates.
Y/n: (surprised) Really? Who is it?
Kairi: (phone) Best you turn around and look down.
He dose so and he can't make out who this new student is but he can tell it's a female and he sees her getting sournnded by many boys and it looks like she is fighting them on her own.
Y/n: Crap. Looks like she needed some help, I'll call you after shool man.
Kairi: (phone) Alright man, catch you later.
Y/n hang up and he walks over to the door and opens the door and start to claim down the steps and now we see hi walking through the halls as he over hear some male students talking about her from the court yard.
They were asking about what she look like and what size his her breast which Y/n ignore and sometimes he wants to beat every perverts in this school but he rather not get too much trouble but not from the teachers or staff but other students.
For years seven schools within seven regions have took part in a endless blood bath war at each other in order to be crown champion of all Fighters. However the police or the government cannot stop this or can't for anything to stop it so this city is and seven others are veiwd as one of the dangerous places to visit and no one across the world rather to avoid it for their vacation and just go somewhere else.
But hope has come when a masked Vigilante called Guardian appears and show hope to everyone by ending bloody battles against schools and save lives who have no part of this war and just wanna live a normal life together which is why Guardian is here, to protect those that have no part of this war and will end this war once and for all.
Now we see Y/n enter the court yard and see the female student in person which she has long orange like hair and she was facing one of the toughness students around which is Gakushuu.
Y/n: (thought) She is facing with Gakushuu?! She must be crazy to be fighting against a student like him?! Maybe she'll just let him have a win and she'll wal-
But then she lends a kick at his waist which Gakushuu show no pain or doesn't move but just stare at her while she looks confused to see him not in pain.
Y/n: (thought) Nope. She is dead. Unless I do something and fast.
Gakushuu: That was an impressive kick. But that's not gonna work against me.
Gakushuu was about to grab her leg so he can finish this but suddenly a trash can led was throw and hits Gakushuu in the side of the face which caught him off guard.
Other students turn to see Y/n near the trash can without a led with Gakushuu turns to him in anger.
Gakushuu: (anger) You there! What was that for?!
Y/n: Sorry. Hand must have slipped.
They now that's not true and Gakushuu walks up to him and glare down at him while he said.
Gakushuu: If you wanna fight then show me your Magatma.
Y/n: (smirk) My Magatma?
Gakushuu: Yes! Do you have it or not!?
Y/n: I never own one.
The other students were shocked by this while Y/n casual walk pass Gakushuu and walks up to the girl while Gakushuu turns to him and calls out to him.
Gakushuu: What type a person are you to not have a-
Y/n: A person that isn't violent and psychopathic as all of you. She's a new student and you should know it better to leave her alone and never harm her in any way. Or your gonna speak with me.
Then he shot a glare at Gakushuu which he was silent and just walks off while other students also walk off as well ane whisper to each other how a jackass Y/n is and how he ruins everything ane act more like a teacher then a student.
He turns to the female student and was about to apologise when she asked.
???: Hey! Why did you stop me from fighting that guy!?
???: Oh man! I was getting so excited of finally testing my fighting skills and I was gonna beat up that large masochist student who you ruin it.
Y/n: You.....You do know he stood there after that kick you give him.
She than look at him and was about to argue more but quickly she said.
???: (smile) Oh that's right. Guess it's best to train hard and fight for another day.
Y/n: (thought) she.....kinda not that smart?
Hakufu: (smile) By away, my name is Hakufu Sonsaku and I am a new student here. It's nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you. Names Y/n L/n, any trouble you have, I can handle it.
???: Hakufu!
They turn to see another student which Y/n knows as Koukin Shuuyu who is close friend to Y/n. He rushes over to them and turns to Hakufu and said.
Koukin: You shouldn't have been fighting students on your first day.
Hakufu: Why not! I was existed when one person asked me for a fight which I say yes!
Koukin: You shouldn't! (Sigh) Lucky you came Y/n and saved her, thanks a lot.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. So, you two know each other?
Koukin: Yeah. Hakufu is my childhood friend.
Hakufu: (smile) Yep. We're best friends.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm glad for that.
Hakufu: Oh by away, have you see my Magatma any where? I think I might have lost it.
Y/n: Where did you put it?
Hakufu: Somewhere but I can't seem to find it. I put my name in black marker so I know it's mine but I lost it my mum is gonna kill me.
Y/n: I suggest forget that stupid thing. That's gonna get you and your family a lot of trouble.
Hakufu: Why it's just some jewellery?
Koukin: It's not just some jewellery.
Y/n: It's a symbol of you taking part of a endless war that has been going on for years. Even at the far beginning seven factions continues to fight until this day.
Hakufu: (existed) Whoa that sounded awesome!
Koukin: No it's not!
Y/n: But if I were you I just forget about that and move on with your normal life. It's better that way.
Then he turn and walks off with Hakufu watch him leave and then asked Koukin.
Hakufu: So even if he is so strong, he rather not have Magatma?
Koukin: It's not just that. He never took part of any battles that this school took part with. Even a fre students wanna beat him but he beats them up without on end them landing a blow at him.
Hakufu: (surprised) Wow! He must be very powerful.
Koukin: Yeah but it's not like he can't change everyone's mines and thtow away their Magatma.
But Koukin was wrong. He will make people throw away their Magatma and will end this war for good.
Within the city we look at the police station where we see Police officer Alex Tanaka on a phone call from someone which they argued about something that he sighs to himself from the shit this person is saying.
Alex: Look I can't go there and arrest some kids playing at a park near your home. Look I'm sorry but bye.
He hangs up and sighs while resting his head onto the table just as his office doors open and another officer named Akio Sato walk in and asked.
Akio: (smirk) See a Karen called.
Alex: You could say that. This fucking town has gone insane from this fucking war and we have phone calls left and right about many fights at their neighbourhood and fighting tournaments.
Akio: (smirk) True but what else can we do. Our cops are spread thin and no way we can't control the citizens if there's many fights everywhere.
Alex: Yeah I know. Jesus I wish my work is a lot more easier.
???: Well it has been ever since that Vigilante appear in this city.
Then another officer named Fuji Iwasaki walk into the room with some pictures as he look up at the two
Fuji: A lot of citizens were giving a lot of support on this masked Vigilante who they call him "Guardian." In fact, the mayor of this city including many other mayor's were asking for this Vigilante for their help.
Akio: Oh come on man, he's just like the rest of the punk teenagers and their endless war! What makes them think he isn't one of them.
Fuji: Judging by many pictures and reports about him. I believe he is the side of good and fighting for justice. You see.
He placed down the pictures or Guardian beaten up the gangs and saving peoples lives. The two look at the pictures and reports while Alex lend back against his chair and said.
Alex: Still Vigilante or not he must be apart or the police force. He maybe stopping fights and saving peoples lives but he must know that this is our work and he can't just go in and beat some bangs up.
Fuji: Well would you rather stop these fights that might beat you once spotted.
Alex was about to say but stop himself and see his point.
Akio: What about the cheif? What dose he have to say about this masked Vigilante?
Fuji: Just as long he isn't hurting innocent people or doing anything against the law. He is happy for it.
Alex and Akio weren't sure by this. They have mixed feelings towards Guardian but what else can they do. If they try to arrest him then the public will riot by this and what's this masked Vigilante freed.
We see Y/n riding his skateboard through the streets and heading to Kairi's place which was a computer shop where his grandfather owns and once there he leaps oit of his skate board and picks it up and enter the store.
He sees a few people there along with Kairi's grandfather named Oshan who sees Y/n and smiles before asking.
Oshan: Hey there Y/n, any sexxy girlfriends you gotten.
Y/n: (smile) Not yet but someday sir.
Oshan: (smirk) Hope soon boy. (Chuckle)
Y/n smiles and walk down the steps and enter Kairi's private computer room where we see Kairi typing and watching the cameras in the city while Y/n walk up behind him.
Y/n: Any news?
Kairi: Nothing yet. Seems quiet out there.
Y/n: For now but night will come and that's where things will get crazy.
Kairi: Agree. Oh, I've managed to do some upgrades from your suits. Now it has night vision, hate vision, X-Ray and it can protect your eyes from Flashbangs.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome. Love how you make new toys for me to play.
Kairi: (smile) It's no problem man. I'm just glad to take part of this.
Y/n: (smile) And I'm glad your with me as well buddy.
He looks over to see a picture of him and his older brother who is in a coma from the last torment he took part with but when Kairi sneak in and see him, he was nearly killed if it wasn't for his older brother protecting him and that cost him to be in a coma for who knows how long. That's the reason why Kairi wanna help Y/n so he can give justice for his brother and end this war once and for all.
Then Kairi's computer started to beep and he types something onto his computer and said.
Kairi: Looks like there is a fight happening against two people.
Y/n: Just two?
Kairi: Yeah. You gonna stop it.
Y/n: (smile) You know it buddy.
He walks over and opens a second door that opens to reveal Y/n's suit which he puts it on and he puts on his masked and he turns to Kairi and he change his voice using a voice box within his voice and said in a deep voice.
Guardian: Let's end this pointless fight.
We see Guardian riding his bike through the street and after a while he leap his bike over a bridge and lands hard onto the ground and looks over to see someone unconscious so he leaps out of his bike and rushes over to him.
Once close he was shocked to see ut was Gakushuu and he looked beaten up. He bend down and he radios in Kairi.
Guardian: It's Gakushuu, it looks like he was struggling against someone.
Kairi: (radio) Is he alive?
Guardian check his pulse and sees he is alive and responds by saying.
Guardian: Yes but call a ambulance, he might need to get healed up.
Kairi: (radio) Alright.
???: Well Well Well, look you finally show up.
He stood and quickly turn to see another student form Nanyo Academy named Shishi Ouin as he came out of the darkness.
Guardian: Did you do this?
Shishi: (smirk) Not me no but must say, nice to see the Vigilante that is ruining our fun.
Guardian: Your "Fun" is hurting many people or worse.
Shishi: (smirk) That is the point of this war. We must take over seven territories, take part many fighting tournament and win.
Guardian: So you don't care that lives are at stake. You kiss hurt people when ever you see them?
Shishi: (smirk) If you put it like that, you sounded like we're the bad guys.
Guardian: Your gonna face your crimes.
Shishi: (smirk) We be happy to see you try.
Guardian: We?
Then suddenly the Guardian turns and he was kicked in the chest and he was sent flying but he land on his feet and looks up to see a blue hair female wearing what looked like a blue maid outfit as she gets into a fighting stand.
Guardian: Who are you?
Shimei: My name is Shimei Ryomou also from Nanyo Academy.
Guardian: I see. So your what other students call "The straggle women."
Shimei: Indeed. I must say it will be an honor fighting a Vigilante like you.
Guardian: You can turn away while you can you know. Just leave, we don't have to do this.
Shimei: I'm not gonna run like a coward.
Guardian: Very well then.
Then Shemei rushes at him and swings a kick at him but he dodges her kicks which Guardian was surprised how fast her moves are but she isn't faster then him as he leaps over her and lands perfectly onto the floor and stood up and rush at her.
He swings and punch at her but she catches it with his hand she gose to elbow him in the waist but he grabs her elbow and he throws her away but she lands her feet onto the bridge above Guardian and she jumps down towards the Guardian and was about to kick him but he leaps back and she lands her feet onto the ground tyat suddenly made a crack while Guardian lands his feet onto the ground and turns up and Shimei charge at him and the two fight.
Shishi watches with a smirk on his face and take some pictures on his phone while Guardian and Shimei fight. Y/n leaps back and Shimei rushes over and gets behind him and wrap her arms around his neck and start to strangle him which he fell to his knees as he started to lose some breath.
Shemei: No point of fighting me Vigilante. Just give up and pass out alright.
Guardian was starting to lose his breath but he knows what to do so he active his taser gloves and grab Shemei from behind and electricity shocks Shemei that cost her to let go of Guardian and she stumble back and feel electricity on her as she looks up to see him withhis gloves sparkle out with electricity as he said.
Guardian: You may have used your fist. But I bet you never have tools to face me.
She gets angry and rush at him and try to punch him but he dodges and lands a few blows to Shemei which electrocute her when Guardian punches her and she starting to get weaker and weaker and soon he upper punches Shimei and she stumble back and she fell to her knees.
She was breathing heavily while she looks up at Guardian as Guardian look down at her and then turns to Shishi who was just standing there smirking which angered Guardian more.
Guardian: You stand by and not help Shemei? Your a coward.
Shishi: (smirk) True but at least I got some badass pictures for my friends to see.
He chuckle while Guardian glare at him and then he pulls out something from his pocket and said.
Shishi: Here. This is your reward.
He tossed something to him which he catches and sees it was a Magatma but when he turns over he sees a name which belong to Hakufu.
Guardian: You stole this from another student?
Shishi: (smirk) Let's just say it's a gift. You can keep it or give it back to that sexxy student. Anyways, take care Vigilante.
Then Shishi walks off, Guardian turns to Shimei and see she too was gone. Then sirens from ambulance is heard in the distance so he reach out his fist and fire a grapple and he zip away just as the ambulance arrived and take Gakushuu to the hospital to get healed.
(A while later)
Knock knock!
Hakufu: Coming!
Hakufu slides open the door and looks to see no one around but she looks down and was surprised to see her Magatma there but she also sees a note which she picks up and read the note.
"Keep it safe."
"From: Guardian"
She doesn't know who Guardian is but she was glad to have her Magatma back and she close the door and show it to her mum and Koukin who were also in the house while on the roof top we see Guardian looking down at their house and underneath his helmet he smiles knowing that Hakufu is happy.
Then he turns and walks off to patrol the streets and protect the innocent from crime or any gangs that wanna hurt others as a masked Vigilante hero known as the Guardian.
(Unknown location)
We see a mysterious man within what looked like an officer as he looks out of the window to the night sky as a female secretary came to his office and she said.
Female Secretary: Sir, we have reports about this masked Vigilante stopping another battle.
The man gets pissed by this when he heard of this news and he turn his head to his Secretary and said.
???: I have enough of this Vigilante ruining this battle. It's time we put a stop to his foolish crusade of ending thsi war and end him. Hire as much mercenary as you can.
Female Secretary: Yes sir.
She walls out of his office to do that while he continues look out the full moon before he said to himself.
???: For years my ancestors started this war against seven territory so we can be powerful and rich. Now this masked Vigilante is going out of his way to ruin what my ancestors has gone through. Well.....I will not allow that to happen. Guardian.....your journey of ending this war is about to be me. (Evil laughter)
To be continued...............
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